Showing Posts Upvoted By Astewart.8415:

Stylist Service - Order your Look!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


A customer who wanted to remain Anonim, asked me to make a GoT Night’s Watch setup for Warriors and share it freely for anyone. He’s a Role Player.

Codes: [&AgHfDQAA][&AgGDEAAA][&AgFVsgAA][&AgE5FQAA][&AgE7FQAA][&AgF7DAAA][&AgE+mgAA][&AgGsOwAA]

Set parts of these or similars can be used for variations


Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)

Can't find Trahearne for Liberating Apatia

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: randomguy.1283


It wants you to take the asura gate, the actual quest would start somewhere around for trinity, go there.

No one complaining about minion master nerf?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


To be honest, I stopped caring what the Devs do. Pretty much quit GW2 at this point. I don’t care HOW minor the nerfs are, the fact that MM was more of an issue because they’re one of the better 1v1 classes, than Warrior which is pretty much A grade across the board speaks wonders to me.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Why Do We Hate Rangers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustARTificial.3175


NO ONE hates the Profession Ranger as a CONCEPT. The execution is god awful, and that’s why everyone hates it.

ANet have defended the class by saying that if you are using a bow, you aren’t playing it right… What? The Ranger shouldn’t fight AT RANGE?! The damage is poor and the AoE sucks. The Trait line is a mess, the AI is beyond poor, and this all makes the character as an individual massively lacking.

The reason the character’s stats are so poor, is because ANet think the Pet should be 50% of the damage and health. That’s fair enough, IF the Pet scaled by your gear and actually did what you told it to do. Of which, it does not.

The Ranger is always seeing nerfs, the Spirit build is really the only viable build of which many other classes can do AND MORE. The brand new GM trait is just a fix for what should already be built in. Better speed? No damage or utility? Why bother…

We’d all love to get the Ranger to work and to feel at least on par with every other class (except for Warrior and Guardian’s, since they are massively broken). Until ANet fire their entire Ranger Development Team, the class will never be what we all envision it to be.

Why Do We Hate Rangers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


In addition to the notes on Ranger not teaching good melee skills, the locked-in animation of the Sword auto-attack doesn’t help here. Unless you time your dodge to coincide with the end of the animation loop, you simply won’t dodge.

My main build on my Ranger before I stopped playing in November was a condition-heavy Sword & Torch one with Shortbow offhand and Lynx / Jaguar pets. It allowed for quick and regular application of many different condition stacks (mostly bleeding, burning and poison). But while it was fun to play, when in melee I didn’t feel completely in control, as I simply couldn’t dodge when I wanted to.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Tumult.2578


I’d ordinarily tend to agree that this content is designed for a zerg, however there are specific achievements included in “The Nightmare Within” that are designed for non zerg play. Tower Explorer and Tower of Nightmare Survivor are two such examples.

If those achievements earned the larger number of achievement points, instead of the ones made simple in a zerg, then players would approach the Living Story with a different perspective.

If achievement points scaled with group size (more players present equals less achievement points) that would drive players wishing more difficult content to attempt smaller groups and still allow players wishing less difficult content to zerg up.

The combination of changing how achievement points are awarded per task, and scaling achievement points per number of players present, would be awesome in my humble opinion.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I sprint because of the spawn system. If i didn’t i would never get anywhere, because mobs spawn on top of mobs on top of mobs. Like trying to stop the tide with a bucket.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


You(The players) asked for harder content.

You(The players) will now deal with what you get.

Except not all of us players asked for harder content.

I did not. I have been asking that the storylines not be gated behind content scaled for groups to allow the entire playerbase to easily see the story. The Tower puts a solo-able instance behind mobs that require a zerg to access which is pretty much the opposite.

I suppose I cannot argue the instance was soloable since I did do it solo, but it was certainly not what I would call entertaining. Getting there with a solo character was far more irritating than fun but at least I found a zerg. In the instance, needless add spawns eliminated any entertainment I might have gotten out of the bosses and their mechanics.

