Showing Posts For Athaume.1952:

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


Firstly I don’t think you actually know what a petition is, and secondly you’re doing more harm to your case by throwing the word petition around. It like if I tell command you to do something, firstly I have no authority to command anything of you and secondly you’d probably just get angry since I’d come off as very arrogant and bossy. Now thing about the developers, do you thing they’d respond nicely to someone who tried to command them to do something by using the word petition? No, no they won’t, they probably won’t even click past the link.

In response….. “A petition is a request to do something,”

or even better.

pe·ti·tion (p-tshn)
1. A solemn supplication or request to a superior authority; an entreaty.
2. A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority.
3. Law
a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal.
b. The judicial action asked for in any such request.
4. Something requested or entreated.
v. pe·ti·tioned, pe·ti·tion·ing, pe·ti·tions
1. To address a petition to.
2. To ask for by petition; request formally.

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


I believe that thus far with the game we all have seen good looking aesthetic items; Legendaries, armors, etc. However, this game lacks a set of aesthetically ‘cutesy’ armor.

Please continue reading this is valuable and I hope it is supported. I am petitioning for the inclusion of a Quaggan Armor skin. Earned through Dynamic Events already in game that directly aid the Quaggan or by any other means of aiding the Quaggan.

I believe there should be a place for aesthetically, lore based, cute armor for those that want to acquire it. I by the way, am not interested in acquiring said armor. I am posting this because I believe many people would be. I know many of my guild members have openly expressed their want for more aesthetically ‘cute’ armor than all the hardcore flames and horns armor they are offered currently. Guild Wars 2 has the lore and characters to provide this. Imagine, you complete a DE to aid a Quaggan, and a mail is sent to you from the Quaggan collective with tokens to help you acquire the armor, saying thank you in their Quagganish ways.

This petition could also lead to the possibilities of other aesthetic skins being implemented as well through lore/race based activities in game through DE. This would not only increase the attractiveness of the game in how much style is offered but also give MORE reasons to go back and do older content, or to struggle to reach the end of Meta Event Chains. Not a gear grind, mind you, just skins that could be widely appealing to a broader audience.

Please consider this petition and if you agree to it, spawn from it more petitions for content like this. I ask you to maintain courtesy on this forum, post valid ideas, and expand the ideas for content like what the petition is for. Thank you.

If you agree to this petition please respond with; “Signed” and any other comments you would like to make in favor of.

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Guild Wars 2 - As a Game/Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


I don’t think it’s p2win but I do think the focus is too much on the gemstore and I do feel uncomfortable with the idea that people can get gold via gems and level to 80 with crafting in a matter of hours. What’s left then? Fractals I guess. No, it’s just not working for me. And well people want to be level 80 because a lot of gamers are goal oriented. Most guys are I guess anyways, but it feels like you got somewhere and can now work on other things with your character. Just isn’t that much level 80 stuff and that does invalidate the whole leveling process.

I think the problem there is simply that by making leveling mostly inconsequential for most content it invalidates the actual leveling process. The game would’ve been just fine if there had been 50 or even just 30 levels, especially because on higher levels they don’t actually add anything. No new skills, no new gear pieces. Dungeons could’ve all been made level 30 just the same if they wanted to. Somewhere along the line the leveling doesn’t feel like progression anymore, it’s just adding the number to 80 to get it over with.

Anyways, it’s a big subjects and these are some of my thoughts and why I think GW2 doesn’t deliver for some people.

You are entitled to your opinions on the game and how you personally enjoyed it or not. I don’t understand why it matters to everyone how a person levels to 80. Why does it bother you that someone could buy gems convert into gold and then achieve level 80 through crafting? They’ve shortened the game they bought by spending more money. However, this leveling to 80 has absolutely no baring on you. The experience was how they chose it to be, they wanted to quickly boost to 80, more power to them, maybe they don’t have time to sit and level through all the content. I could see on a game more oriented to High Level = Super Awesome but on this game their is no draw for that. High Level = Access to all content… not Super Awesome. So, my question; why does it matter how they leveled?

Actually Gehenna isn’t wrong here. The thing is in GW1, max lvl isn’t an achievement. Lv 80 is a developer decision. I assume its to appeal to those who enjoy taking their time leveling because some people actually find enjoyment in that (because some people, not me, might complain that 20 levels is very short even though its not in Prophecies). As for those who dont like a long leveling process, theres always the option of crafting or WvWvW (WvWvW leveling is actually more fun and educational). As for crafting, as i remember in GW1 you can buy a lv 20 and buy all skills.

tldr: GW2 tries to appeal to a larger audience. Good or bad, we will know in the long run.

No one said anyone is wrong, I simply asked why does it matter how someone levels, considering how the game is designed?

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Legendary weapons stats same as exotics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


ANet has officially stated that Legendary stats will be bumped to Ascended when Ascended weapons are introduced.

They actually stated that ascended weapons would help “bridge the gap” between exotic and legendary weapons. It’s my belief that Legendary weapons will be better than ascended weapons which will be better than exotics. Basically Orange items will one day be equivalent to current day Greens . Which is a huge shame. It makes spending resources and materials for rare exotics a set back .

