Showing Posts For Bao Lin Nda.1042:

World Linking 4/28/2017 EU discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Abaddon and Miller – what a joke.

ANet stop claiming keeps

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

If you want to “enjoy” WvW, how about growing some courage and going onto the low pop server for the week.

I’m on a low pop EU server since start. I’ve seen Anet ONCE. But not on our server, it was a kittenty matchup with a top ranked server – and they played on their side, of course. Since server get linked, I didn’t see any sign of Anet. Quite sure they never ever play on any low pop server.

State of Ring Of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, MS lost a bunch of wvw-players right before linking started. Funny fact: most of them moved to Drakkar ^^ There are not much wvw-players left on MS right now, esp. almost no bigger guilds. But we have some decent players with a lot of wvw-exp. playing for a looong time on MS.
MS became or more or less server of individuals over the years, and we don’t have many commanders – it’s hard to control any public on MS But in this MU, the 2 servers fit together quite well, because our prime times differ a bit, i.e. MS used to have a good morning shift but noone at night and vice versa. Drakkar isn’t doing that bad alone again, so you can imagine that the MS-part wasn’t that big the last weeks.

Predictions from before HoT vs reality

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I still have contact to some players who left for TESO or other games long ago. Some were still interested in GW2/wvw and asked me about HoT and the new maps and..
Well.. what could I say? Empty deserts with PvE-stuff all around, k-train on EBG and everything below T2 is dead. You think they will return? ^^
The last good decision was removing the orbs…

Just remove WvW for now

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Or just roll out another funny tournament, like “Xmas on EBG” with princesses and snowmen all around fighting a true epic fight together with you!

Keep Waypoints - Now perma-blocked?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

And it is all good they fixed aggro on mobs in jerry and ogre, but what about the green keep? It is always contested by a trigger happy npc on the west side shooting drakes. So i guess the waypoint on green will be forever locked.

Jerri isn’t really fixed. Still often contested because NPC fight drakes. And if you kill that drake on west side of the keep, the archer will attack it again when it respawns.
We need a new guild wvw upgrade to stop NPC from attacking drakes! Should be cheap, like 100k large scales and 100k armored scales…

WvW population solution? None.

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

T6/7 EU here.

Before HoT: During reset on prime prob. a queue of 5 on BL or EBG, but not often. Homeland kinda populated, EBG less populated, the other 2 BL empty except for some small guilds doing some raids with approx. 10-15 players during prime. Homeland was the main focus, our server tried to defend and keep it, EBG was optional. For the other 2 BL’s we had just not enough players, but when playing against even weaker servers, we tried to capture there at least bay etc.

After HoT: Homeland almost empty all night and day, EBG about 20-30 players on prime. Lost >50% of our wvw-players – if not more. Outside prime you will see noone on homeland and prob. 5 players on EBG.
gg ANet.

I never liked the 80vs80s80-like fights in higher tiers, that’s why I – and most other players here – stayed on the lower populated servers. But now? When taking back our homeland, we rarely see any enemies nor do we have to fight. We crawl around this kitten map and do PvD all the time. Noone defends, because it’s totally useless with automatic upgrades. You just do a little and boring endless karmatrain around the maps.

This is not wvw. This is not even a good way to kill time. It’s just flogging a dead horse.

Beaten by a Ranger Xvs1

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I love my longbow and my ranger is half berserker half valkyrie. I take out most necros and most warriors easily, a good guard is more of a draw. Rangers still have big problems with conditions, so I avoid engis and most mesmers if I can. And thieves.. well, if they sneak attack me, I’m out. If I see them first, they’re out. And, sad enough, most rangers are just easy lootbags.
But don’t try to play ranger if you never heard the word “dodge”.. A lb with Sigil of Generosity is nice to have, but won’t help that much.
IMHO, playing a ranger is knowing how to move. Favorit food: Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew

Played alts more after account bound WXP?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Before: Ranger > Necro > Guard >>>> the rest
Now: Ranger, Necro, Guard, Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Engi
Just the one I like to play.

Non-English Languages, culture, map chat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I would however argue that English is not the most easy to learn. It is actually one of the most complex languages to speak and write properly.

