~Blackgate since Beta~
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~Blackgate since Beta~
We are indeed NA, but unfortunately your event is during our normal Saturday wurm/teq/whatever else runs, so we can’t make it. Sorry!
~Blackgate since Beta~
Then the special forces builds.
That needs either 3 eles per worm that know the worm animations, so that the can block the Eggs just before he spits them out, or, if you are unsure, 4 or 5 eles to keep it up more often or permanently.
Those Elementalists need to have a focus as second hand, as they need to cast Swirling winds !inside! the worm in order to block Eggs.Husk Killer Team
Ideally this team should consist of 5 necros on condition builds. Their main requirement is the skill [Epidemic]! That aoe skill on a bunch of husks, and they die like flies. Condi Grenade Engineers are taken if there aren’t enough necros.Normally we also use a Veteran Wurm/Larva killer team:
2 Eles, 2 Warriors, 1 Guardian. (Only get this team if every worm has 46+ player) With less, cut this team down to 1-2 Eles and 1-2 Warriors. Those only go for Veteran Worms and Larvas.
_Second Phase:
Use all consumables when it spawns! (Amber, Pet whistles, Mortar kits, Seed turrets) and stand near it. Put down Ice Bows and all the stability. If ppl get downed, Warbanner. If it moves to a wall, spawn Fiery greatswords.
Good morning! I’m an officer in Attuned and I just wanted to make a few quick comments. We do things slightly differently than TxS, and we have both had lots of success, so these are alternative options.
For egg blocking, we usually have two blockers for wurms and they can be either elementalists or mesmers (though we have had nominal success with other classes). A good mesmer can actually solo block an entire fight, so that is always handy. Keeping in mind that you will have large amounts of new players, more egg blockers are probably better to have, so I would take TxS’s strategy here.
As for the condi team, we do the opposite! Condi engineers are always taken over necros. If you have 3 condi engineers on each wurm, that is enough to eradicate the husk population (where it would take 5 necros to do the same). If you cannot get 9 condi engies, just fill the rest of the parties with necros (ie. 1 engie and 4 necros, or 2 engies and 2-3 necros).
Then in phase 2, you absolutely do not want to spawn fire elementals or ogre pets right away. One good charge from the wurm and your consumables will be gone. Instead, have everyone stack and might up between the wurm and a wall, and try to get the wurm to charge in that direction. Throughout the fight, your entire group (including ranged) should always focus on being between the wurm and the wall. If you get it to go to the wall immediately, wait for it to move one more time, and if it is still on the wall then you should pop your consumables and get your firey rushes on.
Other than that, everything looks good! Have fun today!
~Blackgate since Beta~
None of the heads were killed by conditions when invulnerable, to be clear. We just had them killed in such a way that there was no chance for the timer to go back to 1 minute. Likely when a wurm went to set the time to 1 minute, it checked to see if the others were killed. It didn’t register them as killed, but it did see that their hp was 0, so that caused the fail state to trigger.
~Blackgate since Beta~
Plus, without tight organization and people listening on TeamSpeak, they can’t hear my lovely voice and wonderous singing.
On Amber during the Saturday kill, we were singing “I’ll make a man out of you” and even had a call to transform into quaggans when all of the mobs were temporarily dead. These things were integral to our strategy, and required people to be on TS to hear the calls.
~Blackgate since Beta~
such as how to keep oneself awake with ice.
Okay, I admit it. I laughed at that.
As you should, as you should.
~Blackgate since Beta~
Grats everybody! I would have been there, but I had misplaced my headset’s transmitter last night. Either way, I’m glad that it got done!
~Blackgate since Beta~
I wasn’t on the scout list Choc. BAD CHOC!
If it makes you feel any better Milky, neither was I.
Yeah but all you do is sit in ogrewatch and play catch with rainbows!
They never quite learned to throw the cows back…
And I had a 10-hour stint or two in North SM and Bravost too, but they never quite felt like home.
~Blackgate since Beta~
I wasn’t on the scout list Choc. BAD CHOC!
If it makes you feel any better Milky, neither was I.
~Blackgate since Beta~
lol bros.
I wasn’t at night time last time but some of us must have played overtime to hold the ppt for sure. They probably realized it from the Sunday night.
it’s just we want it more !
KnT was definitely playing overtime again last night, but that has been a common occurrence throughout the season.
~Blackgate since Beta~
If you take the time to cooperate as a group, this fight is more fun than anything else in GW2 so far. I can’t wait to see the next world boss revamp!
~Blackgate since Beta~