Showing Posts For Bojoo.7819:
Its 2016, you are playing mesmer and complaining about Rapid Fire? Are you in Coal league?
Read Chaith post.
While I play WvW , I would point out that upper hand revised with a lower cooldown MIGHT well supplant trickery when it comes to that INI.
I have seen it and while It looks promising its only supplementing 1 problem with another. Say I don’t want to play Trickery nor new Acrobatics. Same problem. Baseline Preparedness fixes it.
I like most stuff here but Rome has a point. Implementing even half of buffs here would require implementing same amount of “buffs” other class subforums are proposing in similar threads. For next balance patch I just want everything they will bring + baseline Preparedness.
Good suggestions tho.
Let’s talk about it and hopefully bring it to developers attention.
First things first. Balance patch preview looks really good. Love speeding up of sword auto attack and damage on dagger one as in clearing up of aftercasts. Bandit’s Defense looks awesome and hoping rest of physical utilities will get same love. Hoping Fleet Shadow went to Shadow Arts. It was a good trait in wrong place. Basilisk Venom, perfect, hoping rest of elites (Thieves Guild, Dagger Storm) get same love because god knows they need it.
So now to Trickery and Steal.
Biggest problem with Trickery is that its mandatory. Other trait lines are not, trickery is and always was mandatory. Remember last time we didn’t have to use Trickery in spvp? Me neither.
Before you couldn’t have viable build without Trickery and now with Daredevil (and in future with other elite specializations) you can’t have it without Trickery. Unless comes elite spec called Trickery+…
For short its hurting build diversity.
Main perpetrator is Preparedness. Without it you are sitting duck plucking for some initiative. General community suggestion as far as I can see is making Preparedness baseline. My personal suggestion would be bringing old Opportunist trait here with slight nerf to it.
Other problem is Sleight of Hand and its 20% faster recharge on steal. I never understood that 20% faster recharge. Solution would be to put steal on 25 second recharge without Trickery and 20 second recharge with Trickery with Lead Attacks. Bewildering Ambush wouldn’t be OP with shorter cd, it still would 5 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds when traited. 5 stacks for 5 seconds on 20 second cd is nothing to write home about next to classes literally spamming confusion stacks but its still useful trait for condi thief.
Next up is Steal. Call me crazy, but Steal should steal boon (1) when untraited with Trickery. I don’t know how it should change Bountiful Theft.
Its not 2012 anymore. Having baseline Steal on 25 second cd that steals 1 boon in 2016 is nothing op.
Also worth mention here is boon stealing effect. If you remove by stealing multiple stacks of same boon you should get every stack you stole on same duration.
Last thing i want to touch up are stolen skills. Some of them are just embarrassing. Revenant…Engi…who stands in gunk???
TL;DR Trickery is hurting thieves build diversity. Let’s change it.
Ideas? Complaints? Let’s hear it.
There was no mention of it on stream last night so I doubt. They are still counting on incredible matchmaking algorithm but what they don’t understand no algorithm can’t replace coordination over team speak while duo/trio queuing.
I talk lot of kitten because as dev ArenaNet devs decisions sometimes kitten me the hell off. Especially in only game I really kittening like.
So here is my biggest free contribution to ANet. We don’t have rang list anymore. We have Leagues. Introduce one simple check left or right of stronghold/conquest preference saying “I prefer to be matched with 9 other people around my rank/mmr playing also alone in 5v5 fight. /sidenote Might increase queue times.”
Check is self explanatory. We don’t even have to call it soloQ, we can call it chance_at_fair_fightQ.
And everything is fixed. People want chance_at_fair_fightQ, they have it. People want to play with friends, they have it. People want smurfQ till Legendary and beyond, they have it.
And yea lets be real, smurfing can’t be fixed. But you sure can allow people to have chance_at_fair_fightQ.
.. for the next balance patch. Because PvP and PvE balance are still not separate! Balance team has to cater to PvE crowd which also means no drastic changes. And the first thing we need right now are drastic changes.
You don’t have high hopes for a team which took year and half to nerf celestial only to buff it by accident?
And just imagine losing 2 pips because of dc while bs system decided you have more chances of winning.
How about getting 0 points for win because you fought on point for days in this wonderful meta and not score much points?
How about randoms getting kittened and losing pips vs full premade?
My personal belief is that dev(s) got frustrated watching people on twitch 1v2,3 and said, kitten it, I’ll make it so everyone can do it.
alt tab meta confirmed.
