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Warden - December patch

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


who else in game has most access in stability?

Guardian, warrior.

Warden - December patch

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


RaO = ticket solved

26 sec. once in 2 min., +10 sec. from SoW once in 48 sec., and what will you do the rest time? Warrior`s delay of hammerstun is less then 8 sec, in zerg it`s almost non stop. Also there`s no any condition cleaning skill in this build = stun, immobilize, full bouquet of conditions, dead.

Warden - December patch

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


ANet proposal for Ranger (MAY HAPPEN)
Possible build around these patches, I have come up with:

More reason for us Rangers to survive in the front lines.

These are just base on my reference above, and is not yet in its final stage.

And how do you plan to survive in the melee wvw front line while your build has no any skill that break stun?

Are Rangers viable for WvW/PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


I disagree. I could get closer to those crit numbers and still have toughness if I sacrificed my pvt and Tanky runes for more cavalier. That’s a personal choice I made though. I’d also bet your running more offensive weapon set than I am. I am focusing on defensive weapon set so I really never die

I am also proud to say I am in one of the better gvg guild and we have used a squad consisting of a ranger and a thief in an assassin group. It works well and we have a great record. Can’t go further into this or guild would be mad at me for spilling beans.

I`m sorry, but you can`t. I know only Maul can make such crit and usually only with zerker build or, perhaps, on upleveled player with low armor.
Also, “never die” depends on you are not run in zerg, in zerg even bunker guardian dies fast when focused, and 300 armor doesn`t make big differens.
Also, please, couldn`t you tell me how many Guardians, Warriors, Ele and Necro your guild has during GvG and how many rangers, just to compare number?

Criticism on a huge ranger issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


Well, they kind of are. ^ Short sword/dagger gives you access to 3 evades. Great Sword gives you access to an evade (though kind of random), and a block. Short bow gives an evade, and long bow gives a stealth. We have it, its just lower damage. I’d agree we could use some more defensive cool downs though. I also agree the bows needs an upgrade. I know “Playing ranger doesn’t mean playing range”, but there is a solid majority of people that started a ranger with the idea of using a bow.

I agree, but “evades” useful during duel or sPvP, you need to see and react in time on enemy attak or it`s useless. But when you fight a group, especially large group at WvW it`s impossible to see all attaks of opponents and it`s just useless or spend for nothing and goes to CD very fast, also 1hS has root on your target, it`s not good. Long bow gives 3 sec. of stealth, but do not allow to escape demage from channeling skills and has no any boons to ranger, but to pet, lol. If it would give same 50% to speed or give healing or just allow to attack from stealth as thief`s stealth does, it would be nice. I say “archer” just coz it could be unique team role, now ranger hasn`t any one. As example, why warrior GS#2 100b has immobilize as a weapon skill and #2 of ranger`s GS or LB hasn`t? It makes demage “burst” very hard to use coz it`s easy to evade.

Criticism on a huge ranger issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


IMHO, the problem of ranger is wrong mechanics for mediun armor profession. Look at Thief, also profession with medium armor, but very nice and coherent mechanics, as example, playing as a Thief you can make a build with very high DPS and still survive by using stealth mechanics. If traited stealth gives to Thief a lot of healing, cleaning conditions per each 3 sec., +50% speed to run or keep distance. Also, stealth can be almost permanent. It makes good balance. Ranger can`t arrange the same balance in DPS and survival.
Now ranger isn`t “unparalleled archer”, it`s unparalleled tamer of pet`s AI.
I wouldn`t make changes in traits but remake some weapon skills.

Are Rangers viable for WvW/PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


For zerging

In battle with spotter I had over 60 crit chance and my crits were each about 1200 with occasional mail at 3.5k

I have armor=3082 and I see on me thief`s, warrior`s & mesmer`s crits 3600-7000+ very often. So, I proudly say that ranger`s “crit” just a piece of junk.
Yes, rangers may play WvW, but nothing special, mostly ranger with some kind of builds very good in roaming, in small scrimish 1vs1, 2 vs 2 or something like that. At large zerg battles rangers have no special role, also in GvG usually rangers are unwelcome.

Random Idea

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


I`m sorry, but most of this ideas is hard to reliase. And it`s a kind of “bicycle invention”.
Why just not look at GW1 Ranger skills and mechanism?
As you can see, there are a lot of way`s to improve ranger`s abilities by stances, nature rituals and preparations as it was in GW1 and make rangers more much useful for allies.

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


Dude, slightly educate yourself on the class before you make statements of “facts”, honestly it’s getting tiring.

Post like this take away from issues and area’s that we actually DO have.

