Showing Posts For Bigbeef.7354:

Why The Stat Cap Is So Important

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I disagree completely. I don’t play a game for “stat progression”. I play the game for fun. I enjoy challenging dungeons, fun dynamic events, socializing with other players, pvping competitively, WvWing, exploring, roleplaying, making money, etc.

To be honest I feel many MMORPGs use stat-progression carrot on a stick gameplay to make up for what is otherwise a boring game mechanic-wise/feature-wise

I don’t play Battlefield 3 over and over and over again in multiplayer rush, conquest, and deathmatches in an attempt to “get better stuff”. I play for the fun, the skill, the actual GAMEPLAY. Not the REWARDS from playing. For some reason, this mentality has been completely lost on many MMORPG players. They want some sort of second job where they’re obligated to grind boring repetitive content 1000 times a week just so they can have a Uber Epic Sword of No-Life. (BTW I was one of the first rangers in EQ to get his epic-weapons lol.) But I feel that GW2 was supposed to represent a NICE CHANGE.

The bottom line is simply that there are 1000 other MMORPGs out there with gear treadmill game designs. Tons of highly popular games like EQ, Aion, WoW, and 10000 other MMORPGs have this carrot on a stick style gameplay.

Isn’t it time we have ONE that doesn’t have it kitten

(edited by Bigbeef.7354)

Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Giving players a “statistical advantage” in pvp is never a good thing. This is why the SPVP in this game is so great. No one has “more gear points” to steam roll “newer players”.
It’s all about balance.

As far as Orbs go, they were giving teams (often the more coordinated and powerful team in the fight) a huge statistical advantage as well. Which as we all know, is pretty stupid in terms of pvp balance (If you don’t, then go educate yourself). Frankly it should have been the other way around if anything (For example, a team with orbs gains more points per round, but all other teams get the +stat increase). That would make the orbs worth getting, but wouldn’t make the already strong team, stronger.

It’s just like PVP gear in other games. Why should a veteran, practiced, skilled, dedicated player, NEED, a statistical advantage over newer / less skilled players? They don’t.

I do hope orbs make a return, but I hope that they provide zero statistical advantage to the holder. +WvW Points or bonus exp/karma/gold, something to make them “worth fighting over”, without making pvp imbalance issues.

In any case, those who are against this change are a tiny minority, and it’s done. You can argue all you want, but common sense has prevailed. GG. See you on the battlefield. (I’m interested to see how good some people are now that they can’t get carried by orb bonuses :P )

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


My wife and I thought that the Clock Tower was the most fun part of the whole Halloween event (and all of it was very fun!) The jumping puzzle imo was a great difficulty level, and my wife and I hope that you make even harder ones in the future, hopefully in game permanently so it’ll always be there to do.

The problem wasn’t the clock tower, the problem was on the user end. Users with clunky, fat, sausage fingers.

Know that many of us loved the tower.


Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Great move. I’ve also been playing MMORPGS for about 15 years now (started with great titles such as Darkness Falls, Legends of Kesmai and UO, then EQ from launch to 2003, and just about every other major title inbetween EQ and GW2 Except WoW because I hate blizzard trash games) and I agree that Anet is by far the best MMORPG dev team, ever.

They have shown us that they really care about this game by actively listening to the player base, fixing major issues with speed and hosting great live events

Great move Anet, keep em coming.

P.S. A team in any RvR game should never get a “combat bonus” because it often leads exploiting and unnecessary imbalance problems. The ranking/rotating system is helping a lot in terms of keeping servers from getting steam rolled by “heavy zerg servers” and the PVP itself is very balanced as far as mechanics go.

The only time a “stat bonus” makes sense would be if a team falls well below a certain threshold of points, to the effect of demoralizing the other team into not participating any more. Say, 100k score vs 9k score. In this case a decent stat boost would make sense for the underdog team to give them motivation to catch up. But in the case of the orbs, they were often making the already powerful team “more powerful” which is terrible for RvR pvp.

No bonuses, or small bonuses for extremely underdog teams, are the only real way to do RvR.

But again, good choice Anet, keep up the good work.

Dodging bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I’m very interested in knowing if the dev team is:

1. Aware of this issue.
2. Working or not working on it


One Token to rule them all...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


The arah armor already has no real “accomplishment factor” already. 90% of the people wearing the armor got it from speed running 1 or 2 bosses on the easiest path and resetting the dungeon.

