Showing Posts For CarefulSally.4251:

6/14 DB / Mag / FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

Dolyak Cannons!

in Suggestions

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


This reminded me of the trained sharks at west keep that would rez people who died in the water. I miss that

Edit: Here’s the video:

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


Death Grips’ “Get Got” on repeat over and over again.

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


Ok guys, this has gotten way out of hand. Zero had his reasons for leaving, you may not like them, you may not like him, but the fact is, those reasons were important enough to cause him to transfer. So let’s just respect his decision and leave it at that shall we?

How has this thread not been closed by now? Three straight pages of nothing but guild drama, dogpiling and bullying. Mod, can you please put this thread out of its misery?

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


So Mag is ready to get ROLFStomped on Friday? Enjoy!

My body is ready.

I am so utterly tired of t4.

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

Yet Even Moaarrrrrr CD/Mag/SBI 3/29

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


Oh now I see why CD runs from 1v1s, they lose 1v3s when they actually fight

Your attitude is sad and so is the fact that you posted that terrible video.

Any DURP guild leaders here? Does this Zastari guy represent how you guys handle yourselves as a guild or what?

(I have to spell it as “Durp” because the proper way is censored by the forum for some reason)

Just reposting for the hilarity. I can’t wait to randomly quote this in /team chat. You guys do a crazy good job getting under people’s skin. I was a skeptic! But this post makes me a BELIEVA!

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

Issues I have have with WvW XP

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


I for one love WvW XP. Has it changed how I play WvW?

No. I still enjoy escorting dolyaks, babysitting camps, upgrading keeps, building siege, running in zergs, not running in zergs, taking camps in small groups, solo roaming, etc.

I couldn’t care less if a person earns more WXP than me for constantly zerging, and I certainly wouldn’t think less of them for zerging.

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

**Suggestion for commander icons**

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


Yes! I am not a commander, nor am I in a guild that organizes zerg busting in WvW, but I am all for more functionality with commander icons. If this function were enabled, I believe there would be a lot more zerg-busting groups (that don’t turn into zergs themselves).

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

tips for wvw combat

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


Pretty much what everyone else has said, specifically the learning through dying thing Scleameth.6809 said.

Know your surroundings. If an enemy gets an “obstructed”, it’s a free evade, so dip behind hills, strafe around pillars, etc.

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!

WvW Titles pointless?

in WvW

Posted by: CarefulSally.4251


I completely agree! I would love if my WvW titles were added to my achievement panel list. I do not care about any of my other titles on there.

However — and this probably goes without saying — I cannot stand how the titles are permanently displayed under character’s names now. So, 1. Revert how titles used to be displayed before this patch; 2. Make it so that the WvW titles can be displayed in the achievement panel list.

check out my pvp videos!
Now with 100% more edgy (do you even lift, brah?!) commentary and 3D face cam!