Dude, it`s you need educate yourself or just try to play WvW once, not by youtube, maybe you will know, that under immobilize skill even LR doesn`t move you away, you just evade damage but still stay at same place, next strikes kill you. In mass pvp 3-4 ppl shoot you in 1 sec. Stop write any crap here. If you didn`t yet, just go and whatch video in 1-st post, you will see how 3-4 enemy easely kill this “bunker” together. Theif would just run invisible in this situation and laugh. Or go and run your suicide scouting, I do not care.

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


this is the whole point of my “Almost” joke. the ranger is ALMOST a good prof in wvw. a couple of people on the forums are taking this prof to the max and showing you guys what it’s best at, for example Sol and Xsorus. ranger’s role in WvW is very questionable, but we’re trying to push it to the max.

I`m agree with "almost’. ) Also, I do not say that ranger can`t be good fighter in duel. The problem is that other proffesions do it better. I have guardian and ranger, strange but tru – damage of guardian is higher than ranger`s one, heal is better, boons and buffs for ally outstanding, more armor, more usefull skills. So, what class is more needed for team? IMHO problem of ranger at WvW that he is not DD and not support class, something without special role in teamplay. Ranger could be better if had a bow skill like single strike with high demage as warrior`s Kill Shot. Then ranger could be really range DD in team, for example. Or if spirits could provide 100% buff to ally, not 35 or 50% chance, guardian doesn`t buff ally with 50% chance, does it? Or could heal ally in spring, so ranger could be support class. But we all know how it going on.

(edited by Auberon.4653)

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


lol, Rangers can move around the map with great speed. I wouldn’t say as fast as some others but the idea what we can’t run away is just dumb.

Oh, really? You mean 25% + to speed , lol? But.. hmm… after 1-st stricke it`s simply goes to 0% bonus… and.. wait… what then? LR→any kind of leap→ dodge→dodge→ but, wait, it stops easely by any immobilize skill? 2-3 sec. of stan or immobilize and you are dead. Cool. Did you ever try to escape from zerg? And you can`t be permanently invisible as thief, so… just kind of suicide. Ranger can be scout, but not for a long time.

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


This however is not taking into account pet dmg

In mass PvP pet lives about 2-3 sec., sad, but tru. I do not care abuot pets at all. They are almost useless at WvW. I speack not about solo-spending-time for duel, I speak about WvW teamplay.

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


It is an attrition dueling build yes, but healing spring with high HP like this does provide plenty of benefit to a group. Also, this build would be great for creating distractions/buying time and possibly scouting. I prefer more of a damage focused roaming build myself, at least to take camps, but there is more to WvW than facerolling with a zerg. The beauty of GW2 is that you can build a character for many different purposes.

Healing spring doesn`t heal others, it provides regen only. Scouting for ranger? Interesting, but ranger can`t run away if he would find out enemy zerg, so it`s kind of suicide. Thief does scouting more much better. How much dmg you say you can provide in this build? I sawin video about 300-400 per hit max, it`s really crap. Just for example warriors or thief or ele can do up to 7-9k per 1 hit. How much time it takes to cup camps solo with this damage? 15-20 min.? Also, there is no zerg “facerolling”, if you want to do good teamplay.

Ranger LB Crit rate

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


Subjectively, yes.

WvW Bunker Ranger Play

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


That`s very nice video, but 1 remark: Damage is crap? so, in this build you are usless for your team in militrain at any mass PvP battle and usless at siege as range DD. Yes, you can dueling, but you`ll not be able even to cupture a supplay point, it takes too much time. Well, it does mean in this build rangers are absolutely usless for team. And if so, what the reason to be at WvW? Jast to make queue?

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


Also, the ranger should be as good at buffing teammates as guardians. That’s why we have spirits.

Spirits are absolutely useless, do not even lern them. Have you seen other classes which have skills that works with 35% chance, or if be traited max 50%? Say another way: have you seen DaggerStorm of Thief that works 50/50? Or Illusions of mesmer that can be summoned with 50% on cast? Or guardian buffs ally with chance 35%? No? But why rangers have such stuped skills? )

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Auberon.4653


Cool story, a lot of emotions. But it`s simply mathematics.
Time for skill casting (basically, no traits).
Longbow 1. – 3/4 sec., 2. – 10 sec., 3. – 12 sec., 4. – 15 sec. 5. (AoE) – 30 sec.

Longbow 1. – 3/4 sec., 2. – 6 sec., 3. (AoE) – 10 sec., 4. – 15 sec., 5. – 25 sec., + Adrenaline shoot.
Rifle 1. – 3/4 sec., 2. – 10 sec., 3. – 10 sec., 4. – 25 sec., 5. – 15 sec., + Adrenaline shoot.

Slow cast and poor demag of ranger`s skills makes terrible DPS. Thats all. Ranger really a piece of junk, end of story.