Showing Posts For AwkwardStarfish.1827:
If you’re going to make a game with flying mounts you need to have flying mounts in mind as soon as you start developing the world. The GW2 world was not made to support flying players, so it’s never going to happen.
Eh, I’m afraid this doesn’t close the issue. They only said there would be no mounts for the initial release.
Interesting points from the video. I especially like the part where they describe what type of company they are: One that tries new ideas and innovates things. They take chances and give everyone a chance to develop and innovate something. The video said, and I quote, “There will be no mounts on the release of GW2”. They did NOT say “No mounts, ever.”
Do you have anything more recent, or perhaps that clearly states that they will never have mounts? It really sounds like they left the door open should they want to add mounts in the future.
EDIT: Through a little more reading, discovered that there was some speculation that mounts were going to be added in a Guild Wars expansion that was later cancelled, due to the mounts that were present in the concept art.
I understand that ArenaNet has a lot on their plate, but I wouldn’t rule out that they have mounts tucked away in the back of their minds when planning new content. They haven’t completely ruled mounts out in their interviews. Maybe they’re just waiting for an amazing new way to implement it, or trying to find a way to fit it into a future change. I’ve heard whispers of an expansion coming so perhaps new races, new professions, new areas to explore, and a sprinkling of mounts could come with such a large amount of content.
(edited by AwkwardStarfish.1827)
A.Net already said no mounts. What part of that don’t y’all understand?
Just link the statement then from Anet.
Mounts for MOBS not the race of the hero you are playing. MOBS ARE NOT PLAYERS. What don’t you get about that? The Asura TP were put in to release the burdens of the beasts. In GW1, you NEVER rode a mounts, the WURM change was to get over an area that you died instantly on.
As explained before, mounts were not possible in GW1 due to the game engine, but the important part you seem to be forgetting is that they are in the lore – contrary to what you said before. What don’t you get about that?
- bad controls (steering, backing up etc) like in skyrim
- constantly getting umounted as soon as one gets hit (wildstar), making it nearly impossible to actually travel using a mount. but it has to be this way, otherwise it could be abused.
- moneysink (as if GW2 didn’t have enough of those for the average player. the main problem is still that some forms of gaming award too much money, like flipping)
- clunky interface (i.e. for gw2 it could be like go to inventory, get your mount out, press F to use it)
- no use at all over walking or too good not to use – balancing difficulties
- high cost vs little reward (new animations for all races/genders and mounttypes, as different animals move differently. at least a mounting/dismounting, walking and running animation is necessary, preferably also turning, stopping and fluid transition between those)
- Look at Riding Broom for control.
- So what?
- What is wrong with moneysink?
- So what?
- It will be useless. It is there for the sake for looks. There is no pressure to buy mounts.
- So what?
- the broom is a good example. since it doesn’t move itself, there’s no need for animations, except for the character (which obviously are far below the standards of other animations, I just tried it out again myself, having bought said broom). now the same animations would not work on a horse, a basilisk, a moa or any other type of mount except maybe some asura floating whatever.
- so what #1 is easy: if you can’t use a mount, why would you even want one? if it’s barely functional, it’s would give GW2 a far worse reputation than leaving it out.
- I think explaining the problem with ill-placed moneysinks would go a bit far off-track, but if you’re interested pm me, and I can try to explain why some goldsinks work better than others.
- so what #2: so you would want developers to spend immense amounts of time (especially the character animators) to get a feature in you yourself say is completely useless. that’s a matter of opinion, I’d rather they use the funds from my gem purchases for something actually useful.
- so what #3: by now I’m really impressed by your argumentation skills, I think I’ll pass this one, you obviously put so much thought into it and left barely anything open.
if you just want to troll people, you might consider reading the TOS again. if you want to convice people of your opinions, actual arguments and facts might help your case more than several snarky so what most people would only expect from a spoiled kid.
- Yeah, making mount animation(forward,standing) is much harder than making normal mob animations(Walking, standing, crippled walking, attacking, casting spells) Why are you using animation for excuse? This is about controls. Control not equal animation.
