Showing Posts For Aurodus.2068:

best warrior food

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


Ofc omno pie + instead sharpening stone i use Master Maintenance Oils for more precision (Quality Maintenance Oils – cheaper version).

Help needed with Sword|Shield warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


For pve and dungeon i would change might signet for FGJ and Deep strike for Deep cut because with sword lot of bleeds, healing signet isnt also top of heal in dungeon imo, and i use dolyak only in specific situation so you can leave deep strike

Turtles defense i would change for Missile deflection its great skill.

And heigtened focus i would change for signet mastery because u get more average precision with more fury gained with mastery (also swif and might) then heigtened focus.

With Berserks power u cant get defy pain in second option, spread 10 points from berserkers power 5 to defy pain and 5 to rending strike in arm(more precision – more bleeds and vulnerability)

so conlusion:
deep cut, rending strike, blademaster,
misile deflection, shieldmaster, defy pain,
signet mastery

i hope that u find some usefull thing

(edited by Aurodus.2068)

Twilight Arbor "Up" path solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


Nice job, gratz

Boon Build (Universal Guide)

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


I dont like your runes in armor because there isnt any special skill. I have tip for you whitch perfect fit with your signet mastery+healing signet+signet of rage and missing boon duration you can replace with food Chocolate Omnomberry Cream.

1. Rune of Lyssa – for condition build
+165 Precision,
+10% Condition Duration,
When you use a healing skill you gain a random boon for 10 seconds (Cooldown: 10s),
When you use an elite skill lose all conditions and gain all boons for 5 seconds (Cooldown 50s).

2. Rune of Dwayna – for more heal
+165 healing,
+20% regeneration duration,
5% chance to gain regeneration for 10s when hit. (Cooldown: 30s),
When you use a heal skill you and all nearby allies gain regeneration for 5 seconds (Cooldown: 10s).

Warrior survivability? And the perfect tactics?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


Important part is also food. I use omno pie+ oil and get lot of HP back.

Warrior survivability? And the perfect tactics?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


For mor survivability and nice DPS you can try The Invincible Berserker build


Sonic Boon – Shout Greatsword build

and read all text under, you can learn about warrior alot.

Personaly i use modify invicible berserker build: 0-20-30-0-20 knight armor+solider rune, zerk jewerly + weapon with strength rune. In case that i need more defense i can swap to emerald jewerly with knight weapon.;TwAg0CnoyyklILbWuskZtwYkxmgJIA

Also I can recommend you replace your signet in dungeon for something usefull for all party for example: dolyak- defense banner, might – for great justice and your party will be happy.

Warrior tank, To be or not to be?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


i use gs;axe+shield, 0-20-30-0-20 with knight armor+soldier rune, i have two sets of weapons and jewelry knight+berserk. Need more dmg use berserk need more defense use knight. My crit chance is still around 85% FB so i use omnobery pie (66% chance steal life on crit) and weapons with sigil of blood (30% chance steal life on crit ICD 2s) than lot of HP goes back Only what i miss from guardian si Protection boon which help alot. Oposite side we have better shield stance.
You can be tank and one funny definition warrior tank=guardian tank + 8k HP

(edited by Aurodus.2068)

CM Explore Mob Groups??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


technonewt +100, i could stay with this groups 5s (war knight exo +berserk jewel + weap) and 4 sec was with endure pain i wanted to farm this dungeon for nice armor skins but design of this dungeon angry me. i try full knight gear but dont trust much in it.

healing help

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


I used same setup as you but dmg drop was too big for me so i swaped from knight armor with dwayna rune to soldier armor (pow/toug/vit) with strenght rune and with more vit from armor i could swap major trait skill Great Fortitude to Berserker’s Power for more dmg.

I still use cleric jewerly and weapons and shout heal is around 2k each. I lost 10% of healing but reach 30% of dmg.

healing help

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


Seithan 2430 heal with knight armor? Its not posible. You need some cleric parts. i have cleric accesory + weapon and reach 2 k heal, formula for shout heal = 1200 + 0,8*heal power, so for 2430 heal u need full cleric set with healing rune.

Hellblade u can choose what u want or you can try both bacause its in same trait line and then decide. For shout healing you need some healing power, for banner healing power is not so important and you can put stats to forexample precision.

Iem for shouts

Sigil of Hydromancy question

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


Doesnt work with another “swap” sigil, priority on mainhand.

Going for a healing shout build. What weapons/traits should I use?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


imo yes because you use sword and you need spend 30pts in arms for max effect and this trait line is not good for heal. Better is mace and use defense line you get lot of defense and heal power and major traits are supporting mace in same line. But if u like sword play it

Support Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


comon not invalid but need grind into beauty

yap soldier + healing surge works better, i use healing signet because dwayana rune and need fast use heal for max effect from rune.

Soon i will test karma armor (pow, tough, vit) + soldier rune – lot of vit and 10 traits in tactict with bersekr power for more dmg, i can lose signet mastery and signet healing because no more dwayna.;TwAgzCmoyyklILbWuskZtCZEyug5EA

Support Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


dolyak regen is too low only 30hp/s, soldier dwayna or water is better imo

Support Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurodus.2068


i play with this build;TwAgzCmouxcj4G7Nubk3sCZEyug5EA
full cleric set,
lot of aoe heal, good dmg with gs, some cc and protect with shield
dwayana rune in armor + signet mastery + healing signet – regen for pty every 16 sec,
shout heal + reduce cd shout + 3 shout skills = 6k heal for pty every 20(25) s,
signet mastery+rage signet + 30 traits in discipline = cd 48s, boon duration 39 s for might, fury, swiftnes

for more support u can swith weapon leaching sigil to sigil of hydromancy for aoe stun