Ermm.. no. English is one of the easiest languages to learn. French conjugations are pure horror, German grammar at least weird if not an effrontery, Finnish has 15(!) grammatical cases, Chinese a very simpel grammar but is a pita to understand or speak (tonal language), etc. perge, perge..
But, well, it is also of course a matter of will and personal penchant.

Non-English Languages, culture, map chat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

It’s not true that English is a or the common language you learn in school – not now, not then. Not eg. in former Eastern Germany nor in Italy or France. It may be polite to select English as language if you have a big group of people from different countries, but it also may polite to chose French, German, Russian or Italian – depends on the given situation. Most people from France speak English in a way you have biiig problems to understand at all – or even recognize it as English, most – if not all – people from UK don’t know anything but English. Italians understand Spanish quite well, but it’s just because Spanish and Italian are closely related to each other. Those languages are romance unlike English, which is.. a mixture of germanic, romanic, slavic, celtic and Anglo-Saxon. Esp. people from UK are completely lost if the map chat is french or german and often start to get very.. uncouthly.
If those megaservers stay as they are now, Anet MUST implement some kind of language specific map channels or split those megaservers to the four default languages the game offers and give players a choice to switch to an international mega-instance.
After all, Anet won’t save the amount of server instances as they expected, but well, Europe is simply a more complex and fragile entity as the US-focused developers thought.. ^^

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, I just ignore that – for now. Today, hmmm, I could have filed more than 30 charges against other players for libel and defamation/offence.
I DO hope Anet bans all those players, but I doubt they even care.

EOTM Overgrowth Huge advantages

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

The biggest problem is that green – at least all the last weeks – has the servers with the biggest population and queues and therefor insane amount of players. It’s just a boring PvD all the time, a brainless karma train.
And, yes, the map itself gives green even some more advantages.

@anet: any solutions on queue?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I love all those picture of T1/T2/T3/T4..
Blame yourself for not transfering to a lower tier server. We had yesterday prime time EB queue around 40 and on the borders up to 10. No problem, waited a few minutes to get in. After prime time only a small queue on EB, atm (4pm) no queues on borderlands, 22 on EB

Black Lion Trading Post not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Quit GW2 and any other programs and delete everything in your Temp folder:
Start GW2 and try again.

Concerns about WvW future

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Just my 2c:
- wvw became boring. They put in new things like wxp, but what players need are new maps, new content, new challenges.
- Server transfers should be totally free and should not punish guilds/players (can’t transfer guild banks & upgrades etc.). Esp. smaller guilds tend to stick to their servers due to this and will rather leave the game than transfer and regain the upgrades.
- Coverage and night capping need to be fixed somehow or dismiss PPT.

And for PvE:
Chance is a nice mathematical concept but a very bad concept for a game like that. Players with >3k hours never seen a precursor or even a white or black color vs players with their 3rd legendary after some weeks. Best way to frustrate players, gg Anet. And stuff like that should never have been tradable at all anyway. Worst decision ever.


in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Every T5-8 server has the same problem. A lot of player exit GW2 because there’s no new content and WvW is stuck in blobbing and coverage. Others stack on T1-4 before they exit. Scarlet already won.

Server handicaps for Tourney

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, yes, GW2 became a pay-to-win game somehow. If you are on a T2 or T3 server in EU, even the PvE events like Tequatl are rarely done simply because you don’t have enough players to fight those more-difficult-events. The jungle worm? No way you will ever see him down on any low polpulated server. What happens is that most players on those T2/3-servers guest on the higher populated servers. This started with Tequatl and is now the more or less only and common way to get those achivements. With WvW it’s almost the same – excepts, you can’t guest. So if you like MMORPG-style fights, you move to a T1. If you don’t really care about the “massive”, than you can do some small scale fighting in T2 or T3. But with this S2 and the expected reward system, most casual WvW players will move to T1. And it’s only a matter of time till PvE players will start to follow. And ANet won’t pool the lower servers until they got almost all money/gems from the moving players.

Dear Anet, possible merge for old WvW Maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

I’d say that already >50% of our WvW players left since S1. Most of them went to T1, some “only” to servers about 10 ranks above. Haven’t seen any queues for days now. It’s sad, but, well, the remaining will try to fight on smaller scale. Though it’s not really funny if you play against massive nightcapping like Fort Ranik and you loose everything every night. Upgrade a tower? What for?

