Showing Posts For Blacky Sheaperd.8690:

Fix Scope or remove it

in Engineer

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

like i said in a previous thread, just fill the front page of engi with “FIX SCOPE” threads, practially spam that kitten to get Anets attention!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Scope has always and will always work

in Engineer

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

ok. so you know what we do?

we make 30 different “FIX SCOPE” threads in the engi forum, plaster the front page with them.

If that doesn’t get Anets attention to how much the engi community wants this useless trait fixed, nothing will.

Seriously, this is one of the worst cases of developers ignoring glaring development issues i have ever seen in a game.

if they still refuse to listen to the community, just say kitten it and uninstall the game.

this is a matter of principle people!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Serious issue with team balancing for tourny.

in PvP

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Ok. so i was joining in a tourny match with a friend, expecting a decent match. started out and our team was triple capped inside of 2 minutes easily.

The rest of the game fallowed suit, players getting massacred, and points seemingly taken with out a fight, or much of what you could call a fight.

we ended the game 300 points under the opponents team.

you can imagine my dismay at such a score until it turned to a mix or rage and sadness after looking at the rank of each of the players.

on our team we didn’t have anyone over lvl 15.

the opponents team though.
their lowest was and they had two lvl 41’s.

I can understand some mixing of levels and what have you, but this was insane, beyond unbalanced.

a total group rank of roughly 69 vs roughly 182.

That is just unacceptable!

come on Anet, you have got to do something about that…

What is the point of spvp ranks, if it means NOTHING when it comes to who you play against.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

The New Meta for WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

been running condition duration runes for a while now, gonna have to add in the “new” weapons to my kit.

i think we can all agree that watching a man on fire running from you only to die from the fire shortly later is a truly satisfying thing.

quick tip to those loving duration.

use incendiary ammo, and #4 pistol at close range to get a HUGE burn duration instantly, even with out bonus’s to burn/duration.
gotten well over 35+ seconds with just these 2 skills.

with tests, you can “one shot” all classes in the spvp zone with just that 2 skill combo. (that is if your running a high condition damage as well)

It’s beyond devastating in 1v1
ranged conditions, and CC.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Charrzooka elite still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Even though part of this bug was fixed recently, one of the main issues remains.

Many times while using this skill you’re gonna roll dodge, and in doing so it uses one of the ammo charges.

I’m pretty sure this is an unintended effect.

don’t get me wrong, if it says somewhere that in rolling over you drop a rocked out your pocket then fine.

but for now, it’s extremely aggravating to lose 2-3 rounds by just dodging your opponent when fighting.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Engineer scope trait still bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

fixing this would be greatly appreciated.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Storm precursor +150g overnight

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

true, but they have a very inelastic demand to those who have the 3 other parts, usually those who made those parts when precursors were FAR cheaper than they re now, and unless they buy it, all there previous investments amount to a big fat nothing.
so they are almost forced to buy the precursor, no matter the new price.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Storm precursor +150g overnight

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

I know for a fact that the legendaries are being manipulated, and if people have enough gold to do that, precursors is like baby change.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Dawn price back ad 690 g agen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

why not just make them personal rewards.

like in higher level fractals you get account bound exotics.

why not run precursors like that.
You have to do a bunch of very difficult pve content and can then “buy/craft” the ACCOUNT BOUND precursor that way, with either gifts of dungeons or by spending fractal relics or anything of the sort.

By making them instantly account bound, you don’t have to worry about them saturating the market, and still lets people who DO amass huge amount of gold be able to buy there own.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Dawn price back ad 690 g agen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

For the love of all that is sacred and holy, give us that “scavenger” hunt already!

with an item as rare and as NEEDED as the precursers this kinda thing is needed.

But i ask one question,

how many unique sellers are there for precursors, and what is the ratio to total precursors on the market?

i hear day in and day out that its being controlled by just a few extremely wealthy people.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

3/15 - AR/DH/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Gotta say, most fun thing about PvDoor, being able to take a fortified Stonemist in about 8 minutes with no resistance.

Mmmmm, that free xp.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Darkhaven just opened up, quickly guest and get here for shards!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

desperately need a server with this temple open, does anyone know??

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Uncontested Temple Of Grenth

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Trying to get the last bit of gear for my kit,
Does anyone know a server with this uncontested?

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

A UI to show dungeon lockout status

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

I really would love something like this, some way to chech wich path’s you’ve done today..

I often jump around random dungeons a lot in the day, and its a real pain to figure out i did a path already that day after i get my diminished tokens..

shouldn’t be that hard to have some small tab checking off which path you’ve done and how many times.

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

I’m extremely happy with the changes being aplied.

I was on the camp that truly hated the Alt-F4’ers and this is exactly what we wanted. thank you arena net!

The issue with walls is also a great fix, was tired of these odd wall issues, there one sec, gone the next, then right back up, making assaults very annoying if the enemy spammed repairing them.

another great fix!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.

Jumping Puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Blacky Sheaperd.8690

Blacky Sheaperd.8690

wow. some serious white knights here.

the jump puzzle is inside world v world, its gifts are world v world bonus’s, from badges to frees siege.

Anyone complaining about getting fights inside world v world should never be there in the first place, reguardless about where specifically they are.

I run the jump puzzle many times, for my gift of battle, AND for free siege. now if the enemy teams don’t want MY team to get free siege(which helps us defeat them easier.) they sure as hell can.

I’ve been a part of camps, and I’ve been a part of the people getting totally wrecked at camps, I’ve seen them fall and form easily.
I also do solo pvp in the puzzle all the time, makes for great fights!

Main and WVW wrecking machine~Shockroas.
80 farming warrior~Malora Steelfang.
maximum ganker~Sir Gangplank.