- For looks, for roleplaying, and to ride around in the PvE world. In WvW, guilds can use these mounts for a cavalry charge for fun.
- They are optional moneysinks. You do not have to put money in them if you don’t want to. Nothing is wrong with optional moneysink.
- Gem shop armor is completely useless, yet people still buy them.
- If you think the post is breaking the ToS, then go hit the report button. You will see how wrong you are. You should realize that you are getting emotional in your argument and need to calm down.
Again, the RP argument.
1. RP is all about LORE. Way points are in the LORE, mounts are not.
2. You want immersion, so mounts are not immersion in GW LORE
3. IF you want mounts, go to a game that is more medieval like ESO, there are mounts in that game.
4. I have been in games with mounts and they are a pita to play with since players agro more on mounts.
5. The majority of players DON’T WANT MOUNTS!
Mounts aren’t in the lore? There are horses in the concept art and there were plenty of mounts for enemies in GW1, but the game could not support player mounts.
Some examples of enemy mounts present in Tyria:
And also this thread:
And there are horses present in the lore:
(edited by AwkwardStarfish.1827)
Oh yes, thanks for the relink to that thread,.. I was so desperately searchign for exactly that thread, because it contained a very important lore link, that MANY people should read, before they ever mention again the words, that Mounts don’t fit to the lore of GW >.>
Use the Search Function in that Text just with the word “horse” and you will be surely surprised.@Awkward: that was me
, if you mean that other Mount Thread, that is actually discussed with this here.
There are so many mount threads now I don’t know which one is which anymore
No. You want something that breaks the lore of the game just because you want a piece of fluff that’s uglier than the face of sin itself? There’s other games you can play. You wont ever find mounts in guild wars because you can just take a waypoint.
Is it because your character runs too slow? Use the solutions offered to run faster.
Is it because you just want something “fun” to look at? Buy the other junk off the gem store.
How would mounts break the lore any more than tonics and costumes currently in game? If it really bothers you so much, then use your imagination and think of something other than the flying unicorns and dragons you’ve seen in other games. Someone had an interesting idea in another thread to make mounts race-specific and therefore not lore-breaking. Horses or something else simple for humans, golems for asura, steam powered machinery (motorcycle?) for charr, simple plant horse for sylvari, and norn could transform into a wolf/snow leopard then run like the wind.
This. Exactly. I keep seeing people complain about the mounts they’ve seen in other games! This is GW2, the mounts don’t HAVE to be lore-breaking and they don’t have to be gigantic particle monsters with sparkles and rainbows. Use your imaginations, people. If there were to be mounts added, they also don’t have to be like mounts you’ve seen in other games. This isn’t a “Well mounts could be used in combat in X game, so they need to be able to be used in combat here”. We have the opportunity to lay out the perfect foundation here for the developers, if you have a concern with mounts other than “NO!”, please give it here so we can discuss it like civilized individuals.
Well, why do the devs have to make mounts for us?
No one said that they have to make mounts. These threads are made as a suggestion and we are meant to give constructive feedback over whether or not something like this is feasible.
That said, I’ve seen several different reasons given as to why people would like mounts:
1. Some people are concerned that waypoints will be more difficult to use in the next update, but this is speculation and this argument can’t really be made until after we see what the update does.
2. Some people want mounts as additional end-game content.
3. Some people want faster ways to get around the map without waypoints.
4. Some people say it would be more fun to run around on a mount instead of just clicking on a waypoint.
5. Mounts could add more to roleplay.
6. Insert other arguments here, I’m sure there were other ones but I don’t speak for everyone.
(edited by AwkwardStarfish.1827)
For those of you that want mounts, you do realize that there are two races in the game that make having mounts rather ridiculous, right?
Can you imagine the size of the horse that a Norn would have to ride? And can you then imagine how irritating it would be to have one standing in front of you on screen? Ugh.
Then, there is the Charr. I can’t even imagine what a Charr would like like on a mount.
So… no. I do not want to see mounts in game.
And can you maybe imagine, that different races would use different Mounts?
