Showing Posts For Ben Delat.8415:

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Skype is terrible for me too – been receiving messages up to 30 minutes after they were sent, and this just plain old IM one on one – it’s laughable

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

@Kiwi – Sent Landline

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I have the same issue – I was on the phone just this moment for 2 and half hours.

I’m wanting to cancel my service as I have other issues with my connection.

I went back and forth between the cancellation department and Tech Support, no one actually knew what that were talking about.

I was however cited the terms and conditions about tracking management.

I countered with, no where in the terms and conditions does it imply that traffic management will slow down games and or make them unplayable, infact it stats the opposite.

They hung up on me -

So good luck to all of you <3

EDIT – How on earth do I contact them by email – I can’t log into the site at the moment, as apparently it’s having issues – ofc it is >_> – and all links point me to a call centre, and well, they’re morons.

(edited by Ben Delat.8415)

Connection error 7:11:3:191:101 [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

So um yeah, what’s going on – I’m coming back from a small hiatus during the summer, and now I can’t log in – if by chance that I do manage to get in, I’m greeted by the 7:11:3:191:101 error message within a few minutes and booted out

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Bought the original at release, I’ve come and gone and come again like many others.

Whether or not the following would salvage their rep or not I do not know, but perhaps it could help.

I won’t be pre-purchasing the expansion currently packaged as they.
I might be swayed by a package that is simple the Expansion, for a reduced price ofc, with a free char slot, consdiering a brand new class.

They’ve potentially lost a ton of revene due to this mistake, even if you’re offering a product for a reduced price, it’s a product that more will endorse

Seems quite simple

Weapons for PvE Leveling?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Thanks for all the responses, much appreciated -

It’s a bit strange coming from Mesmer and having almost all weapons bring something to the table in pve ^^

What do I need to look out for with regards to pet, anything I should know about managing them?

Weapons for PvE Leveling?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Hi, new to Ranger, just wondering what’s the recommended weapon sets for pve leveling? Or does it even matter?

Ideally, I’d like it to go as fast as possible.


PvE Guardian Build Help

in Guardian

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Hi, So, haven’t played my guard in about a year and half, just got back into the game and learning everything that has changed since then.

I mostly do PvE content on my Guardian, and am looking for advice as to what builds and weapon sets I should be using.

I’m doing a lot of Wastes Farming at the moment, but would also like advice for dungeon builds etc.


Reconnaisance Mission Bugged - Help T_T

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415


Currently doing the Reconnaisance story mission, my quest objective to is patrol areas of the map – I have one point left to patrol, by the NPCs, Braxt, Amber and Shalo, and no Risen have spawned, it appears I am stuck.

Any help would be appreciated.


Rescuing my Old Cleric Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Thanks for all the responses -

I have another toon that can be a Zerker beat face stick, so I’m happy that my Cleric Guard still has a place and can be utilized – I’ll work towards zerker gear for my own benefit, but I like playing the Anchor role as someone put it – My team currently, isn’t the most experienced, so Cleric is good for us.

..And Really – I don’t want every toon I have to just dps, a bit of variety is nice, and if my Cleric is still a valued addition to some in certain content, then I’m happy.

Thanks for all the advice and builds.


Rescuing my Old Cleric Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

This is a weird point of contention right..It’s why I left, it’s why many left, it’s what is making it hard for me to come back..

Is it really DPS or nothing? Is that what your post is implying? Can I not be of benefit in some capacity, as the Healway builds were back when I did play, unless I’m dealing max DPS??

I guess farming for gear is an option while I wait for Revenant anyway, but still, it’s disheartning, to have what I would no assume to be, absolutely no variety in playsytle amoung any class – Just DPS, DPS, DPS..

Anyway – Being out for the game for so long, where are the current farming spots, what’s the best way to make money/farm for ectos etc??


Rescuing my Old Cleric Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Hi -

So the last time I played with my Guardian and guild wars for that matter, was about a year and half ago – The landscape has somewhat changed since.

I played GW at release, but didn’t stay for too long – just long enough to get a couple of chars to 80 and equips them in exotics.

Cleric Guardian was a thing back in the day, but as I didn’t play for long, I don’t have the money to re gear my guard to a meta accepted build.

Is there a way to salvage my Cleric guardian without re-gearing, and still be relevant in pve content – wvw content etc.


The duel-sword Thief (Swashbuckler)

in Thief

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Shurikan and Chain/whip Thief??

