Showing Posts For Battlecarrier.3914:

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Low-level Greatsword and Scale armor. Slices through the manskirt. The hilt of the sword goes back and forth from clipping the hair to clipping the ear.


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Gladiator’s (Crafted level 35 Rare)
Weapon: Bandit Sunderer (Crafted 35 Rare)

TERRIBLE clipping, this kind of thing is so annoying that it’s almost unplayable.
Also, the hair clipping has become so much of an issue to me that I’m restarting my level 35 JUST to change the hair. Please figure out a way to fix hair clipping, it’s not right that in order to have long hair we have to deal with such an annoying graphical anomaly.


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


EVERY weapon worn on the back clips through the femal norn hair that has the cool little flowers in it! This is especially noticeable when running!


NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


The elemental “Eyes” glitch after being transmuted and will not show up in game

Trading Post: "Only show usable" Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


well the checkbox would automatically filter the max level to yours, if you wanted to manually change the min level you could do so.

Trading Post: "Only show usable" Filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Right now we have this “Only show available” tickbox that to me seems useless, but who knows, maybe someone uses it… Anyway, something I’d like to see right underneath that is “Only show usable”, to filter search results to weapons and armor your profession can use, and any items usable by someone of your level.

Are respawn timers working as intended?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


I’ve noticed that in a lot of areas, mobs I literally just killed will respawn while I’m fighting other nearby mobs. It makes progression through some areas very near impossible to do alone, and it seems like most areas aren’t as crowded as they used to be so idk about everyone else but I’m usually alone.

Issue with targeting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Okay so I’ve noticed several issues with targeting and I’m going to point out the biggest one that’s been driving me crazy. There appears to be a “lag” with the targeting.
For instance, if I pick a target and start casting within a couple seconds, my elementalist will fire a fireball into the ground as if I did not have a target selected (or start attacking a different target if I have autotargeting on!). The same “lag” applies to switching targets (and untargeting) I will change my target just to continue firing at the other one.

I don’t know about that part, but…

Also, sometimes my character will just STOP autoattacking while strafing. I don’t know if that’s actually got anything to do with it.

This could have something to do with range. I’ve noticed that my guardian stops attacking if I move out of range and starts again if I move back into range.

Nah I was definitely in range, using a staff against a Son of Svanir that was throwing axes, IIRC the staff has a good 300 range on the axes so I had plenty of room for error in that regard. I also definitely had to push the autoattack button to get it to start again.

Issue with targeting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Okay so I’ve noticed several issues with targeting and I’m going to point out the biggest one that’s been driving me crazy. There appears to be a “lag” with the targeting.
For instance, if I pick a target and start casting within a couple seconds, my elementalist will fire a fireball into the ground as if I did not have a target selected (or start attacking a different target if I have autotargeting on!). The same “lag” applies to switching targets (and untargeting) I will change my target just to continue firing at the other one.

Also, sometimes my character will just STOP autoattacking while strafing. I don’t know if that’s actually got anything to do with it.

(edited by Battlecarrier.3914)

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


It shows up on the character select screen but not in-game. Just like before. How depressing…

You are showing your headgear in game, right? There’s a small checkbox near the helm that should be checked.

Because you aren’t the millionth person to say that or anything. Everyone knows about the check box… It’s a legitimate bug with the Elementalist helms. Next thing you’re going to say is to submit a bug report and yes, I already did that too. Anyway, this is all getting very off topic.

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


It shows up on the character select screen but not in-game. Just like before. How depressing…

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


That may bring up another issue though. When I tried transmuting my original one it glitched and wouldn’t even show up. It would just show me as helmless… That’s why I destroyed it to begin with. With any luck that won’t happen again.

EDIT: …it did. Sigh.

(edited by Battlecarrier.3914)

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Genius! That would bypass the soulbind! I hope that wouldn’t be considered an exploit though… :l

Non Ascended Servers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Hi again Kaimick, strangely not -all- mmo’s have that elitism (Mabinogi comes to mind) but for the most part yeah you’re right. As long as there is never a mandatory need for people to have those items to enjoy new content (other than speed runner elitists and to show off) then I suppose I shouldn’t have a problem with them.

Actually that gives me an idea that I should put in a new post.

If speed run dungeon groups start taking over the game like they eventually did in the first GW, I’m quitting. Being forced into specific class combinations with specific builds using specific skills in a specific order takes away from the whole point of having character customization. A little bit of a tangent but…

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


I might be off base here but I’ve come to find that certain starting armor, personal story rewards, and possibly more items can only be obtained once. For instance, the Elementalist’s elemental gems that they start with. They look awesome, had I known at an early level I could not get another one, I would have kept it. Now 40 levels later, I realize I made a mistake, and my only options are to bite the bullet or restart a character I’ve already sunk so much time into.

The unfortunate part of the transmutation system is that if an item can only be obtained once is sold to a vendor, that skin is no longer available to the player to use for customization if they wish to use it later. My suggestion would be to at the very least include something in the tooltip of the item (like “Unique”) to warn people that the item is one of a kind, or a dialogue box when attempting to sell or destroy it. This way if they like the skin on that item, they can store it in their bank for future transmutation.

Another idea that would be nice and save on already limited storage space, though require a lot of new coding, is to give players an alternate way of re-acquiring that item skin. For instance, create a database for each character of the item skins they have had in their possession. That character would then be able to choose from a list of valid item skins during transmutation, or be able to re-purchase them through a vendor, much like the Hall of Monuments rewards.

Whirling Axe bugged as an Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Whirling Axe, the number 5 offhand axe skill as a warrior, is supposed to hit 15 times, but I’m noticing that only about 50-75% of those ACTUALLY hit as an Asura. I didn’t have this problem as a Norn Warrior, but it almost makes the skill not worth using, as you would do more damage with autoattacks.

EDIT: The same issue happens with the mainhand sword Adrenal Skill, only half the hits connect.

(edited by Battlecarrier.3914)