At least ArenaNet had the good sense to make the NPCs useful and even amazing resilient (an astonishing change from the suicidal, lobotimzed, monkey NPCs of GW1). But the last boss fight just deteriorated into annoying and tedious by the end. I would rather have the choice to kill the thing quick and get less rewards so I can get on to doing something fun in the game.

I constantly wonder why GW2 doesn’t offer difficulty level choices for things like this. They have a scaling system. They know it’s important or they wouldn’t have bothering making Story and Explorer mode dungeons.

The upshot is that I have no urge to do that instance again. That bar in the upper right can stay in place forever for all I care.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I sometimes wonder if those that are claiming the most fervent that the game is too easy in PVE are not playing but simply trolling those that really play. This by getting the devs to up the difficulty until it reaches absurdity.

Us poor Solo Players

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

You(The players) asked for harder content.

You(The players) will now deal with what you get.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Is warrior really that easy?

in Warrior

Posted by: Faranox.4217


Currently there are many Warriors who abuse a sort of ‘stun-lock’ build. This has lead to people feeling the entire Warrior class is OP and broken. They also say Healing Signet is too powerful. I have only one piece of advice for you in regards to people PMing you angry messages:


Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I like the idea of the Necromancer changes, but a few things worry me.

Condition Damage
1) Are the bleeding nerfs permanent, in a way that you want to push us towards Dhuumfire/Terror for damage?
2) If you are going to then nerf Dhuumfire/Terror (the only things that are actually still holding us up as a viable condition damage build), will you revert some of the nerfs we’ve seen since Dhuumfire was added? (not all, but some).
3) What about changing Dhuumfire to Torment? Its current method isn’t fun, the Necromancer has little control over it, the opponent can’t do much about it, its just sucky right now, and it only has 1 way to balance it (duration). Torment, along with a better trigger mechanic, has 2 tools for balancing (duration and intensity), and also has more interesting gameplay associated, since if the person in question needs say 3 seconds till their cleanse they can just sit on the stacks and take the non-upgraded damage.

You keep saying we should be low mobility high aggression. I 100% agree, we should be the “manliest” class in the game. However we need to all agree that it isn’t the case right now, unless you are an MM.
4) Do you agree that Death Shroud is still slightly subpar when it comes to a defensive mechanic because of its non-scaling with enemies (whereas a block is a block, no matter how many)? If so, do you plan on any good gameplay ways to fix this (such as a 1s block on DS entry as a trait)?
5) Can we agree that non-MM siphoning is still broken? I see the problem with it, it has really difficult balance because it scales with how quickly you hit. What about implementing a short ICD on Vampiric and Vampiric Precision so it doesn’t have the crazy AoE procs (wells can proc 15 siphons per second with full traiting, 5 targets, and critting)? This way even scepter/staff builds with lower attack rates can benefit, making Blood Magic a sustain option for everyone not just dagger/wells.
6) We need more love on Death magic. I’ll talk about reanimator just below, since I talked with Sharp(?) about this before. Death Magic isn’t a good tree unless you have a staff, or are an MM. We need a non MM Grandmaster trait that gives us some really strong defense for the investment, and Necromatic Corruption needs some big changing. Death Magic overall should be our main defense tree, with Blood Magic as our sustain tree, and Soul Reaping as our Death Shroud tree (hybrid offense/defense). As it is right now though, Death Magic gives no noticeable defense to non-MMs. Blood Magic is subpar sustain, and Soul Reaping outpaces both of them in any defensive effort.

