Showing Posts For BizzarreXGamer.7930:
Does it ever drop? been farming ever since HoT came out and only item to get wild abbadon is the flawless tiger claw. But for some reasons whatsoever it never really dropped for me..every other collections drop easily some takes time but for this very long ive never ever gotten it. I dont know if this is a bug or not but hopefully anet would slightly increase the drop chance for that item PLSSSSS…..
Oh my…This is really discouraging but oh well. If RNGesus does not favour me then i might aswell do so.
So I’ve been trying to obtain this Exotic accessory called Dust Cloud but it seems to not be dropping from regular dust mites. I’ve killed many I did not even try to count. I tried going for the Dust monster but there isn’t just enough time for me to beat it. Is the drop rate for this exotic really that low from dust mites? isn’kitten bit unfair for other exotics from other specialization collections because I tell you the other ones were easy to get. Please Help!!!! I was maybe wondering if this is a bug or not? but I dont know.
Error Code:42:1000:7006:1327 Build:36321 ??
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
Dude download spotflux it works great…search it up on google its free
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
nvm anet…i figured it out…i just downloaded spotflux! kitten it works great
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
test results from game advisor
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
welp im done with this game. nice job anet!BRavo!. for not even helping the community for its problems.. what a huge disappointment this is. tsk tsk tsk
yo im experiencing it too it says build 36321 error code 42:0:9001:4347 aww man..i hope you can help me
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
can i get a reply? of to what happened to my account. is it because of the connectivity? or is someone hacking my account? or is NCsoft’s server are just down? i want to know cuz nothing is happening into my account and its still not letting me in
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
edit: i turned off firewall and nothing happens also i recently asked my friend what to do and told me to post server name and north america or europe server
server: NA
world: Hedge of Denravi
build: 36321
error code: 42:0:9001:4347
location: Scarborough, ON, Canada (close to Toronto)
Hopefully itll be fixed soon pls help me spent already like 3000+hrs on there i think
(edited by BizzarreXGamer.7930)
error code 42:0:9001:4347 build 36321?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
umm my internet and all is doing fine and fast but it just wont let me get in gw2 please help plus ive been trying to turn my computer on and off but still wont sign me in… i too did turned my internet on and off but nothing happens…i clicked log in >>>loads for a long time than it used to >>>and then bammm log in issue game client is unable to gain acces to log in server at this time
(edited by BizzarreXGamer.7930)
it looks like im one of those people who didnt get thier chest huh….shame on you anet..shame on you..
waiwaitwait. I was only talking about the claim tickets. and yes i have bought armor skins and character slots with ingame gold..dont just change the topic that im proving here
It’s your decision you might get 60 claim tickets with 60 keys or 60 permanent bank access-thingies but you might also get 60 magic find boosters. It’s gambling.
comment whenever you done and im leaving
And people wonder why, when I keep saying that I find nothing worth buying in the gem store. I usually just convert my gems to gold.
you’re still here?…pfff fine comment whenever you like…i dont see why you’re still commenting on this when you alredy said this isnt going nowhere
I especially love to comment on threads that don’t go anywhere.
Now threads that go somewhere though, that’s another matter.
youe just confused me..fine fine do what you like
And people wonder why, when I keep saying that I find nothing worth buying in the gem store. I usually just convert my gems to gold.
you’re still here?…pfff fine comment whenever you like…i dont see why you’re still commenting on this when you alredy said this isnt going nowhere
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
Posts like that won’t change anything as long as you/other people keep buying keys with real world money.
i use my own money not yours?
but the bottomline is…trying to get those tickets is just pure BSNo it’s not.
Buy 800 gems, turn them into gold. Now you have ~60-70g. That’s enough to get a 1-ticket skin from the TPsorry but you do not know which skins im trying to get…(the fused ones)
Okay then buy 5k gems and turn them into money. This way you will actually get the skin. Because you sure as hell won’t get 70 ticketscraps/7tickets with 60 keys
ive already fallen to thier trap? why would i bother buying gems now?
Because there are more than just gambleitems in the store like armor skins, character slots, etc.
waiwaitwait. I was only talking about the claim tickets. and yes i have bought armor skins and character slots with ingame gold..dont just change the topic that im proving here
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
Posts like that won’t change anything as long as you/other people keep buying keys with real world money.
i use my own money not yours?
but the bottomline is…trying to get those tickets is just pure BSNo it’s not.