What Happened To WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, the first season (in EU, no idea about NA) wasn’t that unbalanced as it is now. The reason is very simple: A lot of bigger guilds transfered to lower ranked servers (esp. silver) because they couldn’t get on the maps without waiting several hours. So the queues applied big pressure on the overpopulated servers and gave new life to the low populated ones. Right after the season ended – most transfered players/guilds rushed back to the top ranked servers – that’s what we have now (again). And what happened? Anet gave those players a waiting map. Great. Epic fail.
Either Anet reworks the complete realm system or we will see many almost dead servers in the lower ranks. I doubt that the next season will apply the same pressure on overpopulated server, Anet gave them a warm and cozy anteroom called EotM.
But even now on the low ranked servers, all you see are not-that-giant-as-in-T1-Blobbs-but-still-Blobbs fighting doors. Tbh, I almost gave up GW2/WvW.

Stealth Spammers

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Thiefs won’t get fixed, because most Anet devs play this class. Some of the devs also have a warrior and some even have a mesmer. But sure they all hate rangers and eles. Get used to it. Just look at those faster-than-anything-else-heavy-armor-class-warriors which easily run away from every ranger – and then remember GW1.. No, better not, you might start to cry.
Don’t play ranger. Just don’t. Anet and their devs hate them.

Any repurcussions for necro exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Get used to the way AM plays. Nobody likes them anyway and if you don’t stop grumbling, you will nothing but encourage them to get the keeps in below 20s ;P
Tbh, after reading this thread this morning we (ca. 15 players with 3 necros) tried to reproduce this bug on some wooden keeps we just lost to the Drakkar zerg on EB and yes, it should be fixed asap. At least the organised players on Miller hopefully won’t use it, but one cannot speak for random players anyway.

PvD kills WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Zergs like that, sometimes called Karma Trains, normally don’t care much about their own BL, they just look for easy loot, wxp and karma. So no, there is no real couter strategy against those brainless blobs unless Anet is willing to do something about those big blobs and uneven matches. Till then, well, yes, quit the game or go for PvE…
Their way to open the gates, called “Holzhammer” (~ a way to achive something without the appropriate tools), shouldn’t work anyway, but unless Anet is willing to change this it simply works well esp. with 50+ clicking “1” while brain afk…
Anyway, if you are still willing to fight them, the best way is to give them something to play with. Get the wooden huts back asap, so they will continue to attack the weakest towers and leave the rest hopefully untouched. It’s like feeding them with what they want.

Nerf the domination of Coverage

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

What about filling the map with NPC running with the blue lamp(s) and scaling the guards level to equal the population? If an 80 man blob can finish (now) a champ in a few seconds and break immediately any door with douzens of omegas – that’s PvD at its best but not PvP or even WvW.

Nerf the domination of Coverage

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Well, yes, it’s all about night coverage in EU. It doesn’t matter much how many players are on during “normal” playing times like afternoon and evening. There will be enough to get the match close during that period. You can defend a T3 with 10 players against 30+, but not with 2 players against a night blob of 20+. So smaller servers without a decent night shift do lose each night every tower every day. PPT of <25 during the night are normal, PPT of 0 around 5am common.
WvW 24/7 is broken by design from the start if you take the game serious as a competetive game. It’s far from that, it’s nothing like a more or less nice amusement.
Go to and click on the servers names to see the income graphs. In almost every matchup you will see a big bulge during night for normally one server. And the higher you go up in the ranking, the more night caping will be seen.
But no, Anet won’t fix this. They will lose more and more WvW-players to other games and WvW will die slowly but for sure on most servers. Sad but true.

WvW deing in your server?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

NA is wierd.
In EU even in T7 are great matchups.
And servers in T7 have PvE population as well.

Well, kind of. During S1 we (~T4-6) got a bunch of strong guilds from T’1-T’3 due to the giant queues on their servers – just to leave right after again. But overall our base WvW-population is getting smaller and smaller each week. People are just getting bored.
The new map is kinda stupid IMHO, because it tries to fix a problem that shouldn’t be there anyway. Instead of creating new content aka maps for all, Anet rewards the servers with the highest population while the lower servers lose their players constantly for months now. And the more you play on the same old maps, the more you get angry about never fixed problems on these same old maps.

