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I’ve run this dungeon plenty of time (maybe to many) on every path including story, and I have to say this is maybe the best dungeon I’ve run. Some things I’ve liked and disliked are:
*balance of mobs, not overwhelming but you can’t sleep though them either.
*Defence field, wondrous but different patterns would be cool. Keep it interesting.
*The Fire evolved husk could use some flare. Pretty much sleep though him. The rest of the bosses are pretty much okay.
Then there is good old Alpha. To me he’s fun. I’ve managed to dodge all of his attacks at least twice now, just got the timing to dodge crystals down, and I’m happy to say that my survival time while fighting him in any stage is about 5-10 minutes or longer if he’s not focusing me. I have used melee and ranged on him and granted I’ve died more in melee than ranged, it is possible.
80, Ranger
While leveling – 8/10
+ Great game content, enjoyable, very nice story.
- poor skill diversity, large amount of bugs
While at level 80 – 3/10
+ SPvP is fun.
- Large amount of bugs, Content is repetitive, Content is dull and not exciting, crafting and dungeons feel tedious.
This item works just like a fine transmutation stone but with one major difference. Instead of transferring stats this stone only transfers the graphic of the armour. Here’s the catch, the graphic can be from any weight of armour (light, med, heavy).
The Dungeons are Not Difficult - They are Mechanically Flawed - Here's Why...
Posted by: Cavthena.3065
So many assumptions made in this thread.
It always boils down to can pug’s do the content. If you made the mechanics too hard for pugs, then they will complain. If you make it easy enough for pugs, hardcore gets upset.
I agree with this statement.
Yes, pugs are what most pve content should be aimed at! why? Simple, pugs support community interaction (who knew!?) and that is what I, at least, play an mmo for. But don’t get me wrong pug content can still be difficult! Just not the way the devs think difficult is.
So far after running all paths in AC, a few in CoF, Arah, and CE. The trend seems to be, to make things difficult we’ll either add a truck load of health or dps to trash mobs, or swamp the players with so many mobs they die or become unmanageable, or simply give mobs one hit wonder moves. I fail to see how this in any way makes a dungeon difficult? What about all these game mechanics built into the game? Some mechanics I think could add to difficulty while making the game interesting are:
#NPC dodge rolling, I have yet to see one npc make this move and it’s built into the game!
#Boss diversity, Think along the lines of a single player game’s boss. They don’t just sit there and beat on you! One example can be the AC story boss, when he uses foefire instead of a normal aoe red ring the boss could float into the air and hit multiple areas with the fire. Players would have to focus on the fire and not the boss to survive.
#NPC Movement/Random Events, place those lovely mobs on patrol attack at the wrong time could put you in a out matched fight. Random events are a nice way to add excitement to the dungeons and still make them challeging. The Cave Troll boss crashing thought the wall in AC story was a very good example of this, it was random it never happened all the time and it could throw a group into chaos. (<- thats difficulty by the way)
I have more, In fact I could go on all day! But there is a char limit…
To exploit or not exploit… I rather not. However if every single party you’re in is exploiting then it’s kinda difficult not to, even more so if you really want to run this content of the game.
My thoughts are simple. No one should be banned for using the exploit the content that this exploit is used to avoid is to hard and no fun plain and simple. I’d bet my lousy 3 gold coins that this exploit would of never been found if this part of the dungeon was doable with a pug or an organized group. (not to mention if they did banned offenders I’m sure 1/3 of the player based might be banned O.o)
I love the dungeons in this game. They’re not that tough if you go with a good group in exotics and using vent and stuff.
This. and @people complaining about mobs having to much HP it’s because you’re trying to do the dungeons in blues/masterwork. Try the dungeons in a group with full exotic and watch how fast HP melts
That is true… however I don’t feel it’s about how fast you can take down trash mobs or if you can clear a dungeon with 0 deaths. From what I’ve read people have no problem with the difficulty (if the difficulty is “hard” not “One hit your done! HaHa!” Example would be CoF Kite event.) but with how much fun you have running the dungeon.
Maybe the problem is in how the dungeons are made for the elite organized groups only instead of random pugs. And may I add, pugs are a very good way to support social interaction outside of ones normal social group. Something Anet says they want in this game.