But I agree, a universal token system will only promote doing the “easy dungeons” for gear. It’s good the way it is. And 180 tokens per day from all 3 paths is already a nice pace for reward. Much better than the 30s and 20s (or when bugged, 5) of days past.

Dodging bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I have extensive game play with GW2, and I’ve played with all weapon combinations for the guardian, and never see this issue with any other weapon. You could be correct in what you say, but due to the correct attack speed animations of all the other weapons, the chances of getting the “dodge stutter” on other weapons is near non-existent, where the hammer has a huge % of failed dodges due to auto attack. It needs to get fixed in one way or another.

2nd, I’m well aware of the “reason” behind the slow animation and I am fully aware of what my attacks do.

Break the hammer down.

Hammer 2. – Blast finisher and low cooldown make it the primary reason to use this weapon. However, even though it’s half the CD of the greatsword DPS attack (GS-2, AKA whirling wrath)….. the DPS of the hammer-2 is not on par with GS-2. You can execute 2x Hammer-2’s in the time you can do 1x GS-2. However, the combined total of doing 2x Hammer2’s is still less dps than a single GS-2.

Hammer-3 is simply a root for only 2 seconds. Near useless in PVE. PVP you can use it to hold a person for a second, but it’s overall usefulness even in pvp is not that great, especially with how easy the projectile it shoots is to dodge. Compared to GS-3 (Leap of Faith, which allows you to cover a huge distance very fast AND blind your opponent. THEN include the fact that it’s a combo-finisher Leap, which in a water field can give you a nice heal, or through fire give you a fire shield, etc. There is no comparison, GS-3 is superior to Hammer-3.

Hammer-4 is a blow back and is often useless in PVE. In PVE solo / DE’s, the dps of the GS is far superior to the hammer, so you’re not going to bother switching to hammer in these situations (where the blowback actually works well) and the blowback only takes the mob out of the fight for about 2-3 seconds, not enough time to justify it’s use in solo PVE. In dungeons the blowback is resisted by even the most mundane mobs very frequently and just about every boss is immune to it, or close to it. Dungeon mobs are where keeping them out of the fight for even 3 seconds could help the group a lot but exactly where the blowback almost never works. Compared to GS-4 which a light field, a damaging field that does about 75% of the damage that GS-2 does, and grants about ~5 seconds of retaliation, it’s clear to see that GS-4 is again superior.

Then we get to Ring of warding, Hammer-5. It’s a light field, ok. It stops SOME mobs any champion or boss mob walks right through it. And it’s only 5 seconds in duration. This can help on some pulls, and I enjoy using it, but it’s not an extremely useful PVE skill. In PVP rooting with Hammer-2 and trapping them in a ring of warding can help do a little damage to a person trying to kite you.

All this to consider, AND that’s not even mentioning that Hammer-4 and Hammer-5 have insanely long cooldowns.

Overall the hammer has a pretty nice PVP features, but is extremely lacking in PVE outside the Hammer-2 blast finisher. There is no reason why the Hammer-1 needs to be as slow as it is. If they feel it’s protection circle is “too powerful”, then I would recommend shorting the duration of the circle while speeding up the attack speed of hammer-1. This would make the hammer much more enjoyable to use in both PVP and PVE, it would go a long way in solving the dodge-stuttering, and wouldn’t be any more or less “powerful”.

Though imo, when comparing Hammer to GS, I feel that you could simply up the hammer-1 attack speed, and change nothing else, and the hammer would still be less-preferred then the greatsword.

Up the black lion key drop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I wouldn’t mind buying the black lion keys if they were either cheaper, or the chests had something more viable in them. At the moment you get one random booster, a tonic for a “fun” illusion, and a random tool. Not worth the 450 gems or whatever for 5 keys imo, when you could just use those gems and buy exactly what you’re looking for.

Imo the chests in current state are worthy of 200 gems per 5 keys. Maybe 250 at best. 450 is robbery for what you get.

