Showing Posts For Borigrad.7354:

Looking for a build that isn't considered OP

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


I agree. It is very easy to counter. However, It’s less about people complaining and name-calling and more about me wanting to try builds with a higher skill cap to become a better player. I’m not going to get anywhere as a thief if I keep spamming heartseeker or pistol whip with haste activated. At first it was like: “Big numbers! Awesome!”, but now it’s getting to the point where I’m getting bored. I need something more.

I recommend the Short Bow then, it’s legitimately overpowered when used properly, really hard to maximize your damage and utility with it, but like i said, overpowered when you do.

What Is Wrong?

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


Sounds like they are using Glass Cannon builds and you haven’t invested anything into personal defense.

Only way someone can do 15k that fast as a Thief.

Looking for a build that isn't considered OP

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


people are complaining about Pistol Whip in pvp? Are you kidding me? How hard is it to dodge roll someone who has to stand still for a whole second. Infact the stun is so short, you start attacking as it finishes. Oh and if people are complaining about quickness/haste, you should tell them it’s side effects and if they still think it’s OP, just put them on your ignore list.

I won’t even get into how bad HS spam is or how easy it is to counter, if you can’t counter HS spam you were destined to lose anyway.

Tl;dr who cares what they say, they are just looking for excuses to be bad.

(edited by Borigrad.7354)

Sword + Pistol seem a bit weak

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


S/P is best for groups of three-five in an AoE, combined with signet of malice, you just spam pistol whip and easily out heal the damage they can do to you. The blind it provides as well is amazing utility when you get into a tense situation or feel like being a pseudo tank.

It also provides you with a ranged interrupt as well as a melee one. It has the best sustained damage of any thief weapon combo, but it also has the least control, it more of a wood chipper for PvE mobs to clear them fast with constant high damage attacks and ridiculous HPS with SoM.

Why i regret picking Thief...

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


Who cares about showing off weapons, when we look the best in the pimp hat.

It's about time we talk about infiltrator's arrow.

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


There are plenty of places that I can get to where the arrow doesn’t work, and just because practice makes perfect doesn’t mean that it’s not a bother.

Yes but you often have to work at it, it’s not a straight climb or a straight jump. Also Blinks never go vertically, they are purely horizontal skill, it’s how they remain balanced.

D/D Stat choice?

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


Survivability, Toughness and Vitality. I’ve found the D/D build is most effective over a longer fight, sure you can burst someone down, but lets be honest the second you come across a decent play you will lose, you will be snared, you will be blinded and you will be stunned and you will die.

But with a combination of utility (Shadow Refuge, Scorpion Wire, Caltrops, Blinding Powder – Even if it’s so buggy it rarely works) you can really work on a team and keep them on you and ruin their targeting for a really long time. Work it all into your 5 skill (Name slips my mind) and you can last in a fight for a very long time. The damage is significant as well, that you can take down squishier targets rather efficiently or force them to use all their CD’s to stay alive.

Fair warning this build makes you really weak 1v1, because you lack burst. Obviously as well, this is my personal preference and i have found it to work for me, often averaging top scores for spvp from getting most Revives and kills in the match.

It's about time we talk about infiltrator's arrow.

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


Infiltrators arrow is a short range blink, like any blink it will not take you to a place you cannot reach yourself. Unlike rocket jump where it is a Dash, and it will take you to where ever you land.

The general rule for Infiltrators arrow is: “If you can’t jump across it, walk across it, swim across it or reach it in any physically tangible way, you cannot use this skill to reach it.”

What are your favorite slot skills?

in Thief

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


For PvE i just use signets, since everything dies to the ridiculous sustained damage of a short bow.

For PvP i often find myself using Caltrops on Legacy of the foefire (Graveyard fights are so funneh) Shadow Refuge is a must for everything, it’s amazing utility and Scorpion wire, the utility from scorpion wire and the fact it counters other thieves is amazing.

I try to work blinding powder into places like battle of kyhlo, cause of it’s small spaces and short fights. But it’s so buggy and it rarely works as intended, i usually avoid it and just get the MS signet. Obviously i take the Spinning Dagger throwy thing (Name slips my mind) as my elite skill.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


No one wants dungeons to be easier, they want them to be rewarding. Hell they could make them all harder for all i care, as long as i feel like doing them is worth it. Instead of sitting in the EB Queue while i do Spvp.