Showing Posts For Beannie.5982:
Yeah i was in Maguuma BL windmill watching and trying out some dueling in my practically full celestial ele with 0 10 0 30 30, felt pretty useless…
Those engineers and thieves own me within 10 secs?
I’m interested in upping my game playing level and go solo roaming with ele, i tried d/d in celestial 0 10 0 30 30, with runes on max boon duration. Somehow couldn’t even make a dent against a warrior and thief combo from iLL (great skills) killing people rejoining the zerg.
Any suggestions fellow eles?
Wow this looks good! I recently started out with ele, and i can say my ele is a fail, may i know what’s your build?
Seen some VR roamers in action, thumbs up!
Anyhow… important things 1st.
Any karma train tonight? (4 hrs later), i need to farm me some achievements.
How the virtual table is looking as we approach week 3
Actually, after seeing how SOR fared this week against BG, it can quite conclusively put the matches of BGvsSORvsrandom kitten points for BG and 3 for SOR. Thereby bringing confirmed points as follows:
BG: 25
JQ: 16
SOR: 17
Undecided points as potentially:
BG: 3-5
JQ: 6-10
SOR: 3-5 (likely 3)
The undecided matches being those of BGvsJQvsrandom and SORvsJQvsrandom.
In week 5, IF BG gets 1st against JQ, the result of week 7 will be a non issue, and BG will walk away with Number One.
Yes i understand what they did with the pots. But saying that you want to keep tighter trains means your MA should only have to use. not your entire group., only reason you are using them now is for the distinct visual advantage that it creates for some people not being able to see what class you are. I agree with why you have to use them,
Also that was the first gvg you had with choo. we have had a prior GvG so assuming rules would have stayed the same. (on a side note why did you request no banners from warrior? its a class ability, not that we would need one i was just curious as to why lol)
The war banners was an obvious troll.
Our casters don’t use Ghost tonic. It’s impossible, it comes off during combat. Everyone knows this.
Also asurians are also the hardest class too telegraph skills with as of their size. Which is why most spvpers are using an asurian model, because you can’t see what skills they’re casting clearly.I guess there is only 1 way to tell the differance from a class….asurian or norn, it isnt that hard. Even with the pots its not hard for me, but for others it could create confusion.
No matter the case, if you feel your group needs to use pots to create some sort of cosmic connection between melee train and MA, more power too you guys and good luck. It was unfortunate that we were not able to meet in the middle to make this happen. Hopefully, calmer heads will prevale next time and we can meet and maybe we can get this settled on the gvg field.
After watching the video, yes, the visual advantage is apparent.
Wearing a tonic skin is like wearing the same coloured jersey on a soccer field – easy identification. While the others are wearing a mish mash of colours, prone to confusing themselves even.
In GvG terms, it translates into the ease of consolidating your team members, and differentiating who are your enemies. Perhaps as people earlier stated, masking the class of the person?
The AC mage tonic looks visually striking so it is vastly easier to spot your team mates to squeeze a tight train.
For fairness, either have everyone use tonics, or strike it off completely.
Has TW and BT ever gvg against each other?
I sense a gvg in the in the near coming future. :P
BT won’t fight with equal numbers, there is a reason that they always deny GvG’s
Has to be a Full BL or they won’t leave PK.
TW is a hardcore guild and the vast majority of the other guilds in this game are relatively casual. Seems pretty silly picking on BT (or any other guild for that matter) because they don’t care about the game as much as TW does. Try fighting guilds that do actually care… oh wait, we all know what happens then. 11-0.
Yes. We lost 11-0? It was a good learning experience for us as well. We have no shame in admitting we lost to a skilled guild such as RG. Try again troll, until then go back to your hole.
That’s all well and good, but my post was aimed at Hoots’ jabs about casual guilds not wanting to GvG.
This is off topic, but I remember you now. You were in SoS. Used to be part be part of TSym. Always wondered why you were so neutral to TSym but SOOOOO hostile towards all the other SoR guilds.
What..? I’ve never been on SoS and I’ve never been in TSym (nor would I want to be).
The insult behind your jab was quite obvious, if you wish to troll at least make the effort to insult in a more intelligent way then using guilds you are not in to make your point. I mean can you not back your talk up yourself?
The problem is he cannot.
Its kids like oxide that like to bring in statistics like 11-0 to support their argument. So far the GvG fights i’ve heard and seen are honorable and quite a sight to behold.
Was it 2-3 weeks back that some BG guild commander sent in a zerg to disrupt a GvG fight at south camp, then gloated about it over the forums? Can’t remember if it was BT.
I for one, am too casual a gamer to be getting too caught up with the gvg hype although its quite an awesome spectacle to behold. Dissing TW is like Dissing all the guilds they have mowed over in GvG. Even if anyone with no sportsmanship was to trash talk about TW, the members of RG would be more fitting, rather than the likes of you.
Put your money where your mouth is.
