Showing Posts For Ben.9123:

So the Ascended weapons arrive

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Ben.9123


It mentioned in one of the posts that ascended weapons would be getting infusion slots. Doesn’t that generally mean that you’ll lose the upgrade slot? Because if it does then Ascended Weapons won’t necessarily be better than Exotic.

Would you prefer having a bit more weapon damage and slightly higher stats, or being able to use a sigil?

Ranger Pet F1 AoE - nearly unusable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ben.9123


My friend has been having this issue for a while where her ranger’s F1 skill to get the pet to attack would come up with a ground targetted AoE like shown here.

It’s been happening for quite some time now, probably since December and it’s like this even on different computers (I’ve tried logging in to see if it’s ok on my installation of gw2 and the issue is still there).

Manually using the mouse to click on the attack button doesn’t cause this, but using the keyboard does. I’ve tried rebinding the key, unbinding it and then rebinding it and it doesn’t make a difference what key I bind it to it still happens.

The circle goes away when the smart aoe cast option is ticked, but it’s hard to play with it on all the time and very frustrating with the aoe circle constantly appearing with it off.


Having trouble against thieves? Click here!

in Thief

Posted by: Ben.9123


Any tips for fighting p/d thieves in general? Last time I fought one he was stealthed most of the time. I’ll admit I got hit by a fair few C&D’s but dodged a good amount of them. Problem is in WvW there are so many critters he just C&D’s them instead.

So, no more blasts on evasive arcana [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ben.9123


To the people talking about how it was imbalanced with a bunker build, you have to wonder; why not just split the trait for PvE and PvP like they did for plenty of other skills in this very same patch?

I agree that the extra blast finisher on dodge roll regardless of whether the attunement skill was on cooldown or not was bugged but why not just get rid of the extra bugged blast finisher instead of removing it all.

As it stands I don’t think it’s a “Grandmaster” trait; the only really useful aspect remaining is cleansing wave.

I found having blast finishers fun and made me more conscious of what fields players were laying down and where I could roll for what effects or which direction to roll in while dodging monster attacks so I could end the roll in a field. Going to miss it.

Patch notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ben.9123


Aww kitten Really sad to hear about the evasive arcana nerf, I felt as if it kind of rewarded creative play and situational awareness (hey look a water field with allies nearby on low health; let me just roll into that while changing to water attunement).

If the other thread about the ninja nerf to combo field aura’s is true then… kitten I might stop using D/D in favour of S/D. I miss my might stacking already

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ben.9123


Human Elementalist 25% boost (the stupid tower kept making me slide off the broken clock face 6 times though before I finally got it on the 7th try)
Charr Engineer no boost
Sylvari Ranger no boost
Human Thief no boost

Elemental bugs/glitches thread.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ben.9123


Another Burning Speed bug – even without being crippled/chilled/otherwise slowed the distance of the fire trail will sometimes be shorter than it should be by a noticeable amount (ie, burning speed —> ring of fire and the burning speed fire trail ends at the outside of the ring of fire).

Also somewhat related, after casting burning speed and holding the back button and hitting dodge the game will occasionally dodge forwards instead of backwards despite my character still being shown as facing the same way.

Monsters becoming "Invulnerable" halfway through a fight

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ben.9123


I’ve noticed recently that monsters seem to become invulnerable halfway through a fight, it happens most often underwater, I’m not pulling/kiting them far from where they spawned and I do have a line of sight (not obstructed, it actually says “Invulnerable” when I try to hit it). Seems to happen when I use the sink/float skills – not sure why this is happening but it is very, very frustrating as it’ll just sit there invulnerable regenerating health after I’ve just spent a few minutes getting it down to under half health.