4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
[Suggestion] Mounts?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Oh yes, thanks for the relink to that thread,.. I was so desperately searchign for exactly that thread, because it contained a very important lore link, that MANY people should read, before they ever mention again the words, that Mounts don’t fit to the lore of GW >.>
Use the Search Function in that Text just with the word “horse” and you will be surely surprised.@Awkward: that was me
, if you mean that other Mount Thread, that is actually discussed with this here.
There are so many mount threads now I don’t know which one is which anymore
@ oranisagu
You know, nobody here is expecting Anet to implement Mounts, as if this task would be the most easiest piece of cake in the world, done by a snip of your thumbs…
People that want to have Mounts, like me just don’t want Mounts at any costs as fast as possible, because we know too, that it doesn’t work like this and that adding something liek Mounts requires time, ressources and should be done with high quality to ensure, that the implementation really gets done properly.
It would be also enough to start off first with simple Ground Mounts.
We must not exaggerate everything instantly with stuff, like Mounted Combat, what isn’t also the thign, which most of the Pro-Mounters are anyways asking for.
I say 90% of all Pro-mounters would be just happy with it to have simply Mounts for an alternative Travel System just for PvE.
The other 10% that want things like Flying Mounts or Mounted Combat I think would also just be pleased enough just by gettign Ground Mounts, that the constant asking after Mounts would totally stop.
Flying Mounts are anyways impossible for GW2, because they would require for ANet to redesign the whole Game World to make to totally seemingless without those Zone Instances basically, that are kind of an illusion only of a persistant world within the Zones.
Thats a huge unthinkable border, that Anet would have to pass first, before something like flying Mounts in a persistant game would become possible at all.
However, Anet could maybe if not the whole map, maybe merge zones that are near to each other to make the game look this way a bit more seemlingless and really persistant at least, if Anet could make it somehow happening to merge some of the World Zones (example: merging Kessex Hills with Gendarran Fields into 1 Zone)
However, somethign like Mounted Combat is something, that really can wait…
But now with the soon coming Mega Server Chances, that will make the Waypoint travel System only unneccessarely more complicated due to the game losing the ability to actively show us directly for every zone the actual Server Status, what will double all our WP travel costs in the future, there should be added Mounts as a little compensation for faster travels within the maps and the Contested-Status needs to get removed with a reduction of alot of obsolete waypoints.
ANet has to handle now.
I don’t understand why so many people in the community seem to have zero imagination, vision or creativity.
Oh, i agree. Mounts are so cliche… can’t we ask for something new and creative instead?
None of you have provided a reasonable basis for them to not be on the game.
It’s not like people asking for mounts supply any reasonable reasons for their inclusion.
Except none of the reasons have been any more acceptable than those for them.
“I don’t like mounts” Yeah well, some people do. So that’s not a reason.
“Other games have mounts, play those” Other games have quests! And maps! And load screens! And PVP! And levels! Lets remove all those too! Or rather, why don’t people leave for WoW/Tera/Whatever the hell else for those features too!
“Mounts and anti-immersive, clunky, badly implemented, Lore defying” Really? Really now? Show me the proof for where in GW2 Mount use hasn’t been allowed. Maybe no one thought of it yet lore wise? We’ve already had unorthodox mounts on the form of ships in missions, golems, portals/elevators/lift systems and others. And as for anti-immersive, well, what about minis, many legendaries and skins, many NPC joke quotes, tonics and many other features like Candy-Cane weapons and the like? What makes any of those immersive? Find me the line in Lore that says that Minis are actually a in game lore feature, that are central to the story. I challenge you.
“Clutter and clipping” Yeah well, Norn and Charr can do that solely from existing so the last thing on your mind should be mounts when two races cause that issue already.
“We already have waypoints” right, so let’s remove speed boosting abilities and stuff that grants swiftness.
The only basis I’ve seen is, “There’s too many things ANet needs to do first”, which doesn’t really disqualify them, rather, it just sets back their prioritisation. In terms of reasoning for removing them, there is nothing stopping ANet from implementing them aside from, “We don’t want to” or “It’d require more resources than it’s worth”, the latter of which I can sort of understand I guess.
If you want to play that card. I got one better.
I have yet to read one good or compelling reason to add them. NOT a single one. The game was built around not needing them. Sorry.
Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
except the enemy zerg.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I don’t understand why so many people in the community seem to have zero imagination, vision or creativity.
Oh, i agree. Mounts are so cliche… can’t we ask for something new and creative instead?
None of you have provided a reasonable basis for them to not be on the game.
It’s not like people asking for mounts supply any reasonable reasons for their inclusion.
Except none of the reasons have been any more acceptable than those for them.
“I don’t like mounts” Yeah well, some people do. So that’s not a reason.
“Other games have mounts, play those” Other games have quests! And maps! And load screens! And PVP! And levels! Lets remove all those too! Or rather, why don’t people leave for WoW/Tera/Whatever the hell else for those features too!
“Mounts and anti-immersive, clunky, badly implemented, Lore defying” Really? Really now? Show me the proof for where in GW2 Mount use hasn’t been allowed. Maybe no one thought of it yet lore wise? We’ve already had unorthodox mounts on the form of ships in missions, golems, portals/elevators/lift systems and others. And as for anti-immersive, well, what about minis, many legendaries and skins, many NPC joke quotes, tonics and many other features like Candy-Cane weapons and the like? What makes any of those immersive? Find me the line in Lore that says that Minis are actually a in game lore feature, that are central to the story. I challenge you.
“Clutter and clipping” Yeah well, Norn and Charr can do that solely from existing so the last thing on your mind should be mounts when two races cause that issue already.
“We already have waypoints” right, so let’s remove speed boosting abilities and stuff that grants swiftness.
The only basis I’ve seen is, “There’s too many things ANet needs to do first”, which doesn’t really disqualify them, rather, it just sets back their prioritisation. In terms of reasoning for removing them, there is nothing stopping ANet from implementing them aside from, “We don’t want to” or “It’d require more resources than it’s worth”, the latter of which I can sort of understand I guess.
If you want to play that card. I got one better.
I have yet to read one good or compelling reason to add them. NOT a single one. The game was built around not needing them. Sorry.
Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
except the enemy zerg.
Why would it hurt the enemy zerg?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
In this game, mounts would be nothing but trouble. If you are someone who wants mounts, answer these important questions:
1) How would mounts affect WvW? Have you given any thought to how it might change the landscape of how things work in that portion of the game?
2) If people are riding mounts through an area, how will that effect the scaling of dynamic events when the event registers more people are in the area?
3) How would you handle players on mounts being hit by enemies? Are they thrown from their mount? Dismounted? Can they fight from the mount?
4) How would you be affected if you were in the middle of a jumping puzzle and someone attempted to do it with a mount and was blocking your view?