We also have Racial Skills…
So it would be just normal, that we would have for the beginning also only Racial Mounts. Those Mount Skins from the Gemstore would be then special Skins of Mounts, that would work universally for all races.Humans get Mounts like Horses, Gryphons or large Moas
Sylvari get Mounts like large Thorn Wolves, Kirins or other plantlike looking new creatures
Asuras have their variations of their Golems
That picture makes me always dream about, how asuras could modificate their Golems to become unique looking mounts basically.
Charr get something like Steam Bikes, large War Beasts or so.
Norn just transform themself into Animal Spirits, like turning into a Wolf Spirit and so onYou just need to be only a BIT creative…
This. Exactly. I keep seeing people complain about the mounts they’ve seen in other games! This is GW2, the mounts don’t HAVE to be lore-breaking and they don’t have to be gigantic particle monsters with sparkles and rainbows. Use your imaginations, people. If there were to be mounts added, they also don’t have to be like mounts you’ve seen in other games. This isn’t a “Well mounts could be used in combat in X game, so they need to be able to be used in combat here”. We have the opportunity to lay out the perfect foundation here for the developers, if you have a concern with mounts other than “NO!”, please give it here so we can discuss it like civilized individuals.
I like your addition to the OP, it really shows that it is possible for the male armor to look good on the female frame. Just a little bit of reskinning might be needed so that it really fits. Some people still seem confused as to what the issue is here, so perhaps put a line-up of all the skins from the light starter to show the difference.
Defualt Male:
Default Female:
New Female after editing:
This is NOT an issue of “this lady is showing too much skin, cover it up!” – this issue is about the huge differences between the male and female armor types. HarlequinWild is merely making it look like the armor is actually from the same set. If you’d rather the edits go the other way and make the male armor look like a frilly skirt and top, I’d be all for it – as long as the people wearing the armor look like they are wearing something from the same armor set!
You can buy a horse in ESO for $10+ from the shop!
I do like zooming around on my flying broomstick, which is really a mount, so I don’t see any reason why we can’t have mounts. To those that say no, what harm would they do to you, just ignore them.
1. Makes the screen even more messed up with even more models. Result of this would be even MORE LAG.
2. Lore
3. Evade Mechanic. How are you supposed to make a dodge roll, while your sitting on the back of a horse. All horses that i know off would just have broken legs after a dodge roll and would just crush the riders legs, leaving him vulnerable to be killed with a broken tea spoon. ( I´m supporting the idea of mounts, if this mechanic would be introduced as well, so that every dodge roll on a mount would result in a certain death).
4. Combat Mechanics. Look at a lot of the Skills people can use. And then try to explain me how you want to use, let´s say, Ride the lightning without it looking UTTERLY ridiculous and stupid. Or even a Hundred Blades without chopping off the head of your mount. Or you would have to restrict fairly all of the weapons that can be used on a mount.
1. Ok, don’t add ANYTHING with models to the game Anet. Any more models and we’ll reach critical capacity.
2. What lore? We got broomsticks and flying pirate ships. Anything seems possible!
3. Disable the evade mechanic when on a mount. Just like when you’re wearing a tonic. Fixed.
4. Disable combat when on a mount. Just like when you’re wearing a tonic. Fixed.
Did you try using the search function? I swear I see a new one of these “please add mounts” threads at least once a day.
EDIT: Here, I think this is the most recent one. You can just read what everyone else said:
(edited by AwkwardStarfish.1827)
Final Fantasy XIV is an example of a game that has a selection of armor choices for heroes that don’t look different when slapped on the opposite gender:
I’d love for ArenaNet to make less differences between the two genders when it comes to armor, but I don’t expect them to go back and change what is already in game. I’d just like them to keep equality in mind when developing future armor sets (and to maybe fix tail clipping with charrs… huff). If you’re going to make an armor based on a robe, don’t have one gender covered from head to toe and the other showing a flash of midriff and some leg.
If a toggle isn’t possible, perhaps it would be easier for more practical female armor to be made. I been playing since launch but have deleted many heroes simply because I couldn’t stand their armor choices. Now I only play Charr (<3) and I enjoy mixing and matching pieces. The tail clipping on my fuzzy ladies isn’t as much of a problem to me as having my boobs hanging out in a starter area.