Reanimator and On-Death Traits
7) Reanimator. Thanks for the ICD drop, this helps quite a bit. But it needs to proc more during fights. As it is now, it will never proc meaningfully in any PvP match (by the time someone is killed, you won the fight, his addition is meaningless), in PvE they don’t spawn on any boss fights without adds until the end. “Hey guys I just got here, who do I attack?” “Oh, everyone’s dead? I’ll just sit here until I die…

What about extending it to apply on minion and ally death, and in PvP when enemies are downed (instead of dead, since enemies get downed all the time and come back up, he could help swing things)? The ally/minion activation shouldn’t be guaranteed, but a smaller chance, maybe 20% when a minion dies, 50% when an ally, whatever works. But this way we get benefit no matter what.

This could apply to all on-death traits, almost all of which aren’t great in PvP or boss-fight PvE right now. Allow them to activate on minion or ally death, or enemy down, but at a reduced strength for ally/minion. This creates a lot of internal synergy within the Necromancer class, and it makes sense (why would we only benefit on enemy death? All death is equal, we already take our allies’ life force, why not other things?).

To summarize, I’d just like to know the direction the Dhuumfire/Terror and other nerfs to damage are going. I’d like to know your plans and feelings on Death and Blood Magic as they currently stand, and how you will allow us to have more defensive options. And I’d like to know your feelings on making on-death traits more impactful with more triggers than simply enemy death.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Sword Main-Hand Auto Big Problem in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Dodge should override anything, ’nuff said.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Sword Main-Hand Auto Big Problem in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


That cannot possibly be the solution to this problem. And even when I turned off auto-attack, just try dodging after the 2nd chain….you can’t….there is a significant delay.

Thieves got a new blast finisher

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

A: Heavy black eyeliner and a long black fringe.

Arkeals Minion Master Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: AdamGw.5831


Recently saw a post on a thread asking to see the minion master build, well here’s mine!

DISCLAIMER: This build was created by myself who from the days of guild wars 1 loved the minion master builds in FA. So when I came into the guild wars 2 universe I was disappointed with MM. However thanks to recent patches the build has became more viable and useful moreover when I run dungeons I run them with guildies not randoms so coordination and a team that knows the dungeon and what they’re doing helps a great deal to the success of this build. This build will not be the new meta, but if you (and your team) know what you’re doing this build can be very viable and fun.

FOR FUN! Ok, maybe it’s not fun for everyone but for someone like myself who’s followed lore and necromancers throughout books and games, the necromancer is all about raising the undead to do their bidding. And hey, who doesn’t want their own little personal army of undead freaks?

Good condition damage
Good survivability
Good with stacking poison in boss fights with Death Nova (XI trait)
Good In PVE (open world, dungeons) and TPVP.

Minion AI is still much to be desired.
Wouldn’t recommend this build in FOTM 10+ due to the agony.

Dire gear works brilliantly for boosting the necro’s natural toughness and condition damage and I choose to use Superior runes of the necromancer to give more vitality, condition damage and more controlled fear capabilities (instead of the 6th trait on Superior rune of the nightmare which can fear whenever you’re hit and you have no control.)
The weapons
Staff is one of the necromancers most useful weapons as not only does is stack conditions but it provides good crowd control and support for your allies. With the staff I use a superior sigil of corruption to buff my condition damage even more.
Scepter + Focus is brilliant for stacking conditions and ripping boons off the enemies while granting 6 1/2 seconds of regen to allies. I also kit these weapons out a superior sigil of bursting and a superior sigil of malice for extra condition damage and duration.

MINIONS. Blood fiend as your heal, Bone Minions (mainly there to explode in the face of the enemy and deal damage and poison. Bone Fiend for ranged damage. Shadow Fiend and Flesh golem for your close up minions as well as a nice blind and knockdown.
*note: You may notice there’s no condition removal, don’t worry with our traits and minions you won’t need it.

The traits in this Build are set up for one purpose, to increase your bleed duration and to buff your minions. The curses line is what gives you your bleeding duration while the Death magic trait line works to reduce minion skills, increase minion health and cause a death nova which stack poison whenever a minion dies. While the blood magic trait line works to make siphoning health more effective, to allow your minions to siphone health to you and finally each minion you have while draw a condition off you and onto themselves every 10 seconds.