5) What happens when you go underwater? Are there going to be underwater mounts too?
6) How do you deal with the added animations needed in heavy areas (like world bosses) when people have mounts? The resources for the mounts aren’t free.
7) How do you deal with the issue of people’s mounts blocking important NPCs (I’ve seen this issue in many other MMOs, and it’s a real pain).
8) Besides looking cool, what is the distinct advantage of having a mount over not having a mount? If you get no speed boost, why is it important?
9) The development time used to create decent mounts would likely take away from other features or additional content in GW2. How do you justify that mounts are more important than other things?
Answer these questions and let me know.
@ oranisagu
You know, nobody here is expecting Anet to implement Mounts, as if this task would be the most easiest piece of cake in the world, done by a snip of your thumbs…
People that want to have Mounts, like me just don’t want Mounts at any costs as fast as possible, because we know too, that it doesn’t work like this and that adding something liek Mounts requires time, ressources and should be done with high quality to ensure, that the implementation really gets done properly.
It would be also enough to start off first with simple Ground Mounts.
We must not exaggerate everything instantly with stuff, like Mounted Combat, what isn’t also the thign, which most of the Pro-Mounters are anyways asking for.I say 90% of all Pro-mounters would be just happy with it to have simply Mounts for an alternative Travel System just for PvE.
The other 10% that want things like Flying Mounts or Mounted Combat I think would also just be pleased enough just by gettign Ground Mounts, that the constant asking after Mounts would totally stop.Flying Mounts are anyways impossible for GW2, because they would require for ANet to redesign the whole Game World to make to totally seemingless without those Zone Instances basically, that are kind of an illusion only of a persistant world within the Zones.
Thats a huge unthinkable border, that Anet would have to pass first, before something like flying Mounts in a persistant game would become possible at all.
However, Anet could maybe if not the whole map, maybe merge zones that are near to each other to make the game look this way a bit more seemlingless and really persistant at least, if Anet could make it somehow happening to merge some of the World Zones (example: merging Kessex Hills with Gendarran Fields into 1 Zone)However, somethign like Mounted Combat is something, that really can wait…
But now with the soon coming Mega Server Chances, that will make the Waypoint travel System only unneccessarely more complicated due to the game losing the ability to actively show us directly for every zone the actual Server Status, what will double all our WP travel costs in the future, there should be added Mounts as a little compensation for faster travels within the maps and the Contested-Status needs to get removed with a reduction of alot of obsolete waypoints.ANet has to handle now.
the effect of adding a basic feature with the intent to improve it over time vs adding a mostly complete feature – in this case adding i.e. a few basic mounts and then new ones down the line – can be seen with account bound legendaries. there are several (vocal) people who curse ANet for adding the legendary skins to the wardrobe because they crafted the same legendary twice and are now losing money. I completely disagree with that statement, but it has been repeated quite a few times in the last days.
if mounts have no additional use except looks during the first stage and ANet decides to add to that idea (say mounted combat, giving speed or other bonuses dependent of the mount type etc), there will be a backlash.
so realistically, they should either have all features they want to add to a mount system planned out and release them together or clearly state what those plans are. and if they change even the slightest bit, backlash again.
so reducing the amount of effort put into a new system like that at first only increases the effort spent down the line when they want to change/add to it. insofar, I disagree, if they want to do it, they should do it right from the beginning, which would take a lot of resources.
as for extensions on a mounting system.. I really liked the game ‘mount & blade’ for example, but seeing as our other non-ground-combat mode (under water) is pretty lacking, I’m skeptical about horseback combat.
regarding waypoints: they just just remove the whole contested idea from most of the waypoints. as an example, in frostgorge west of the claw spawn is a waypoint we can always port to, even though most of the time it’s contested because of the dredge event. upon arrival we get a message that the waypoint has become contested and that’s it. this would work for CoF and Arah as well, though not for CoE as is (due to the WP being within the forcefield). the only reason (apart from lore etc) to make travel impossible is if the waypoint is where mobs are and the player would immediately get attacked upon arrival (for example the other orr waypoints often lead to a camp overrun by risen).
my opinion is still that the amount of effort would be far to great for a feature with so little use – I’m not against mounts at all, but against adding visual fluff instead of useful stuff.
In this game, mounts would be nothing but trouble. If you are someone who wants mounts, answer these important questions:
1) How would mounts affect WvW? Have you given any thought to how it might change the landscape of how things work in that portion of the game?
2) If people are riding mounts through an area, how will that effect the scaling of dynamic events when the event registers more people are in the area?
3) How would you handle players on mounts being hit by enemies? Are they thrown from their mount? Dismounted? Can they fight from the mount?
4) How would you be affected if you were in the middle of a jumping puzzle and someone attempted to do it with a mount and was blocking your view?
5) What happens when you go underwater? Are there going to be underwater mounts too?
6) How do you deal with the added animations needed in heavy areas (like world bosses) when people have mounts? The resources for the mounts aren’t free.
7) How do you deal with the issue of people’s mounts blocking important NPCs (I’ve seen this issue in many other MMOs, and it’s a real pain).
8) Besides looking cool, what is the distinct advantage of having a mount over not having a mount? If you get no speed boost, why is it important?
9) The development time used to create decent mounts would likely take away from other features or additional content in GW2. How do you justify that mounts are more important than other things?
Answer these questions and let me know.
1) The same way how tonics affect WvW. None at all.
2) Same way a player that comes in to a event and afk.
3) They get damaged and get thrown into combat. Nothing happens until the player dismounts.
4) The same way tonics affects me or a Norn/Charr affects me.
5) They disappear. I wouldn’t mind having underwater mounts.
6) This question makes no sense.
7) By pressing F.
8) There is no mechanical importance. It is as important as Gem store Armor.
9) By paying for it with my money.
What trouble?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
A totally selfish reason… " I want it" followed by a fallacy. “It hurts no one” you say. it hurts me to 1. Look at it. 2. deal with the fact that I’ll be staring at some charr riding a dolyack, and have the dolyack’s rear end to stare at as i try to click On the Banker…( I left WoW because of How often a Mount…flying or otherwise… Blocked a banker, a mailbox, an NPC…a quest giver… etc etc etc etc… I say no to Dolyack rear ends.)
It also hurts me because all that graphical clutter will slow My frame rate. And saying either " No it won’t." or " get a better computer." are entitled arguments….
the first you cannot guarentee, and the second, I don’t feel I need to get a better computer , because you wanna see your character ride a mount.
Sorry, but… your desire to ride a mount would affect my gaming experience to the negative. Oliver Wendell Holmes i believe once said I may be wrong… " My right to extend my fist, ends when it comes In contact with your nose."
Your right to ride a mount ends…when it Inconveniences My ability to enjoy the game.
