Showing Posts For Behmen.4360:
I have a somewhat similar build.
I use something somewhat similar but I went 25/0/30/15/0 for dungeons/PVE content
(Copy and paste link. It works.)
It’s rough taking KR when Multi-kitting and Speedy Kits is great for world completion and WvW, but other than that I do not see a reason to put points in Tools with this kind of set-up. Instead I chose to provide a ton of Vulnerability and reduce the recharge on my bombs. When I get rooted and pummeled it’s quite nice to automatically drop bombs and then chug an Elixir S for a quick getaway. I almost never go down and my power is a bit over 3k which isn’t toooo shabby. Pistol/Shield would provide more personal mitigation, but I don’t find that overly necessary as I can usually take the hit and heal through if need be.
(edited by Behmen.4360)
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
Is that really the case?
Is Grenade Kit truly the only way an Eng can be effective in a PvE party?
Are we really that limited in our PvE options?(Not criticising your post, Kamahl. Just want to hear if other Engs agree with or expand on your appraisal.)
I would disagree with Kamahl. I currently use a bomb heal/support set-up and it works great for me. There are ‘viable’ builds out there—-
Viable: Capable of working successfully.
— but the problem we tend to have is that while our builds work, they aren’t AS effective as similar builds for other classes. We are mediocre, but we work. Also, that’s not to say that we can’t excel (some Engs are capable of doing awesome things) but we have to work harder than any other class.
(edited by Behmen.4360)
I like the name Karan Sobanii, it’s very nice. My only issue is that Asuran don’t have last names. I’d say 7/10. Simply Karran or Sobanii would work a little better. Karran is a male name and Sobanii being female (females tend to have vocalized vowels at the end of their name).
I have a male Asura Engineer named Tehke
and a female Asura Warrior named Myjja
(edited by Behmen.4360)
They should hire me as a dev. I play an Engineer. Agreeable? Yes!
It seems that link has been very naughty. (Bad link)
EDIT: Oh, okay. Thank you.
Don’t worry, a long time ago a friend was sending me a link to a thread he was needing help Moderating (we both Moderated for GameBattles) and he instead linked me to…. “a popular adult site”. It was hilarious.
(edited by Behmen.4360)
I am in the same boat as you. I lurked and observed the forums for awhile, but never really posted. My Engi is also an Asura named Tehke. Pleased to meet you.
lol no… not at all. :P
I went to the build… but you don’t have a flamethrower in your utility slots?
lol No it’s not useful at all, but it’s about as useful as I’ve managed using turrets… which is quite sad, honestly.
I was bored and there has been a ton of discussion lately about turrets so I thought I’d mess around with them. I thought I would try and use them in a slightly unconventional way, using their detonation in conjunction with Static Discharge for some burst damage. This doesn’t really work against moving targets unless you can lure them towards your “trap”, but it was fun to mess around with.
- Turret placement cooldown reduced to 5 seconds when picked up.
This is too short and would result in (forgive me for borrowing slang from WoW) turret twisting. People would pick up and drop turrets to force attacks. Net Turret attack every 5 seconds? Yes please.
The cooldown between firing wouldn’t change, only your ability to re-place them.
Turrets should work more like a placeable kit.
You place the Turret and can pick up and move the Turret on a very short CD.
The Turrets firing rate and Overcharged skill would all remain on a separate CD.
Turrets would repair while you have them picked up.
If a Turret is destroyed, than it goes on CD before you can place it again.This would allow us to move our Turrets.
More strategically place and pickup Turrets to try and keep them alive.
And has much easier options to synergize with new traits in the same flavor that our kits do, Turret Refinement maybe? Speedy Turrets? any other “On placing Turret” type of effects.Good Idea.
Thank you. I just refuse to accept the notion toted by others that turrets are for bunkering only. As they are right now, the CD makes using them in PVE extremely difficult as a good moving group means that you will not be able to use your turrets for many fights.
- Turret placement cooldown reduced to 5 seconds when picked up.
This is too short and would result in (forgive me for borrowing slang from WoW) turret twisting. People would pick up and drop turrets to force attacks. Net Turret attack every 5 seconds? Yes please.
The cooldown between firing wouldn’t change, only your ability to re-place them.
I, as a Kitmaster Engineer, would freaking love this. The fact that Legendary effects don’t work with our kits is the primary reason I have yet to really try for a Legendary. There is no point in getting one when I hang out in weapon kits 90% of the time.
As an engi that uses turrets for everything (PvP, PvE, WvW) the only thing I want is for their health pool+toughness increased. They don’t need more damage, and we DON’T need a turret kit, the sound of one embarrasses me.
I want taking out an enji’s turrets to be a conscious decision in PvP, as they are now people just ignore them and they still die to AOE. Boss AOE in PvE is enough to bring turrets down as fast as you can put them up.
Other than keeping them alive longer they only other thing I believe needs improvement is their responsiveness, as in their over-charged abilities. Say you are using healing turret and you need condition cleansing ASAP, a good 3 seconds pass by most of the time before you get the much needed help.
Don’t you feel that your mobility is hindered by your turrets and their incredibly long cooldowns?
I would like to see a few things:
- Turrets benefit from the Engineer’s stats. (Power/toughness/vitality/etc)
- Turret placement cooldown reduced to 5 seconds when picked up.
- Turret cooldown remain high when detonated/destroyed.
- Turrets should not be affected by AoE
- Adrenal Implant replaced with “Empowered Turrets” which gives a turret specific boon when healed (varied internal cooldown for each)
For instance, using Smack or Throw Wrench on Rifle Turret would give Might for 10 seconds to nearby allies – 10 second cooldown.
I also played a Shaman in WoW and GW2 also tore me from WoW… so I am right there with Steven Chow.
Turrets shouldn’t be only for bunkering (as some claim they are), but open to build diversity. We have six skills using turrets and each brings something different to the table. If we are to be mid-range skirmishers with a knack for controlling distance, turrets should help us with that, not lock us into a set perimeter once placed.
But that’s just my opinion.
http://youtu.be/9Zy3Sci_JPo my hastily made video detailing my suggestions for improving turrets. I’m only just starting out on Youtube, so be gentle. :P
(edited by Behmen.4360)
I am glad to see my turrets buffed (i love using them in PvP) and this overall felt like it was going in the right direction.
Then I listened to the Mesmer talks…
It was like someone brought in their big steak dinner, all of their faces lit up as they sat up straighter ready to dig in. As they talked it was like everything before was boring kiddie stuff that none of them really cared about. I would feel bad for the guardians but they are already a pretty solid profession (I know they lack in places but in comparison to the engineers)
You know why all of that is? A single line told me why.
“…You both play Mesmers…” said the developer to the two bottom interviewers.
From then on all I heard was how they were planning on adding a new awesome ability to this fun class and how it was going to work with it’s current skills and how it sounds overpowered but “oh well, we’ll just wait and see”. They all were excited and awake and really into their discussion.
But when I looked back at the engineer it felt like they just didn’t care. There was only one question asked, and although it seemed fairly critical, it was asked with so little knowledge of the class that even after the developer brushed it off no one knew that they had been brushed off.
TLDR: sigh I starting to feel like the engineer is that red-haired unwanted stepchild (no offense meant to any red-haired stepchildren, I’m just using an analogy my grandpa uses). But not just us, the ranger has it really bad too from what I have heard, heck even the guardian (who lucky has been pretty solid since I started playing) feels like a profession that they just aren’t inspired to work on.
It would have been great to have an interviewer whose main is an Engineer.