There you have it! Arkeals Minion Master Build!
Any feedback would be awesome

Best 2 Man PVE Class Combo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Go Warrior and Guardian. Alone these are the 2 fastest classes to level. Together they form the backbone for all content in this game from PvE to PvP. Both classes can spec into healing builds and be nearly unkillable and still produce a surprising amount of damage in both PvE and PvP. Both classes can go all burst and deal insane damage very quickly while still being surprisingly tanky. Both classes have a large number of weapon options that are viable and while some may be better for different scenarios, nearly every weapon for each class has its use. The only drawback I see to this combo is the Guardian’s ranged option isn’t strong for real damage on moving targets, but the utility it provides is good and PvE targets don’t tend to move.

I honestly can’t think of a single drawback to playing a Warrior/Guardian pair.

Who is Edrick Thorn's VA?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

Neil Kaplan voiced Edrick Thorn. He has also voiced several NPCs in Guild Wars 2, including charr and norn voices, which you might hear throughout Tyria.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

A Guide to the FT/EG (Updated: 10/16/13)

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

Hello all. I’ve updated this to the latest patch.


[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Zelyhn's Advanced D/F [PvE Guide]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zelyhn.8069


Excelsior comrades!

Welcome to my elementalist guide :)
Last updated on 30/01/2014

Page 1
1. Introduction
Page 2
2. How to be a good player
3. Weapon choices
Page 3
4. Basis of the build
Page 4
5. Gear and utilities
Page 5
6. Final Builds
Page 6
7. Mechanics
Page 7
8. How to use this guide
9. DPS Calculator
10. Conclusion
11. Annex

  • 1. Introduction

I am dedicated to this class. I have been playing it since the release of GW2 and I intend to carry on for as long as it keeps entertaining me. The core concepts of this class fascinate me, so much that I can not have anywhere near as much fun playing other professions. The elementalist is a clever approach to the mage type class, differentiating itself from traditional role-play games’ designs by allowing you to master all four elements in a martial art fashion. It is a lot of fun to play, but it is also quite demanding. Being a good elementalist is not easy.

In this guide I will give you guidelines on how to achieve more with your character. It is important to understand that all I am going to talk about is only the “tip of the iceberg”. What makes you a good player is your knowledge of the skills, combat mechanics, team play, and content. A strong build is just a bit of help allowing you to shine brighter.

Therefore you need to train. Think of the elementalist profession as a martial art: it requires a lot of practice and discipline, but it will make you move mountains if you have the patience to learn. My advice to the new elementalists here is to take a moment before reading on. How familiar are you with this class? I believe you should acquire experience on your own before reading any guide. It is important to experiment by yourself: know no limits, try everything, have no fears. This is because advice is more easily assimilated if you have started come to the same conclusions intuitively, and because guides tend to blow away the magic of discovering the game at your own pace.

Designing a build for your character is not a straightforward process. A build is a response to a purpose: it allows you to better perform in what you want to do. However builds also influence your game-play by giving you additional mechanics to work with. This is why it is important to understand that each build is specific to its owner. We all have different play-styles, different team mates, and we face varying challenges according to the content we choose to tackle. So never follow a guide like a dredge: be conscious of what kind of player you are and of what you want to achieve.

In order for you to understand my builds, you need to understand my play-style. I play for the challenge. I look for high-risk/high-rewards and I want to be as efficient as possible. This has lead me to play high level fractals and difficult dungeons, always with groups sharing my philosophy. Together with my team mates we try to perform as well as we can, because we take our satisfaction from making “beautiful play”. Now let’s take a look at what this means in practice :)

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

(edited by Zelyhn.8069)

Best way to level up my guard with my gf

in Guardian

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


At lower levels the attribute points you get are often more important than the actual traits.
Spend your point in Zeal, Radiance and Valor to get Power, Precision and crit damage, choose your gear to raise those attributes, too.
At level 40 put 15 points in Radiance and 5 points in Virtues for AoE Blind, Vulnerability, Might and recharge on kill and 5 points in Honor for more dodges; 5 points more in Honer for a faster recharge for “Retreat!” to have almost permanent Swiftness. If you want to do dungeons at that level 5 more points in Virtues for Master of Consecrations could be helpful. The remaining points for Power and Precision again.