Sadly… you may feel the opposite is true…but it is Not. YOU are the one that is In the Minority…and… YOU are the one that wants what the devs have already decided they do not wish to Implement…" at this time."
YOU therefore need better reasons than.." because I want it."
(edited by Nerelith.7360)
In a weird sense we already have a mechanic similar to mounts in this game. It’s the in-combat speed reduction, it works the same way as mounts work in other games were when you are hit the mount disappears. So mechanic-wise we already have an “insta cast” mount when we get out-of-combat, and then it’s insta-removed when you are hit.
We are “missing” the graphics part, but really, do you want that much the ability to lose your time to summon something like a horse, that will then vanish the moment you are hit? Because let’s face it, even if they add mounts they won’t give a speed boost as it will cause far too many issues (and more powercreep?)
Mounts in various games are only a way to change your appearance and get a speed boost for a short while, while you are away of mobs. To me that doesn’t feel right.
Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
A totally selfish reason… " I want it" followed by a fallacy. “It hurts no one” you say. it hurts me to 1. Look at it. 2. deal with the fact that I’ll be staring at some charr riding a dolyack, and have the dolyack’s rear end to stare at as i try to click On the Banker…( I left WoW because of How often a Mount…flying or otherwise… Blocked a banker, a mailbox, an NPC…a quest giver… etc etc etc etc… I say no to Dolyack rear ends.)
It also hurts me because all that graphical clutter will slow My frame rate. And saying either " No it won’t." or " get a better computer." are entitled arguments….
the first you cannot guarentee, and the second, I don’t feel I need to get a better computer , because you wanna see your character ride a mount.
Sorry, but… your desire to ride a mount would affect my gaming experience to the negative. Oliver Wendell Holmes i believe once said I may be wrong… " My right to extend my first, ends when it comes In contact with your nose."
Your right to ride a mount ends…when it Inconveniences My ability to enjoy the game.
Sadly… you may feel the opposite is true…but it is Not. YOU are the one that is In the Minority…and… YOU are the one that wants what the devs have already decided they do not wish to Implement…" at this time."
YOU therefore need better reasons than.." because I want it."
If looks can hurt, then GW2 need a visual overhaul.
I don’t think Mounts will be as ridiculous as this. Therefore, looks isn’t a good argument to be against mounts.
If there is a visual overhaul, then we can continue discussing about what fits in.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I don’t understand all the fascination with waypoints. In a game that goes out of it’s way to supposedly encourage world exploration, waypoints specifically push people to actually avoid exploring.
Uhm… other than the fact that exploring the area is a prerequisite… you can only use them after having explored the respective area.
And again on every single further character, so the game kitten well makes sure that you do your share of exploring, and re-exploring.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
38631kittenelith.7360:Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
A totally selfish reason… " I want it" followed by a fallacy. “It hurts no one” you say. it hurts me to 1. Look at it. 2. deal with the fact that I’ll be staring at some charr riding a dolyack, and have the dolyack’s rear end to stare at as i try to click On the Banker…( I left WoW because of How often a Mount…flying or otherwise… Blocked a banker, a mailbox, an NPC…a quest giver… etc etc etc etc… I say no to Dolyack rear ends.)
It also hurts me because all that graphical clutter will slow My frame rate. And saying either " No it won’t." or " get a better computer." are entitled arguments….
the first you cannot guarentee, and the second, I don’t feel I need to get a better computer , because you wanna see your character ride a mount.
Sorry, but… your desire to ride a mount would affect my gaming experience to the negative. Oliver Wendell Holmes i believe once said I may be wrong… " My right to extend my first, ends when it comes In contact with your nose."
Your right to ride a mount ends…when it Inconveniences My ability to enjoy the game.
Sadly… you may feel the opposite is true…but it is Not. YOU are the one that is In the Minority…and… YOU are the one that wants what the devs have already decided they do not wish to Implement…" at this time."
YOU therefore need better reasons than.." because I want it."
If looks can hurt, then GW2 need a visual overhaul.
I don’t think Mounts will be as ridiculous as this. Therefore, looks isn’t a good argument to be against mounts.
If there is a visual overhaul, then we can continue discussing about what fits in.
Sorry but, I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. It may look like roses and rainbows to you..all those mounts all over the place Blocking NPC’s and shaking their rear ends in your face….
But Not mine.
And since what is attractive differs for different people, I am allowed to state that all those mounts Looking ugly to my taste is valid…for me… and it seems for more than a few others….
Your argument needs to be better than " because I disagree that it will be ugly." And it has to be better than.." because I want it."
Game over. Insert Coin.
P.S. I looked at the picture you linked. it showed a Lovely unicorn flying. I fail to see How that can possibly compare to ugly Dolyack rear ends Blocking bankers, heart merchants, and NPC’s.
(edited by Nerelith.7360)
38631kittenelith.7360:Because I want to use them to ride around, for roleplaying purposes, for looks and in WvW, I would love to charge into the zerg with my horse. And the most compelling reason is that it hurts no one.
A totally selfish reason… " I want it" followed by a fallacy. “It hurts no one” you say. it hurts me to 1. Look at it. 2. deal with the fact that I’ll be staring at some charr riding a dolyack, and have the dolyack’s rear end to stare at as i try to click On the Banker…( I left WoW because of How often a Mount…flying or otherwise… Blocked a banker, a mailbox, an NPC…a quest giver… etc etc etc etc… I say no to Dolyack rear ends.)
It also hurts me because all that graphical clutter will slow My frame rate. And saying either " No it won’t." or " get a better computer." are entitled arguments….
the first you cannot guarentee, and the second, I don’t feel I need to get a better computer , because you wanna see your character ride a mount.
Sorry, but… your desire to ride a mount would affect my gaming experience to the negative. Oliver Wendell Holmes i believe once said I may be wrong… " My right to extend my first, ends when it comes In contact with your nose."
Your right to ride a mount ends…when it Inconveniences My ability to enjoy the game.
Sadly… you may feel the opposite is true…but it is Not. YOU are the one that is In the Minority…and… YOU are the one that wants what the devs have already decided they do not wish to Implement…" at this time."
YOU therefore need better reasons than.." because I want it."
If looks can hurt, then GW2 need a visual overhaul.
I don’t think Mounts will be as ridiculous as this. Therefore, looks isn’t a good argument to be against mounts.
If there is a visual overhaul, then we can continue discussing about what fits in.
Sorry but, I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. It may look like roses and rainbows to you..all those mounts all over the place Blocking NPC’s and shaking their rear ends in your face….
But Not mine.
And since what is attractive differs for different people, I am allowed to state that all those mounts Looking ugly to my taste is valid…for me… and it seems for more than a few others….
Your argument needs to be better than " because I disagree that it will be ugly." And it has to be better than.." because I want it."
