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Perma Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Oh my freaking goodness. All this time and I could never figure it out. It worked perfectly. Time to play my thief again for a bit lol

Perma Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Ohhh geeze. Maybe that’s what he did! Its was extremely affective against my Mesmer buddy and I and were pretty good at fighting thieves but we really don’t have enough aoe’s to counter that. I had no idea that was possible. Im going to try it right now on my thief, thanks!

Perma Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Honest question. My original character was a Ranger. I loved the ranger and killed almost everyone I came across in WvW but I couldn’t even begin to fight a thief, I could only hope to run. So I created a thief to learn its strengths and weaknesses. What a fun class to play! Then they put in the 4 second stealth timer and thieves were no longer that impossible to kill class but still a lot of fun. I’ve since created a Mesmer which to me is the most fun class to play yet. But every once in a while I still come across a thieve who is only ever visible for maybe a second, then gone again and this is in combat. Most of the thieves I encounter cant to this, nor can I when I’m on mine. Is it a spec? What am I missing? I still have no chance in hell to fight this perma stealth thief but now I cant even emulate it with my own thief to see how to counter it. How are thieves still doing it?

WvW needs a new metric

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Great ideas. But does anyone that matters actually read a post like this and take it into consideration? I only play for WVW. Some nights when were so outnumbered I can hardly leave my portal keep, I just log off. With your rewarding system at least I know that any effort no matter how small would help the fight. And that would be reason enough for me to stay on and think of a way to contribute.

Revive hack? Or am I missing something?

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


I was the other guy, I was at the camp first, waited about 30 seconds for my guildy to catch up..we watched for a min to see if he had friends coming, then stealthed, then double backstabbed him. He dropped with that and 1 more attack. I stealthed us while he went for a finish. He teleported which is fine, then immediately after teleporting he popped up at full health. Now if he rallied from a kill (and there is nothing at all in this camp to rally from or even near the camp) that’s fine but how was he instantly at full health? Im not one of those guys that pays to much attention to the details but Im pretty sure that you don’t rally to full. And the chances of someone killing something or him getting credit for something at exactly that time, and being close enough to level from that is close to an improbability, no? There are a quite a few people running hacks in the game, I’m pretty sure this was one. I admire players that outmatch me, which happens fairly often seeing as Im not a hardcore gamer. But this was not one of those times.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Dual, great link. Maybe Ill try his spec. And even though those guys he was fighting were laughable, it was still impressive.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


lol find one about Rangers (I did find an awesome Ele vid where a girl is just owning raids of people) But Dual, I totally get what your saying. the problem is, this guy is going against mobs of enemies. No class no matter how well its played should be able to take on 30 enemies and survive. Maybe get a kill and then die…And furthermore, if he wasnt pro..if he just mashed his 2 button, he could still do this, maybe not against 30 guys but still against staggering odds. And I really dont want to sound like Im whining but come on, not everyone getting owned in that video was a bad player.

Stop playing your ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Im not abandoning my class. I would love to be able to play him again soon. There are nights that I have a great time. But there are too many nights that wherever I go, Im just hounded by thieves all night. Thats not fun for me. Im here to have fun and until they give Rangers some much needed love, I log off way to many nights frustrated. I wouldnt even mind dying over and over again if it was fun fights. but my roomate next to me plays his mesmer, his ele, his necro, and he has so many cool things he can do. I wana use my longbow, then maybe switch to my greatsword when I have to fight in close quarters..As Im waiting for my timers on my bow to come back, I see my bud zipping around the battlefield or invisoing while creating multiple clones or going mist form with a entire new set of skills to looks fun…and when he dies to a thief, at least he fought them to the death. Id love one time to be backstabbed only to have my pet knock him down to give me time to distance myself, or maybe Id love the ability to track a stealthed thief, maybe pick up his tracks or have my hound pick up his scent..wouldnt that be cool…“your hound detects an enemy nearby” At least I could try to defend myself. No Stormleaf, Im not abandoning my class, Im protesting.