Favorite weapon set to roam with?

in Thief

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Did you leave off P/D on purpose??

I’m new to thief and am coming back to GW after a long while out – but I’m really enjoiyng that set up…

Weapon Choice for Leveling?

in Thief

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Hi, so I’ve been out of the game for awhile, wanted to return in time for the new expansion and thought I’d take a class to 80 to get the hang of things again..

Never played thief..

So what is the recommened weapon set for leveling and why??


New Player...Are Engi's Fun??

in Engineer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Yo, well, not really new, I played the game at release for a few months and not since, but I feel new with all the changes.

I’d like to take a class to 80 again to get the hang of things for the upcoming expansion.

Are Engi’s Fun?
What is their role?
How’s their DPS?

What are good places to start for PVE wrecking builds??


Returning Player looking for info..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415


So, the last time I played GW2 was probably a little before the release of fractals, so awhile ago – I haven’t really paid much attention to it since, but have been aware a lot of changes have occured to core gameplay, game balance, end game etc.

Not too mention the changes coming from the upcoming expansion.

I’m thinking of checking the game out again with the release of the new expansion, but am a little overwhelmed with all the info I need to pile through. I figured the best bet would be to take a new class to 80 and learn the game over.

So with that..

In terms of the classes, what is the general outlook of each, and where do they stand in relation to each other.

I thought maybe I would try an engineer, as I haven’t ever played one.
What’s their core gameplay like, I heard they can be boring, and I ultimately want a fun class.

So yeah – A quick class overview and a little about each and where they stand and what they do would be awesome if anyone has the time to enlighten me.


Old Player thinking of coming back.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I feel way to far out of it to continue a with one of my old chars, so I’ll hold off until the new class comes, it has a nice Ritualist Vibe – and nothing was better than the Rituliast drools

Old Player thinking of coming back.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Oo – When I left there was dedicated Role Play Servers and such – So I guess if it doesn’t matter – All the more awesomesauce – Thanks

Old Player thinking of coming back.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415


I’ll need far more info than can be given I’m sure so something simple first I guess.

Just for the Record I left just before the Fractals thing, so awhile ago..

Basically. How is the game doing in terms of population?
And what would be the best European Server (English Speaking), in terms of activity to migrate to??

Thanks for your time

New to Ranger, Advice Needed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Thx dude, so many views and you’re the only to reply, so cheers for that…

I think I have more of an Idea for what I want to do

I’m not too bothered about the Sword Auto so i’ll opt for that main with a torch in the off hand, as it has a Leap Finisher and Combo Field which seems nifty

Thx Again

Sword has no Leap to combo with your Torch’s field, so I’d recommend a Dagger instead.

I use Sword + Dagger in a condition/toughness build and it is extremely powerful and synergetic. Agadar hits all the points spot-on, so I won’t restate them here.

If you wish to use Torch, consider Axe mainhand. Axe 2 will combo with the Fire field.

I might be mistaken but um…Monarch’s Leap???

Isn’t that a leap finisher that should work with the combo field Bonfire Produces?

New to Ranger, Advice Needed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Thx dude, so many views and you’re the only to reply, so cheers for that…

I think I have more of an Idea for what I want to do

I’m not too bothered about the Sword Auto so i’ll opt for that main with a torch in the off hand, as it has a Leap Finisher and Combo Field which seems nifty

Thx Again

New to Ranger, Advice Needed..

in Ranger

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415


So, I’ve been out of the game since Halloween and am looking to get back into it..

For the ranger I’m looking to play in my Main hand, either a Sword/Something..or Greatsword build..

Now, I have no idea how viable these weapons are, so, I’d like some info regarding this…

What kind of builds should I be looking into, how should I spec for armor, jewellery, weapons etc?

Thanks in advance

Discuss our Oct 22nd changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Oh oh oh, I want to play this game..