Game over. Insert Coin.
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
Even though I am against mounts as the game now stands, I can see the possibility that I may change my mind when the WP systems gets the overhaul. Mounts won’t change the extra loads sceens as we use the new restricted WP/sink that is coming and, if true, I would want a major increase in speed too.
For RP reasons, I hate waypoints. So while I accept that mounts will never come, it won’t stop me dreaming of a mount with a 50% speed increase.
You will never get 50% speed increase – 33% boost is enough.
In GW LORE the way points are Asuran technology and since they are in the LORE, they should be good FOR RP in GW1 and 2.
No mounts – no way no how.
@ Prophet:
1) In no way, if Anet makes Mounts a PvE only Feature.
If ANet instead makes them also useable in WvW together with Mounted Combat, Mounts wouldn’t affect WvW very much either, if they there are also only some kind of high prestige things, that isn’t faster, like running around with Swiftness (think on the heavy mount armor that slows the Mount down to not be able to run as fast as like in PvE ^^) Plus, Moutns would be killable like Siege Golems. Kill them off to bring their riders to fall. Mounts would also get affected by Conditions, like Chill or Cripple ect.
In regard of FPS it wouldn’t affect WvW much. People can already have lots of FPS problems also without Mounts.
I guess before we would see Mounts in WvW, then either only for 1 big complete new Map, that is from begin on designed around that feature. Or through merging and redesigning first the 3 Borderland Maps into 1 new big map, what would be also used to implemented this way some of the interesting new Features from EotM.
2) If an dynamic event is there, already started and a few minutes later comes a kind of calvary group of players on their mounts to that Event, the Event will scale as same as like, as if that small group would get rushed into that DE with all havign Swiftness on…
Mounts as said in WvW wouldn’t be faster than 33% They’d provide just different Combat Skills, just like mounting a Siege Golem. Therefore that Mounts would have a permanent 33% Movement Buff, they have alot lesser Health, than a Siege Golem.
3) Mounts get affected by Conditions that slow them down like Cripple and Chill (but not by CC’s like Fear, Knockdown/Immobilize/Stun – WvW only, in PvE they would get affected by everything)
Once you beat the Mount into downed stale, the rider will get thrown off and get knocked down for a few seconds from that fall. The Enemy can then kill off the Mount like a player, but the Mount will also rally, if it gets healed by Allies or if its owner kills something, before the Mount could get finished. While the Mount is in Downed State, an A.I will let it use some Downed State Skills to defend itself.
4) Mounts won’t be possible to use in Jumping Puzzles, like those in WvW and in PvE generally also not. While Mounted, you won’t be able to make jumps with it.
5) No, no Underwater Mounts. Underwater Combat stays mount free.
Its still called Ground Mounts for a reason.
6) Due to Mounts being same as costy as like Legendary Weapons in PvE/WvW you won’t see as much of those. For those heavy events, like Tequatle or the 3-headed Wurm or World Bosses in general anet could add under the graphic section an option, that lets specifically players on mounts get not displayed.
Could be done by a more detailed Culling Option.
7) You mean, that they stand in the position where the NPC stands, so that you can’t talk to the NPC anymore?
Add to all NPCs the Feature of Body Blocking, so that there will be a collision control, that prevents exactly that. This way people can’t stand right in that position where the NPC stands.
Otherwise theres also the option to increase the range, in which the F-Button Pop Up recognizes you standing in the near to talk to NPCs, so that you could talk to NPC’s also from standign wider away.
As 3rd Option would there be to add to the Game some kind of NPC Chat, that if you switch to the NPC Chat, it shows you from there all nearby NPC Names to that you could talk and by double clicking on a NPC Name in the NPC Chat, you start the conversation with that NPC, without havign the need anymore to stand in near to press F.
8) Roleplay Reasons, Alternative as Prestige Item, if you just like no legendary Weapons.just to have Fun with the Content explorign the game with more style, than to run everywhere just on feet, if you try to ignore the WPs.
They could open up other interesting Content Features, like Guild Crusades for example, what could be some kind of mix between WvW, Mounted Combat and Raids as a new Guild Feature.
9) Because they can add new interesting Game Content, they could keep the Game fresh and they are fun (naturally not for all, but for alot of people)
They could also lure alot of new players to GW2. theres always the possibility, that alot of players could find to the Game due to this new Feature. I’m sure, alot of people could have not changed over to GW2, cause they are waiting on Features, that other games have already, like a standard and that would make GW2 for them interesting to play first, if GW2 gets that Feature also – Mounts surely being one of these kinds of Features besides of Player Housing ect. what is by the way also something totally optionally and there exist also alot of players, which would love to see that getting added to GW2.
- bad controls (steering, backing up etc) like in skyrim
- constantly getting umounted as soon as one gets hit (wildstar), making it nearly impossible to actually travel using a mount. but it has to be this way, otherwise it could be abused.
- moneysink (as if GW2 didn’t have enough of those for the average player. the main problem is still that some forms of gaming award too much money, like flipping)
- clunky interface (i.e. for gw2 it could be like go to inventory, get your mount out, press F to use it)
- no use at all over walking or too good not to use – balancing difficulties
- high cost vs little reward (new animations for all races/genders and mounttypes, as different animals move differently. at least a mounting/dismounting, walking and running animation is necessary, preferably also turning, stopping and fluid transition between those)
- Look at Riding Broom for control.
- So what?
- What is wrong with moneysink?
- So what?
- It will be useless. It is there for the sake for looks. There is no pressure to buy mounts.
- So what?
- the broom is a good example. since it doesn’t move itself, there’s no need for animations, except for the character (which obviously are far below the standards of other animations, I just tried it out again myself, having bought said broom). now the same animations would not work on a horse, a basilisk, a moa or any other type of mount except maybe some asura floating whatever.
- so what #1 is easy: if you can’t use a mount, why would you even want one? if it’s barely functional, it’s would give GW2 a far worse reputation than leaving it out.
- I think explaining the problem with ill-placed moneysinks would go a bit far off-track, but if you’re interested pm me, and I can try to explain why some goldsinks work better than others.
- so what #2: so you would want developers to spend immense amounts of time (especially the character animators) to get a feature in you yourself say is completely useless. that’s a matter of opinion, I’d rather they use the funds from my gem purchases for something actually useful.
- so what #3: by now I’m really impressed by your argumentation skills, I think I’ll pass this one, you obviously put so much thought into it and left barely anything open.
if you just want to troll people, you might consider reading the TOS again. if you want to convice people of your opinions, actual arguments and facts might help your case more than several snarky so what most people would only expect from a spoiled kid.
- Yeah, making mount animation(forward,standing) is much harder than making normal mob animations(Walking, standing, crippled walking, attacking, casting spells) Why are you using animation for excuse? This is about controls. Control not equal animation.