Sword/Focus is imo the best weaponset; #2 and #4 inflict AoE Blind, #3 blocks ranged attacks and #5 blocks 3 attacks, #1 is the most damaging auto attack the Guardian has. If your GF doesn’t use Focus use Staff as your second weaponset to be able to give yourselves Swiftness; first run through the symbol/wall, then use “Retreat!”, otherwise you’ll only gain 1 second of Swiftness from the symbol/wall.

Dungeon Basics as Applied to Rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I keep seeing rangers in public struggle in dungeons so I thought I’d share a few things I do to be successful.

0) Always be aware of the location of your pet. If you do not know where your pet is, switch immediately. If your pet is away from you without your knowledge then you have made a mistake. This might be the most important rule of all: be aware of your pet’s health and location at all times.

1) Always use a dungeon potion (this applies to all classes). No sigil you could pay 12 gold for will give you +10%/-10% so, please, make that small effort to bring potions along. Heck, if you don’t want to spend silver, spend copper and go +9%/-9%.

2) IMPORTANT: When I fight bosses in this game I almost always have the pet on “avoid combat”. What I do is (roughly) every 10 seconds I’m cycling my pet from attack/“F2” (my pet utility is bound to the letter “x”) to “return”. Send and return, send and return. If you get into a rhythm, your pet will stay up a long time. And if you’re good, you won’t let a pet die. Albeit, it’s annoying that pets sometimes choose to sit in AoE when next to you so there’s nothing you can do but move (possibly into more AoE) but that’s a well known issue that should get addressed sometime in the future. It’s only a problem during boss phases of large AoE attacks. Anyways, your team will be amazing at your ability to keep your pet alive and some might even call “HACKS”! And you will have people asking you about your build…when in reality, it was you keeping the pet alive. *One last note: if you don’t trait in BM your pet will die much more often; a lot of rangers feel WS is a “requirement” for rangers…however, I don’t believe that at all. I feel that BM (the ignored, neglected trait line by most players) is a requirement. Almost all of my builds use points in BM.

3) When kiting mobs, rangers should have a good time—you have access to spike trap, frost trap, and entangle for crowd control. Keep your pet close by repeatedly calling it while running (keep on avoid combat too). If you need stealth for that one extra second of running in the clear, use siamoth. Use the 25% run speed signet and the condition removal signet and you should be fine for most kites.

4) A lot of rangers like to run glass builds and that’s fine. But if you are dying a lot, do your party a favor and use the combination of Signet of Stone and Protect me. When you active the signet and then use the shout, your pet becomes invulnerable (signet) and then it re-directs your incoming damage to itself. This makes both you and the pet invulnerable for a few seconds. Also, use the combination of shared anguish and stability training with a bear and you have some real survivability. A lot of people don’t know that combination but what that does is if a disable is coming to you, shared anguish sends it to the pet. If you have ursine (bear), porcine (forager), or armorfish equipped and Stability Training equipped, when the pet gets your disable, rather than being disabled, it gains stability instead. In other words, incoming disables (fear, knockdown, immobilize, etc) end up buffing your pet.

5) Turn of the sword autoattack if you have trouble with “rooting”. If you like the autoattack (I do because I’m lazy) practice with it so you get the lag between finishing autoattack secondary and initiating hornet’s sting or dodge. If you can recognize that you need to get out fast in a timely fashion, then this lag is no issue. If you wait too long, then you will die. If this happens, do not complain on reddit like I just saw people doing the other day. Instead, practice more.

