Showing Posts For Arthain.1526:

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arthain.1526


QQ more ….. jk but seriously…. I had full exotic armor set with exotic weapons 10 hours game time from point i hit 80 with first toon. “Exotics” are way too easy to obtain. Legendary items need huge boost and sweet kitten unobtainable sigils with effects like the crow storm from mad king. The new armor stats are what exotic stats should have been. Another tier is necessary. BOOOOOMSHAKLAKA

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arthain.1526


Lets face it. If your making enough gold to get the precursor then you have likely spent alot of time studying , practicing, and perfecting your strategy to obtain the gold. Then once you figured it out, you grinded it over and over and over till finally you had enough gold…….. If you could obtain the amount of gold by doing stuff like WvW and Dungeons then it would be ok, but only way to get that much is to make a job out of the game.

PS : I want to see my name and title over my head … and no its not cause i dont know my toons name……

BLTC. Please Devs Fix it!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arthain.1526


that 15 % fee helps keep gold value from inflating. we don’t want to have relative amounts of gold in this game like the other big one. having XXXXXXXXX amount of gold vs having 40 gold on you….

The smallest change to a virtual economy can cause a total crash. Even this game could die out as a result of the virtual economy going south. This is also why bots are so bad because its creating more supply then demand making most items not as desirable or less rare.