Those are all balance changes? Please tell me your watching same boring match as I am on twitch right now? And those changes will change anything?
Are those patches from bizaro world? Am I from bizaro world?
Buggy bug bug bug
Sides don’t raise so you can’t chanel brahams portal because it’s in air, have to die for it to restart only to bug out again once you die again. So it’s 50/50 bug. One of illusions got stucked and I couldn’t pull it into portal so I had to die only to get bug numero uno. Uhg..
Also chapter 14 is still plagued with bugs after 2 patches to it. Had to spend half hour doing brain gymnastics to figure out how to unbug it.
Step one, get out of that map.
Step 2, start another chapter and get back to 14.
Step 3, get back in map.
Step 4, find out where are stones and don’t press on it until you get a star on it because it will bug out. Follow trail but get star on trail first and even then it still could bug out and not show next area….. Back to step 1.Quality control for 500 please.
Also, flying mechanic is wonky and sometimes wont start when it pushes you up and modremoth late game mechanics don’t restart so if you die he begins by using that aoe ring push attack. Also, if you die at flying part and start again immediately you get killed because that storm attack is still going.
Who tested this? As someone who works in IT I have few questions for him..
Yeeeep, I wasn’t giving up on dd and thief up until last moment but yday something hit me. Daredevil is attempt to bring back 2014 meta into late 2015. 1.5 years have passed give it up…
So yea herald/shiro looks like love child of thief and guardian which is great, luv it. Scrapper is new dd ele on tren/test. But I think I will just give up and roll mesmer since its developers favorite child with op mechanics. Is there something chrono can’t do? Op in pvp time split mechanic, unique buff (alacrity), shield for massive blocks because ports invulnerabilitys blinds dazes clones/phantasm for massive damage while farting around double shatter, quadruple with time split, massive stealth uptime, ridiculous condi damage/preasure and ability to 100 to 0 someone from stealth in second.
Some might think I’m salty but I’m really not I just found something beautiful to abuse the kak out of.
Enjoy extra dodge.
Buggy bug bug bug
Sides don’t raise so you can’t chanel brahams portal because it’s in air, have to die for it to restart only to bug out again once you die again. So it’s 50/50 bug. One of illusions got stucked and I couldn’t pull it into portal so I had to die only to get bug numero uno. Uhg..
Also chapter 14 is still plagued with bugs after 2 patches to it. Had to spend half hour doing brain gymnastics to figure out how to unbug it.
Step one, get out of that map.
Step 2, start another chapter and get back to 14.
Step 3, get back in map.
Step 4, find out where are stones and don’t press on it until you get a star on it because it will bug out. Follow trail but get star on trail first and even then it still could bug out and not show next area….. Back to step 1.
Quality control for 500 please.
Those are some great changes! Kinda like more grounded changes from my last post.
Anyway, receiving less damage from weakened foes has great synergy with deadly arts and sword auto attack and would allow thief to be bruiser it wasn’t for a long time. As for more conditions on weakened foes, how about burning? Someone already suggested burning weakness and it would help out with burst conditions pressure.
Also, why not both? 3 stack of burning for 5 seconds on 10 seconds cd with 15% damage reduction?
Animation update: All dodge animations are in the process of being iterated on. With that being said, in the next Beta weekend each custom dodge ability has had its animation replaced with what is called a ‘stub’, or a placeholder.
These stubs aren’t necessarily what the final animation will look like and may not even resemble the final product remotely (Huge disclaimer: Everything’s subject to change). However, we needed to replace the previously existing animations due to issues that couldn’t be resolved otherwise (i.e. Lag).
An idea, instead of custom animation for each dodge, why not use colors like blue with Unhindered Combatant with standard animations? Animations are subject to lag, colors maybe less so. Red for Lotus Training, blue for Unhindered Combatant and yellow/brown for Bounding Dodger.
That being said, animations for Daredevil are least of its problems.
Lets ignore few other mayor problems for a second and look at Daredevil from new player perspective. New player will have to invest incredible amount of time and hero points to unlock Daredevil potential, different dodge abilities unlike other elite specializations which get theirs simply by unlocking Minor Adept, in Daredevils case Enforcer Training.
Originally I wasn’t for this idea but as time passes and since we saw all elite professions idea grew on me. Moving dodges like shown in picture below (credits to Shalien.9018) and having that ability unlocked simply by unlocking Enforcer Training would fix few problems. Already mentioned new players having trouble unlocking it problem and Daredevil being underwhelming without real grand master traits problem.