On a side note: I think saw a BT recruitment post on the forums a week or so back, it was pretty inspiring, if i was searching for a guild i might have even chosen BT. But reading about them disrupting friendly GvGs (think it was BT? unsure) would definitely bring a bad taste.
(edited by Beannie.5982)
Quite a joke that BG which keeps stacking more guilds on 2 time zones (Oceanic & SEA), will keep whining when SOR is stacking more on their EU time zone. Doesn’t this just put us on par with your 2 timezone advantage? Or are you the only server entitled to it?
I guess its all good for them until they’re losing.
All these complains about PvDoor works both ways. BG PvDoors during their strong period, SOR PvDoors during theirs, and its just lately that JQ can’t PvDoor as well during their SEA timezone due to BG’s stack fiesta? All these useless complains.
Just play the game.
I might also add that due to RG’s presence, some of the SOR guilds were held up with GVGing and spectating instead of trying to gain more PPT.
Additionally, a strengthened EU/NA time slot for JQ at the start of the week prevented SOR from gaining more PPT by capping JQ assets that were ‘easier’ previously. This was one of the factors that allowed us to always chase up with BG during the weekdays.
The re-insertion of AGG rejuvenated JQ somewhat too, providing more resistance for SOR’s NA team?
Overall, i might humbly conclude that if RG was to stay, our tier 1 fights would definitely be more balanced, and BG will still come out tops due to their overall coverage being better.
- my 2 cents.
Your double teaming has reached level: pathetic.
LOL Are you serious, for two weeks JQ ( including IRON ) and SoR were double teaming 4 days straight to make up a 14k lead that BG had. SoR making multiple post claiming they would love to have a double team against them so they can get some good fights since no one is giving them to them.
Although Unlike the BS that SoR and JQ pulled Bg has been killing JQ off when we see them. Unlike when SoR and Jq were shacking hands and spawn camping which we are not doing.
Funny how Iron delt with that same tactic on Desolation against the french servers and complained about it then, then turn around and do it on the NA servers because it benifits them. Then turns around and complains when it is happening again to you LOL
Besides this BS comment about Double team good fights all week Glad to see JQ learned how to fight again and SoR isn’t pulling the Cordinated Double team. Glad to have a true 3 way fight.
Lets not forget that JQ and SoR double teamed BG at hills earlier this week but that is ok right IRON since you weren’t on the reciving end?
Also I am sick of people making excuses, BG wins we are no lifers and recuirt machines
BG loses we are scared
SoR wins it is deemed by the floating city of santum and theya re all the prefect society to the world of Guild wars 2
They lose oh we are in it for the fights and we are taking a break that no other srver is doing. Cause no other server minus SoR got the sky pirate event.
Lets all face it BG won it fair and square when SoR won they won fair and square even if it was IRON that gave them the moral boost. When JQ won they won because they had the best people on the field it is the same for all servers.
We’ve never double teamed. if it seems like it, it’s because 2 servers have been attacking the weakest target, but not agreeing to teaming up or avoiding to fight each other. now, however, bg and jq zergs stand on each side of a tower/keep. one server keeping reinforcements off and the other one attacking said tower/keep. Then when the two zone blobs run in to eachother, they don’t attack eachother but actually stop and back paddle away from eachother. It’s pretty kitten obvious. We can see it, you know we can see it and you still deny it. it’s rich. but then you need to do it obviously since we destroy you so easily in fair fights. Thought fair fights seem hard to get anymore since the only time you ever come out to fight us is when you have at LEAST twice our numbers. We usually wipe you anyways.
Just a few minutes ago we wiped in hero’s on bg bl. we were 8 people and you had at least 40. we said “f it” and charged anyways. we almost wiped you, but the constant rallying did us in. it’s actually quite funny how little it takes before most of you are turned into dorritosThanks to RG though, they’re always hard and fun to fight and rarely back down from fighting no matter the odds. Now when they’re moving, we’ll prolly mostly be fighting arrows raining down from behind walls.
speak for yourself IRON…. much of SOR NA in EB stay true to the 2v1 guide
From the point of view of JQEB…. we saw WM cmd with their pub wipe you guys plenty… and you guys had a full que one zerg in EB at the time (according to SoR friend, so we’re pretty shocked).. its at most full que vs full que? so please try check your own number before complaining about BG’s number… to us JQ your zerg looks way bigger due to the long server name
I read this guide before, and i dare say, it held pretty true, especially during the start of the week.
From what i observed from my SOR POV, our EBG was fully queued on reset. Instead of concentrating on fortifying our garrison and towers, i assume (judging from what i could see on mos as i couldn’t queue in, correct me if i’m wrong) that SOR went to cap SMC. Which exposed our weakness to both servers. I find it kind of obvious that if our own foundation of defence is not built strongly, trying to take over something like SMC makes your assets food for the other servers, thereby leading to the definite double team (we brought it upon ourselves for showing weakness).
I believe by then, it was about 1pm at gmt +8, which is basicly one of BG’s strongest coverage period and they fully capitalised on this excellent opportunity to PPT an immense lead, fortify whatever they could, and defend them as long as possible.
