Showing Posts For Atheas.7580:

Disrupt the Nightmare Court at Briarthorn Den

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I’ve had the same issue with my latest character, when I try to enter, no disguise and I end up in front of the den. I also cannot enter with any of my characters that already have been in there before.

The only thing that has changed is my ISP is different now, it’s a satellite internet as I live in a very rural area and this is the only internet service available. I’ve logged numerous reports on this as it’s been ongoing since HoT started with no answer or resolution.

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Atheas.7580


No real complaints the only issue I had was trying to glide to the wyvern. I have high lag due to satellite internet which is the only service available which made the gliding impossible to do. Other than that I had fun.

No Champ chest again. (and again, and agian)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atheas.7580


Same thing has happened to me at Karka Queen, Ulgoth and the Orr temples from time to time. It happens in a group and going solo. I’ve been told by other players it’s because I’m not doing enough damage, seriously a full zerk elemental in exotic or better can’t do enough damage? I’ve sent in numerous reports without a single answer from Support. I finally gave up on reporting and just play to play anymore, not hardly worth the effort to even complain when no answer is received. Funny thing is in EoTM I get a chest everytime even when not in a group, go figure.

Harathi: Seraph Assult on Centaur Camps!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atheas.7580


The best time to try and catch this event from the start is early in the morning US time. To me it’s one of the most fun chain of events up the final battle with Ulgoth. With the advent of the megaserver being able to enjoy the full chain is difficult at best but that’s the way the game is moving. Good luck on finding a map where you can do the entire chain, to me it’s well worth the effort.

Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I give up, no response from Anet as to the why or wherefor on this issue, I haven’t gotten a chest off one of the knights in over 48 hours and I’ve done the routine numerous times, solo and in groups. Stood in the appropriate circles for the buffs, watched for reflection, I get the gold medal, the xp and the karma but that’s all no loot. I’m done with LA except for whatever tomorrow’s daily is so I can get the meta. Adios to the most dissapointing LS chapter since the Southsun disaster.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I just want one thing, give me an option to accept or not that I’m going to Overflow. I know the tech is in the game to do it, you do it for WvW whekittenone is full. You’re taking peoples coin who are expecting to participate in an event.

Dragon chest bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I just did the event in Blazeridge at Shatterer, it’s an event I’ve done before with no issues, I was in it from start to finish doing plenty of damage to the mob on my thief. At the end no chest was visible to get rewards. I’ve never had this issue before at any of the dragon events.

Personal Story and lots of deaths...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I’ve pretty much come to this conclusion on the personal story. I’ve become Trahearne’s minion and don’t realize it, I’m a Necro pet, that’s puts the whole thing into perspective.

Which is why I’ve only completed my personal story on one character, the rest stopped at Source of Orr.

Harati bandit's cabbage garden - invisible wall [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


Bugged again on Sanctum of Rall server after yesterday’s build. Reported on bug forum. This is really kind of sad since it’s been a known issue for over 3 months now. Just take the door down, killing three mobs one a veteran is enough to allow access to the place.

Harati bandit's cabbage garden - invisible wall [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I wish they’d just take the door and barrier out. killing the three mobs outside is enough to earn entrance.

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


Found the same issue on Sanctum of Rall today. Sent in a report but tried the aoe through the roof using my poison arrow on my thief. 100 a click and just kept shooting and finally killed the last brood. What’s happening I think is folks use their knockback spells/skills and push the mob into the prims overhead. Krypto’s hint helped if ya ever run into it.

Underwater combat : another joke

in Engineer

Posted by: Atheas.7580


If speed is your issue try your exlixir gun, its rapid, puts on bleeding and the #2 is a definitely goodie

Harati bandit's cabbage garden - invisible wall [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


This bug happens a lot, I’ve reported it a number of times. Just bug report it and hope for the best, it’s obviously not on a priority list for permanent fixing, sometimes a server reset fixes it

absurd respawn rates

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I’m taking a little break from GW2 for one reason. It’s become Everquest, same customer attitude, same problems with no communications, it’s now a clone. Now that the gear grind has been added it just isn’t fun anymore. Did the new dungeon today and I felt like I was back in Riftseekers in the old EQ Omens of War expansion. The game has changed since the opening, the nerf hammer has been swung overly and the universal fix seems to be increase the spawn rate, add mobs. It’s a beautifully graphical game, too bad I can’t enjoy it. Time to let this game gather dust like I did EQ.

I've had enough ...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I gave up and left. It’s not fun dying multiple times to waves of mobs. The loot doesn’t matter, I bought the game to have fun, this isn’t fun. Wonderful graphics in the zone, beautiful but can’t enjoy it as you’re just trying to survive and running your butt off. When it stops being fun, I for one stop playing. GW2 isn’t fun anymore after this, soured me on the whole game.

Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atheas.7580


I have the same issue in Frostgorge, since the 2nd build last night. So being a level 400 weaponmaker and armorer this is quite an irritant as right now I’ve missed about 3 resets of the nods.