6) Bark skin is underutilized and arguably better in many situations than emphatic bond, particularly in dungeons where damage reduction is great for tanking. You don’t always need perpetual removal.

7) Know the fights. In between fights in a dungeon, change your weapon loadout, utility loadout, elite skill, pets, and anything that will turn the tide on the next battle. Rangers are the ultimate utility class so you need to be constantly switching gear to tailor yourself for the fight.

8) If you or your group is dying a lot in a path, switch to healer’s celerity and compassion training and search and rescue, particularly if you have a lot of points in BM traitline.

9) Arah seer path: Run a hybrid build with two sets of gear: power toughness vitality with soldiers runes for the giganitcus lupicus fight (roughly 2500 attack is good enough) and defensive trinkets. Then, when you fight Simin, priestest of dwyana, switch trinkets and gear to full berserker stats with rune of the ranger and berserker trinkets (roughly 3000 attack now). This is the only way you’re going to be able to beat this dungeon path after the rez rush fix. Actually, this is a general strategy that I don’t think many people know about yet.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


Taking a few ideas mentioned here, and some of my own, I have mocked up an idea of how in-game surveys could work.

1. Login Screen

(See first and second image below)

- When players log in for the first time after the survey goes live, they are presented with a prompt that asks them to choose whether they would like to participate in the survey or not.

- If players choose not to participate, they are shown a prompt that explains that they can turn on the survey in settings.

2. In-game survey

(See last two images)

- Once a player has opted into the online survey a new icon shows up on the menu bar.

- When a player completes an event that has a survey attached to it, they will be prompted with an alert icon (similar to when new mail comes), so they can see they have a new survey to fill out.

This could also be accompanied by a carrier pigeon, or some other animal.

- When players have time, they can open the survey panel and fill out the surveys they’re interested in (or skip the ones they’re not).

- Surveys are only displayed once, and once they’ve been submitted they disappear from the list, unless they’re updated and require a new survey (Eg. Tequatl)

*See images below for more


Conditions Warrior - I'm Convinced!

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


this is a Spvp or WvW build. its very similar to the sword/sword longbow build except it has a lot more support options. actually this build is superior to sword/sword longbow in spvp in nearly every way

one of this best things about this build is it contains the possibility of protection up time. in WvW yesterday i fought a greatsword/mace warrior, longbow ranger and guardian at once and was winning because they kept on spamming vulnerability at me letting me turn it into protection.

(if you think warrior is over powered right now, warrior is really over powered when it has access to protection.)

also unlike a 4 signet sword/sword longbow warrior this build is a lot more group orientated. so you aren’t only removing conditions from yourself, but your allies as well. (and warbanner for clutch revives)

Conditions Warrior - I'm Convinced!

in Warrior

Posted by: Seras.5241


Well folks, as some of you know, I leveled up 4 characters to 80 and then pretty much quit the game. I recently came back to my Warrior which has been my favorite character even though I couldn’t find a way to make her a decent roamer. Anyways, I found this amazing S/S + LB condition build and thus far, it’s freaking amazing!

The main point is (like all condition builds) to simply stack the “DoTs” on the target and then watch them die. The nice trick with the warrior is that you’re still getting nice crit damage as well. Well, below is the build I’m using and found it to work rather well.

What do you all think of this?

Alex’s Condi Build 4 Noobs

Not sure I agree on Opportunist. The only immobilize you have is on a 25s cooldown and you’re already getting 30s of Fury from Signet of Rage.

Heheheheh thats my build that I posted on youtube ( back in august nice to see people liking it. You have another immobilize on your sword as a burst skill so you can actually use Opportunist to get permanent fury which is very nice to have

So...full damage, kitten the rest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

It has been mentioned before, but if someone who doesn’t discriminate explains it, this might make more sense.