Dodging bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


As a guardian using a hammer, I find this very annoying. Basically, when using the auto attack for the guardian hammer, if your guardian is in the middle of the overly-long-cast-time of the 3rd attack in the Hammer-1 chain and you try to execute a dodge roll, you end up “stuttering” and the dodge only lasts a fraction of the time it’s supposed to last, causing you to get hit with the big attack you were trying to avoid. Sometimes it gets so messed up you can do 2x dodges back to back and both will stutter and not execute.

This does not happen with great sword or staff, just the hammer from my experience. I tested it today in CoE against Alpha. First fight using hammer against alpha I stuttered constantly, getting hit by his AOE a lot, hits that otherwise would have missed. On 2nd fight I used Great-Sword and dodged 100% of his AOEs no problem. No stuttering. 3rd fight I used staff, again, dodging 100% of his AOEs and never stuttering.

The guardian hammer auto attack is causing problems with dodge-roll. Please fix this.

P.S. While we’re talking about guardian hammer, there is no reason the 3rd attack needs to take so long to activate. This imo needs to be adjusted or fixed, atm it’s the main thing holding the hammer back. Great weapon overall, love the blast finisher for group fights, but that 3rd auto attack skill is way too slow. No need for it at all.

(edited by Bigbeef.7354)

Please tone down the health pools of Marathon Bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Well there are tricks that your party can do to make a lot of encounters extremely easy. A guardian can drop Hallowed ground, followed by stand your ground for about 16 seconds worth of stability, in turn making the “pouncing mobs” or ANY mobs that chain stuns for that matter, a huge easy joke.

As far as HPs goes, I believe they’re meant to “slow down” the progress of people. If boss HP was cut, along with mob HP, then the dungeon runs would go from already short 25-30 minutes on average, to 15-20 minutes. Combined with the fact that the dungeons are designed so that you can just “run past” a lot of the trash, you’d be making dungeons too fast.

I’m all for “more difficult” dungeon encounters myself. Many of the bosses are easy and are just big-HP pools to hit. But I don’t think lowering the HPs alone will solve anything.

But a few things you need to factor in. 1. Many people are already complaining about dungeon difficulty being too high (I disagree, but I’m not an average joe player AKA the majority of the player base).

2. Length of time per dungeon. With less HP, the mobs simply retain their “easy mode” status, and just makes dungeon farming speed runs easier.

My proposal would be a multi-step plan.

First make it so mobs in dungeons either don’t break when you run too far, or have each area inside the dungeon have gates that drop once all the mobs are dead. To prevent running past the mobs like many people do. The “gates” are already in the dungeons, but there aren’t enough of them due to mobs leashing way too soon. So maybe extending the leashing range in combination of adding a few new gates would be the best coarse of action. Once this is done, lower Mob HP by 25% or so.

Second, lower HP pools on bosses, but make them much more dangerous. Make picking players up, dodging attacks, using combo fields, etc… more of the focus of the fight, not the HP pool. Also by tweaking

Video Guides To all Explorable Mode Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


@Kevin. Glass cannon ranged players can “slightly” get away with not speccing/gearing into too much defense due to them near-max ranging every fight. When they get attacked they stop almost all dps and start running around in circle. Their range is their defense.

Melee dps is superior by a pretty large amount to ranged dps, but going melee you need some sort of defense from your gear, or utilities, or traits, or a mix of all to be viable. You can dodge big attacks all you want, but if your character gets eaten alive by auto attacks, then you’re not doing any dps.

So like I said, it’s all about balance. Ranged can skimp a little on defense, but ranged does less dps then melee anyway.

Melee does not need any extra defensive gear/utility/traits to be viable, to make the game easier sure, but viable no. You mind as well alt-tab and auto-attack if you are a ranged DPS gearing for defensive stats.

Ranged DPS has their range for their defense. They don’t NEED to trait into it (though a little is suggested for hard dungeons).

For melee, if you’re full 100% glass cannon, 90% of the time you’re just going to be a liability to the group. Either having to back off to range every time you take a hit or 2, or just falling down/dying a lot. In turn lowering your DPS, and lowering the DPS of the people that have to pick up the melee-glass cannon.

To say at least a little defense is not needed for melee characters (be it from stats,utilities, traits, or a mix of all) shows a complete lack of understanding on how this game is meant to be played and a complete lack of understanding on how the devs designed character/class customization.