If I may suggest new grand master traits I would go with,
1st 1 second of immunity to physical damage after dodge with having endure pain skill fact for 1 second on bar,
2nd 1 second of immunity to conditional damage after dodge with 1 second of resistance after dodge with having berserks stance skill fact on bar,
3rd 1 second of immunity to crowd control effects after dodge with getting 10 stack of stability for 1 second.
(We don’t need new art for endure pain/zerker stance, we are thieves, we steal. )
Those maybe sound crazy but it would give thief something he horribly needs it this environment and everyone else has, sustain.
As for staff problem. Problem was with it being to slow, which seams to be worked on and on fact you couldn’t combo on it self to get into stealth. I know you wanna push for stealth-less weapon set, but that doesn’t work for thief in its current form. Even for s/d evade play-style you would still go in stealth with cloak and dagger for get bash on someone for 1.5 second daze and quick repositioning.
In short here is the problem, thief is stealth dependent even with evasion build/weapon and pure evasion weapon set doesn’t work well.
Was joking about he’s whole body animation, I understand ti would need revamp for charrs and asuras. But the was he is holding staff. It’s perfection.
Let’s not get this buried in tone of brilliant condi d/d ides. rolleyes
I don’t think that would be viable. Too much f….ing. It would be confusing for many players. I can also see why are some angry thinking anet is selling nerfed abilities for $$ even tho I don’t agree with it. Or care.
Also I actually like almost everything about Daredevil and think with few changes its the perfect thing thieves need, which leads to giant problem.
Daredevil makes in my mind every weapon set viable in pvp and wvw. Pistol offhand gets stealth with evade leap making s/p and p/p viable. D/P gets buffed even tho you could still use current meta. Power d/d gets better but 3 skill needs a revamp… More on that now. S/d makes comeback of the year and condi p/d, d/d get much more viable.
Condi d/d… Every time someone mentions this poo slight aneurysm strucks me. Your build is based around spamming 3…poo poo poo. Personally I would like to see 3 skill changed to something similar to revenant staff 5 with less cc to it just to give some sustain to power d/d since its really high skill cap weapon set. Mentioning condi d/d obviously triggers me. What’s even worse they called it acrobatic style on poi while showing off Lotus Training. Spamming 3, acrobatic style. Really? Ugh. Once they revamp 3 I’ll write good riddance ode to it. Even worst are people defending that poo… Back to topic.
Daredevil make viable even celestial builds because of Impacting Disruption coupled with Pressure Striking.
It all sound incredible great so what’s the problem? Without Daredevil we have 1 viable build, d/P, and 2 shody ones s/d, p/d.
Without Daredevil thief is in sad state. Our core trait lines are lacking. Many of our utilitys are lacking. New players and/or ones without hot might think thief is wasted potential/class.
(edited by Bojoo.7819)
I agree that Staff should get a smoke field on #4. You still have to take a specific dodge trait, spend 50 endurance, and commit to rolling in a specific direction to get your stealth. Sounds fine to me.
Well, full disclosure, you could use the leap on staff #5, but it would be 9 initiative once they lower staff 5 to 5 ini, and 14 to leap through twice.
I also suggested this one. Just short smoke field on 4 enough to get stealth once with 5 or leap with evade. You are spending lots of initiative for it and you have to be careful not to get reveled by trying to get it. It would be short just so you can get Hook Strike but not camp stealth like with d/p.
Exactly. Just enough time to combo it once with 1, 2, or 5, but not long enough to do it twice.
Exactly, just for 1 leap. It would give staff melee sustain I currently don’t see in it. Also if your taking staff you probably won’t take leap on dodge so 9 initiative for stealth is realistic.
Monkey king animation, it’s already in game and its perfect.
While on subject of monkey king, I really wouldn’t mind having his outfit in gem store. His weapon skin too. Animation and skin assets are already there.
yes, because we have NO OTHER PROBLEMS with our class ^^
HEY! Baby steps now!
I agree that Staff should get a smoke field on #4. You still have to take a specific dodge trait, spend 50 endurance, and commit to rolling in a specific direction to get your stealth. Sounds fine to me.
Well, full disclosure, you could use the leap on staff #5, but it would be 9 initiative once they lower staff 5 to 5 ini, and 14 to leap through twice.