Thief and wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Im a ranger…Ive watched videos, played a thief, talked to other players, and have tried every combination of skills, defences, and attacks to combat a thief. I have learned this, I can kill a poorly played thief, or a well played thief who isnt all stealth and bust damage, but one that knows what he or she is doing is absolutly unstoppable for me. Im dead before I can press a button. Ive specced entirely for defence first and I literally die before I can evade, or click a button. It just is what it is. Once you know a well played thief is in an area, go someplace else.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


P.S. I used to think I can kill thieves too…but thats just because so many hacks roll thieves that half of em simply have no idea what they are doing and theey are running around with their level 20.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


lol just go watch this video. And then find a few more on your own and tell me thieves dont have to be fixed. This is absolutly rediculous. I dont care what class you play, go try to take on 20 guys and then tell me how great your class is lol.

Stop playing your ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Stop playing your ranger until they make good on their promises.

Ive only ever played a ranger in every game Ive ever played. I love the idea of the ranger, the way they have been written about, what they stand for…I have just made a thief. I will level him up, go perma stealth, and kill rangers until every ranger is complaining loud enough that they will have to make some positive changes. I love my Ranger, i hope to be playing him again someday soon.

2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Lol they cant come down on us because 1 guy is frustrated. It is frustrating sometimes…..perhapse its not said in a way thats easy to listen to but still. My first 6 deaths tonight were to perma thieves, the rest were to zergs. I dont like spvp, I like WvW but im not into zerg fighting which is really all you can do a lot of nights in this matchup. I dont blame the other realms for using man power, that would be silly but it is still indeed frustrating.

2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Poor Archer, I feel your frustration. My buds and I roam looking for small fights, we would even love a fight where there are only twice as many enemies as allies but we havent found any. No wait, me and my one guildy found 4 CD enemies at the Arah’s Hope supply camp..we thought for sure they would come out and fight us since they had us outnumbered 2 to 1…..we danced and waved but the four of them wouldnt chase us. After ten mins of trying to get a 2 on 4 fight, they started building ballista. They built 3 so we left. I dont hate them for it but its frustrating since every other camp we went to had at least 20 enemies just hanging out waiting for us to show up. How many people can a realm have to just have groups of 20 sitting around at every camp? And if our zerg showed (which is usually about 15 to 30 allies) enought enemies would show to paint the landscape. No fun at all I love WvW but sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do but run with the masses which isnt really fun :/

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Yah Paz thats the best way to do it. And I took Arpheus’s advice…dropped hide in plain sight, picked up the 2 second qz with weapon swap and it was awesome! I found myself paying much more attention to my pets and the extra qquickness really helped me set the pace of the fights. Add 50 kills to 2 deaths this past hour Loving the ranger and for the most part, the ranger community

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


haha Terkov nice! Yah I just figured with all the negativity out there Id share something that I havent seen people posting that has been fun for me. Im glad to see im not the only crazy one

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Wanderer Thanks for the quickness advice, Im gona try that it seems much more effecient than how Im curently doing it. Arpheus, you know Ive read so much about how great condition damage is, and maybe it is my high vitality but conditions just dont seem to effect me enough for me to the degree I want to use points to have to remove them. I use Troll Unguent to heal and if Im low health I click it, and Ill heal faster than any conditions can burn me down..while healing if I really need it Ill use my dodge to avoid further damage combined with lighning reflexes which give me 100% endur regen which burns up a lot of time and once my timers are back up I try to burst them down fast enough with zephyr and rapid fire. Ive noticed most people I fight when they get me running and doging they get kitteny and go on the aggressive so if I can stay alive long enough to have my timers reset they have blown their load and Im at half health ready to burn and my enemy isnt fighting quite as smart as they were when I was at full health at the beginning of the fight. Now Ive been really low health in larger fights where I notice im bleeding down and Ill have to back away from the fight, a few straggelers will usually chase me but Ill try to entangle them and keep backing away until I can get a heal off…thats it though, not really effected by conditions. I use 4 runed of divinity and two runes of speed (speed for when I am using rampage as one to chase enemies.

thinking about the 2 seconds of quickness when swapping pets..I dont know what I would want to lose to gain that. Piercing arrows is so nice for crowd control, quick draw to me is a must when using a long bow, and hide in plain sight is one of those things that saves me about a dozen times a night…and it offers me the next attack from an angle and buys me more time to reset my timers. Ill probably lose that one though and try the 5 points into beastmastery to see if I gain enough extra damage to lose that extra defense.