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


There are 8 dungeons. 8 Story mode runs, and 25 exp mode paths over 8 dungeons. I am a pure melee character specced about 40% defense and 60% offense between gear/traits/utilities. I have successfully completed, multiple times, every story mode and 21 exp paths at this point. I ALWAYS melee. Never range.

So to say you’re FORCED to range dungeons is a huge lie. If you understand fields, spec yourself correctly with the proper tools/traits, you can melee with extreme effectiveness.

As far as complaints about “no trinity”…. seriously? 1000 other MMORPGs out there that have the trinity combat model. Why are you upset that GW2 isn’t another 1 in the crowd? If you don’t like it, go play one of the other MMORPGs that are trinity based. Don’t want to? Then learn to play GW2. All dungeons are extremely doable once you learn how to play.

Player Entering the Dungeon not Viable for Kicking

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


First of all, I want to point out you most likely do not deserve the tokens you currently have. Let me explain this to you.

Arah is designed to be difficult, even for highly geared and talented players. The encounters can be brutal and the utmost attention must be made during travel, pulling and fighting for just about the whole dungeon. It is not impossible to do, far from it, but it is meant to stress even veteran, highly geared static group players.

You mention that you have 300-some odd tokens that you got before the change. If I had to guess, since you’re spending 3+ hours in a single path and failing, that you earned those tokens via running 1 or 2 “easy bosses” and resetting the instance before the change….. Oh goody, so you want the armor skin to the dungeon you can’t even finish?

The arah armor was supposed to be a badge of honor for good players. It’s not statistically any better then the gear you can get from the much easier dungeons like TA or CoF, it’s just for the skin. A skin that was supposed to symbolize the ability to handle difficult content. A symbol lost due to people “speed running” the first or 2nd “easy bosses”.

The fact of the matter is you shouldn’t have even gotten the tokens that you currently have. I suggest you gear up in another dungeon, get a solid static group of dedicated players, practice together in other dungeons. Then actually learn how to do Arah. Use a VOIP program and some mics. Coordinate fields, assist each other, perfect your dungeon build.

When you do this, the tokens will start flowing, and you won’t have anything to complain about.

As far as the whole “kicking leader disbands group”. I had this happen today in CM exp mode. He disconnected and didn’t come back, and we ended up having to restart the dungeon. It is a slight annoyance, but it’s not something I see them fixing very fast, or at all. It’s just something that shouldn’t be a problem but maybe once out of 50 runs at worst. This is something that’s coded into their instance code. The instance belongs to the leader, if the leader drops it resets the instance. I’m almost positive this is how it’s coded to ensure that the dungeon itself resets after a path is completed, along with other technical things. I hope they can find a work around to prevent this from being an issue in the future, but it’s something that shouldn’t really be an issue 99% of the time. There are bigger fish to fry atm for Anet.

In any case… goodluck learning how to do Arah correctly. You’re gunna need it.

Video Guides To all Explorable Mode Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


@Kevin. Glass cannon ranged players can “slightly” get away with not speccing/gearing into too much defense due to them near-max ranging every fight. When they get attacked they stop almost all dps and start running around in circle. Their range is their defense.

Melee dps is superior by a pretty large amount to ranged dps, but going melee you need some sort of defense from your gear, or utilities, or traits, or a mix of all to be viable. You can dodge big attacks all you want, but if your character gets eaten alive by auto attacks, then you’re not doing any dps.

So like I said, it’s all about balance. Ranged can skimp a little on defense, but ranged does less dps then melee anyway.

Frankittenhe best set up my team has found has been a nearly-all melee setup. Ranged people also suffer from not getting boons, which help a lot in dps in a coordinated group. My guardian can drop hollowed ground and land 3 blast finishers before it’s gone. That’s +9 might for whole group, and that’s just myself, not including what my team mates can do in the field.

If you got 4 or all 5 players within 100-200 range of the mob, the amount of might blast finishers and other boons that can be spread around is insane. On top of that, melee does more dps then ranged.

You have no idea how fast a dungeon can get burned through until you run a near-all melee group using fire-blast finishers and buffing each other.

Sadly. Most pug players come in with ranged weapons because they don’t want to die (bad experiences with bad players), so more often then not, you go into a dungeon and nearly everyone is ranged, and dps in comparison is horrible lol.

15 tokens, again..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I’ve seen his post but I would like some clarity.

Dungeon Gear System is Anti-Social

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I found that mixing toughness and vitality works a lot better then heavy-stacking one or the other. Imo vitality is slightly better stat (if you have to pick), but because the gear choices are so varied there is no reason to heavy-stack one over the other.

As a guardian, I set myself up to be about 1500 across the board (power/prec/crit damage/vit/toughness). And slot condition removal utilities and traits. Works great in dungeons, WvW and SPvP. (nearly unstoppable in SPvP / TPvP).

chances are you’re never going to be just attacked with one kind of damage. neglecting toughness makes you an easy target for some mobs/players. Neglecting vitality makes you easy pray for others. So why set yourself up to be over-strong vs one kind of scenario while being handicapped in another?

Balance is key, imo.

Video Guides To all Explorable Mode Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I agree that they aren’t too hard, but there are many factors to this that people don’t understand yet.

1. Your gear/traits/skills. 9/10 when people complain and I ask them what they’re running, they’re running a glass-cannon build, sometimes even melee glass cannon, wearing green/yellow MAGIC FIND gear. This alone makes most dungeons extremely hard. You can dodge the big attacks all you want, but if you go down 3 auto attacks, you’re not helping the group. I always ask “How much dps do you do laying on your back?” to get my point across. Finding a healthy mix of offense and defense is vital to smooth runs. Remember, not only does your dps drop when you fall down, normally 1 or 2 people gotta stop their dps to come pick you up. The down mechanic is a part of the game, it’s in there for a reason and going down is going to happen every now and then. But if you’re getting downed from 2-3 auto attacks on trash mobs. The fault is on you.

2. Combo fields. Picking your primary and secondary weapons with fields/finishers in mind can greatly improve group dps and survivability. Swapping to a guardian hammer when you see a fire or water field drop can drastically improve your group’s DPS, or aoe heal them respectively. What do you think brings more dps to a fight? Doing a 4k or 5k hit every so often, or giving your group a total of +1750 Power and +1750 condition damage for 20 seconds? No brainer.

3. Understanding the mobs in the dungeon, how they react, and correct pulling. Dodge is in the game for a reason. When you see a whole bunch of red circles at your feet, or a mob rearing back to smash you, and you don’t dodge, you just hurt the group as a whole. A lot of encounters are meant to be split and many classes have abilities to allow this to happen. Scorpion wire, warding walls/circles, necro spectral grasp utility, etc. Splitting mobs can be the difference between an easy fight and a hard wipe.

Once people understand these basic concepts. Correct dungeon builds, fields, team work, mob splitting, team work….. the dungeons go from “impossibly hard” to extremely fun and enjoyable.

Too many people don’t understand that this isn’t EQ, WoW, Aion, etc…. This is GW2 and the combat is unique in it’s own way. It has a learning curve and people need to make an attempt to understand it before they complain about difficulty.

(edited by Bigbeef.7354)

15 tokens, again..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Im not even talking about “fast runs”, like doing magg in 20 minutes.

I’m talking about an honest run with a solid group. Sometimes it’s about 30-35 minutes. Some of them can take 45-50 minutes, sometimes upwards to a little over an hour. I’m just talking normal, correct runs as intended.

They’ve already said blatant “speed runs” of like 15 minutes are gunna punish you. But where is the line drawn? Some dungeons like HotW butch can be done in 30-35 minutes easy killing all the mobs and running with a pug group. Is that “too fast”? All i’m asking is where is the line drawn? So we know if the system is still “bugged” or if we’re intended to be punished, when it happens.

Giving specifics will allow the community to know if it’s working as intended, or bugged.

15 tokens, again..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


we’re aware of this issue, and today’s patch should see improved reliability in the DR system.

I have a few concerns about the upcoming fix today.

1. Will we be compensated in any way for the lost tokens we’ve been getting over the past few days? Many of us have lost out on hundreds of tokens. Is there any way you guys there at Anet can toss us some sort of reimbursement? Seems extremely unfair that the cheaters got away with tons of money and tokens and the honest people doing dungeons as intended have been getting jipped. Any word on this would be nice.

2. Is the system going to be explained in specifics in patch notes? Can you give us specifics here? Like, how fast is “too fast”? If you do dungeons as intended, 1 of each path in each dungeon, at what point will this system start to punish you?

