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Game design problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

You can actualy solo cof p1, not saying its easy tho.

and duo the underground facility presure plate part with a mesmer and a thief

Thanks Linken & zealex. I watched both videos. Interesting! I might suggest it to my friend as a next challenge

I never considered the stability in the pressure plate puzzle, as I kinda assumed once the doors closed the channeling of opening the door would just stop regardless.

In CoF, does he just teleport through the lava boulder bit without triggering the event? I have teleported through with a mesmer to make a portal on the other side for the party in the past, but I had no idea you could get through without triggering it, or that the door on the other end would be open if you did. Would a Mesmer teleport far enough to do that trick?

Game design problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

I see a lot of people replied to most points already, I just wanted to add my experience with the game concerning difficulty (Damage received vs done)

I’ll tell you about my history with MMOs first:

I had played GW1 for several years, and also raided a lot in WoW from the start of TBkittenil the end of Cata. Finally I tried LotRO a bit, but never went higher level than 55.

I’ve been playing GW2 since the first public beta in april 2012. I prepurchased the Collector’s Edition, loved the game, but struggled with it at first. It seemed a lot harder than what I was used to!

Especially the dungeons, which I did with my raiding buddies from WoW, whom I had played with for years. We wiped more often than we liked at first. But after a while (MORE THAN ONE MONTH!) we got the hang of the game, and started doing pretty well.
No more wiping.

When most of my friends were still playing, we got bored and we made a team of new characters and jumped straight into fractals, at level 2. This was back when Fractal levels weren’t account wide. So the characters would just start at level 1.
But, Apart from having boosted stats, we didn’t have any utility skills, no elite skill, no talent points at all, and we didn’t have any gear, or weapons other than what you get at the start of the game. We even still had to unlock most of our weapon skills, while a lot of the mobs in fractals didn’t give XP when killed (mostly the events where they spawned and you had to fight off waves, like start of Volcanic Fractal), and therefor didn’t even advance our weapon skill levels most of the time!
Back then you also didn’t get to choose what fractals you would be doing. You got 3 random ones and that’s what you had to deal with.
We made it work anyways, and managed to repeat the “joke” until the characters hit fractal level 10, which was when agony started back in the day. We quit by then as we obviously couldn’t equip Ascended lvl 80 gear with AR on our (by then) level 8 characters.

Nowadays a lot of them stopped playing, but I occasionally still play with one of my friends. We no longer seem to need the whole group, because we can 2-man pretty much all dungeons and fractals, unless mechanics require more people. Like the domes to open the gate in CoF1, you NEED 5 people as far as I know. Or the pressure plates in Underground Facility, 1 mesmer, 1 thief, and one random as pressure plate weight can get through the first bit.

We have yet to encounter content (apart from very high level fractals, raids and large scale events) we can’t finish between the 2 of us, even though a lot of it was actually meant for 5 people. There were 1 or 2 Hero challenges in HoT we didn’t manage between the 2 of us, so we had to wait for others to show up.

Before you say “But you played for 4,5 years, you have the best gear in the game by now!”: The only ascended gear I have on my main are the accessoires, rings, backpack and necklace. I never bothered to get my armor or weapon beyond Orange level. And some of that armor isn’t even suitable for my current build, since I changed from condition build to Reaper recently. It doesn’t seem to hold me back.

So sure, the game can be a bit rough at the start, but once you get the hang of it I don’t see why anyone would have trouble with it at all.

[Dragonbrand] Event Bug - Harathi Hinterlands

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

I just did this event in a group of 4 people on Gandara (EU).
What Lade.8934 wrote 2 messages back happened to us as well:

We have 3 thieves alive, huddled together where the Veteran Hapry Matriarch died.

- 3 thieves are alive throughout the first phase of the event.
- Veteran spawns, but the health bar on the right side of the screen was empty when she spawned.
- when the Veteran dies, the bar fills up for about 33%, and nothing happens anymore.

We kept the 3 thieves alive as they are mentioned in the event description, but all the foragers in the area were dead. I’m not sure if they matter for the event. It doesn’t say you need the foragers to survive, so once they died we just kept the thieves alive.

Can't switch weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

This is a pretty old topic, but this bug still seems to be around. I just had it happen to me on my mesmer. This was the first time in 1,5 years of playing this game this happened to me.

Greatsword, Sword/Focus

Jetsam Isle – Lornar’s Pass, doing the pirate events on the island.

After killing 2 of the veterans my weapon swapping locked. Neither the hotkey nor the button on screen worked (button became grey). I finished the rest using the greatsword (not handy in small spaces).

Then I saw this topic and noticed someone mentioned the weaponswap button on the Hero panel. That is what fixed it for me. The weapons swapped, and the button next to the skill bar and hotkey became usable again as well.

