Showing Posts For Cardon.4092:
It might be weird that I’m asking this question when there’s so much more stuff to get hyped over, but I saw that Rytlock’s Fiery Dragon Sword extinguishes itself on sheathing it.
Can we have that for the player versions? Please?
My feedback on the matter of Mega Servers:
It seems as if either the criteria by which the servers are filled don’t really work out, or the servers are filling too fast, like Overflows on maps with recent patch events.
For the second possibility, my idea would be some kind of “soft border”.
Fill the Mega Server randomly, with people from servers of the same language until they reach about half the capacity of the server. From this point on, create a new Mega Server and start filling it randomly, while the first one allows entry only for people that are invited, have a Guild Member online, are in the same party as a person on that server or belong to the server which is represented the most.
Also, I would at least double the Boss spawns. At the current rate, it’s rare to actually fight a boss once per day. You have to keep a schedule for that, which is nothing a game should require their players to have.
So they appeared where Arah currently stands, then collectively moved out to some other continent and waited a while before they decided it’s time to go back to where they originally landed?
That’s one hell of inconsistent settlement policy.
According to the timeline, the human race appeared on Cantha more than 500 years before they appeared anywhere else.
But the orrian scrolls make a point that humans arrived in Orr with and because of their gods (while supposedly just ‘dropping off’ the Elonians on Istan).
Did the gods just bring the Canthans to planet Tyria and were like ‘whatever, let them do their thing until we come back’ or are Canthans somehow humans that are natural to Tyria while Tyrians are near-human ‘aliens’?
I just came across this as I was about to give an explanation how humans spread (which is kind of messy, Orr being the first Tyrian nation declaring independence… from whom? Ascalon, with which they were ruled together by Dorics lineage?) and it baffles me because those orrian scrolls made it a priority to tell you that that’s where the gods brought the first humans through the mists.
They aren’t without their quirks, though, because they somehow mention Kormir a whole 1400 years before her ascension.
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
Also, honestly. Don’t we have enough lesbians in Guild Wars 2? I mean, the last guild of heroes had one. Why does this one? If we want samesex. Why does it have to be annoyingly cutesy ~girls~. Caithe was at least interesting and had a really creepy, immoral relationship with an even creepier and sicker person. It was the exact opposite of most femslash pairings. It was ~creepy~.
Because that’s exactly what we need more of. The Depraved Homosexual Trope or any other signifiers that it’s somehow wrong. /sarcasm
(edited by Cardon.4092)
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
I didn’t have a Spinal backpiece and I got to Scarlet on my first try. So I doubt that really does anything. There is an achievement for equipping the backpiece, but you don’t need to do it in order to get to Scarlet (unless just having made one counts, I made it but haven’t equipped it yet)
It’s merely a second way to get there, my GF tried that this morning. Either you do the combat, get past the Prime Hologram, then do Scarlet. Or you equip a backpack, go into the teleporter, then do Scarlet.
Do you miss any part of the story by skipping? Because when you use the teleporter that takes you right to the end, it DOES say you will be missing story elements.
And every time my group went in to fight the hologram, the kitten ed thing became invulnerable for long enough that we failed it, so I haven’t gotten past… and I didn’t want to skip any story.
Long story short, Scarlet controls the thing herself to stop the group, then it explodes and wounds her badly, before she hobbles into the instance.
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
So who hurt Scarlet so badly? Poor girl was ready to be impaled by a quaggan finisher by the time my ‘hero’ got there…
Did you play the event chain? That Aether-Hologram exploded with her right on top of it.
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
Having Jory die would have been as clichée as her survival, but for different reasons.
And I don’t think ANet wants a plot point to fall into that clichée of an outed non-heterosexual character to be suddenly killed off like in so many shows.
I hope that Leyline crack will be visible on March 18th.
Personally I’m now a little bit confused with a dialogue at the priory, where a Sylvari saw a pillar of light that drove away the dragons within her dream (note: This is a release dialogue).
