Showing Posts For BalloonShark.6739:

Remove Ascended from WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


only if you’re on full berzerker

Instant Trait Reset Item!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


If I want to retrait, I usually just go to WvW and retrait there. Logout then login and be where I was.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


and you call FFXIV:ARR an innovation.. riight…

Legendaries tradeable, Ascended are not

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


They cannot make Legendaries account bound now because that will cause more problems. What they can do is make the next legendaries be account bound. That’s the only solution I could think of.

the problem with ascended weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


Does mobs also get buff along with the release with the ascended weapon? if not, then exotics are fine. If they introduce a dungeon non fractal that can only be accomplished with ascended gears, then i’ll also be kitten ed (I dont have ascended accessories).

People who complains about ascended gears is like they have OCD in BiS.

No offence to people who have OCD.

Please do not destroy this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BalloonShark.6739


I have full exotic gear and I can kill most 80’s 1v1. I usually don’t use food buffs and oils but I can still kill them even if they have them.

Now assuming that they also got full exotic gear like I am, they still have the upper edge with food buffs and maintenance oil which gives more than 10% stats.

Point is, it is still more skill based than stat based like most other mmo’s.