The thing with GW2 is that nearly all of the defense in this game is “active”. What this means is, defending yourself isn’t really about an armor rating, or a HP bar. It is about recognizing enemy tells, blocking and blinding those attacks, maintaining distance, strafing, and dodging. Other MMOs invoke passive defense, where everything is determined by your stats beforehand.

Because of this, the roles played by any character isn’t too limited on their stat distribution. A guardian can reflect and block just as well in full zerker as well as they can in full PVT gear. But rather, the “role” they play is based on the utilities and traits they have at their disposal. This is a bit jarring, since this is different from both other MMOs, and from sPVP/WvW mode in this same game.

As for the reasons why it is different, there are several reasons:

1)In PVP, your opponent will always have relatively high sustained damage, so things such as effective HP and the overall damage to durability ratio come into play. In PVE, enemies have strong but slow and telegraphed moves. This means that in PVP active defense only avoids some damage, whereas in PVE it neutralizes nearly all of it.

A)This is also why healing is more important in PVP. Whereas you can dodge nearly everything in PVE, if you can’t dodge then you’ll never heal the massive amount of damage done. But in PVP, since you can’t dodge everything and damage is sustained, the healing contributes meaningfully to your overall health.

B)This is also why durability is important. With active defense stopping so much less, you’ll rely on your stats a lot more. The sacrifice for greater damage is meaningful, since an opponent can do comparably greater damage to your HP bar than you do to him if built right.

2)PVP objectives aren’t about killing your opponent. In sPVP, it is about point control and secondary scoring mechanics. Sure, killing helps, but it isn’t necessary to progress. In WvW, it is about group movement, siege, and holding towers/keeps (which don’t go by normal combat rules), so again it isn’t necessary to kill your opponents as much as it is to drive them off. But in PVE, it is all about death, killing enemies, and more death. So, offense became the name of the game.

3)You fully heal after fights. In games where you don’t, defensive stats and healing are important for long term sustainability, but in this game you get a clean slate for merely ending the fight. With active defense being important and limited, the faster an enemy goes down, the less damage they do and the quicker you can heal up. Because of this, DPS gear is both offensive and defensive in one.

4)The game is designed with close ratios between offense and durability. In some games, one player can have 10 to 20 times the effective HP of another character, and some characters can have 5 or 10 times the damage. In this game, the scales kitten much smaller (for example, only looking at gear + 300 Power/Prec/Crit damage and ignoring sigils/runes/trait abilities, berserker only does 50% more damage than soldiers), and this allows for players to have diverse builds while still being relatively effective. This diversity doesn’t punish players for any glaring flaws in group composition, so players are free to go full DPS without fear of being completely one shot by everything.

When you add all of these things together, you get a perfect storm that focuses on damage above all else. Ultimately, I would like to see this storm remedied, and this is most easily done by making PVE more like PVP. Put in enemies that have high sustained damage and attack frequently with quick AoEs and cleaves, have objectives that are explicitly not about killing enemies, and you’ll see build diversity become much more useful.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

So...full damage, kitten the rest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: colesy.8490


No you can’t. Your heals are crap. Hmm, no heal on dodge or 2000 heal on dodge? 120/sec regen or 350/sec regen? Symbols healing for 350/sec or no healing symbols? 250/sec VoR to entire group or 80 VoR to just yourself?

You can claim that healing is inferior to DPS, but you can’t claim that you support just as well in zerker because your heals are trash.

Healing won’t mitigate attacks from bosses well enough, whereas blocks do, which any guardian can use. Reflects do, which any guardian can use. Protection does, which any guardian can use. I don’t even count healing as support, it’s literally just increasing your HP bar, but if you get kicked by Lupicus, unless the heals get your HP bar all the way back up, missing a dodge again will just get you downed anyway.

If you can keep up dodges in zerker gear you can keep it up in other gear as well, even if it takes you 100000x as long to kill him. Dodging isn’t the issue.


The question is, what comes first, Lupicus dying or RSI?

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj