You are not the only person who abuses the system, and this is not a “season” where you get to a rank and stop playing, by virtue of you not playing like you say you did, you should have been kicked off the ladder, but like you admit to saying, it is a broken system.
Normally I wouldn’t care because nobody actually cares about rank on SoloQ. You are part of a great team, but please don’t act all righteous and say you legitimately got there in a broken system. You admit the system is broken! Please don’t try to counter argue, because it is simply he said she said. Other top players know exactly what you did, so please don’t try to hide this in such a microcosm of a community.
Show me rank #1 with some actual game played, and then maybe I might have an ounce more of what little respect I have for SOLOQ boards right now.
I understand you are rated #1, but let’s see what happens when you actually start playing games in a working system against people that you might actually lose against.
Let me guess, you are going to stop playing after this resets and claim #1 player in GW2 or something lol.
So let me get this straight:
1. By simply playing when the leaderboards were released, and before anyone even knew how they functioned, I abused them simply by playing?
2. The burden of proof lies on me to prove that I did not abuse the system, as opposed to you making the claim?
3. I’m not allowed to defend myself as the fact that I abused the system is self-evident.
4. I probably am unable to regain the rank in a legitimate system and therefore plan to retire claiming my title as R1 in GW2 (A title which has already been taken from me on the leaderboards)
Your entire post pretty much consists of baseless assumptions, and I don’t much appreciate my name being slandered, as I did in fact legitimately gain rank 1 in a broken system as you put it.
When I said good people, I was referring to people that were ranked highly on the leaderboards at the time, which off the top of my head were some of the following: Super, Boon Sheva, Helseth and Bgsapollo.
Every person I’ve played with or against can attest to the fact that I did not sync queue at any point, whereas you won’t be able to find a single person claiming the contrary.
You will not see my name on top of the leaderboards after the reset, as I have already said that I have no interest in the PvP side of the game any more. Nor will you hear me bragging about R1 soloqueue, as I don’t feel the need to boost my ego by bragging about a title achieved in a broken system. I am far more proud of what I achieved with my team than I am of going 11-0 on the first day of leaderboards and then playing a game every now and then afterwards.
Please stop making baseless assumptions about me, and broadcasting them to the forums, thank you very much.