Showing Posts For Axel.4018:

Torn between decisions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


I’d say warrior. In PvE all you do as a ranger is use two of your longbow skills and then autoattack with your sword until something dies. So it’s pretty much boring and braindead gameplay where you just dodge every now and then and part from that just keep autoattacking. With warrior you are at least doing damage rotations all the time since you have low cooldowns on you skills and on weapon swap.

Apart from that, as you may know, the pet is useless. It’s there only to take like a third of your dps and die, making you completely useless, since at that moment you’re doing no damage, you’re squishy, sad, pathetic, depressed and so on

Seriously though, warrior is definetly a better choice for PvE. Ranger is pretty fun in sPvP but that’s about it. It has almost no distinctive mechanics, to the point where it feels generic and boring as hell after a while. The only “difficulty” is that you have to dodge incoming damage more so then a warrior, while, as i said, warrior is much more fun when you actually get into combat and start slashing stuff.
So warrior for PvE and propably WvW as well, while ranger can be fun in sPvP, since you can use a condition build and not be terribly useless as you would be in PvE…

So about those PvP dailies...

in PvP

Posted by: Axel.4018


… want Engineer winner 3 times in a row? Got ya.

Seriously though, let’s not even pretend they have anything to do with your actual account, otherwise i wouldn’t be told to play the one of only two classes i havent made a single character for, but the fact that it tells me to play it 3 times in a row just makes me cringe. I REALLY do like the new PvP dailies that give reward track progress, but could you at least make it so that they dont repeat day, after day, after day, especially if it’s something i can’t do since i don’t even have a free character slot to make a fresh character of a class i havent played before just to go and ruin someone’s game by trying to get carried and complete the daily? And dont even get me started on when it tells me to win with the only two classes i havent played…

Maybe I’m over exaggerating here, but you be the judge. And I’m sure that unless you have a character for every class, you’ve got one of those great dailies as well.

/madmode off

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


Just don’t give LS 2 too much credit. It might be better then LS 1, but let’s not forget:
-You’re now a meaningless, mute bag of meat running around that can’t say a word because reasons(mb voice actor issues, but i have no idea wtf is that all about)
-The whole “your own adventure” stuff is out the window in favour of some wierd story that makes no sense and is impossible to get into for people who haven’t played the first season.
-Idiotic difficulty level- i get killed in like 3-4 hits with a warrior, so that doing this alone is frustrating, irritating and FAR away from being fun.
Plus the “new areas” are just copy paste generic desert terrain and slap some events on. They didn’t even bother to put POI’s(which was supposed to be another “COOL” thing) or any real completion in those areas.

Overall i’d say that this is the WORST and UGLIEST thing that has happened to this game in the last year, and if things don’t change(Which they propbly won’t cause you know-doesnt cry on the forums=likes what we do with the game >.>) the game will futher drift away from what was supposed to make it cool in the first place. There’s still many nice things about it, but the personal story aspect is as dead as it can get.

Is WvW worth getting into?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


Pretty much the question in the title. I’ve played this game for quite a while(since release, with like a 2 year break), and i only really played PvE, and a little bit of sPvP(which i hated), but I never really tried WvW. Obiovusly one of the reasons is that i hate PvP in this game but I also have this feeling that when i’ll try it, I’ll be just running around pointlessly and be getting owned by people who actually know what they’re doing. So I want to ask: is there A LOT os PvP’ing, does it actually yield any good loot, and is it overall worth getting into if I’ve already done most of the PvE stuff.

Any answers much appreciated

Weakest Weapon Sets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Axel.4018


This might be my top 10:

1. Shield (Guardian) – The weakest weapon in the game in any mode, the #4 is useless (even more on sPvP) and the #5 is very weak;
2. Torch (Guardian) – the #5 is useless;
3. Axe (Necro) – I don’t see a viable way to use it on PvE or PvP/WvW;
4. Hammer (Guardian) – The only reason to use it is for #2, #3 and #5. Both #1 last chain (too slow) and #4 are very weak (in my opinion the #4 is only to troll people);
5. Rifle (Warrior) – Does LB have more damage than Rifle?;
6. Warhorn (Ranger) – both skills are weak (too much CD on #5 for its effect);
7. Pistol (Mesmer) – I don’t know if its is really weak, but I find Focus more useful with similar effects;
8. Scepter (Elementalist) – It is only viable on PvE;
9. Mace (Guardian) – The last hit from auto atk and the #2 have too much cast time.
10. Sword (Guardian) – The #3 is useless.