I also suggested this one. Just short smoke field on 4 enough to get stealth once with 5 or leap with evade. You are spending lots of initiative for it and you have to be careful not to get reveled by trying to get it. It would be short just so you can get Hook Strike but not camp stealth like with d/p.
Right now Daredevils use hammer holding animation. Could we get Monkey king staff holding animation?
This one
Also his wiggle while holding it is amazing.
I’m going to base my assumptions on marauder amulet since it was used in poi.
Heal skill is way slow. Its easily interrupted on 2,1/4 sec channel. Imo 1,1/4 would be better. Still interruptable. 2 and half seconds is a lot of time to die.
Disrupting daggers. Would be nice if it lasted full duration. Its really situational. Kinda like venoms :/ Also projectile finisher?
Impairing daggers. How many daggers does it fling? Projectile finisher?
Pulmonary impact should crit. Or at least get more damage on it. Text says massive. Its kinda not.
Impairing locus. I don’t like that little bit of damage on it. I can understand cheese it could bring to condi builds but one dodge in stealth and you are revealed. And your enhance dodge killed you.
Crazy idea. Staff skill 4, Dust Strike. I would love if it pushed short smoke field with it. Something like Tempest has with fire and water field. Mobile field. Just enough for 1 Vault or Bound in it. You wouldn’t camp stealth like with some specs but it would offer a way to proc Hook strike. You are sacrificing 4 for Dust strike and 5 for Vault initiative or 1 dodge for it. I would at least like to test that.
Rest seems solid, cant wait to test it.
People are kittens, easy. Hur dur, they took away arco only to sell it back for $$$…
Am I only one who’s seeing this right? Daredevil is best thing that happened to thieves in a long time. Those grandmasters make every single weapon combo playable in pvp/wvw. S/P and p/p got stealth via leap on evade. S/d got buffs it needed. D/P got buffed. D/d got sustain it needed after burst opener. P/d condi got even better. Shortbow is shortbow. Staff looks like aoe cleve we needed.
Wanna play power, condi or hybrid? Everything looks playable…with multiple playsets.
Now of course, we need to at least see it in action, let alone test it.
Also this doesn’t mean base specialisations and weapons are perfect the way they are and if we try during betas we can point out their flaws to devs.
Tl;dr: chill out, everything’s fine.
I like your ideas and have a few of mine. For venoms, on top of all yours, I only have one suggestion, Skelk Venom needs cd reduction to 25 sec. It is useless on 40 second.
Also I have idea how to make signet useful in pvp/wvw.
Signet of Malice could use Resistance just like warriors signet.
Assassin’s Signet imo needs some redoing. I would like to see him on 30 second cd with its active, your attacks are unblocable. Right now it’s just bad. You can use it kamikaze style and then what? Die? With it making your attacks unblocable it would give it a place vs block heavy classes like guard and engineer vs who we are already struggling.
Signet of Agility. Perfect.
Infiltrator’s Signet. Agreed. Passive should be 1 ini every 5 sec. 10 is bad.
Signet of Shadows. Honestly? 10 second cd with its current active is more than enough.
Now onto making signet build useful. Our signet trait Signets of Power is all around bad. Our signet build right now is pop signets, get 15 might, Cloak and Dagger, steal, backstab, try not to die…
I would like to see new aura called Blinding aura. It would last 2 seconds, pulsing 1 blind per second in its radius. You would get it by leaping dark field, instead what we have now, blind on strike. Blasting dark field would apply aoe Blinding aura, same as Chaos Armor.
Let’s be honest here, leaping, blasting dark field right now is almost pointless.
We have only 1 dark field on Shadow Refuge and we would get one more with your rebalanced of Devourer Venom. Getting one or 2 more on traps would be welcome change. In other words it’s not really spammable and would also bring new stuff to underplayed skills/specs.
Necros would also benefit with their Wells being dark fields, but they don’t have that many leap nor blast finishers.
How signets benefit from this new aura? Signets of Power would be changed to apply Blinding aura on activating signet.
All of sudden you stop being one trick pony and can sustain yourself in meele with signet build. Also there are aura runes for even more game play changes…
I know this is not thread about traits but I’m lazy to find it.
Shadow arts:
So while on subject of traits acrobatics is mess but one thing that always bugged me was Fleet Shadow. You trait in evasion trait line to move faster in stealth? While there is stealth trait line? Wut?
