Showing Posts For Camora.4197:

LF structured WvW Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Camora.4197


Hello! I am a lvl 80 warrior and elementalist looking for a good structured WvW guild to run with. US East coast time zone


Warrior vs Perma stealth help pls?

in Thief

Posted by: Camora.4197


That’s a pistol dagger build. The best counter is to stay ranged. Knock him back, knock him down. If he’s getting up close, he’s going to use the skill “cloak and dagger” which basically is a skill that gives him stealth as he stabs someone. That’s his main stealth. If you can dodge it, he’s practically dead. I was experimenting versus a p/d thief. I was using only auto attack shortbow, and he was using P/D. I kept dodging his CnD’s and his only stealth was healing, and shadow refuge with the occasional lucky CnD.

It’s all about perfect timing. Make sure to pack condition cures.

If you’re a glass cannon warrior. Use rifle. If he gets up close(which is hard for a P/D thief to do with zero gap closers), knock him back. Continually walk back when firing. When he gets in melee range and is about to Cloak and dagger, dodge backwards. Switch to GS every now and then and use whirling greatsword away from him, to gain more distance. If you have any immobilize, use it!

Thanks for the advice!


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


I’m actually ashamed of many of the people on the forums. I’ve been having fun in this wvwvw.

I’m so sick of the egos.

Can’t we just kill each other and get on with life?

I’m gonna give you a hug! /hug


Warrior vs Perma stealth help pls?

in Thief

Posted by: Camora.4197


So I am a warrior and I would like to illicit the help of the thief forum because I think I just fought God in WvW. He would only be visible for about 5 secs at most and then go back into stealth. Watched him take out 3 people solo. He had a pistol in main hand and i didn’t see him swap. Can someone help me out with what kind of set up hes running and how one would go about countering it?


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


So i just 1v1d a warrior from HEAT, a db guild in Kaineng BL. I would love to know what kind of set up you are running. You really handed me my lunch.

Edit: As a fellow warrior I am curious. Where you running with frenzy?


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


The main use for golems is busting siege deadlocks. Alpha Siege Golems get through a reinforced gate very quickly and Omega Siege Golems get through fortified walls very quickly, more so in large numbers.

There is something that can be said for playing the tower/keep warfare game without relying on golems because its important to think about the position of enemy teams on the map. Its difficult to describe this concept without showing you but stealth capping rarely works these days due to the number of players in wvw that react to contested swords on the map. They see white swords behind a tower and someone almost always checks it out and tells their teammates what is causing it.

So you need to tie up a large number of enemy forces somewhere on the map where they are forced to run back and defend but cannot do so before you can get through a gate with rams or a wall with catapults. You want to force a situation where they know they are losing a tower but cannot save it in time. A big part of borderland defense is getting your enemy out of position and denying them timely access to supply so they cannot repair fast enough or put up defensive siege. Speed and silence is very important.

With enough golems + appropriately sized escort you can get through a gate fast enough that it almost doesn’t matter where enemy teams are. They are not going to react fast enough unless they have already got siege weapons pre-emptively built and a large number of players are very near the keep/tower or literally inside it.

A properly executed portal chain allows golems to move across the map faster than players with perma swiftness. 5 alpha golems + timewarp will get through 2 reinforced gates really fast. In most cases, your only chance to save a keep is to have siege pre-emptively built and enough players nearby to hold until you can waypoint an army in.

Golem plays are fine and there can be a great deal of skill and planning involved in a successful golem rush. You need good scouting/intelligence, a good portal chain, a contingency portal if you get spotted or it all goes horribly wrong. You need to be ready to fight an entire server that will attempt to waypoint on top of you. You need to have some way of shutting down an enemy team’s ability to travel across the map quickly, which requires distraction teams and/or shutting down waypoints to increase travel time.

Or you can also elect to ignore all of those things and just throw money at a problem via failed golem rush #6 until attrition gradually gets the better of your opponent.

But thats more of a problem with attrition generally.

Thanks a lot! That was very helpful!


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


13 golem for our garry

GJ Kaineng

Hello! I’m sorta new the WvW thing and trying to really learn as much as I can this week. I noticed in the other threads what appeared to be sarcasm at golem tactics. What is wrong with doing it? Is it considered a cop out? What would you consider a better strategy if the golems look like they will work?


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


We took Bay but decided not to hold it. We had roughly 25 players.

The amount of siege inside was pretty brutal – 4 arrow carts, 2 ballistas, a treb, a cannon and a catapult at the outer breach. 8 to 10 arrow carts, 3 ballistas, a catapult and 2 trebs on inner (and we had to clear the cannons on outer where there was another ballista and an arrow cart on the pier gate).

You couldn’t really move anywhere because the ground was just covered in red circles. We had to counter treb both trebs, destroy every mortar in inner and outer then build a treb on the outer bridge to kill all the lord room siege.

I mean, we can fight open field against a siege advantage but not against that many ballistas and arrow carts. I hate playing that swirling winds treb game though…

I had been running supply for a pretty long time to build those up. I shuddered when I realized what I had done



in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


- Maguuma – has to go to bed and work in the morning
- Dragonbrand – first server you have fought that actually has an asian presence on it

Yes, and we know they are good. They would not be up where they are if they were bad. Every server has the trolls. Time zones arn’t always helpful. Like the above said, I’m really impressed with DB’s tactics so far. Deff gonna learn from them this week



in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


if we wanted to be in T1 we would have transferred to JQ instead… we are trying to contribute and help build what Kaineng wants to be

Whaaaaaat? I seem to remember a lot of the original Kaineng not wanting your transfer train at all, and being very upset at what you guys did. Didn’t a lot of them leave? You seem to be lying to yourself about what Kaineng is.

Some left. Most stayed, mostly due to Kaineng’s Hakuna Matata attitude. You roll with whatever comes and make the most of it. If it means jumping tiers, meh… We’ll jump tiers. Don’t really care where we end up, I’m having fun all the same.

Having fun? what… being carried?

Walking is a hard, sometimes I just want a big strong man to carry me



in WvW

Posted by: Camora.4197


The folks that think thier ability to win 1v1’s in WvW is important are funny. I will be over here in the corner… scoring points for Kaineng.

It’s been fun Mags and DB. Hope to see many more good fights into the week.

The folks that think point totals in WvW are anything but how many people you have spread over how many hours are even funnier!

So what is WvW then?