The loading screens make the game unplayable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

do you mind sharing your internet connection and location in which you are connecting to guild wars 2?

because, internet connection speed is one of the factors for the loading time in guild wars 2 as well.

and sometimes, location.

i have a dutch guild member with excellent internet speed, however, for unknown reasons, his loading speed is so bad, he often experience “hung” loading screens.

as in, he would just be stuck at the loading screen, which requires him to close the guild wars 2 application and try again.

no idea why this happens as he has a very fast internet connection at dutch.
his computer specs is decent as well.

the only other reason i can think of, must be the physical location.

I’m Dutch, I play on Gandara (EU), I haven’t had problems like that since the first few weeks after launch!

The loading screens make the game unplayable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

On my old computer I not only had a regular HDD, I also only had 4 GB of RAM. With a browser running and some background programs like TS, Skype, Steam, a virus scanner, a torrent client, etc, starting up a game would easily use 80% of the 4GB of RAM. Once it reaches that 80% mark Windows starts swapping to the page file on your HDD, which makes the game and everything else incredibly slow. It’ll try loading the game off your HDD, back onto your HDD, just because the memory is nearly full.

So, make sure you don’t hit 80% by closing other programs, or if you can’t live with that and want to run everything at once like me, upgrade your computer.

I got a new mainboard, faster CPU and a faster video card, but most of all I got 16GB of RAM (often 46% use even without running a game, well over 50% when I start games, so 8GB wouldn’t even have done it for me) and an SSD of 256GB on which I installed Windows and GW2. Other games run off the old harddisk.

Now even though I have 20 tabs open in Chrome and run all programs I could possibly use on a daily basis, only rebooting my computer once every week, my games don’t seem to suffer from it. I get good framerates and loading times at max settings. I’m glad they finally make hardware that’s able to do that.

(edited by Ban Sidhe.9637)

Low FPS, not a pc problem!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

@ban sidhe

in reference to your gpu choices, avoid the asus 7950, due to some changes from the reference amd card they changed the heat sink in contact with the gpu’s core to a lower quality one and it doesn’t make physical contact either resulting in a bricked gpu in less than a month.

they are doing a revised version in due course but i don’t know when it is due.

no other brands were reported has having that problem either it is strictly limited to the asus design.

so if you see a good bargain on the asus model you know why.

some customers reported temps in the region of 130 deg before the card went and no amount of fans was going to help.

other than that enjoy that system when you get it looks awesome.

I had noticed that there’s a V2 (second version) of the Asus Radeon HD7950.. As far as I have been able to find out they changed the power supply on the card to “DIGI+ VRM” for less “noise” on the power lines.

I’ve only been looking at the Asus DirectCU II cooled cards (for all 3 cards, GTX670, HD7950, HD7970) as tests reported them being quiet and cool. I hadn’t seen any reports of them causing problems though..

Low FPS, not a pc problem!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

overclocking the memory of the system won’t really provide that big an increase in gaming.

the only instruction set that has shown to quickly get bottlenecked by 1600MHz dram so far is AVX, and only when trying to overclock past 5Ghz

When overclocking the i5 3570K, would you recommend doing it solely by multiplier, or FSB as well? And in the case you increase FSB, do you keep the memory linked or do you keep memory unlinked and steady at 1600MHz?

I might play around with this anyways, when I get the hardware, but still I’m interested in other people’s experiences.

Low FPS, not a pc problem!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637


I’m currently running:

- Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 (2,66 GHz quad core)
- 4 GB DDR2 @ 800MHz 4-4-4-12 timings (all 4 available, running Win7 64bit)
- 2x nVidia 9800GTX+ TOP in SLI

- Better architecture and more power than your CPU.
- probably better memory than you have.
- Overclocked version of 9800GTX (755MHz core, 1175MHz memory, which on it’s own is faster than a 9800GT, and I have 2 of them in SLI.

I’m having between 20 and 35 FPS, and to be honest that’s more than I expected this 4 year old rig to do.. I’m planning to upgrade my machine, and SO SHOULD YOU!

WoW and AION are in no way comparable to GW2..
You’re talking about games that are several years old, and a computer that’s several years old.

GW2 came out in 2012, and is even giving the most expensive graphics cards and CPUs of today a hard time! Get real and just buy new hardware to “solve your problem”

I’m thinking:
- Intel i5 3570K
- 16 GB DDR3 1600MHz
- GTX670 or HD7950/7970 for graphics

I hear corsair memory can be overclocked quite a bit when I need it for gaming.. 16GB is way more than you need for gaming, I know, but I do other stuff like running multiple Hyper-V machines for work stuff, and I really need the space, can’t even do my work on the current machine

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ban Sidhe.9637

Ban Sidhe.9637

World: Gandara (EU)
Guild: The Crimson Tempest [CriT]
Character: Æryn

This alt is not able to access the guild bank. I got the “You’re not in a guild” error. I am in a guild, I have been guild leader since august 28th.

I thought to solve the problem by standing down and representing again, except I can no longer represent the guild with this character either now.

I dare not try standing down on the rest of my characters. I have not tried to access the guild armorer/weaponsmith with this character before standing down, but other characters who do still represent are able to access the guild bank, guild armorer and guild weaponsmith.