Illusionary Persona: Creates the shatter effect on you; suicides yourself upon shatter…

Mind Stab: Ten Stacks of Self Invulnerability (Too easy)

Why No Mantra Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I never really used Mantra’s up until yesterday – Our dungeon group decided to try our hand at Twilight Arbor for the first time – Place is hell if you’re not prepared, have no idea what’s happening and you choose the forward, forward paths…

I found however, that for the first time, mantras were really good here…

Mantra of resolve, great for all that poison – As a mesmer, I’m usually the last to die, so mantra of concentration was also wonderful against the nights and the wardens, that constantly knock you down and one-two shot you dead..The stability and Stun-break allowed me to solo these guys just enough to get the job done when the rest of my party where down…

I look forward to using mantras more, ppl say they are only good in certain situations – Um, yeah, they’re utilities skills, you’re supposed to adapt to what you need at a given moment, not play the same bar through all content -

As far as dedicated mantra builds go – No idea, haven’t experimented with it yet – I had fun with them in TA, but I agree, we may need a little buff in this area to dedicate to them….

Certainly have their uses though

Hacked, lost a lot of stuff, almost lost faith in the game...but

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I had the same thing happen to be yesterday, so much money and items lost…

I’d like to thank Gaile Gray for the honest reply, it’s really nice to see that you’re trying to fix the issue – I’ve had very vague replies from staff over e-mail – So to get something coherent and honest is refreshing, I thank you for that and look forward to my stuff being restored…

I feel quite bad for the negative reply I just wrote via email O_o

Hacked Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Of course they’re not – And more:

40 Ectos, 17 gold – An entire Berserker Exotic Armor Set with jewellery, all gone -

So that’s what, 120+ ectos, 60+ gold worth of money and items -


Hacked Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

So I Managed to get back in the game after changing servers, this must have logged out who was already playing on it, however was playing on, managed to spend 17 gold, awesome, that won’t take me long to get at all, best go look in back and see if my ectos are there – All 40 of them

Hacked Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Well, yes, I know my attitude won’t help – Just be aware that i’m currently not in the best of moods, tickets have been sent, a little bit of empathy wouldn’t go amiss….

I’m also aware if all my hard earned items were to get sold, I’m unlikely to have them refunded by Anet, just another kick in the teeth

Hacked Account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415


So I woke up this morning to find my account had been hacked, how this happened I do not know……

So I recovered my account by going through the reset password feature…

This appeared to have worked as I can now login to GW2 and the forums, however..

When I try to play the game I get the following message…

Something along the lines of, we have kicked you out because someone else is playing on your account………

How wonderful..

I guess all my hard earned ectos, exotic armor, weapon and jewellery sets now to be lost…oh, and all my money too………

Thx Anet

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Gurugeorge – You Win – I gift thee – The Interwebs

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Nukeyak, you are an erotic man…

Only 2 reasons why this an issue

Reason 1: Op doesn’t like butterflies..But what kind of person doesn’t like butterflies, wonderfully enough, reason 2 provides a possible answer but first…

Butterflies represent the very nature of a Mesmer….OP keeps asking for why they are in the game, there you go chap..

‘I appear to be what I am not’ – Direct quote from Cederic, a butterfly I met -

Actually it’s a Lyric from the a song called, wait for it – ‘The Pretender’ – I feel like I’m pwning the universe right now…

In short, if you don’t like butterflies, you don’t like the Mesmer, considering they are, one in the same…

Other posters have already gave solid reasons for the butterflies, I don’t need to repeat them….

Option 2: You’re insecure with your sexuality and somehow believe the butterflies undermine your sense of….manliness???

‘I had testicles, but then I liked the butterflies, and well, they fell off and in their place, well……’

Now of course I’m not saying you are insecure, that would be foolish, I could be wrong, and I don’t like being wrong, I’m a mesmer, tact is key…

You could choose reason 1 if you don’t like reason 2 – Which leaves us with the following conclusion…

Why would ANet change the design of a class that is so wonderfully unique and conceptualized due to one arrogant individual who can’t reason beyond circular logic????

I’ll leave you this…

Grandiloquence as you’re so fond of, as has already been pointed out by other posters is in most cases, a sign of pretense….

Pretense and insecurity go hand in hand, in fact, they don’t leave home together……

Profound knowledge, delivered without the pretense of verbal ponce, of course, the irony is that my delivery is both condescending and pretentious going someway to rendering said profound wisdom, moot…Hoisted by my own petard and what not….

Why would I write a post that seemingly in it’s essence, undermines it’s very purpose…?

Perhaps, in very Mesmer fashion, I played with the art of distraction to maneuver a Mirror where I wanted it to be…..

‘I seem to be, what I am not’

Chucked some butterflies in your face….I hope the hairs on chest didn’t fall off…..

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

My Mesmer -

T2 Human Cultural Armor

Midnight Sky
Antique Gold

Ghastly Greatsword


What made you want to play a Sylvari?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Simple answer…

English Accents

Support Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

This is what I’ve found, you don’t need to build a support mesmer, to be a support mesmer…..

Let me put that another way

Most of the support a mesmer can dish out comes in the form of your utilities, for example; feedback..

I know the inclination when building something for support is to up your survivability, almost to it’s limits, this really isn’t needed as a mesmer…

You can run the same support utilities whether you’re specked for damage or specked for defense…

Mesmers have an uncanny knack of surviving without traiting for it, so why hinder your damage output?

I’m the only light armored profession in my dungeon group, I play glass cannon or hybrid condition/crit, I die the least, by a long, long way – This is simply due to the tricks with have…

My advice to anyone wanting to build a support mesmer, don’t spec for sole survivability, you just don’t need it, a competent player will simply survive because we are mesmers…

Support can also be described in this sense as dealing considerable damage to help take down mobs easier…You can still rock those fantastic support spells while doing so…

This is far better than building a tree that deals almost no damage, is traited to heavily for survivability because you don’t need it, and still only having access to the same spells that a more damaging build can produce..

Just need to decide on your weapons…

Greatsword or Staff is the big one…

I like the GS personally -

Staff offers: (for the group)
Ethereal Combo Field
Chaos Storm (buffs and debuffs)
Condition Stacking

GS offers:
Aoe Cripple
Aoe Bleed
Aoe Damage
Vulnerability stacking
Might Stacking
Boon Removal

I also find I’m able to kite much better with the GS

GS offers better and faster bleed stacks

Really all down to preference, some like the staff for it’s inherent defensive properties, combo fields etc -

Of course you can run both ^^

In fact, I take 6 weapons with me wherever I go….

I talked about this in relation to dungeons, as I assumed that’s what it was for, don’t know why you would build a support spec for solo pve

Anyway, to sum up:

You don’t need to build a “support” mesmer, to build a support mesmer..

I talk of building support as you have done, heavy in survivability, it’s just a waste..

Hope this helped O-o

Guild Wars 2 Mesmer Countless PvP Montage 2 HD

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Both vids were very nice, you really need to post us your build though, share the love man

Mesmer PVP video. Mesmer Mind Games

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Hey Pest nice vid…

Just wondering about your build..

What runes are you running, armor stats for example; berserker, rampager and what sigils do you have equipped?

I’m not so sure you need to go so far into domination, then again, I don’t run this build, just saying a little in inspiration or chaos might be good for some extra survivability…

How does a build like this fair in general solo pve and spvp?

last question, I’ve ran both greatsword and staff builds – Greatsword was full berserker, staff build was full rampager?

You’d think with both builds being set for damage, with almost not stats into inspiration or chaos, that the staff would offer greater survivability what with chaos armor etc..

I’ve found the opposite to be true however, you can seriously kite the kitten out of your opponent with the greatsword

How do you feel about this?

Crucible of Eternity - Experimental weapon - tips please

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I think I can help you out here – My guild and I just completed this dungeon a few days back – Story mode and all 3 explorable modes….

Yes this boss is hard, it’s also as we noticed the only dungeon we’ve encountered thus far that seems to beat up on ranged chars, me being a mesmer was ill-prepared for this dungeon, but once we figured out what we needed to do, it wasn’t that difficult..

So the Alpha Subject..

The trick here is not how much you can dodge but when you dodge…

If you wait a second, maybe and second and a half inside the aoe, and then dodge, even if you’re still in the red circles, you will evade the attack..This makes managing energy much easier, timing is all it takes..Don’t spam dodge, you just need to dodge at the right time…

As a mesmer, I traited for decreased cool downs on sword, so with blurred frenzy at every 8 seconds, distortion and knowing when to dodge roll, it become easy for me just to tank him, as up close, it does very little damage…

Honesty the best place to be is on top of him – with guardians and warriors set up for support with buffs, heals and condition removal – Trying to keep range will drive you nuts…

Hope this helped -

Remember, wait inside the aoe, then dodge, you won’t need to be outside the rings to evade the attacks, they go off pretty much at the same time, so the one dodge will evade all layered aoe’s

So, what does a Dungeon Mesmer look Like?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

This is to Rhyno and MlieBennet, I feel you both are thinking on the lines I’m looking for here…

All of the stat set ups seem where I want to be, so in light of this clarity I have a few more questions..

