Showing Posts For AshlingWolfeye.6947:
I’m so glad to know that because i had to go see my grandpa, that i got to lose out on all the rewards that came from a series of unbalanced mobs. While i have suggested this game up to now, i have to say that I probably will not make any such suggestions until you learn to balance out mobs, fix bugs in a timely manner and swear to never cheat those of us can only put a normal persons amount of time into a video game out of rewards that you give to three day trial members.
Saballa is bugged on Borlis Pass as well
There is one up on both twitter and facebook, though the facebook one went up like two hours ago and we haven’t heard anything official since
I love how hes bugged in the same way in slightly different spots between overflow servers and real servers.
Bugged on Borlis Pass
Borlis Pass
Canach bugged, marked as friendly with the event up
He seems to be bugged, some servers have him, but he stays friendly while others have had him but after his portion of the quest he won’t re-spawn.
This seems to be the case on Borlis Pass as well
At this point, I’m starting to think I’m not go to be able to touch anymore of the Halloween event.
I’ve been experiencing the same error as the op after what seems like every other patch. The initial Halloween patch let me play just fine, but the patch a day later has made it so I’m lucky if i can play for five minutes, most of which are filled with extreme lag. Also I don’t have an authenticator as of yet, so I know that quick fix will not help.
Server: Borlis Pass
Map: Mount Maelstrom
Problem: Skill challenge near The Stychs NPC invisible/missing (named mob named Petil calls out a challenge when you near his location on the mini map, but is nowhere to be seen)
I have been getting this error on and off for the last few weeks, somedays where I can sit down and play for hours on end, and days like today where I can play for two seconds before getting Error 7ed out of the game. I’m in the US, on the Borlis Pass server.