Double teaming is natural in WVWVW and is an essential tactic to capitalise on your opponents’ weakness to gain more PPT. Please do not complain about it, we can only reflect on how it occurred.
Read Coron’s guide for more insight please.
Keep up the good fights all, excellent effort on all fronts.
I have been on SOR since day 1. Personally I think the teir 2 server to go to is TC and if you are still interested in T1 go to JQ, they need the man power. No reason to make anymore stacked servers they all end up breaking down.
But.. but.. Boss… SEA week nights are hell for us, even TC surpasses us on that time zone.
You guys have all the fun during NA nights. T_T
Hi Glittergirl, thank you for showing interest in SOR.
I am a casual SEA wvwer from SOR, and i am heartened to see that your guilds’ main focus is in the SEA, Oceanic, and Euro timezone.
Our server uses Teamspeak as our community VOIP.
SOR has always been chronically weak in the SEA and Oceanic timezone, and people like me would definitely appreciate more aid at not get steamrolled during our weekday nights.
Hi Alchemist, i reckon you could take a look at joining JQ, BG has already fattened themselves up with an immense recruitment binge.
I’m from SOR and imho, JQ has a strong SEA presence, but lacks a strong NA to carry them through their weaker playing hours.
Just my 2 cents.
Beastgate feeds off the hate…and uncrustables. Oh, and sorry about the pug group last night Choo and TDub…we didn’t know we were so good in GvGs. 6-1 where’s Red Guard at?!?!
Welcome back! I haven’t seen you around ever since last time BG start winning. I also hope that Red Guard joins SoR to balance BG’s new recruitment.
RG already moved to JQ, and BG didn’t get any new recruits lol… SoR is fighting the same force that they’ve been fighting for months.
Someone is a bit delusional. BG has gotten multiple guilds in the past month or two. To claim otherwise is insulting towards the guilds that transferred to your server. If you want I could list them.
And yet he was responding to someone who thinks we just got new guilds since we last faced SOR, which we did not.
And yet you are the deluded one who can’t fathom that he was responding to someone who claimed we are all facing a same force BG we’ve been fighting for months (that apparently did not benefit from blatant recruiting).
Its an insult to our intelligence and worst still.. your own.
Hi, i’m from SOR and after witnessing the tier 1 fights going about for a while, imho i would suggest that JQ could be a good server to shift to for a NA guild like RE.
I observe JQ to have a strong SEA presence, and currently lack some NA firepower to propel them back to greater heights, RE might serve to be a good jigsaw piece for them.
Unless, somehow you became a SEA guild, or else i would definitely welcome you to SOR to improve my SEA night playing time experience.
I have a new recruitment theme for SoR:
SoR: We have so many people vs our enemies we practically PvDoor at 8:30pm.
So what happens first? SoR chokes on it’s weight or the game finishes dying? Find out in one month!
LMAO that’s the exact scenario that happened when JQ was dominating tier 1 months back. I’m a casual wvwer on SEA timing, and when its 8.30pm gmt+8, the JQ zerg PvDoors just as well, except now, BG does it better than you guys at your used to be prime time.
I didn’t bother checking your post history to see how your posts were like when you guys were dominating, but yeah…
I can definitely emphathise with your frustration, because being bulldozed over has never stopped for my time of playing.
I have much respect to wvwers and the commanders who persist during their servers’ weaker timings.
Kudos to Moorta for making TS so interesting even when we’re being wiped~
the only guild that wont run from a fight these days is wahas crew which is annoying cause im usually not on to get his lootbags
ohh this one makes me lol, you don’t “Farm” Waha’s crew they farm you.
Your 20-40 you say you have would be wiped by their 60—100 crew and pugsOhh MERC , never run either and we give Waha’s crew a battle everytime that is respected from both sides perspective as the hardest match ups in t1 .
Try and get your guild to stay up late and have a crack at what is possible the best wvw guild on at any time and see what Merc deals with every nite , it would surprise you to see them in action
Strictly speaking, biggest =/= best.
Yeah it always tickles me when such ignoramuses equate zerg size with ‘BESTness’.
Pure Bull.
I’m on South East Asian timing and i joined SOR ever since they were in T2.
IMHO, the shift up to T1 was such a horrendous experience being pummeled the daylights out of us during my weekday wvw nights, so much so that i’m guilty of being a fair weather wvwer.
Logging in during those weeks have always been a period of being steamrolled by the immense JQ zerg. Additionally, it got worst with BG coming in, and all those news about them buying guilds was simply disheartening. Imagine seeing the uber JQ train becoming even fatter when FOO transferred in. Utterly disgusting.
SOR was constantly in 3rd, and i was wondering when we would actually drop to T2. But our leaders proved me wrong. Kudos to all our commanders and wvwers!
A warm welcome to IRON from the casual wvwers like me.
Now… its so good to be squishing these buggers back.