Showing Posts For Arrogoth.7085:

Glacial LoNestones a misspelling? recipe research

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


hahaha alright

Glacial LoNestones a misspelling? recipe research

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


Dude common for the good of everyone…well us delete this.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


Be at ease Efaicia ..i can confirm that its becouse YOU failed

other people have done it in the exact same circumstances as you. So keep trying

I dont have 4,5,6-10 hours to try. LOL. I cannot keep trying endlessly. I am posting from work even. I love jumping puzzles. I do not love doing them with multiple oversized characters standing on top of me and so do not, why am I given no choice here?

Be faster? I always get in the front of the pack and once you make it through the first few jumps 70% of those fatty’s are gone.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


you greedy (I want it all to be tuned for the slowest and worst player) types piss me off. Maybe I was meant to be hard? I have (believe it or not, I don’t care) finished it 12 times on an Engineer. Its not even that rewarding you get one pair of crappy looking boots and 10 achievement points. WTH is your guys problem? why do you want to take away my fun by making this puzzle easy? I LOVED the challenge and it took me over an hour to master. Its a huge game and this is a tiny corner of it that you are not good enough to do GET OVER IT. Do you see me kittening because I can’t get into any Tpvp groups because I’m not good at pvp? NO. Grow up please.

Infinite tryagain : good or bad ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


One word. Achievement

add an achievement called “Hardcore Dungeon Master” where you have to defeat every dungeon and every path without a party death, you get a title. Then make the title alter you name so instead of “Arrogoth” its “Arrogoth the Hardcore” or something that really stands out like legendary weapons…OMG EVEN BETTER give them “Hardcore gifts of the Dungeon Master” or something that you can make a baddass weapon. There are so many things you could do.

There isn't an overpowered class, just underpowered players.

in PvP

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


Your kidding yourself if you think a brand new game wont have balancing issues. While some players are just badies there are forsure OP and UP classes and abilitys. Quit telling everyone to L2P and live in the real world for once. I’m sure that at least 70% of the people saying “learn to dodge noob” are spaming thiefs and 100b warriors spamming an Iwin button and running away stroking their own ego cause they got another kill.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


I think a combo of getting score while on an active point and adding a large win bonus that way it will always be better to win over just capping one point and sitting on it win or lose. The point’s you get from defending should be pretty small because you will also get points for kills while defending so like 1score every 10s or something along those lines.

Regarding E-sport

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


They have started to flag videos so you can’t earn money on them , So people that are making a living out of posting youtube videos won’t get any food on their tables .

Maybe they’ll get an actual job now.

Entertainer is an actual job. Just cause its not a traditional way of making money doesn’t mean it isn’t legit they found a way to put food on the table and pay the bills stop hating for no reason.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


It’s cute that you believe that, it really is. Over 2 million sold and you count the most vocal complainers as majority. Many people already stopped after level 80, yet there are still queues to WvW and I enter LA queue first before server. Sure, some players will stop, but most probably not the majority.

I highly disagree, they attacked casual gamer’s who are the majority. If it were an attack on hardcore gamer’s this would be relevant. This game has a huge draw to casual gamer’s and now they are pushing them away.

The random nature of Elixirs

in Engineer

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


I agree I don’t see the point of it I always find myself begging for it to put down the right one and it almost never does.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


I want more challenge with better rewards not more challenge with less rewards wtf?

[Suggestion] Making explorables more dynamic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


I have personally run CoF over 30 times and no group has run anything but magg. I agree this would make it much more fun. However in reality I don’t see this big a change happening anytime in the near future. It would require a huge overhaul of all current dungeons. Only thing I see happening like this would be when new dungeons start coming out. Anet has done a decent job at stopping the normal min maxing of both stats and how you spend your time in this game however on this account, I don’t know why they didn’t see this coming. In the case of CoF I find the story mode much more challenging and fun than the exp mode. Yet because it is story mode a fair amount of people never do it because it holds little to no reward whatsoever.