And lol Im not just fighting wet noodle thieves…Im right at about 5000 WvW kills and can tell a well specced/played thief from a pve guy.

And dont get me wrong, I love you guys doing all that math and figuring our things that work on paper but there are so many in game factors that those things just dont factor in like which attacks cause fear and panic and there are tactics that you can use that crunching numbers wont help you with. On test dummies I may not be specced perfect though Ill give you that.

It would sure be fun to be able to duel you Nurva. Im on EB, you?

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Thanks Eurantien for the support! I just hear so much complaining about the ranger and Im havin a grand ol time. It seems to me that if you do the same thing over and over again and it doesnt work try something new…even if the math doesnt work out And with the dang Ele’s…the only way I can finish em is if I can time a pet fear just before they take off on me. I cant rely on it but its fun to try and Im sure it shockes the daylights of of em when it works

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


I knew Id see something like that. And i dont blame you its what everyone says. Well why is it you think im having a fantasy? Im having fun because Im killing enemies far more often than I die. And from what I read rangers tend to believe they arent effective and arent having fun in WvW. And maybe there are just a lot of poor players in the game, but i usually dont even have to heal myself in a fight with a shortbow ranger. Maybe its because I have that armor you dont like which makes me harder to kill… I see people all the time stating things like you are saying…like longbow is a disaster. Its only a disaster if you dont have a 2nd weapon to switch to once you burn your timers. No one kills enemies as fast as I do of the people I run the time I go through my timers once Its almost all over. With the extra armor and health to keep me alive longer some night I feel invincible. Lol Im simply not making this up. Go ahead, poke a hole in it. If anything maybe Ill learn something

I dont think your playing right (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


I love my Ranger. I know we are lacking in many fields, but even so I kill a lot of enemies. The reason I feel people arent playing their rangers very well is because when I see an enemy ranger I get excited for my free kill (especially if i see a shortbow!!!). I use longbow greatsword (which I hear people say are aweful). I even learned how to kill thieves tonight which is something that has frustrated me to no end. Now im not one of those guys that crunch number or know everything about the game, I just love playing. If I die I ask myself why and what can I do better..With that said..this is how i play..any suggestions on making it even better I would welcome. If you hate rangers please dont post here there are pleanty of other places to post that stuff.

All my gear is power toughness vitality. My longbow and greatsword are power toughness healing. I also use quickening zypher, lightning reflexes, signet of the hunt, and mostly entangle. I use eagle eye and piercing arrows, agility training and quick draw, soften the fall and hide in plain sight.

My new way of fighting thieves…as they come out of stealth to attack, use lightning reflexes followed by point blank and rapid fire. At this point the thief seem to stealth and you can finish them with Barrage. If you have entangle up use that after lightning reflexes. That worked for me all night tonight for a total of 5 out of 6 wins vs thieves this evening.

In keep battles because of my range I can often take out cannons and things other people cant reach. I can entangle enemies that are trying to get in to defend or knock them back so allies can kill them. Barrage finishes off targets on the wall that go down when allies cant target them..also people tend to run from red circles so its a great way to get enemies to break rank and sometimes outright turn and run.

In open field battles where there are ten on ten or more people tend to think if they are getting damaged they can just run to the back or their lines and be safe..but rangers with our barrage and piercing attack can send multiple targets fleeing which for me has turned the tide of many fights. I also use my wolfs cone of fear to send people running. I also use the bear because its relentless and doesnt seem to ever die and well….I like bears

Now we really dont have a lot of ways to keep ourselves alive like a lot of other classes so i often run with my mesmer friend when I want to roam..the chaos he creates with his clones makes it very easy to stay alive and we often fight 4 or 5 enemies at a time and beat them.

Now the reason I use greatsword with my longbow is because Ill usually burn through my timers and not have an enemy dead yet, switch to greatsword, and if its a mele class and they are on me I counter attack to block their next attack and knock them down or if they are a distance class I swoop in to get on top of em and finish them that way.

