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Piken/Elona/Seafarer's 2-08-2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


I wish people will judge the result of the match based on how much kills do they get during evening prime time, how often does their raid wipes or does it wipe at all.

There is much more sense in this kind of result, you know, not in succesfull PvD when your opponents are sleeping.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

Piken Square / Desolation / Abaddon's Mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


Dear Deso and AM, we love you. Please, come in any numbers you like, we don’t have problems with “blobs” at all. This kind of complaint is sooooo 2012, you know, and I’m happy that Vanz already stated it here — only a specific part of Piken community has these issues.

Everybody who like fairplay and challenge is welcomed behind the windmill. A pity that on this week only Hot and CE guilds from AM have played with us (thumbs up, boys and girls!) and nobody from good old Deso confirmed (or even was interested at) GvG with us.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

Piken Square / Desolation / Abaddon's Mouth

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


[INC] still got free Tuesday/Thursday for GvG. Who want some fun? 20v20. [FG] can bring even 25 while we will be 20.

sorry to hear that [FG] is afraid.


I close my eyes and see how they were jumping off the cliff at PS border near Longview tower when saw on horizon a bunch of INC’s together with us last night.

Some people even said they’ve switched to another border (looking for decent fights probably), but I can’t believe in that.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

[EU] 19/7 Piken/Deso/Kodash

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


And facing GH becomes more and more frustrating, I have seen commanders have a go at you guys with different tactics, me as well, but you guys are freaking tough.
You are teaching us what it is to fight again after all of those vizu weeks.

I do believe we are learning from you guys!

Thanks, mate. It’s a pity to see what happened to Desolation server, it’s like transforming into a zombie after being biten by one.

Frankly speaking, this is a boring week for us, but your guild is only I could name if will be asked “whom were we playing against”.

At least you have healthy attitude and don’t saying things like “win is win, haters gonna hate”, keep it real. As we have learned, these server communities are living complex and evolving systems strongly affected by the opponents playstyle, I hope you have a chance to recover since you are not locked in matchup with Vizunah anymore.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

12/7 Piken/Baruch/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


Thanks DsD guys for tough fights, for me (and many my friends) this degree of toughness was little bit unexpected. Thumbs up for that! All the best for your next GvGs, you are doing good job.

Shame for KA guild who came with commander badges to our GvG spot and rushed DsD guys in the beggiing of our first round. My feelings were much more then a mere facepalm. Some people should learn more about fairplay spirit.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

T1 Desolation empty.

in WvW

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


I do agree that it’s hard for big W3 guilds to have meaningful fights and keep their members happy in T1, but it’s not because of the nature of W3, it’s only because Viz Square has the power(=coverage) to determine what kind of W3 servers need to play in T1.

You know, it’s Pandora’s box. Once it’s opened, the other sides have to react (=“blob”). It’s living and evolving system and one thing leads to another (sometimes in unpredictable way).

But, actually, there is some sense in such result (no funny GvG skirmishes in T1) . Some people appreciate server score, they feel themselves rewarded to contribute in it, so highest tier is a likely goal for them. On the other side, guilds who transfer from T1 to T3-6 are not motivated by server score and will not accompany dollies, mount 20 arrow carts, lead a pug with commander sign, and, you know, do things like this.

So each person can play the game he likes without spoiling it to the others.

But of course, situation has became much worse with introduced skill delays (which are naturally provoked by big blobs), they killed everything.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

T1 Desolation empty.

in WvW

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


Our guild has left Deso recently and now we are having great time in T3.

There are two different playstyles, essentially, “WvW” and “GvG”. If you care about server score, you have to care also about “nighttime coverage”, siege machinery, pug participation, and you end in blobbing and sitting behind the uprdaged walls thinking about how successful your server is.

But GvG is not only special event at southern supply camp, it is possible to make the entire game to twist around the roaming warbands looking for each other and for a good fight.

Unfortunately, Deso is totally inappropriate place for such an activity, that’s why lots of organised guilds have left it.

Are servers in lower tiers "less sucessful’? In terms of “server score” yes. In terms of fun and meaningful skirmishes they are not at all.

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square

Baruch Bay Vs Piken Square Vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Bokassa.5396


Best greetings to our old friends from Deso — Bulls and DsD guys. We finally got chance to meet each other in the field and it was kinda tough.

As you might know, we don’t like blobbing and our guild always tries to play on its own, but lots of intersting fights begin when it’s too late for us. Usually we start with 18-22 ppl, but in ~3 hours only ~15 stay, so we have to, let’s say, care about allies (WIC, thumbs up).

My feeling is that we were acting as separate warbands (in Hills and the supply camp to the north of it) and probably it’s not the worst way to deal with blobs while contributing with meaningful play.

Nevertheless, we don’t mind fighting against blobs with smaller numbers if all the skills are used correctly without delays, and yesterday it was mostly fine with that (on comparison to what’s going on in T1).

Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square