Showing Posts For Baralendir.3941:

Ambient killer daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


…. should be removed.

Yes its just a pixels and 95% of guild wars population wont become animal abusers because of that but we have children playing here. Proposing that bashing rabbits or kitties to death is rewardable ( which is what anet is suggesting here ) is wrong and i bet in some form – illegal.

Yes yes this is a game but we have too much violence in games already, why add more?

GW2 is rated T for Teen. If a teenager cannot discern the difference between reality and a virtual world, someone should step up and seek some help for them.
The average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day. By the time a child reaches 18 they will have witnessed over 200,000 violent acts on television. I don’t think bashing a few virtual rabbits in GW2 is really adding anything worrisome to the list.

need opinions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


If you are really so oblivious to the naming guidelines that you didn’t see a name-change coming, I really don’t know what to say. I’ll never understand why people try to push the limits and skirt the boundaries and then when it blows up in their face they act surprised. :p

Hope Remains [HOPE] US-Crystal Desert / Mature Casual Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


Still thoroughly enjoying being a part of Hope Remains! If you’re looking for a friendly, mature guild where you can PvE, PvP, WvW, or dungeon run without being pressured into either, this is the place you wanna be!!!

Hope Remains on Crystal Desert is LFM!

in Guilds

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


Really nice guild. People are friendly and helpful, and there’s always somebody willing to run something!

Friends List Status Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


I have a friend from another MMO that is probably going to play. She was here for the last Beta Weekend event last summer and was added to my friends list then. I noticed today she logged on but her name remains grayed out and her location is “Unknown” while she is listed as online. My question is, will a person show up as online while patching or is it possible her email was compromised? Would ask her directly but contact is kinda hit and miss outside of gaming. Thanks!

Exploration Title and Color System

in WvW

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


This would be a welcome change. If we could have a revolving color per week or something!

^^ This. Totally agree.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


I wouldn’t think that should be an issue. I don’t believe the crafting centers have a level restriction on them. Bug maybe?

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


My level 80 Necromancer, Kalai Ruvais.


Hope Remains [HOPE] US-Crystal Desert / Mature Casual Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


Thanks for the invite!!! Really great group of people who are just awesome and great to run with!!!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


Dueling would be fun. Only request I would have is that they are done in a specific area/arena like a previous poster mentioned as opposed to just wherever you get the urge to fight. It’s rather annoying to be in a vendor/bank/crafting area or out at a questing location/hub and have people running around fighting each other.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Baralendir.3941


Name: Azmon Muraas
Race: Sylvari
Server: Crystal Desert