- For looks, for roleplaying, and to ride around in the PvE world. In WvW, guilds can use these mounts for a cavalry charge for fun.
- They are optional moneysinks. You do not have to put money in them if you don’t want to. Nothing is wrong with optional moneysink.
- Gem shop armor is completely useless, yet people still buy them.
- If you think the post is breaking the ToS, then go hit the report button. You will see how wrong you are. You should realize that you are getting emotional in your argument and need to calm down.
Again, the RP argument.
1. RP is all about LORE. Way points are in the LORE, mounts are not.
2. You want immersion, so mounts are not immersion in GW LORE
3. IF you want mounts, go to a game that is more medieval like ESO, there are mounts in that game.
4. I have been in games with mounts and they are a pita to play with since players agro more on mounts.
5. The majority of players DON’T WANT MOUNTS!
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
(edited by runeblade.7514)
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
I do – A.Net already said that is not going to happen (mounts). I feel they have better things they can do with their time, like Guild Halls and real GvG. More areas to explore, another race and maybe another profession are things players want more than something that strokes the ego of a few players.
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
I do – A.Net already said that is not going to happen (mounts). I feel they have better things they can do with their time, like Guild Halls and real GvG. More areas to explore, another race and maybe another profession are things players want more than something that strokes the ego of a few players.
ANet said they won’t do it for FLYING mounts. They have no plans for mounts.
Because then Flying mounts will have to overcome technical limits. Regular mounts don’t have technical limits.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
I do – A.Net already said that is not going to happen (mounts). I feel they have better things they can do with their time, like Guild Halls and real GvG. More areas to explore, another race and maybe another profession are things players want more than something that strokes the ego of a few players.
ANet said they won’t do it for FLYING mounts. They have no plans for mounts.
Because then Flying mounts will have to overcome technical limits. Regular mounts don’t have technical limits.
Regular mounts do have technical limits. You have to model a player riding on them, etc. If they have not done that, that is like re-inventing the wheel. I think there are more important things A.Net can do for the game, like new exploration areas, Engine optimization (this is huge so the game doesn’t chug so much), etc. Mounts are a drain on the few resources they have.
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
I do – A.Net already said that is not going to happen (mounts). I feel they have better things they can do with their time, like Guild Halls and real GvG. More areas to explore, another race and maybe another profession are things players want more than something that strokes the ego of a few players.
ANet said they won’t do it for FLYING mounts. They have no plans for mounts.
Because then Flying mounts will have to overcome technical limits. Regular mounts don’t have technical limits.
Regular mounts do have technical limits. You have to model a player riding on them, etc. If they have not done that, that is like re-inventing the wheel. I think there are more important things A.Net can do for the game, like new exploration areas, Engine optimization (this is huge so the game doesn’t chug so much), etc. Mounts are a drain on the few resources they have.
Equally as armor/weapons, but they still exist in the gem shop.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
And I get to decide what is ugly for me. Not you. Therefore, There is no reason for GW2 to not have mounts.
Your argument needs to be better than, “I disagree because it is ugly.”
Actually No, It doesn’t. See I am in the Majority, and More Importantly, I am also in agreement with the devs stated intentions.
Someone said " It hurts no one." I am showing how it hurts me.
Just because you are willing to put up with an ugly dolyack rear end in your face, doesn’t mean I have to.
You have valid objections to overcome before you can get people to agree with you. That you lable them " invalid" doesn’t make them invalid.
Just because you have differing taste about uglyness doesn’t make a dolyacks rear end beautiful.
As I said before , you want what the majority does not. You want what the devs have stated that have NO intent to implement " at this time".
YOU need better arguments than " maybe a dolyacks rear end can be beautiful… you don’t Know til you look, besides maybe I find them beautiful." and you need better arguments than " because…. I want it."
And I am saying that your “look hurts me” argument is ridiculous. The Dreamer hurts me. ANet should remove it because I don’t like looking at rainbow and unicorn flying across the screen.
Why would you be staring at animal’s rear end in the bank? I don’t know why, but I will be too busy staring at the bank UI.
You are wrong that you are the majority. I am the majority because I said so in this post and there are people that agree with mounts. Don’t think so? Then show me some proof that backs up your statement.
What valid objection?
Just because you find dolyak rear end ugly, doesn’t mean that Mounts should not be in the game.
You need better argument than “Dolyak rear end is ugly.” and you need better argument than “I don’t want it.”
I do – A.Net already said that is not going to happen (mounts). I feel they have better things they can do with their time, like Guild Halls and real GvG. More areas to explore, another race and maybe another profession are things players want more than something that strokes the ego of a few players.
ANet said they won’t do it for FLYING mounts. They have no plans for mounts.
Because then Flying mounts will have to overcome technical limits. Regular mounts don’t have technical limits.
Regular mounts do have technical limits. You have to model a player riding on them, etc. If they have not done that, that is like re-inventing the wheel. I think there are more important things A.Net can do for the game, like new exploration areas, Engine optimization (this is huge so the game doesn’t chug so much), etc. Mounts are a drain on the few resources they have.
Equally as armor/weapons, but they still exist in the gem shop.
You CAN’T EQUATE armor to mounts. The Armor shell is already in game, they just need different artwork on it. Mounts mean new physics, modeling etc. What don’t you understand about that.
Players have been crying for new content, more of the world open, etc . and all you can say is MOUNTS? Right……
- bad controls (steering, backing up etc) like in skyrim
- constantly getting umounted as soon as one gets hit (wildstar), making it nearly impossible to actually travel using a mount. but it has to be this way, otherwise it could be abused.
- moneysink (as if GW2 didn’t have enough of those for the average player. the main problem is still that some forms of gaming award too much money, like flipping)
- clunky interface (i.e. for gw2 it could be like go to inventory, get your mount out, press F to use it)
- no use at all over walking or too good not to use – balancing difficulties
- high cost vs little reward (new animations for all races/genders and mounttypes, as different animals move differently. at least a mounting/dismounting, walking and running animation is necessary, preferably also turning, stopping and fluid transition between those)
- Look at Riding Broom for control.
- So what?
- What is wrong with moneysink?
- So what?
- It will be useless. It is there for the sake for looks. There is no pressure to buy mounts.
- So what?
- the broom is a good example. since it doesn’t move itself, there’s no need for animations, except for the character (which obviously are far below the standards of other animations, I just tried it out again myself, having bought said broom). now the same animations would not work on a horse, a basilisk, a moa or any other type of mount except maybe some asura floating whatever.
- so what #1 is easy: if you can’t use a mount, why would you even want one? if it’s barely functional, it’s would give GW2 a far worse reputation than leaving it out.
- I think explaining the problem with ill-placed moneysinks would go a bit far off-track, but if you’re interested pm me, and I can try to explain why some goldsinks work better than others.
