Showing Posts For Blaquepauldron.6259:

Costume Brawl: Game Breaking Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Hello! I Recently discovered a bug that is making it next to impossible to play costume brawl! After only using a few skills me and my friends are being taken out of combat before we can defeat each other. I ask some other players and apparently this has been a problem with costume brawl for some time. I have allot of inventory space devoted to costumes and toys as I’m sure many players do and I would appreciate at least a response on this issue as it is impacting my ability to obtain the achievement and participate in content I buy to support the gem store.

If you hit a character 15 times, they are “knocked out” and removed from the brawl. They have to wait the cooldown and then use a skill to rejoin the brawl.

Could that be what is happening to you & your friends?

Literally we can only use a few attacks before being reset. is took several minutes to knock each other’s 15 stacks off because of this bug.

Costume Brawl: Game Breaking Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


If you want a response to a question, you need to submit a support ticket. The forums are mostly for player to player support, though anet do read them. They just rarely respond.

PS: “I buy things from the store” doesn’t change the degree of support you are going to get.

My intention was simply express that I am one of may players who. Don’t mean to sound entitled but i guess it comes off that way :P and thank you, I am still new to forum posting. Hopefully they see this either way.

(edited by Blaquepauldron.6259)

Costume Brawl: Game Breaking Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Hello! I Recently discovered a bug that is making it next to impossible to play costume brawl! After only using a few skills me and my friends are being taken out of combat before we can defeat each other. I ask some other players and apparently this has been a problem with costume brawl for some time. I have allot of inventory space devoted to costumes and toys as I’m sure many players do and I would appreciate at least a response on this issue as it is impacting my ability to obtain the achievement and participate in content I buy to support the gem store.

Growing Inconsistency: Unlimited Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


I wonder if part of the reasoning is because of the Watchwork mining pick? More precisely, I wonder if the mining tools sell fewer than the Logging and Harvesting tools and thus priority is given to those? Still, it seems like it would be a good idea to release them in sets.

I thought about this but then I thought "why cant they just do this again with a different resource? They’ve been introducing tools that harvest more things like the snowflake and unbound magic tools.

Growing Inconsistency: Unlimited Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


I don’t agree that this is a problem, particularly since I rarely use a sickle, axe, and pick in the same spot. As long as there are roughly an equal selection of flashy, quiet, and fast variations of each, I prefer having more variety.

I embrace the growing asymmetry.

I understand where u are coming from but what I am simply asking for are the missing pieces that would accompany the misfit tools. I want to have a complete set of everything weather it’s harmonious or random.

Growing Inconsistency: Unlimited Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Please keep it relevant to the unlimited gathering tools I get what you are saying about the wardrobe but I’m trying to address a easily fixable solution to a growing problem. We get 1-2 sets of gathering tools a year if we are lucky and there is an over abundance of logging and harvesting tools. Meanwhile, A-net might release a whole other complete set out of nowhere which compounds the problem.

Growing Inconsistency: Unlimited Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Hello all! I just wanted to point out that there are now 3-4 sets of unlimited harvesting tools+logging tools without any mining tools to complete these sets.

Logging Tools
Dreamcleaver Logging Axe
Frost Wasp Logging Tool
Focused Solar Logging Tool

Harvesting Tools
Glitter Bomb Harvesting Tool
Consortium Harvesting Sickle.png Consortium Harvesting Sickle
Jack-in-the-Box Scythe.png Jack-in-the-Box Scythe
Celestial Rooster Harvesting Tool.png Celestial Rooster Harvesting Tool

This inconsistency has been getting worse and now we have the Rooster harvester… If its not too much to ask, are there there any plans to complete these sets that are lacking Mining Picks? Is anyone else even aware of this?

As someone who has collected every complete set I cannot justify investing more money in incomplete sets. On the other hand I would be happy to continue buying unlimited gathering tools for my many other characters provided, the misfit tools (I listed above) include the 4 missing mining tools and the 1 logging tool.

Maybe I’m just being OCD but this seems like a very huge inconsistency.

Burden of Choice and The Anomalies

in Lore

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


This is probably a trap.

Ti’s most defiantly a trap!

However, there is no clear outcome to the choice we make here and I supported the Priory in the past so I chose them for this event.

Personally, I believe there is a spy (or some mischief) within the Priory. The strong evidence and accounts suggesting there is such a spy; weather he is working for the Consortium, White Mantle or (dare I suspect) the Order of Whispers, means that our choice boils down to…

Priory: See whats down the rabbit hole?

Consortium: Turn a blind eye and swallow the “Snake Oil” salesman’s Krait Oil?

Missing: Unlimited Gathering Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


I’m really hoping to get a dev to respond to this post.

I’m here to express my concern about incomplete sets from the Unlimited Gathering Tools. Here is a link to the wiki showing that we are missing 3 mining pickaxes.

I am fully aware and highly anticipating the cosmic sickle and I just wanted to put out there that i am a collector of these Unlimited Gathering tools. I hope to own them all as my way of supporting Gw2 and having some very useful tools across all my characters.

Now: the 3 missing pick axes should be unique in my opinion as to fit into the Non-Set/Other category.

I don’t even know if A-net is aware of this (I’m sure they are) but can anyone who works on the gem items bring some closure to this topic??? I eagerly want to posses as many complete sets of tools as possible

Gem Store Login?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Could we get a response from a Dev, maybe? I am very concerned that the current items on sail will be allowed to pass us by while we wait for this to be fixed.

BEST Rune/Stat fix

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Watch this video by Wooden Potatoes

About a few months after launch of GW2 I was thinking the same thing about having 3 runes that just change game play while Orbs and marks etc. are put to use for stat synergy.