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
Interracial friendship, a lesbian couple, a disabled girl that still gets stuff done…
This game is any hardcore right-wingers nightmare.
Whoa, hold on there. Unfair and uncool. Since when are right wingers against disabled people, or interracial relationships? That is so 1960s at least.
Whoa, easy there. There was a reason I used the prefix ‘hardcore’, you know, if you would go by party colors, it would be infrared. Or just the 1960s you mentioned.
It was nothing more but a light jab at the social stance ANet is obviously making which I’m all for.
But yeah, I’m sorry, it was in poor taste, after all we know you can’t discuss
A) Politics
B) Religion
C) The Great Pumpkin
What I’m not sorry for is my stance on the Torment weapon skins :P People who used these with Chaos Gloves, FoW armor and Bandana still need a smack on the head.
*Spoilers* MIND BLOWN right now! A++++ ANet
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cardon.4092
C) Selling Tormented weapons on the store just makes me angry that there’s no way to get them besides random. It’s a slap on the face for any GW1 veterans who had them and loved them.
In my book, every single player who used those ugly things in Guild Wars 1 deserved a decent slap across the face for some time. Doubly so in combination with FoW, Bandana and Chaos gloves.
I think it’s fine. I’m just a little sad that they probably won’t be able to add the other continents to Guild Wars 2 if they keep up this 4 Team Update plan.
…C4 jump out of the arena on 10 tons of TNT?
The arena has lots of space for a few Balthazar props… just sayig.
All you’re killing there are robots that are disguised as the monsters of Tyria, Fafnir. Also, the whole arena is so colorful and cheerful and there is not even one Insignia of Balthazar. I can completely understand how that turns off the Priest roleplayers.
@Konig True, but it fit into the pattern. The only god that didn’t have a “Temple” was Dwayna, for residing on the main street. Melandru had that garden with her statue, Kormir a plaza of learning, Grenth the graveyard, Lyssa these two spirals and Balthazar had the training grounds.
(edited by Cardon.4092)
So… I’m coming from a roleplaying community. We had a pretty active community of priests for each god, especially Balthazar, which used that little training place/temple thing. And now it’s been kicked out. Just like that. Byebye, no more Balthazar.
My question is: How would the people of Tyria react to it? Removing a place to honor the god of war and replacing it with all these bright colors and festives and that strange arena that’s more like a money lovefest because I’m sure no small amount of taxes went into that. After all, aren’t the descendandts of Dorics the chosen people? Shouldn’t they know better than to remove the temple of a god for a festivity that aims for celebrating themselves?
So, as we all might know after several lore texts and branches of the Human and/or Order of Whispers Storylines, Caudecus is an evil kitten that tries to throw Jennah off her throne to claim the crown for himself, even though he doesn’t have one drop of the old King Dorics blood.
And after Caudecus’ Manor(Warning spoiler)
we know he’s a ‘guest’ of the queen to stop his ploys.
My idea is that Caudecus wouldn’t be stopped by something like that. How about a living world event where he starts an open Rebellion? Or some genius ploy which kills off supporters of the Queen and the player has to stop it? To add spice it could kill one or two known NPC’s but it would add conclusion if Caudecus was (publicly) executed at the end of the event and the queen would take away any power the Ministry has left so it can only give suggestions to the Queen.
(edited by Cardon.4092)
It bugs me a while now. I understand that the game has taken a new artistic direction and therefore, we have more detailed statues of the gods, BUT:
There are the old statues, too. The Balthasar statue in Ascalon, the old Temple of the Ages… so my question is:
Who had the time during the 250 years of war, turmoil and suffering to go up to Lornar’s Pass and break down the hidden statue of Grenth to replace it with the Malchor interpretation?
Affected character: Mika Toshiro
World: Drakkar Lake [DE]
Changed course: After Level 70. I chose “Letting an innocent die”, but after the battle of Fort Trinity, it changed my story path to “letting someone else suffer”. I was playing the story completely alone and finished it, there couldn’t have been any interference.