I’ve never ran the Illusion spec all the way up to 30, I take it this is for the on self shatter, is it really that useful? Never tried it, I imagine the extra bit of distortion almost at will is pretty good…?

What is the 30 points in dueling for rhyno, is this necessary?

The only thing that slightly worries me is the lack of survivability with so few points in chaos or inspiration – I’ve never really had trouble surviving as a mesmer with all the tricks we have, but dungeon like crucible of eternity where all the mobs seem focused on ranged chars and the insane aoe, it’s almost impossible to rely on our tricks to survive as opposed to actually specking for it..

Do you compensate with rune choice, trait set ups gear stats etc? Or I may just need more practice..

10-20-0-10-30, this split I really like, but i’ll probably swap between all 3 depending on what the situation determines..

What gear do you recommend for this set? Rampager’s, Berserker? Carrion?

What jewellery and what runes are best suited for such a set up?

Thx for the help

Which Runes? Mesmer PvE -

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

I’m saved up a bit of money, I’m looking to upgrade my runes and my accessories to their more exotic forms..

I’m Currently running complete berserker armor, weapons and jewellery, so my aim is obviously to deal damage -

My Weapon set up – Greatsword – Sword/Focus/Pistol

I’m currently running precision runes, Rata Sum, these were cheap at the time, but did a good job at increasing my crit rate, but i’m looking for something more efficient..

I’m a master Tailor so I can craft scholar and mesmer runes -

I guess my best options are:

Is there a consensus best option here?

I am edging towards Scholar runes. If I were to choose them, what jewellery do I need to make up for the loss of precision without sacrificing power or crit damage?

So, what does a Dungeon Mesmer look Like?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

Another question that’s worth considering is. Are you offering more support as a dps build as you do more dmg, thus the fights end quicker, or are you offering more support with actual support utility where the fights will last longer??

Your staff builds looks similar to what I had envisioned. Many mesmer player’s seem to be of the opinion that condition dmg sucks for a variety of reasons and is rather pointless to focus a build around, it’s good to have as a product of other skills, such as bleeds on crit from your phatasms, but not something necessarily to completely spec in to..

Something that I forgot to ask, was about rune set up -

What runes to people recommend for various play styles-

For power/precision, I’ve seen:
Rata Sum

Is there a consensus best option??

So, what does a Dungeon Mesmer look Like?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ben Delat.8415

Ben Delat.8415

First some context:
I’ve been running dungeons with my guild for awhile, they’ve all admitted that I carry them, this is true for the 2 separate builds I’ve ran..Whether it’s a tanky build with long wind-up damage with the staff, or more of a power/dps build with the greatsword and it’s exceptional kiting abilities…

I die the least out of my party, but still, I can’t help but feel I could offer more in terms of support and damage mitigation..

I’ve been running a Greatsword – Sword/Focus – Damage/Crit/Crit Dmg build of late -

The damage is actually very good, the support is better than it may first seem, for example: Stacking Might, vulnerability, cripple, aoe knock backs and damage mitigation with clone production etc

It may be safe to assume however, my outright damage may never be on par with another profession such as a warrior, although this is up for debate as when my team commented on their auto attack dmg against a particular champion in Arah, mine was far superior, by 500-1000..

Not sure how others view this next point, but my guild and myself are under the impression a strict glass cannon build is pointless and a detriment to the team when running dungeons given the mob damage, we’d rather sacrifice a little power for staying power and not having to rez all the time – I feel a new build could help even further with this theory..

For Reference i’ll post my Greatsword/Sword – Focus build

I haven’t added runes or accessories – but it’s full berserker and rata sum runes for the armor -

Despite being outfitted for damage, I still have a whopping 25 points in inspiration – This goes with the theory that a strict glass cannon is utter pointless in dungeons -

I’m looking to play a staff build, with Sword/an offhand of some kind -

So I guess I took a long time getting to this point, but what does a staff dungeon mesmer look like – How do you spec it for support but with an acceptable damage output – Is a condition build worth it? What utilities to role with?

Carrion, Rampager’s etc?

I want to be able to survive and deal good dmg over time even if that damage isn’t immediate.

Has anyone tried Torch in dungeons? – Focus and Warden is probably where it’s at -

Torch offers Aoe Blind, Aoe Burn and has a blast finisher, give your entire team chaos armor, seems pretty good -