Showing Posts For Cantide Colorless.7048:
I think agony is lazy solution. Difficulty could be increased in a lot of ways and agony is the worst one. Agony ignore your armor and use % of your health. For example i used to gather conditions from wells in Cliffside Fractal to send them back to the boss or simply turn them into a boons, i had enough hp to afford doing so; now i have to evade those wells and only way to be able to use his wells against him again is to get more agony resistance. Agony is totally artificial stats which is result of laziness of developers.
This is not a bad game, but i am not going to recommend it to anyone of my friends, cause after recent changes i am simply distrust arenanet developers. If i am going to buy “other” MMO i am aware that eventually i will met slow power creep and new content patches and constant class re-balancing in each new big expansion. I bought this game cause it promised to be different, but now only monetization model is different.
I got couple ascended rings – they are better than anything i could possibly craft. Infused version going to be even better. Only drawback on rings – they are marked as “Unique”.
I bought this game only cause i was assured there is fixed gear treadmill, if i wanted make my character better and better, and get special stats (which are useless in 99% of the game) – i would play another MMO. Adding new challenging dungeon and zones totally fine, adding gear with better stats – are not good at all.
Yes for new looking gear / (or stat combinations). Big no for that gear having greater stats. No for having to grind out defense against a death timer.
You are described current situation – and what exactly is wrong?
Price on gems steadily rising (yes even converting gems into gold). A lot of items have very low pricing on TP – cause they represent real value only to minority of players. What you want – earn gold on crafting? This is possible – but not as simple as buyout from TP, craft item and put it on sell. Each update on mystic forge recipes can give you a lot of gold (recent events: butter went from 2c → 14c, that alone is 9c (14*0.85 – 2) pure profit on single butter, should i mention mystic coins which went from 50c → 2s50c).
You will be banned only for exploits. Speed runs are fine. Speed runs of the same path back to back will result in activating DR system.
I am playing on 4:3 monitor – i would really love to have FOV slider (instead buying new monitor or getting 3 monitor setup).
We experienced something similar once in TA, not sure where – was a single occurrence for us (4 party member crashed when died party member used waypoint to the entrance)
I run TA different paths – 45, then 30, then did CoF run (46 min ago) (haven’t done since CoF patch), got 15 tokens, screenshot for CoF
At this rate i can do only two dungeons run per a day.
I am doing TA on daily basis, i was getting DR before too, but at least that was just a silver penalty (i could live with less silver and xp – not a big problem). But now i am getting less tokens – for first run yesterday i got 45 then 30 (different path, first run in 24 hrs), when rest of my group got full reward. I would like to know when this problem is going to be fixed and what i as a player should do (course of actions, possible way to get full token awards)?
The current problem with story dungeons - arenanet reduced reward for repetitive completion (cause a lot of players was farming story CM). Your only hope is a guildmates or some soft-hearted stranger.