Can we run, say TA, each path once back to back (taking about 90-120 minutes for all 3), then move to AC and run each path in 35-40 minutes, then head to CoE and run all 3 paths in about 45 minutes each and still end up with 180 tokens per dungeon? 540 tokens total?

I mean, can we get some sort of specifics on the limitations being put on us? How many unique paths can we run before we start getting reduced rewards? Is there going to be any such cap? Is it # of runs based? A timer (too fast)? A mix of both?

I have a static group of RL friends, and guild mates, that LOVE dungeons, so it’s not uncommon for us to run 6,9,12,15 paths in a day. But we also like to be rewarded for the treks.

So can you give us some sort of details on the system?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


First run today, received 15 token. Fix your game or TEST your patches out before putting out idiotic untested rush “fixes”

In case you didn’t notice, they said the fix would be patched in today.

The patch hasn’t been released yet, but if I had to guess, will be going love within a few hours.

You should try to keep up with current events, pal.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I’m american and my static group members are all American. We’ve all been experiencing the problem.

Has nothing to do with region.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Between about 9am and 1pm est today I ran 3 dungeons.

CoE submarine path – 60 tokens about 1 hour to finish. Took a little break.
CoF Magg path, about 30-40 minutes to finish, 45 tokens.
HotW butcher path, about 45 minutes to finish, 30 tokens.

One of the problems is clearly that the new system is not differentiating different paths and dungeons. It’s giving the “repeat path” reward, even if it’s a different dungeon all together.

I should have gotten 60 60 60.

I got 60 45 30.

Please fix this and compensate victims of this bug.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I keep getting 6-15 :[ while everyone else in my group gets 60 and it’s the same group I run with at the same times. :[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

Ya this is pretty frequent from what I can see. Players who haven’t done any dungeons that day, run a dungeon together and half the party gets full 60 tokens and the other half gets a buckshot of 15 or 6 or 45. If it had something to do with “speed clearing” then everyone should be affected.

Something is very wrong with the system.

I hope we can get an update on fixing this today. I’d like to run dungeons this weekend and not get ripped off on my tokens.

I’d also like to hear a dev say if compensation for lost tokens at this point is possible.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Ya there is no excuse for getting less than 60 on first time running a path for the day. At the moment the rewards seem almost completely random.

Can do 1 run in 45-50 minutes, first path of the day, first time in dungeon in 2 or 3 days and get 30 or less tokens. While running another dungeon in 25-30 minutes and get 60 tokens while other party mates doing same dungeons akittenet 15.

I have no idea how this is messed up, but it is.

Can’t we just keep this simple and have first time in a path give 60 tokens, 2nd time 45, 3rd time 30, 4th time 15 …. etc etc.

The mobs in the dungeon, especially the bosses, have huge HP pools and take a decent amount of time for even the most coordinated teams to complete. There is no need to complicate the system and have strange global / non-global time restrictions.

Keep it simple, Per path, per day. Everyone will be happy.

If people are clearing “too fast”, make the dungeon harder, or find out what exploit they are using. And also define what is “too fast”. Is 25 minutes too fast? Is 30 minutes too fast? Should we just start the dungeon then take a 5-10 minute afk break before continuing through dungeon so we can get fully rewarded?

Come on now. Keep the system simple and track/punish cheaters. Shesh.

Ranged = snooze fest; Melee = get one-shot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I find that people just lack understanding of the game’s mechanics and just how much freedom they give you in making your character.

The devs have made melee statistically more dps then ranged. In other games, the devs counter the downfall of melee (being hit) by giving the class more evasion or defense then ranged classes. In GW2, you’re allowed to make yourself 100% offensive, or 100% defensive, and anything in between.

The problem is that too many melee “dps” players don’t understand that they have been given too much slack and they hang themselves with it. They choose to be completely DPS centered and make no attempt at slotting any vitality, toughness, healing or defensive abilities.

As a melee player, this may be “ok” to do in SPvP. The ol kill fast die fast. But in these dungeons you simply can’t get away with it.

My first time running through AC and other notorious “hard” paths, I thought the game wasn’t balanced correctly. Then I tried out a little mix of offense and defense and found that I still had great DPS and could survive perfectly in all situations. Any attack that was “too big” to take, it was telegraphed so you can dodge it.