Proposed change, make it grant supers speed while in stealth and move it to grandmaster shadow arts instead of Cloaked in Shadow. You are fast and can reposition but lose sustain of Shadow’s Rejuvenation. Move fall dmg trait somewhere else and for blind on entering stealth part, give it to Cloak and Dagger instead of vulnerability since its uses mostly (90%) in off hand dagger builds, which are already underpowered. Easypeasy.
Also Shadow Protector should grant Regeneration and Protection. Gz you are useless in stealth here’s some protection since people can pull you out of it with random attack and negate your whole trait line.
Concealed Defeat, upon downed release blinding powder instead smoke screen since its only paints giant target. + reduce deception skills.
Last refuge, delete everything, use it as fall dmg trait.
Shadow’s Embrace, add burning, fear and taunt. Why was this even nerfed?? Like we had op condi removal to begin with.
Acrobatics :
Pain response: add torrent and confusion, make it 15 sec.
Guarded Initiation: without much fumbling around, remove health threshold and make it 2,3 sec Icd.
Swindler’s Equilibrium: add 1 initiative on successful evade too.
Assassin’s Reward: multiple healing by 2.5
Don’t Stop: Icd of 5 seconds instead of 10.
Upper Hand: merged with Swindler’s Equilibrium and replaced with Quick Pockets which refills your initiative bar. Seriously 3 ini on weapon switch for grandmaster is embracing.
Also, Trickster belongs to Acrobatics. Critical Strikes, Sundering Strikes 66% chance for 10 sec of vulnerability. Also critical strikes have few traits which only grant bonuses if your health is above 90%. That’s bad. We have low health pool and every fart can knock it down below 90. 50 is more reliable.
Deadly Arts:
Dagger Training and potent Poison are hilariously bad. Up everything I guess.
Trappers Respite: if trap would be dropped moment you start heal skill I would be so happy.
Improvisation: People are complaining about randomness of it. How about if last used skill category gets recharged? It might be op tho… 2 heals, full recharge on deception, then again elite spec are coming and reverent has 2 heals… I like it better than it being random al least this way you control what you want recharged.
About weapon skills, I really like you suggestions. Leap on Infiltrator’s Return caught me by surprise. I really like this solution.
I’m writing this on tablet so quoting, linking, copy pasting is crazy hard and I won’t do it
Op this, nerf that, qq my trait, this goes for all classes.
They just showed us trait rebalance, which are not even final…they might rebalance (as they did with traits) weapon skills, heal/ulitity/elite skills AANNDD elite specialization for all classes.
So pull your panties out of bunch and wait till we know more information before claiming god mod, spam master, ruined class bs.
tl;dr: remove last refuge
TIL: gw2 forum is full of tumblerinas.
inb4 someones gets triggerd.
I didn’t want to bump an old thread.
Power Block is a Mesmer GM Trait that increases the CD of interrupted skills from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. This does not work on thief weapon skills because, according to ANet, thieves don’t have CDs in the first place.
Anyway, here’s the thing, Power Block doesn’t work on thieves because ANet says thieves don’t have CD. Power Block’s tooltip says it increases the interrupted CD duration, so if it normally increase 5 to 10, then logically it should increase 0 to 5. So I see no reason this shouldn’t work this way. Thieves will get a mere 5 second CD when they usually get none? Meh, I don’t see how it would completely destroy thieves. Oh, but they lose initiative when you interrupt them in the first place, you say? Well, not always[a bug or something, they don’t lose initiative a lot of the time when they’re interrupted] and that goes for everyone[“Aw, but warriors already get a 5 second CD when they’re interrupted~” sounds ridiculous, really. Same thing for thief initiative loss when rupted, in the case that they actually lost it].
So, what’re your opinions, arguments, mesmer-hate, and thief-fanboyism you have for this topic?
PS, I don’t hate thieves, just annoyed about a trait tailored to ignore them.
That would be fine if every thief weapon would have its own initiative pool.
Right now, it would brokenly broken thieves. Lets say you interrupt 5/6 initiative skill and thief loses 10/12 initiative because power block. You do what then as a thief? Die because someone used 1 skill?
If you interrupt not thief class skill it goes on double cd, he can use other skill who are not on cd, he can wep swap and still try to do something.
As a thief you would be left with nothing. Cant use most of skills because no initiative. Weapon swap and then what, AA? It’s stupid and it wouldn’t work.
Also, guess what? Initiative is not a cooldown. It’s a pool.
