Showing Posts For Brack.6517:

WXP bar

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brack.6517


Give an option to change the exp bar at the bottom to a WXP rank bar.

Means I don’t have to bring up the new menu all the time!

To be honest unless people are purchasing something I doubt many people after 80 pay attention to their next skill point they’ll earn in wvw

Piken Square Vs Gandara Vs Augury Rock x3!

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


Thanks HOB for skirting a fight we were having today. For sure I thought it was all over when I saw you xD

(Doesn’t end very well as it all gets a bit out of hand but I was impressed with HOB!)

Team / Random Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Brack.6517


I saw a similar thread to this just now and hope this doesn’t go down the same way!

Are there any plans to add a different kind of spvp? Perhaps on a different queue.
The current spvp isn’t too fun with the mechanics of 1 guy stopping 5 guys capping a point.

A straight up team deathmatch like team arenas of guildwars1 (with maybe a Random arena for solo queuing) would remove the need for bunker builds (ofc there would be groups setup of 5 bunkers like we had 4 monks in gw1).

I just think that currently I run around WvW looking for small scale fights while trying to dodge the zergs. We don’t have guild v guild but we do have sPvP, a sPvP without silly mechanics where you can just test group v group or build v build to the death may get a lot of interest

WvW Ascended items

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


Its 6 Ascended items now. Back piece, both rings, both earrings and amulet

WvW Ascended items

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


You can easily finish the daily yes but if you didn’t do fractals your looking at years to finish a char with dailies and monthlies. Don’t even start with multiple chars as the daily is account bound

As it stands I’ve finished ascended rings and backs on 2 chars but I mean why are they adding Ascended gear only in pve without even adding rings or something to wvw.

It hardly takes weeks to get an item in fractals. You can run 10,20 etc once a day per char and have a ring drop or get 10 tokens.

If they use wvw tokens for gear as you do now it’ll take weeks for some to get 1 item but at least the option would be there

WvW Ascended items

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


When will we get WvW Ascended items?

Its turning into quite a big deal if you want to stay maxxed in WvW.
Originally you could hit 80 do some dungeons / buy some exotics and go into WvW and enjoy the end game.

Now especially if you solo or even if you just want to have the best gear available this game is becoming more and more of a grind outside of WvW.

Its even worse if you are in a small guild and have multiple characters!
(Guild missions are capped per week and laurels are limited – neither of which can be totally or in 1 case partially completed in WvW)

I’ll stop now with the reasonings as I could go on forever but when will we be able to play WvW and get ascended gear?!

5 man roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


With the game having progressed a bit styles have been made / forced upon guilds with dwindling numbers / preferred classes / larger blobs of enemy to fight.

My question to you is what’s you favourite / most effective 5 man roaming group?

I suppose they can be for different reasons or builds. Best to fight double your number or best to escape 50 enemies with, most versatile, best survivabiliry etc

I was looking at a similar post from last year and am curious to see how people’s thoughts have changed or not as the case may be

02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


High tiers sucks, they run like in 2 or 1 big blob .. all guild groups blobbed up getting to all crossswords on the map in seconds.
Fighting a blob is so much lag all abilities stop working except the auto attack..
Even far away from a fight.. if somewere in the zone the big blobs hit something, the lag will be so bad it takes about 5-10 seconds to get through a portal to enter a tower or a keep..
If a group looses a fight even if it was a close battle, they dont try again, but come back with double the numbers.
Most guilds on high tiers are very bad in normal battles and the guilds i have seen yesterday give better fights then the high tier guilds. So if you want fun battles you dont go to high tiers. If you want to play for the points and only being able to use the auto attack go to high tiers.
In high tiers its all about the points not about the battles.

Couldn’t agree with that more!

My experiences in T1 make me never want to go there again the WvW is just boring / laggy / boring xD

[COG] Casual Old Gamers - (Gandara)

in Guilds

Posted by: Brack.6517


COG is made up of guys who mostly know each other from other games. The large majority of us met in Dark age of Camelot and various other games we’ve played since. Some more were picked up when we combined two guilds in GW2.

Coming from Dark age of Camelot we have quite a large PvP background. We spend most of our evenings in WvW. Due to the style of play in DaoC we prefer roaming as a group or 2 in GW2 and are looking for people with the same mind set. We have a guild commander and do take the occasional keep but generally use that to bring a fight to us.

We are recruiting with the aim to run 2fg’s in the borderlands but at the same time be able to have a group in a dungeon, spvp or have people take a night off without impacting our 2fg in WvW.

Recruits should:
- Prefer roaming as a small guild to running with 40 people
- Be a team player. We use Teamspeak a lot of time, when roaming we are very group orientated and so need people able to listen and act upon changing situations.
- Mature we are all getting on a bit after starting DaoC we do not necessary only recruit a certain age but you should know what you are letting yourselves in for!
- Understanding the importance of gear is helpful too. People running around in greens and blues for 6 months is not as helpful as spending a little time getting yourself some Exotics!
- A two week “trial” will be in place to make sure any recruits fit in but also that we fit the recruit

If interested contact one of the below:

WvW is really boring now...

in WvW

Posted by: Brack.6517


Just come to far shiverpeaks. Most of the Russian guilds you mentioned left us when started going down from Tier1 and now we’ve settled around 4 and 5