So my advice for any melee dungeon runners, try a more 34% defense and 66% offense approach to your character. You will then see just how easy these dungeons can be, and you’ll still be on par / better dps then ranged players.

Also, learn your fields and bring a team that understands how to use them.

Once you understand everything about these dungeons, how to properly spec and gear your character, and learn the game mechanics, there isn’t a dungeon you won’t be able to do.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


this is broken for me
yesterday i go arah = 45 badges
today i go arah = 45 badges then i vent CoF 1 path = 45 badges, for second path i got only 30. This is completely ridiculous. I demand fix and refund!

Ya same has been happening to a lot of people. It seems so random it’s hard to pin down the issue.

Same static group of players, who’ve done all the same dungeons, in the same group, getting completely different rewards.

My wife and I will run a dungeon we haven’t been to in a couple days, with some friends who’ve never even been in the dungeon before… we do a 50 minute path, and I’ll get 30 tokens, my wife will get 15, two friends will get 60, and one person gets 45 tokens….

Makes, zero, sense.

Reimbursement please.

15 tokens after the patch? Someone better fix this

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I don’t see how this system was ok’d for patch. My wife and I don’t do “Speed runs”, we normally only do 1 or 2 paths for a handful of dungeons per day. We do them correctly, kill all the mobs and bosses, etc…

Most runs take us about 45 minutes to do. And we get to the end of a fresh run of the day, even on dungeons we haven’t been to in days, and get 15 tokens for the run!? Seriously, something is extremely wrong with the system.

The system should simply punish you for running the same path over and over on the same day. 60 → 45 → 30 → 15…… for each time you do the same PATH on the same day.

You guys made it so you don’t get tokens until you beat the whole dungeon…. so people can’t just spam the 1st boss.

Why does there need to be some sort of dumb “timer” mechanic any way? The mobs have 100000000000hps, and take more then enough time to slow people down.

Keep it simple and these problems wouldn’t have happened.

Full credit every time you finish a dungeon, no matter how fast or how many dungeons you’ve done that day.

Reduce tokens for every time you repeat the same path on the same day.

This will make everyone happy, and get people to start learning the other paths.

Also interested in hearing how we’ll be compensated for all these runs that gave near-zero reward.

Thank you.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


I agree with the idea of reimbursement. Doing a single dungeon in about 45 minutes, and only netting 15 tokens, first run of the day, is broken. A timer system on diminishing returns is a terrible idea. It sends a statement of “We don’t want you to get better at the game”. I agree with the idea of reducing token rewards every time you repeat the same path on the same day. Too many people were spamming the same exact path “The easy path” for each dungeon, never learning the other paths.

A system that reduces reward for repeating the same path is an extremely good idea.

A system that punishes people who are doing them “Too fast” is a horrible idea.

Punish players for repeating “easy paths”, don’t punish players for being good at the game. End of story.

Also, word on reimbursing us for our lost tokens would be nice.

Thank you.
-The beef.

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Well I’m not “speed clearing” dungeons. Just doing them as intended. Did one path each for 3 dungeons today. Got 45 tokens on first run for Up Up TA.

Got 15 Tokens for 1st run of destroyer SE dungeon path.

Got 15 tokens for first run of butcher, HotW.

3 different dungeons, one path each, doing the dungeon as intended, and got terrible token drops. It’s supposed to be 60 per path per dungeon per day. 180 tokens if you do all 3 paths in a dungeon once.

Please fix this bug. Getting 15 tokens per 1st run on completely different dungeons is inexcusable.

HotW and SE exploration mode bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bigbeef.7354


Both path 1 choices for SE and HotW exploration modes had a major bug. HotW path 1 (Butcher), the floor in the doorways, going into the final boss room you’d fall through the floor. The room has 2 entrances and both of them had a floor that you’d fall through. The holes were so big that you couldn’t jump or use a skill to get past them.

Sarrow’s Embrace, exploration mode, path 1, asura inquest grenadeers kept spawning over and over again, causing us to try and fight 8 to 10 veterans at a time, sometimes more.

Thanks for all you do for this game Anet. The game is generally very polished and fun, which is unheard of for a brand new MMORPG. Keep up the good work.