For engineer and thief I cant speak much because I don’t have them on max level. But I find Rifle from engineer rather weak for some reason.

I think a little portion of me died while reading this. You obviously have no idea about Guardian weapons. I agree that the shield is god awful, but the rest? Torch is the only offhand you want to use with a scepter, WHICH you use on immobile bosses since with Smite it does ridiculus damage. A focus is pretty useless then. The hammer gives you straight up infinite protection and is just great when you gotta carry some people who are struggling in PvE. And then there’s mace and sword. Just please tell me you’re kidding and you dont think that all you wanna do with a Guard is camp GS like a moron and never swap. You NEED to have something melee for your second set. And what will you use for DPS if not the mace or the sword. And about their usefulness? The sword gives you great dps, blind and ;ets you block at least one ranged attak with ‘3’. And the mace has even better dps, and you’ll do a load of damage with the symbol, and you’ll help your party out. Theese wapens are great for rotations with GS and so what you wrote here is just a bunch of BS.

Zerker Guardian or Zerker Warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Axel.4018


So there’ve propably been some posts about this. But i want to know if there is a straight answer to which one is better with a zerker build in PvE. I kinda tried Guardian and sucked with it, and barely even tried the warrior, but i didn’t have much gear and just used some random traits. Since i have both classes on lvl80 I’m having a hard time telling which one should I get the gear for and start playing, and is it even possible to do a lot of dmg and not die instantly cause of your 10k health with a zerker Guardian, while running only exotic gear.

Dual wield sword warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Axel.4018


PvE. And i though of a longbow as secondary since it has a lot of conditions and conditions seem to be the way to go if i’ll use a sword.

Dual wield sword warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Axel.4018


So i just felt like a dual sword warrior would be fun. But I’m not quite sure how useful it would turn out and it just seems like there’re no good traits for that kinda build apart from the precision and power stuff. And going full precision/power means dying every 5 seconds. So I want to ask someone who has a decent idea about the usefulness of this, is it any good/fun and what traits and runes would you use on a sword focused build.
Also, I’am looking for a purely PvE build here.

(edited by Axel.4018)

Rate the Norn Screenshot above you!

in Norn

Posted by: Axel.4018



The colours make him look a little like a warrior, and thats something that often confuses me :8

Here’s my female guardian tho. Not lvl 80 yet so i’ll propably change it up but i rly like the armor i got now :P


Do you agree Asura are better?

in Asura

Posted by: Axel.4018


For me Asuras look like ugly rats who think too good of themselves. Norn look cooler in every way and aren’t so annoying. And they have a prettier starting area.

Best class for a solo player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


It’s only good against single targets and has no survivability.

Take the trait that makes arrows pierce targets, and you suddenly have a lot of area of effect damage. Combine it with the trait that increases endurance regeneration by 50%, pair it with one of the bear-based pets, and you have a lot of survivability. I honestly die less with my ranger than with my guardian.

Let me make something clear. The endurance regen works after you’re out of the fight. That trait speeds up the regenaration you get anyways, so it’s pretty much useless. And piercing arrows don’t help when my pet gets dropped and i get surrounded and destroyed.

Best class for a solo player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


Ranger have the best survivability, imo. I died 2-3 times while leveling from 1 to 80 in standard PvE.

Both Warrior and Guardian have good AoE.

The thing is that the kitten pet often just runs into like 6 people and dies instantly. Then i’am left with half of my normal damage and all these guys beating the s*** out of me if i don’t run away. And i have only one healing skill and crappy regeneration signet :P.

Best class for a solo player?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axel.4018


I hope its the right section of the forum to put this on. Anyways, my main is lvl 73 ranger and i want to get lvl 80, full gear and complete more of the world.

But after that i want to start playing a different class. I found ranger unsuitable for playing alone and overall kinda weak. It’s only good against single targets and has no survivability. I play alone most of the time and i want to pick a class that is the best for playing solo.

I though about either warrior or guardian. If you know any other class that’s good without anyone helping it then i would appreciate if you told me about it :).