Showing Posts For Azlidax.9753:
Nice ideas being floated around.
Sign me up, Necro, also have friend (Mesmer) who is dieing to go.
He removed it from gw2guru also. Maybe they are part of a paid site now?
The Walking Dead
The Occult
I believe you can get some nice (Exotic) jewelry from Orr Karma vendors now with PVT stats on them. I could be wrong but I think the vendor becomes available when you complete the Grenth quest chain.
Duckcheeps, do you use this build for pve or dungeon runs too?
Dundle, I thought you were having good luck with the Deathhammer build?
Here come the Monday morning quarterbacks. It is so easy to sit back with some popcorn and break down every move in the heat of combat and tell someone to learn to play. I do not think the point of his video was to try to prove that he is the king of all necros like some of you think you are.
Thank you Nemesis for proving the naysayers wrong and that condition specs do work in TPvP.
Dundle, very interesting! What power build are you using with this?
Mr Sharp said the following in a post;
“No prob. Some classes have a ton of AOE, while others don’t have as much. So we’re not just going to do a blanket nerf to all AOE – that’s not fair to all classes. We’ll go on a class by class, weapon by weapon basis.
And as I’ve said, we may need to tone something down in one area of the game, but it may be totally fine in another area.
For some weapon sets, the AOE options may be too strong compared to the single target options, which is what we aim to address."