- so what #2: so you would want developers to spend immense amounts of time (especially the character animators) to get a feature in you yourself say is completely useless. that’s a matter of opinion, I’d rather they use the funds from my gem purchases for something actually useful.
- so what #3: by now I’m really impressed by your argumentation skills, I think I’ll pass this one, you obviously put so much thought into it and left barely anything open.
if you just want to troll people, you might consider reading the TOS again. if you want to convice people of your opinions, actual arguments and facts might help your case more than several snarky so what most people would only expect from a spoiled kid.
- Yeah, making mount animation(forward,standing) is much harder than making normal mob animations(Walking, standing, crippled walking, attacking, casting spells) Why are you using animation for excuse? This is about controls. Control not equal animation.
- For looks, for roleplaying, and to ride around in the PvE world. In WvW, guilds can use these mounts for a cavalry charge for fun.
- They are optional moneysinks. You do not have to put money in them if you don’t want to. Nothing is wrong with optional moneysink.
- Gem shop armor is completely useless, yet people still buy them.
- If you think the post is breaking the ToS, then go hit the report button. You will see how wrong you are. You should realize that you are getting emotional in your argument and need to calm down.
Again, the RP argument.
1. RP is all about LORE. Way points are in the LORE, mounts are not.
2. You want immersion, so mounts are not immersion in GW LORE
3. IF you want mounts, go to a game that is more medieval like ESO, there are mounts in that game.
4. I have been in games with mounts and they are a pita to play with since players agro more on mounts.
5. The majority of players DON’T WANT MOUNTS!
Mounts aren’t in the lore? There are horses in the concept art and there were plenty of mounts for enemies in GW1, but the game could not support player mounts.
Some examples of enemy mounts present in Tyria:
And also this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/lore/lore/Soo-horses/first
And there are horses present in the lore: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/An_Empire_Divided:_A_Selected_History_of_Mysterious_Cantha_for_the_Traveling_Scholar
(edited by AwkwardStarfish.1827)
Dusty, could you please stop talking about lore, when you clearly have no clues about what you are talking at all
Theres alot more lore in this game, than just only the stone dwarves regarding to mounts, if you want to believe that, or not!
Only because a game didn’t make use of a feature, doesn’t mean,t that something doesn’t exist in the game’s lore. Thats a complete wrong fallacy of you here.
GW1’s game engine had very important technical limitations, which made it just impossible for anet to provide real playable mounts, that are more than those Semi-Mounts that there were the Junundu Wurms and the Siege Devourers, which were Anets attempts to give us Mounts in a way, how it was maximum possible with GW1’s much older game engine, that didn’t support the z-axis.
Have you ever even read the second Guild Wars 2 Novel Book, that tells us the story about how Destinies Edge fights agaisnt Kralkatorrik at a time, before all of that happens with our own characters Personal Story?
Did you? If not, I’d strongly suggest you read first that book, before you talk anything further about the game lore.
We had also to fight in GW1 already agaisnt variations of undead horsemen.
Stop making yourself a dream bubble of ignorance to cover your lies/detractions of what is being a fact.
Yes, Waypoints belong to the game’s lore, but that absolutely doesn’t mean, that this kind of technology in the game can’t coexist tigether with olther more conventional/traditional travel methods.
It has also nothing to do with it that GW2 should become more medieval…
GW2 is already a kind of technomagical Steampunk Mix and far ahead of being counted as medieval.
Heck, we even have in this game AIRSHIPS and among them also a huge one, that looks from the outlide more like a kind of spaceship, than an airship >.>
The Charr have Steampunk Style helicopters even and war vehicles as huge as houses ….
This is a fantasy game, that is not anymore about being just a 0815-medieval MMORPG in the style of like LotRO or so …
Anet can add whatever they want basically, it can’t become anymore weirder already after the adding of the Dreamer >.>
And please, stop using for your owns sake that silly
“If you don’t like it, go play an other game”-arguement.
1) its no argument at all.
2) its totally childish
3) it makes you look like a fool, who ran out of reasonings having no better arguments anymore
I still fail to see, why you care for not wanting mounts.
Ok, we got it, you don’t want them. Then juts don’t use them.
Ignore them once they’d be implemented and simply keep on using your waypoints, as if nothing would have changed and good is.
You are already so good at ignoring facts that speak for the possibility of mounts, so why don’t you seem to be able to ignore mounts as a feature and just keep on playing the game, like you do already now using the WP??
What is it exactly that concerns you so much, that you seem to believe, that you simply won’t be able to ignore the existance of Mounts in the game and keep on playing the game with using just only WP???
That I’d like to know from you now.
I’m already now 100% sure, that the answer will be something, that is either based on a bad experience made from older games in the past (what makes the reason biased and mixed with personal prejudices)
Or the answer will have to do with something technical, what can be easily solved with modifications either of the options menu or added restrictions to the Mount System.
- bad controls (steering, backing up etc) like in skyrim
- constantly getting umounted as soon as one gets hit (wildstar), making it nearly impossible to actually travel using a mount. but it has to be this way, otherwise it could be abused.
- moneysink (as if GW2 didn’t have enough of those for the average player. the main problem is still that some forms of gaming award too much money, like flipping)
- clunky interface (i.e. for gw2 it could be like go to inventory, get your mount out, press F to use it)
- no use at all over walking or too good not to use – balancing difficulties
- high cost vs little reward (new animations for all races/genders and mounttypes, as different animals move differently. at least a mounting/dismounting, walking and running animation is necessary, preferably also turning, stopping and fluid transition between those)
- Look at Riding Broom for control.
- So what?
- What is wrong with moneysink?
- So what?
- It will be useless. It is there for the sake for looks. There is no pressure to buy mounts.
- So what?
- the broom is a good example. since it doesn’t move itself, there’s no need for animations, except for the character (which obviously are far below the standards of other animations, I just tried it out again myself, having bought said broom). now the same animations would not work on a horse, a basilisk, a moa or any other type of mount except maybe some asura floating whatever.
- so what #1 is easy: if you can’t use a mount, why would you even want one? if it’s barely functional, it’s would give GW2 a far worse reputation than leaving it out.
- I think explaining the problem with ill-placed moneysinks would go a bit far off-track, but if you’re interested pm me, and I can try to explain why some goldsinks work better than others.
- so what #2: so you would want developers to spend immense amounts of time (especially the character animators) to get a feature in you yourself say is completely useless. that’s a matter of opinion, I’d rather they use the funds from my gem purchases for something actually useful.
- so what #3: by now I’m really impressed by your argumentation skills, I think I’ll pass this one, you obviously put so much thought into it and left barely anything open.
if you just want to troll people, you might consider reading the TOS again. if you want to convice people of your opinions, actual arguments and facts might help your case more than several snarky so what most people would only expect from a spoiled kid.
