Showing Posts For BigBadB.4860:

Can you tone down the butter and chocolate?

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Could we not just have an NPC that we can traid unwanted mats for ones we want? As a weapon and armour smith I need a lot of the same mats. I’m lvl 50 and can only make lvl35 armour and lvl30 weapons. I have a tone of food mats. Sadly they are worth nothing compaird to the mats I need.

You can always sell the ones you don’t use and buy the ones you need via the TP?

How to use Copper Doubloons as Artificer

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


I believe you should be able to use them to make these:

Can you tone down the butter and chocolate?

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


What I don’t understand is why the addition of butter, and chocolate to bags had to affect the drop rate of other materials at all?

Surely the drop rates could have been altered so that the existing materials continued to drop at the same rates as before, with butter and chocolate added?

does +healing affect regeneration skills of me and pet

in Ranger

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


It should definitely help your regens. I haven’t tested with pets, so I can’t say for sure, but I strongly suspect it won’t help theirs.

does +healing affect regeneration skills of me and pet

in Ranger

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


so i am curious, does +healing skill affect regeneration of myself and pet? and also, if i have various signets/traits/skills for regen on myself and/or pet, do these regens stack? was just thinking of some crazy silly regen builds . . .

thanks much for any info

According to the wiki, regens you apply are increased by 6.25% of your Healing stat on every tick (once per second) and regen stacks in duration.

Not sure about regens applied by your pet, but I suspect they will use the pet’s Healing, not yours.

Cloth and Leather should be available to gather/hunt.

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


O rly? Then why is salvage leather so cheap in TP?

TP pricing isn’t a great judge of the supply of a given item, as it’s so heavily influenced by perception – if enough players believe that ‘item X’ has just become rarer, it’s price will go up (at least in the short to medium term), regardless of whether the drop rate of ‘item X’ has actually changed.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Anyone who has taken up weaponsmithing AND armorsmithing will tell you how painful and monotonous it is to find the required fine materials. Right now crafting is a complete waste of time and I was really disappointed with it.

This is likely true of any 2 crafting disciplines that both use Fine Crafting Materials.

True, but Armor and Weaponsmithing are a particularly bad combo as they both use a lot of ore.

From my (admittedly limited) experience so far, I’d suggest avoiding this combo if you want to craft as you level and make gear for yourself, unless you don’t mind a fair bit of material farming.

Either of them + Jewelry is a much easier option for crafting while you level.

Crafting Question: Why Would Anyone Make A Satchel?

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


The intent was for the satchels to require the same amount of materials as crafting the individual pieces. I’m not sure where this got broken for these, but I’ll take a look at it.

Interesting. I’d assumed that the higher cost was to offset the inventory space advantage of the satchels/boxes. Guess not.

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


There is either such code or severe problem with game’s RNG. It is very easy to notice in WvW.

Even assuming that you’re correct and there is anti-farm code for PvP, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a similar system for PvE…

Cloth and Leather should be available to gather/hunt.

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Gentlemen and ladies, something must be done about the Butterball Crisis.

I’m not aware of anyone having done any decent statistical analysis to prove whether the addition of cooking ingredients to bags has had any effect on the frequency of other ingredients.

It would have been fairly simple for ANet to adjust the drop rates so that the addition of cooking materials didn’t impact the overall income rate of the other materials. I honestly don’t know whether they did this or not, but I’m not convinced that the changes have reduced my leather income…

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

Ironically, I feel completely the opposite – I think it’s far too quick and easy for high level characters to max any crafting skill they choose.

And honestly, if you think this crafting system is a time sink, you really should play some older MMOs…

Base HP of all classes at 80 (Was this intended?)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


as a guardian focusing on Greatsword i find the small hp pool a real annoyance, in both pve and pvp bosses will 1-2 shot you, sure i can build around toughness and vitality, but considering how close we have to be to when fighting something, it’s quite foolish.
I have to take out my staff on a lot of fights, even though the damage is low, and the support is pretty bad when not specced for it.

And while I agree Guardians have a good deal of defensive stuff, it does not help against the big hits you receive from Lords, or Bosses in dungeons.

I would humbly suggest that GS may not be the ideal spec for fighting bosses… It’s probably the least defensive of all the Guardian weapon options.