Ive never lost 1 on 1 to a necro, guardian, engeneer, or ranger. Only 1 warrior has ever killed me 1 vs 1. Elementalists I have a hard time killing because they can get away but they have a hard time killing me too, If a mesmer plays their class right they can escape battle too but there arent a lot of good mesmers out there and usually are pretty squishy, and thieves are well..thieves. Except for tonight they usually get the best of me.

Im sure there are a lot of flaws in my playing style but Ive been very successful and I have a lot of fun doing it. There are nights Ill get over a hundred kills with only a single death or 2 and Im not a hardcore gamer. If you want to play a traditional style ranger I suggest giving this way a try Im loving the game. If anyone has any constructive critisism for me Id love to hear it.

Are thieves good for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Thieves look like a lot of fun in WvW to me. Me (Ranger) and my bud (Mesmer) have been thief hunting for the past month because we hate you guys so much lol. To us, the hardest to kill are dagger dagger. With the two of us combined and seasoned in fighting you guys, we both have to do everything perfect to kill one and its usually because the thief is overconfident. When we come accross one that doesnt have that (pardon the expression I know its not the right way of saying it) “perma” stealth with high bust damage you guys are pretty soft though

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


I love this match up. Im on EB and to me there is nothing more gratifying than killing Maguuma when they come in with greater numbers..or trying to hold off a massive Yak invasion. Its just plain good fun.

New player feeling so... useless in WvWvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


I have a blast with my Ranger at 80 in WvW. Full exotic gear and a balanced spec with power and toughness being my two highest stats. I get more kills each night than my mesmer, elementalist, or engeneer buds who I play with and only the mesmer dies less..I got 60 kills tonight and only died 4 times, once cause I wasnt paying attention and got zerged, and 3 times to the same broken thief. It was very rough until I got to 80 and geared out and messed with my traits and stuff but now its an absolute blast.

Longbow Viable in pvp?

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Long bow is almost all I use. With the 20% faster timers, I kill in wvw almost anyone I come up against..Im not as good with it in PvP but I dont PvP a lot so it just may be a talent thing lol

A Ranger's Place in WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Centhis.5071


Ive had huge amounts of success and fun in every aspect of WvW with my ranger. I use my longbow 90% of the time which was rough until I got my trait that decreased my timers 20 percent. I didnt go glass cannon, although my power is my highest ability, my close second is toughness. I played the largest Norn I could and wear bright red so everyone can see me. in 1v1 Ive never been killed by a tank class…Point blank knocks em back, sharpening stone to bleed, (then quickening zepher if its up) then hunters shot to slow em, then rapid the time they get to me my timers are ready to do it again, then they die. Elementalists and mesmers simply dont do enough damage to hurt me before I can heal myself so I just got to pick the right target when fighting a mesmer or stay on an ele long enough to kill him (they usually get away if they wana). The only class that is unbeatable to me is a thief (if played right, I love a poorly played thief) and im pretty sure they are just broke. Im zergs or tower / keep battles, I can take out cannons and stuff on the walls at a good safe range, and if someone jumps off the wall…knock em back away from the door, cripple em, and burn em down with rapid fire…I dont play to much but this month Ive out killed my mesmer bud who I play with 1000 wvw kills to 910 Love my ranger

Good class for PvP

in WvW

Posted by: Centhis.5071


People are pickin on the Ranger class..Well I wouldnt mind a little love, but I love my ranger. My bud and I play together almost every night, he plays a mesmer which looks fun but Ive out killed him in wvw. 1,000 kills in a month and I dont die a lot. I have to admit, I love to see other rangers out there cause they die so fast lol. When a thief is played right..using the exploits and all, they take out raids….mesmers are hard to kill cause all the confusion they cause and almost always get away but never kill me…but I havent lost to any tank class yet either, only been killed by 1 necro, never lost to an engeneer, and no elementalists have killed me although they do get away a lot. This is all 1v1….So if you want to just kill anyone you want at any time, play a thief, if you want to survive and have fun Id say mesmer or ele, but if you want to kill people with an underpowered class and actually feel like you did battle by the end of the night, Ill back the ranger!