- Yeah, making mount animation(forward,standing) is much harder than making normal mob animations(Walking, standing, crippled walking, attacking, casting spells) Why are you using animation for excuse? This is about controls. Control not equal animation.
- For looks, for roleplaying, and to ride around in the PvE world. In WvW, guilds can use these mounts for a cavalry charge for fun.
- They are optional moneysinks. You do not have to put money in them if you don’t want to. Nothing is wrong with optional moneysink.
- Gem shop armor is completely useless, yet people still buy them.
- If you think the post is breaking the ToS, then go hit the report button. You will see how wrong you are. You should realize that you are getting emotional in your argument and need to calm down.
Again, the RP argument.
1. RP is all about LORE. Way points are in the LORE, mounts are not.
2. You want immersion, so mounts are not immersion in GW LORE
3. IF you want mounts, go to a game that is more medieval like ESO, there are mounts in that game.
4. I have been in games with mounts and they are a pita to play with since players agro more on mounts.
5. The majority of players DON’T WANT MOUNTS!
Mounts aren’t in the lore? There are horses in the concept art and there were plenty of mounts for enemies in GW1, but the game could not support player mounts.
Some examples of enemy mounts:
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Devourer_And also this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/lore/lore/Soo-horses/first
And there are horses present in the lore: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/An_Empire_Divided:_A_Selected_History_of_Mysterious_Cantha_for_the_Traveling_Scholar
Mounts for MOBS not the race of the hero you are playing. MOBS ARE NOT PLAYERS. What don’t you get about that? The Asura TP were put in to release the burdens of the beasts. In GW1, you NEVER rode a mounts, the WURM change was to get over an area that you died instantly on.
4×4 jeep mount.
Mounts for MOBS not the race of the hero you are playing. MOBS ARE NOT PLAYERS. What don’t you get about that? The Asura TP were put in to release the burdens of the beasts. In GW1, you NEVER rode a mounts, the WURM change was to get over an area that you died instantly on.
As explained before, mounts were not possible in GW1 due to the game engine, but the important part you seem to be forgetting is that they are in the lore – contrary to what you said before. What don’t you get about that?
But not the Siege Devourers ! You coude ride them and use their Skills /whyever our characters did magically disappear is unclear, but what should it but I think thats due to the reason of GW1 having no z-axis I guess, because of the game being technically just unable to show our characters on top of the devourer rising.)
Siege Devourers are not Mobs.
Description Text:
You have mounted a siege devourer. You can command the siege devourer to move and to use its skills.
So basically it worked already there, like our Siege Golems work now in GW2.
Whats the friggin problem here to repeat this juts with creaturers, that look like what you would expect as a rideable mount together with them changing our skill wear to mount specific Mounted Skills if Anet would go so far to do that to implemented with with everythign that belons to that Feature properly?
However,.. first i wait on your answer, what is your personal reason for why you aren’t able to ignore mounts, if they would be in the game. Why you simply think, that you won’t be able to keep on playing the game like now just with WPs.
Ok, we got it, you don’t want them. Then juts don’t use them.
Okay, we get it…you do.
Have you never heard the term ‘using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut’?
Mostly i skim over long winded posts, but i opted to read yours instead – you blather on about ‘biases’ and ‘player confidences’ when, frankly, they have nothing to do with anything at all.
It just comes over as a nonsensical, space filling bullying tactic.
Want mounts? – then say so…and move on – ramming the same opinion down other peoples throats benefits no-one but yourself (but guessing that’s the whole point, eh?).
I don’t want mounts because i feel they have no place in-game at present.
Short, sweet and to the point – see?, it’s not so difficult is it?
Mounts that increase movement speed?… no, I’ll be one of those that’ll say we don’t need them. I will admit I forget about Waypoints sometimes, but we don’t need speed increasing mounts.
Mounts that are cosmetic and just replace normal walk cycles? Yeah, I could get behind that. Someone ealier in the thread mentioned a cloud mount, and the first thing that sprang to mind was the cloud NPC from the Super Adventure Box. Could you imagine people riding round in one of those? Man the Laktu jokes! XD
Now, for those of you complaining about screen clutter: Options —> Graphics —> Mounts: Show/Hide.
If the mounts are just cosmetic and replacing normal walk animations, then there could be an option to just them off if you don’t like them or find them slowing your system.
I think everyone has learnt a new word today: COMPROMISE
why are people so fiercely against mounts? I mean, I think I haven’t seen a single reason in this thread except people screaming no louder and louder.
Then you skipped over my post. Scroll up. You’ll find it .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
why are people so fiercely against mounts? I mean, I think I haven’t seen a single reason in this thread except people screaming no louder and louder.
Then you skipped over my post. Scroll up. You’ll find it
I’ve yet to see anyone post a gameplay reason for including mounts as well. Of course, most of the posts asking for mounts I barely skim because they’re just people screaming yes louder and louder like a child throwing a tantrum. It’s simply going to go back and forth and people asking for mounts adamantly refuse to realize the devs are (for all intents) never going to budge from their “we arent adding mounts” stance.
As I’ve posted in the OTHER thread about mounts (which seriously should be merged/locked/deleted/whatever already), what players want doesnt matter. The devs arent going to budge a picometer from their “we arent adding mounts” stance for the foreseeable future.
People want them for bragging rights only. There are enough items in this game for that already.
Many posts later. Still haven’t seen anyone suggest a creature to ride that already exists in the game and that I think would look good. Also, mounts as optional would be one thing. Once the mount offers movement speed greater than any profession can easily obtain, calling them optional is a stretch.
I bet if there was mounts everyone was using them
Yes, because most people that propose mounts (even if they initially claim otherwise) want them to confer advantage on their owner. Obviously, if mounts were implemented in such a way, then everyone would have them. Just like now everyone has armor and weapons – because it would be stupid to not have one.
This has nothing to do with people liking mounts.
As long as they are only visual (“Riding Broom”)? Cool, i have no problem with that. That is however not what most pro-mount people really want.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
They should make mounts like satchels. You go pick up a horse at a stable for a small sum of gold, but they you have to dismount it to fight or port or whatever, so it’s a limited use item for a small sum of coin.
They shouldn’t add them like most MMOs do, where you pull them out your butt when you need them.
Even if they were pretty much superfluous, they should be added for immersion sake. Its hard to believe in a world where they’re smart enough to hold the right end of a sword, no character ever thought of sitting their butt on an animal and letting the animal do the walking.
Many posts later. Still haven’t seen anyone suggest a creature to ride that already exists in the game and that I think would look good. Also, mounts as optional would be one thing. Once the mount offers movement speed greater than any profession can easily obtain, calling them optional is a stretch.