If semantics dictates all discussion the world would be chaos. It could very well be that “bridge the gap” does not mean change stats or be a literal one step to the other. It could mean that Ascended are equivalent to a Legendary essentially bridging the gap in tiers so people can get a weapon that is = to a Legendary while still attempting to acquire the Legendary. As Anet did state that Legendary would be bumped to Ascended in strength. Just a thought. ;D

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Guild Wars 2 - As a Game/Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


I don’t think it’s p2win but I do think the focus is too much on the gemstore and I do feel uncomfortable with the idea that people can get gold via gems and level to 80 with crafting in a matter of hours. What’s left then? Fractals I guess. No, it’s just not working for me. And well people want to be level 80 because a lot of gamers are goal oriented. Most guys are I guess anyways, but it feels like you got somewhere and can now work on other things with your character. Just isn’t that much level 80 stuff and that does invalidate the whole leveling process.

I think the problem there is simply that by making leveling mostly inconsequential for most content it invalidates the actual leveling process. The game would’ve been just fine if there had been 50 or even just 30 levels, especially because on higher levels they don’t actually add anything. No new skills, no new gear pieces. Dungeons could’ve all been made level 30 just the same if they wanted to. Somewhere along the line the leveling doesn’t feel like progression anymore, it’s just adding the number to 80 to get it over with.

Anyways, it’s a big subjects and these are some of my thoughts and why I think GW2 doesn’t deliver for some people.

You are entitled to your opinions on the game and how you personally enjoyed it or not. I don’t understand why it matters to everyone how a person levels to 80. Why does it bother you that someone could buy gems convert into gold and then achieve level 80 through crafting? They’ve shortened the game they bought by spending more money. However, this leveling to 80 has absolutely no baring on you. The experience was how they chose it to be, they wanted to quickly boost to 80, more power to them, maybe they don’t have time to sit and level through all the content. I could see on a game more oriented to High Level = Super Awesome but on this game their is no draw for that. High Level = Access to all content… not Super Awesome. So, my question; why does it matter how they leveled?

Guild Wars 2 - As a Game/Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


RNG – Random Number Generation

I believe this topic to be the most blatant across the forum. From BL:TP to drops, or how you craft, practically most forum readers have seen this crop up.

Lets be frank, RNG is intricately woven into every game that has the ability to give rarity based item tiers. From the days of D&D to modern games RPGs have used this as a way to keep people adventuring. Story and progression are key aspects to all games, but rewards, “shinies”, are a strong driving force as well. In MMORPG’s RNG is mitigated by way of crafting. Instead of hoping for a drop you craft an equivalent at least temporarily. GW2 gives the ability to craft max tier items, which forgoes RNG for equipment. ( Tut tut, legendary seekers I will get to that)

For those that complain about the Black Lion “RNG” Boxes, simply enough…“DUH” It is obvious when you purchase a box that it is random, it is buyer beware, ArenaNet has not scammed you, they haven’t taken your money. They advertised and item and you made a purchase which requires a gamble to acquire an item that you are NOT entitled to. No single person in this game is entitled to an item that has been clearly labeled as acquired through Random Number Generation. This includes Legendary Weapons. In regards to the mini-pets debacle, absolutely 0 of the festive minis are tradeable, they do not count towards your Minis collection achievement either. They are at best ‘status’ symbols. (Would you demand a Ferrari for your car collection if you have no means of acquiring it?) Is it fair that Foostivoo could only be acquired from ether opening an untold # of in game boxes, or by purchasing mystery boxes? Yes its fair.

You purchased the game, you are “entitled” to play and acquire all that is accessible upon that purchase, anything there after is free game. I will not candy coat this point, you do not deserve any item from RNG, you are willingly taking the risk to acquire it. Is it immoral for the company to do this? No. They did not falsely advertise nor require you to have the item. It is simply your, as a person, greed that drives you acquire it. (The collector argument is invalid as the mini-s are not part of your collection, and if you are a die hard collector you’d be willing to take your chance at randomly getting the items. Or taking the time to collect gift boxes etc to have a random chance to drop it as well.) It would only become unfair if the mini’s became trade-able on the TP, as that would provide an unnecessary advantage to those that did spend $$ to acquire it.

To those attempting a Legendary feat, I wish you luck. These items are meant to be difficult perceived status items. There is no value other than what a player or group sets for them. Every facet of the items can be acquired in game through time spent. RNG is a factor in crafting aspects of the Legendary, but it is possible, and it does not require GOLD or MONEY for the item. It requires only time, especially now that they will be providing a new way to acquire a precursor. Purchasing the items outright defeats the purpose. My plea if any to ArenaNet, if any, is to make this officially a test of effort by making Legendaries Account Bound. In fact, all max tier perceived status items should be account bound and only obtainable through interaction in game. (This would crush illegal gold farming ventures as they would have nothing to monopolize the market with.) Then they become a challenge, and proof that you’ve taken on something truly, in game wise, Legendary.

