Showing Posts For AzureWatcher.9567:

Isle of Janthir V Crystal Desert V Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


So you’re celebrating because everyone migrated to your server, giving you a 24/7 population advantage?

Doesn’t seem like such an achievement to me.

Can some1 look at this PIC and explain me wat is wvw

in WvW

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


ITT: The benefits of free server transfers.

World Ratings update for October 12

in WvW

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


How do these matter? It’s just a tally of who has the most people switching to the server?

Remove Free Transfers - Destroys WvW Server Balance

in WvW

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


Guild Wars 2 is simply not worth playing so long as people can freely abandon their server to join the winning server in their bracket.

Do the developers even play the game? How is it fun when all four maps are 95% owned by a single server? Surely they are aware of the issue, but why have they not fixed it yet?

ArenaNet have truly fallen flat on their face with their prized and fair 3-Way massive battles of 100s of players farming a few dozen. Guild Wars 2 didn’t deserve all the hype and all of the rewards it has received. I’ll go and play TES:O’s much better version of it next year when it comes out. When pansies can’t server flip to kitten the population balance.


in Suggestions

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


Free transfers are kitten and skew the accuracy of server statuses against each other. People just transfer to the winning servers and leave the ones who are just beginning to falter and make it just that much harder for them to catch up.

Before you know it a single server outnumbers both of its opponents by increadible ratios.

FAQ: Gem Store / BLTC / Trading Post

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AzureWatcher.9567


I got the gems, but I didn’t get the items I purchased with them.

Here’s my support ticket number: 120909-007070