Showing Posts For BluBla.8630:

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Great ideas +1000 to that

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


This is what i thought, that they will set timers to ~7-10seconds. 20sec is overkill that will results in more one sided games for sure – If you win bigger teamfight you will be in much bigger advantage than before.

GW2League - now with sPvP Rankings, Need Info

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


BluBla.8630 – Blubla Mesmer/Necro
Xorya.3276 – Xorya Engineer
Nilve.4061 – Thief/Ranger

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


love them, finally we dont have to sync queue to play against good teams. Queue times are a bit long but I am fine with it.

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


It should be ready before release and still its not

Easy 100 blades fix

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Does it need a fix ? NO. Learn how to dodge, use stun break and stop posting such a “fixes” on forum. Ty

Tournaments ideas: what could improve the quality of tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


This is why we need to split PUG’s from premades

All that left for me atm is to having fun of the situation cos 90% of games is a roflstomp. Do anyone have fun of this ? I want to play hard to win matches but tournament system now is not giving this opportunity

Your Rank?

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


30 bro (brag) – most of tournaments when chests were down

mate from guild got 33

Balancing patch

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Im a mesmer and Moa needs a nerf. I think most decent one would be to reduce time from 10sec to 5sec

BTW Portal needs a little rework too, in some situations its just too good

Team DKR vs Team Paradigm

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Paradigm is self named pro team. They are good but not so great as they say They want to make good marketing saying everywhere how good they are ;P

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: BluBla.8630


Ten thousand this. You (Anet) said u want an E-SPORT, but for this u have to do a lot. Without ladder/custom games PvP will die really fast