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Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


For what it’s worth, or if it helps eliminate the problem:

I had this same issue in the past up until the patch around the middle of April (forget when exactly.) However, it started again with the patch that added all the initial southsun content.

Right Click Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Since the major patch on the 28th, I’ve noticed that holding down right click and moving the camera will occasionally cause the mouse to depress which suddenly stops moving the camera and just moves the cursor instead. Not only this, it oddly seems to click very quickly when this happens, changing my target. Even more odd is the fact that it seemingly left clicks, because it actually completely deselects any target I have if it happens in an area with nothing targetable in it (something right click cannot do.)

I’ve tested my hardware in other games and in windows itself and it only happens in GW2. I also tried swapping my buttons in my windows settings and the exact same thing seemed to happen when I left clicked at that point.

If it helps, I use a Razer Naga. I haven’t been able to try another mouse yet to see if I experience the same issue, as I don’t have a spare one lying around.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Getting a ton of network delay and having packets drop intermittently anytime I ping the GW2 servers. After looking at a tracert and pinging each IP individually, I can safely say the problem starts with this IP address: []

I start having huge laency spikes and packet loss for any part of the route after this IP; anything before is fine. As a guess, I would assume this is the data center the GW2 servers run out of.

[January] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Repost from the previous thread a bit back, but the problem is still there. If you didn’t want reposts, just remove this.

Armor: Slayer’s Vest (transmuted, so I don’t know the level. It’s mid 30s from the personal story, I think.) Happens when only this piece of armor is equipped, as well as with any other armor.
The neck is discolored horribly from the head. In the hero panel it looks fine, but when it’s exposed to any kind of lighting (aka anywhere in the actual game world,) it looks awful. Sometimes it discolors so badly it doesn’t even remotely look like skin and it looks like some kind of weird grey/blueish turtleneck shirt.

(edited by Arzalis.1280)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Armor: Slayer’s Vest (transmuted, so I don’t know the level. It’s mid 30s from the personal story, I think.) Happens when only this piece of armor is equipped, as well as with any other armor.

The neck is discolored horribly from the head. In the hero panel it looks fine, but when it’s exposed to any kind of lighting (aka anywhere in the actual game world,) it looks awful.

Last Patch Changed Asura Ears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


That would make sense, though I honestly can’t remember what I did for the sliders for my character (this one isn’t mine, but has the exact same problem.) It’s still really disappointing. Especially since we have no idea how long it’ll be for the makeover kits.

Last Patch Changed Asura Ears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


The last patch drastically changed one set of the male Asura ears.

Not my picture, but my character has the exact same problem.

Can you please fix this soon? It’s made me not want to play my Asura at all at the moment because it’s just so distracting.

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Fire elementals that elementalists can summon do it 100% of the time for me when they flap their wings. It’s like that one particular sound ignores volume controls.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Ran CM Seraph path today. First dungeon I’ve been in all day. 30 tokens again while everyone else gets 60. Run took about an hour to complete. This is the third day in a row that I start out at 30 tokens and I’m assuming if I were to run AC I’d get 15.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


I don’t understand why there is a diminishing returns system in place still when you now only get tokens by beating the last boss. I understand one when you get tokens from every boss because one might be really easy to get to and defeat. You don’t need both systems because it’s just complicating things; pick one and remove the other.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Ran CM path 2, first time I’ve ran a dungeon since about 20 hours (since my post last night.) Completed it in about an hour and only got 30 tokens, everyone else gets 60.

Same exact group; we do AC path 1 after. Took about an hour and a half and I only 15 tokens, everyone else got 60.

Silver and EXP rewards were drastically reduced both times too. I like running the dungeons right now, but if you don’t fix your diminishing returns system, it’s just not worth running. Really odd is how it seems to target specific people over others.

(edited by Arzalis.1280)

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Ran Sorrow’s Embrace explorable with a group and didn’t finish the last boss due to people leaving. Got zero tokens since we didn’t finish the last boss.

About 2-3 hours later, ran Ascalonian Catacombs explorable on the Ghost Eater path and completed it at around 1:30 AM EST.

I earned 30 tokens.
Everyone else in my party earned 60 tokens.

Sound Engine Issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


These have been around in the game since it came out, but they’ve gotten a lot more prevalent lately. It’s the issue where the sound cuts out and you have the pulsing buzzing sort of sound. Before it would happen pretty much only in WvW, but now it’s happening almost everywhere. One sure fire way to replicate it is to do the Claw of Jormag event in Frostgorge Sound. At some point during the first phase of that fight the sound bug will always kick in and even cause the client to outright crash. It’s still not entirely consistent for when it happens, but it’s always at some point during that event.

As I said, this issue has been around since the game came out and it’s something everyone experiences at some point, usually very often if you play WvW a lot.

My personal opinion: Precision should be remade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Raising the amount of precision required for each % of crit is the only way that makes sense. It’s a pretty standard way to handle leveling up for something that is % based. Stats like power and toughness and vitality don’t need to go down as you level because the numbers themselves start getting higher; a level 80 monster hits for much more damage than a level 5, but it’s roughly about the same % of your base hp. It’s not actually going down, what’s happening is that ach point of precision is worth less of a % than it was the level before. That’s why gear at level 80 has much more precision on it than gear at level 5.

Caud Manor Explorable - 1st choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Abusing the leashing mechanics (which I really dislike in most cases too) most likely isn’t what they intended there. I admit it’s probably the only way to do it, but it really just seems weird.

Caud Manor Explorable - 1st choice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arzalis.1280


Yeah, the other bosses were difficult, but they were fun. The guy with the gun that perpetually knocks you back until you die after he hits you once was annoying, but was beatable if you just don’t get hit the first time. Those two rooms before the last boss on that path were ridiculous, though. There’s no way you can beat those short of hope you kill a few and attack again. They literally all do AoEs and there are so many circles on the ground you cannot go anywhere because the hallway is pretty narrow too.