Also someone mention Chill, because someone always mentions Chill. It effects thieves speed, steel and utility/elite. It’s also, let me quote wiki “Movement speed decreased by 66%; skill cooldown increased by 66%; stacks duration.”
Initiative is not a cooldown. It’s a pool.
Stop comparing class mechanics.
collero should probably kitten talk it back to life
i guess fight kitten with kitten, can/cer banned word, kek.
anyway, 2 years of conquest, yawn.
its still there and happens when you chain you’r ports one after another or with movement skills, which is all the time..
also current server instabilities are adding ruberbanding
and salt
1. make better report system and scan reports for keywords
(better report system is anyway needed)
2. make it priority for gm’s to check those reports and players, literally (10’s of) minutes
(this is hard but after few days after trolls get burned, active gm’s numbers could be reduced)
3. ban troll accounts and then try to find real accounts of same players and ban them too
(lots of dumb dumbs dont know nothing about ip structure)
4. post about it on forum so we can laugh too
lot of solutions i’m reading will just go against normal player behavior and there’s nothing worst than punishing normal players because few bads
(tho i like siege troll debuff )
I lost brain cells reading this.
thx for warning, you’r my mvp
time for some sb/sb action
dont worry guys, living story will be back in 2 months. until then you can enjoy our biweekly gem store updates.
watering it down eh?
who said anything about fire skills? i didnt, they are perfectly animated. (kinda too perfect when compared to everything else)
who said anything about focus skills? i didnt, they got descent animation.
actually where did i said anything about builds? l2p or read your self all you want
all i said, LS (i know about switching to air is part of burst) should have decent animation (at least not the same as BS fs..) because current counter play is throwing random dodge rolls and praying.
and please dont balance this game around thief. this got us nowhere in 2 years.
so i guess you came to conclusion invisible burst is fine and actually should be “substantially” buffed
this is good, we’re getting some mayor progress here.
My favorite steal bug is when it ports you to target and back in second and leaves you with few condis and in wtfbbq mode.
Caed steal internet and blame anet.
/15 Videos plz.
Now, I haven’t been streaming a whole lot in the last couple of weeks that we were running this nonsense, but I do have one that made me laugh a lot.
This video has everything: suspense, anger, joy, laughter. Watch, as none of us can play engi and Hman rages about how he can’t play the engi turret build. He swaps to ele at some point, but it doesn’t matter because he leaves every team fight as the battle gets underway. You can also tell he’s trying really hard because his accent comes out. Pay attention, because someone on the other team dies to chieftan and, no, Acandis was not in the game.
One of my favorite parts is me going to the team fight, dropping a crate to give them turrets, and walking away.
So what I’m seeing here, because of hman you won start to finish 4v5. That is some god tier comp right there
gold, man gold
^-this guy.
Anyway, like i said, fresh air (6 in air) is ok, lack of animation isn’t. And that goes for every lack of animation in game that’s bragging about animation based gameplay.
I was way too serious in last post for my style so I’ll quote world carebearing guild member from TS other night. “Every time someone gets bursted by ele scepter air burst someone dies from ebola and isis member gets recruited.”
Last time i checked, we didnt have cast bars because GW2 is animation based game. You see animation you react to animation. Lightning Strike and Blinding Flash got no animation you can see. You can try to predict it and spam dodges, pray to rng gods you don’t get bursted millisecond later you’re out of dodges.
You can cast both of those skills instantly without proper animation and it does way too much damage for 2 instant cast animation deprived skills. This is horrible broken for animation based game.
I’m not complaining about fresh air, I’m not complaining about whole scepter combo.
I’m complaining about Lightning Strike and Blinding Flash and their lack of animation in this animation based game.
Saddest thing about feature patch is those 2 skills didn’t got proper animation.
Do you want more s/d teefs?
Because that’s how you get more s/d teefs.
The way you’re suggesting it is backstab should be renamed Assassinate, so it even instantly kills a thief or instantly kills, without downstate opponent. Should have blocked it bro.
embrace the trenchcoat
We’ve embraced it for two years now. We’ve had little choice. We’re asking that they give some other fashions a chance.
like this? i want this.
this would work and would be good (fighting necros with full life force, blarf) only if necros get massive revamp
without that, it breaks the class
on second thought, it would be cool to see how would necro work if life force was easier and faster to generate but get drained when ooc (also requires deathshroud revamp)
c’mon guys, admit it, nothing makes our kittenes harder than getting called hacker