Buy 800 gems, turn them into gold. Now you have ~60-70g. That’s enough to get a 1-ticket skin from the TPsorry but you do not know which skins im trying to get…(the fused ones)
Okay then buy 5k gems and turn them into money. This way you will actually get the skin. Because you sure as hell won’t get 70 ticketscraps/7tickets with 60 keys
ive already fallen to thier trap? why would i bother buying gems now?
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
Posts like that won’t change anything as long as you/other people keep buying keys with real world money.
i use my own money not yours?
but the bottomline is…trying to get those tickets is just pure BSNo it’s not.
Buy 800 gems, turn them into gold. Now you have ~60-70g. That’s enough to get a 1-ticket skin from the TP
sorry but you do not know which skins im trying to get…(the fused ones)
then why bother commenting on this topic? i m not talking about talking about the developers?
I never said you are talking about me.
This thread serves no new purpose and would probably be closed soon. The developers already know that as they have already been told that so many times but they have not done anything. I guess the rare skins would continue to act like a trap to the uninformed to bring in more income for ANet.
read the first line that i said of my previous message
sorry but i use my own money not yours?
If you are not complaining that they have wasted your own money, then I see no point in this topic.
then why bother commenting on this topic? i m not talking about talking about the developers?
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
Posts like that won’t change anything as long as you/other people keep buying keys with real world money.
i use my own money not yours?
but the bottomline is…trying to get those tickets is just pure BS
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
Well if you have, then you wouldn’t have fallen into that trap.
Back on topic, yes, Anet needs to understand why we don’t buy BL keys. Too many science experiments have proven that they are a waste of money.
sorry but i use my own money not yours?
You haven’t been watching BL chests science experiments now, have you?
no i do not..i do not usually check on forums and type on other peoples topics…but i only came here to say something to anet…that is all
well I most certainly am feeling down right now….i just opened 30 box of black lion chest with 30 BLACK LION KEYS and no freaking tickets…..come on anet im spending way to much on your kitten and never got kitten in return…well there a the total makeover kit which was really usefull but all the other stuff is just pure BS…fml… guys couldve at least increase the drops for black lion claim tickets…i thought u did but wheres the result?…i am disaapointed totally disappointed
(edited by BizzarreXGamer.7930)
[EDIT]-I havent completed this week’s guild missions
-yes i even guested to the other server, even if megaserver was already implimented
-NO, all guild treks arent giving any commendations for me
-My guild leader clearly activated the trek but is not showing on my guild tab
-other people in my guild got their commendations except for a few
(edited by BizzarreXGamer.7930)
I just did guild missions with my fellow guild and never gave me any commendations for some reason, is it because im on a different server?, or is it because i didnt participate on the activity, or is it because of the megaserver?.. idk man, i was really trying to get those ascended stuff for all my different toons, but with this happening im not sure if ill ever get it right away. here is my proof showing that i have completed the flame legion supply guild challenge ..and after it ended it never gave me any commendations..
so i really have been having problems with the mesmer staff phase retreat skill#2..and it really kittens me off when i get stuck on walls or barriers while doing activities like dungeons and pvp.. anet pls pls pls pls… fix the mesmers skills… before the feature patch this also happened alot often too.. :-/
(edited by BizzarreXGamer.7930)
so wait..anet gave people WvW bonus chest?..aww man thats unfair, i never even got any WvW chest when i logged in and im like rank 300+
oh i see..well thx for the info
ok i just finished completing my first pvp monthly and i got no laurels…is it always like that or somekind of a bug..cuz i was getting laurels from dailies but didnt get it for monthly…pls tell me whats happening…i worked so hard trying to get the monthly for the laurels but turned out to be for nothing
CD is missing some smaller guild like Pa, HaX, Clav, Gdam, DNA….im not sure about TDS, i haven’t really seen them in a while..probably cuz their main commander, Daeronz, isn’t active anymore…some guilds that i listed are probably some pve guilds but ive seen them around in WvW
Last Legendary crafted in Lion's Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
minstrel and kraitlin
Last Legendary crafted in Lion's Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
dreamer and quip
Last Legendary crafted in Lion's Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: BizzarreXGamer.7930
frenzy and rodgurt