I strongly support this idea and I can’t think of a better way to give practical purpose to Orbs, marks etc.

(edited by Blaquepauldron.6259)

Nightfury... Seriously????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


I’d like to say something HELPFUL

As someone who had NO luck getting the Endless Batwing Brew last year after days and hours of grinding bags: the minute I heard that the Brew was part of Night Fury I saw it go up to 60g I put my bid in at 50g and got it 20 minutes later. Foresight and common sense where key in the first 3 days of the “Hunt for Nightfury”.

If you’re like me and know you wont get the Brew this year after grinding/TP and opening yet another 1000-3000+ Trick-o-treat bags; my advice to you and everyone who want to avoid the cost related to these “Super Sexy Bat Pauldrons” is to…

1. Get your buts into the Labyrinth and or Ascent to Madness (if you need Tattered Bat Wings) and farm those for as long as you can devote time to.
2. Get loans from friends/guild mates and or small donations from the community.
3. Find a way to convince Anet to make the Endless Brew craftable from the one time use rare versions.

For now just focus on gathering the 4 Tatter Wings and the Endless Brew!

Again, in the future stay on top of these items if you truly desire them. after nearly a decade of playing mmos I’ve learned this lesson the hard way.

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


As far as I am concerned, while I am not fond of either sound I believe and expect nothing less than ALL classifications of warhorns making different sounds.

For example:

1. All crafting warhorn skins from bronze to orrichalcum should have the old sound file as the generic. Ascended warhorns should have an “evolved version” of this sound.

2. All other warhorn skins should be categorized and given their own sound files. Personally I find the Orrian/Krait warhorns fit this new sound the best! Along with some others I could mention…

Star of Gratitude alternative acquisition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Yes, the star gives random junk in exchange for some empyreal fragments. Hardly a big deal if you miss this item.

May not be a big deal for yourself but for others it helps get rid of empyreal fragments by having another use of them instead of trashing them getting nothing in return.

Random junk in return? not everything you can get is junk there are some useful things you can get.
Crafting materials, Upgrade components, Salvage items, Containers ,Trinkets and Other

Oh yes, 1% chance to get something remotely useful. Nothing special you couldnt get in other ways.

The point is this is an item attached to a trilogy of items that enhance the player experience by providing an objective to work towards a life time use reward. ANYONE who is dismissing the issue of this item’s availability is not contributing anything to the community. I can see not getting the tree. Fine! but there is no excuse for this item to be exclusive. I own the Eater myself and I feel terrible for anyone who cant obtain it. To everyone else who simply came here to dismiss this simple and reasonable request you must understand your attitude in this mater is irrational. The simple fact that this item completes a trilogy of items Anet created to HElP players overwhelmed with ascended crafting mats is enough reason to make sure everyone can acquire it.

Bettering Gathering Tools

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


In the wake of the Watchwork Mining Pick I find myself only using 1 of my 3 pick axes solely for the Sprockets. No other gathering tools grant bonus materials so I stopped collecting gathering tools however, I’ve spent my money on 2 sickles, 2 axes and 3 picks and I wouldn’t mind collecting them all if they worked like the Watchwork Mining Pick. I’ve created a list of suggestions for each of the infinite gathering tools and what I believe they should have a small chance of granting.

Consortium Harvesting Sickle = Passiflora Resources (Passion Fruit, Dandelion Blossom, Passion Flower)
Chop-It-All Logging Axe = Watchwork Sprockets
Molten Alliance Mining Pick = Azurite Orb from Orichalcum node
Jack-in-the-Box Scythe = Random Festival Materials from the Harrowing excluding the candy corn cluster of course
Dreamcleaver Logging Axe = Toxic Spores
Bone Pick = Random tier bone crafting materials below tier 6
Thresher-Sickle 5000 = Watchwork Sprockets
Frost Wasp Logging Tool = Flawless Snowflakes or just Snowflakes in general
Watchwork Mining Pick = Watchwork Sprockets
Fused Molten Sickle = Azurite Orb from Omnomberries/Orrian Truffles/Snow Truffles/Ghost Peppers
Fused Molten Logging Axe = Azurite Orb from Ancient tree/Orrian Sapling

This is something I’ve been thinking about for weeks but I’m sure I’m not the first to post about this topic. I would love to hear a response from Anet and the community about what I’m proposing here. If there are no plans in the future to make other gathering tools work like the Watchwork Mining Pick I would hope I could exchange my undesired gathering tools for at least a fraction of what I invested.

Knights are too much of a gate to Scarlet now

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Same problem here, we had 40 people at blue and 20 and 20 at the others. At 3 minutes left blue was still at 75% health.

ANet, do you guys play this game? I’m serious, I’m not trying to be smarmy even though this is extremely disappointing, but do you guys actually play this game with the patches you make before you release them?

It. Is. Impossible. To bring down any of the knights right now. You guys must’ve not tested this, because if you did you’d have seen this is impossible! You literally fixed a problem that didn’t exist. Everyone had it down, blue – green – red. The ONLY problem you guys made last time was there was no loot, but at least you fixed the holo bug out. NOW ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO EVEN GET THERE TO BEGIN WITH.




Invasion Canceler

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Blaquepauldron.6259


Yes we can write it down and yes some of us have the mental capacity to remember where we have been however, these are just ways of excusing what needed to be there in the first place. It is 2013 and at this point a list of objectives for any and all achievements needs to be part of the achievement in the menu. Without a list there is really no point in the tracking feature. I don’t want to be “that guy” but World of Warcraft listed the objectives in all of their achievements.