I believe elementalists have the most running speed boosts possible. 25% for signet of air, another 25% from the Arcane trait for using d/d, 10% from the Air trait (in air attunement), Traveler rune set for another 25%, and then near constant swiftness for 33%.
It’s a pity that 33% speed boost is the highest you can achieve, which means near constant swiftness is better than using any other increase. God I’d love +118% movement speed. Oh, almost forgot about mistform. +184% movement speed. Vroom vroom.
Many posts later. Still haven’t seen anyone suggest a creature to ride that already exists in the game and that I think would look good. Also, mounts as optional would be one thing. Once the mount offers movement speed greater than any profession can easily obtain, calling them optional is a stretch.
I believe elementalists have the most running speed boosts possible. 25% for signet of air, another 25% from the Arcane trait for using d/d, 10% from the Air trait (in air attunement), Traveler rune set for another 25%, and then near constant swiftness for 33%.
It’s a pity that 33% speed boost is the highest you can achieve, which means near constant swiftness is better than using any other increase. God I’d love +118% movement speed. Oh, almost forgot about mistform. +184% movement speed. Vroom vroom.
No – that is OP in this game.
They should make mounts like satchels. You go pick up a horse at a stable for a small sum of gold, but they you have to dismount it to fight or port or whatever, so it’s a limited use item for a small sum of coin.
They shouldn’t add them like most MMOs do, where you pull them out your butt when you need them.
Even if they were pretty much superfluous, they should be added for immersion sake. Its hard to believe in a world where they’re smart enough to hold the right end of a sword, no character ever thought of sitting their butt on an animal and letting the animal do the walking.
You read my mind, this idea is wonderful and reasonable.
A.Net already said no mounts. What part of that don’t y’all understand?
Except there’s sufficient “magitech” or whatever you want to label Asuran technology, in existence that it’s possible to cross vast distances in a heartbeat, and then finish the trip on foot. And it’s barely a stretch further from that that characters possess “gimmick” level magic that provides them an inexhaustible supply of stamina when running.
A.Net already said no mounts. What part of that don’t y’all understand?
Just link the statement then from Anet.
This. Exactly. I keep seeing people complain about the mounts they’ve seen in other games! This is GW2, the mounts don’t HAVE to be lore-breaking and they don’t have to be gigantic particle monsters with sparkles and rainbows. Use your imaginations, people. If there were to be mounts added, they also don’t have to be like mounts you’ve seen in other games. This isn’t a “Well mounts could be used in combat in X game, so they need to be able to be used in combat here”. We have the opportunity to lay out the perfect foundation here for the developers, if you have a concern with mounts other than “NO!”, please give it here so we can discuss it like civilized individuals.
Well, why do the devs have to make mounts for us?
No one said that they have to make mounts. These threads are made as a suggestion and we are meant to give constructive feedback over whether or not something like this is feasible.
That said, I’ve seen several different reasons given as to why people would like mounts:
1. Some people are concerned that waypoints will be more difficult to use in the next update, but this is speculation and this argument can’t really be made until after we see what the update does.
2. Some people want mounts as additional end-game content.
3. Some people want faster ways to get around the map without waypoints.
4. Some people say it would be more fun to run around on a mount instead of just clicking on a waypoint.
5. Mounts could add more to roleplay.
6. Insert other arguments here, I’m sure there were other ones but I don’t speak for everyone.
Point 1 can already be thrown out. It’s speculation.
Point 2. What end-game? World boss events? Fractals of the mists? WvW? sPvP? I don’t know what you’re getting at here. I don’t want to be rude and say “So you got a mount for your on self-gratification? Ok.”
Point 3 the game is designed around having waypoints as the only means of traveling over significant distance. If this were to suddenly change for some reason like “let’s make more money!!” What’s to say this game will not be flipped on head for whatever reason. Looking here, people seem easily convinced and accepting of anything as long as mounts get put in the game.
Point 4 fun is this and that for different people and completely selfish. Meaning it’s fairly easily for people to have different perspectives on what’s fun to them and what’s not. Utterly subjective and not a real good point as games are intended to be fun in the first place. If something like this needs to be added to make the game “fun” again or more “fun.” Maybe we need to sit down and evaluate what makes gw2 “not fun enough.” Clearly this game has missed the mark on the entertainment value it was supposed to provide everyone equally.
Point 5. I’m not going to tout roleplay as I used to do it myself but Anet isn’t doing much to help roleplayers out with the upcoming changes. I do remember folks asking for a roleplay server around beta though…
What exactly will people do with mounts, other than being pleased with themselves and showing off to others? Waypoints will still be the fastest method of travel. On mounts you aren’t going to get to destinations or events faster than a player that waypoint-ed. Unless you waypoint while riding a mount, defeating the purpose of mounts… It’s not like waypoints are scarce on any of the maps.
Gw2 is quite far from medieval. Quite far.
It probably won’t even be long before humans catch up to Charr/Asuran technology.
I guess the main argument would be waypoints, being a form of travel, reduce the amount of coin. The huge maps where designed with the purpose of utilizing waypoints as the only feasible way of quickly moving from place to place. Especially when it comes to events where nobody is going to wait for you to arrive on your spec-tacky mount. Also take into account mobs are pretty kitten accurate at hitting even with swiftness on. All it takes is hard or soft cc to ruin your “stroll” through Tyria.
Divinity’s Reach obviously has elements of medieval fantasy, saying otherwise is being dishonest. Mounted combat is my primary reason for wanting them plus 40% speed increase would be nice. Mounted combat really voids all opposition discussion, if it get’s done correctly.
That’s not just it. If this game is evolving as the developers want it too, humans will catch up with the advances the Charr and Asura. Some medieval elements will fade and will become replaced with modern/science-fiction elements Some of which you may have already experienced (hot-air balloons, airships). I think human populations within close proximity to other races will advance faster, you know kind of like each of the Orders.
Also I think someone mentioned it… Mounted combat hasn’t been implemented correctly throughout any of the games that have attempted it. There’s no reason to believe that Anet will even attempt another balancing nightmare.
Speed is huge in fighting (or escaping). Why do you think there’s a 25% movement speed reduction whenever you enter combat? Swiftness and movement speed traits are very important for getting around, especially in battles. Now factor in weapon sets and conditions. Ranged will always be superior and will remain so with any sort of chill, cripple or ranged CC.
You can’t just want something thrown in game without considering how it would be implemented with how combat is currently.
Besides that this isn’t a new topic:
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
A.Net already said no mounts. What part of that don’t y’all understand?
No, ArenaNet never said No mounts will ever be in this game. You’re free to provide the quote.
What did they say, was that mounts would not be a focus at this moment, which was last year. This does not mean mounts will never come. It just means there’s so much bigger fish to fry that mounts isn’t even on the table yet. Which is a fact.