To be continued after further research.

Guild Wars 2 - As a Game/Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


Level Progression

I find this heated topic to be rather humorous while reading the forum. Ask yourself, for all intents and purposes, Why, do you HAVE to be level 80?

For many games the answer is in the silver lining, to reach an end game of PvP and Raids being the max level is necessary. Lets review Guild Wars 2 in it’s entirety… I will not say it is all end game, I believe that to be a naive statement as technically no MMORPG should effectively end. What ArenaNet has created is very simply a gateway mechanic for PvE.

Each level in GW2 does only 1 thing mechanically in the big picture. It Opens more content for you to consume. Other aspects of the game, sPVP, and WvW bring your stats to lvl 80. WvW is effected uniquely as it relies on time in PvE content (whether in WvW’s PvE or the actual story PvE) to get skills unlocked and improve your armor, but your validity in assisting your server is based on the role you take in WvW. (That argument could run for days theory-crafting). Leveling does increase your stats, but with level bound areas this feeling of growth due to bigger numbers is not as important as skill with your chosen character.

The major difference that some of the community does not see is that this game does not make you invalid for being a lower level. With the aforementioned argument above (reaching max level is for the purpose of end-game raiding and PvP) which means that your experience in the game and what you can or can not do is solely based on your level. Although content is unavailable to you till you reach a level, your character is not limited in the direction of content consumption which is an improvement over other games.

To those that do not like the gateway concept, unfortunately, you are out of luck till we get an advance in paradigm or how we interact with games and approach the “feeling” of progression (the lack of “my numbers are bigger than your numbers”). Even in games, like Skyrim, a gateway is in place. (Monsters of varying types change in difficulty and look as you ‘level’, as well as your ability to access higher tiers of magic, armor, and other content. You may be free to roam but you are still bound by an over-arching progression its simply just more subtle in appearance.)

Let me finish this topic with a phrase; “Learn by doing, improve by practice, for those that grow by self reflection only enlightenment awaits.”

Guild Wars 2 - As a Game/Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


This will be the first post of several that I will be making across the forum in several sections, as I believe (although will most likely fall on deaf ears) that perspective needs to be set down. In regard to this; I expect trolls and flames, they are natural parts of an MMO community as of late and as such either ignore them or promote them it will not diminish the validity of the following posts.

The following topics you will see re-posted into the appropriate forum subsections as well. Allow me to begin…


Each person that has purchased GW2 has probably experienced some semblance of the same opinion; the game although delivering on most of what was offered was for all intents and purposes over-hyped.

That statement alone does not mean the game is not of quality or that it is not worth a purchase. GW2 delivers a unique experience that is an amalgamation of several forms of game-play into a fun and enticing one-stop shop (so to speak) of an MMORPG.

The nitty gritty of it all is the realization for fans and non fans alike the game is not perfect, and it shouldn’t be. The lack of perfection allows for improvement and innovation. To those that will immediately latch onto the aforementioned; there is no telling, outside of working for ArenaNet, what the developers have in store or what they are currently working on to improve the game… only time will tell.

Polish for an MMORPG is necessary and GW2 has been very polished from its inception. Bugs do exist, as like with practically any game based with online access, bugs happen. Some are minor, and some can be game-halting, but nothing game-breaking. Those active on the game have come to see bugs fixed and some lesser bugs left to the wayside, its a matter of importance. This is dependent of the developers whim as well as cost. Would it be more time/cost effective to fix a dungeon integral to the game? Or to fix a dynamic event on a map? (It’s an obvious choice)

Sympathy for development aside; every game has flaws and GW2 is no exception. Some can overlook them, others fight about them. Realize this, bugs are not wanted by any developer, they will be fixed in time.

Claims of P2W

Allow me to be subjective about this…

P2W (Pay to Win) – is a reference to a game that uses unique obtainable only via RMT (real money transaction) items that provide an unobtainable advantage (other than making the RMT) for a player OVER another player. This is most suitable viewed on games based on PvP and competition.

In review of the entirety of the Black Lion Trading Post, there is no single item that provides an unobtainable advantage for a player using RMT over another player. This claim can be backed up solely by the following concept.

Guild Wars 2 provides absolutely no avenue for another player to procure an advantage over another through the use of money. Every item in the game that provides an increase in stats, karma, dps, or any other term you’ll likely to see is obtainable in the game! Most through the course of normal game-play, some like legendary weapons take more time, which are comparatively not much better then a tier below if it all. For those that cry RNG! RNG! That is a factor in every game that you have ever played. DROPPING AN ITEM IN A RAID OR OFF A MOB IS ALSO RNG. The only difference is that you usually have many avenues to acquire an item even though in the end it is all randomly generated. I will discuss RNG in a section below.

An advantage in GW 2 is completed via the skill of a player, comparatively at equal level. This does not mean that equipment does not have an affect. It does, however, what this implies is that there is no equipment or item of a greater tier than can only be garnished via a purchase.


(edited by Athaume.1952)