PS: and why the hell gets “T’1-T’3” without the ’ transformed to the word “kitten”? o_O

(edited by Bao Lin Nda.1042)

Millers vs Gunnar vs Aba

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

AM -> MS 53%
GH -> MS 63%
AM/GH 49%/51%
So, wait, AM and GH are working together? o_O
And the 10+ AM-trebs that just attacked MS garrison on EB are just my toxic illusion, yep.. ^^
Or… if they don’t work together… GH is to chicken-hearted to attack AM? Or trying to get a cheap 2nd place?

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Nah Bao, mate, WvW is open World PvP.

As I wrote, there is nothing bad about those PvP-skilled players running around. And I love those zergs of berserkers imploding immediatelly under attack. But it’s ridiculous to complain (v.s.) about others not waiting to get killed or running away from those players/groups. It’s every players own decision how to skill its character.

And yes, I’m really glad to see a place for GvG coming in the JP..

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Seems like a rather silly responce

Stoping to get killed is silly.
I wonder if those fancy we-kill-all-players in WvW will ever understand, that WvW is not PvP or GvG. As for me – all my characters I play in WvW have more or less support builds and will likely lose most 1vs1 or simular. This has nothing to do with “zergs” running around but with suitable groups fighting. If you want to improve your skill or show us all how imba you are – play PvP, that’s why it’s in the game.

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Millers,please learn to fight outside of a zergball.

Why should anyone? FSP seems to have a lot of small groups running around with 2-5 PvP-like-skilled players doing nothing but farming lone players or small groups. Despite I think those players should go to PvP there is not much bad about that in WvW – but you don’t think I will stop and wait to get easily killed, don’t you?! Most players in WvW have more or less support-builds.

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

The problem here is the unnatural point of view the game grants a player when standing near a wall or door – or when using an arrow cart. You can target things you won’t see at all in real life.

Underworld - Miller's Sound - Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Don’t expect much from Millersund these days. We have still the plague called grief play esp. on EB. About 10 players pull all towers empty, run around as a commander doing weird things and esp. try their best to confuse new players. Others take every golem they can steal on BL’s and jump them off cliffs or whatever to destroy them.
It’s so sad, because they all are reported very often and Anet is doing nothing – as usual. And no, they all know very well how to play WvW, they do want to hurt their own server and try to make everybody angry and sad.
Yesterday evening we gave up EB around midnight and it’s likely to happen again this evening. Good job TCR, Ali and ÜNZ!

GW2 really needs some kind of a Gamemaster, but well, this won’t happen I guess. So yes, a lot of people do think about switching to other games where such kind of annoying things won’t happen that often as in GW2.

Matchmaking Post-Season 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

What I learned since beginning of WvW: it’s all about nightcapping. And up till now ANet is unwilling to fix this by trashing the bad idea of region-based servers, so it doesn’t matter at all what system we have – it is broken a priori.
Internationalized servers would:
- reduce the problem of queues during local prime time, simply because we double the available servers and therefor have way better load-balance. Also reduces lags and such.
- fix nightcapping, because we have a woldwide possible cover up on all servers
We will see..

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Is it true that MS and AM don’t like each other as servers?

Well, both servers have a quite different way of playing WvW. MS has many active guilds running around in smaller groups, AM tends to have one big headless blob. So, yes, we have our differences which we could not reconsile yet…
But hey, isn’t that true for most other servers too?

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bao Lin Nda.1042

Bao Lin Nda.1042

Everybody complaining about blobbs on eb – it’s weekend time and eb. I guess all bigger guilds on MS don’t like big zergs and really prefer small grade fighting like 10vs10 or 20vs20 etc. But hey, it’s weekend, it’s eb and it’s reset. AM tends to run with 60+ on a map, so it would be suicide to not do as they force everybody to do. Yes, it’s kinda sad, but well, the matchup isn’t over yet. We won’t see large scale battles after the weekend I guess – except for eb, where normally all random players are landing in WvW.. ^^