Showing Posts For Ceta.6057:
The explorable zone will not be big. The upper levels have to be full of holes for the Archeage copied glider to fly through.
Look, this is for the best really. This way people only ever unlock the traits required for the Meta build they find online, and are then physically unable to be badly traited since everything else is locked!
Big win for the meta.
If anything, the system is unambitious. Just think if you had to unlock armour set stats too, then everybody would unlock zerker stats, call it a day, and we wouldn’t have to spend 10s more per dungeon boss!
All hail the trait unlocks!
I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.
Since Ascended and Exotic equipment is so commonplace, I imagine you don’t refer to stats. This infers that you want rewards to make you look good on your journey? I get that. I like to look good on my way through a game, but it is heard of for the quality of a story, and the fun of participating in the open world to make me completely forget about what I look like.
On the other hand, in a game where the reward tends to be aesthetics, the journey for many tends to be the acquisition of those aesthetics, after which is it just game over?
I would simply like to see a few satisfying drops; I’ve killed my share of Dragons.
I must be a sufferer of Johnsmithitus. No self respecting Ascended or Exotic equipment drops for me
( Not that it is a significant issue as I play FFXIV, there you get everything and the wedding dress )
(edited by Ceta.6057)
The thing is, in 2-3 years when no one is there to do the group events, you just won’t be able to unlock 70% of the traits unless you buy them.
Haha. What about today. I went hunting traits and had to give up.
So, it isn’t bad that a first level Trait can only be unlocked if you venture to an event 26 levels above yours?
Which one might that be?Heres one, i found within a few seconds; Level 36 gives you the second trait point. But Illusionary Defense, a Mesmer adept tier 1 trait, requires you to defeat Victurus and his Branded army in Iron Marches; that is a level 58 group event, in a zone designed for 50s to 60s.
The only effect of the change to the trait system has been to kitten players builds.
Lol. You wrote this just as I was writing mine!
I just ran 2 characters through ( to 80 ) with minimal existing account support. There is little encouragement to explore builds when you don’t have that much gold, few skill points and you can’t reach the activities. The change impacts up levelling as well.
The trait issue is made worse by the increased speed of levelling. Every few levels, new armor, weapons, etc, sucks up the gold; Traits get a low priority.
So, it isn’t bad that a first level Trait can only be unlocked if you venture to an event 26 levels above yours?
Which one might that be?
Heres one, i found within a few seconds; Level 36 gives you the second trait point. But Illusionary Defense, a Mesmer adept tier 1 trait, requires you to defeat Victurus and his Branded army in Iron Marches; that is a level 58 group event, in a zone designed for 50s to 60s.
The only effect of the change to the trait system has been to restrict players builds.
I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.
There is only around 20 levels in the game. The rest of the numbers are padding.
i.e, level 32 – 1 Unidentified Dye. There is no character improvement at that so called level. It’s a swindle.
Playing GW1 encouraged me to buy GW2.
Now I more often play FFXIV, because it gives me the entertainment I was lead to believe I would experience in the sequal to GW1.
imo, A-net dropped the ball with GW2 after the Karka island event.
Anet gives you an insane amount of power as an individual character. It’s amusing to see people say GW2 is so simplistic and they carry 1 set of gear and use the same traits for everything. There’s more to GW2 pve than sitting in the melee stack in your shaman gear buffing swiftness and gimpy staff might. You should be carrying 2-3 sets of gear, every weapon your class can use, and learning what specs work most efficiently in what dungeons, and also watching your team and building on the fly for how you can best help them. Your “preferred setup” isn’t helping, sorry to break it to you.
The OP wants to target being the best; but they will never get away from the auto attack players because the game lacks depth.
In PVE, excellence is’nt catered for. GW2 is too shallow and simplistic, almost something for players to start out with prior to moving on to more comprehensive games.
So what should they have done? Kept all the Living Story staff working over Christmas while everyone else was spending time with their friends and families?
Or padded the Living Story out with unnecessary extra chapters so it would go on longer after the break?
Or maybe, planned ahead, like any normal business would do.
I play for a few minutes most days, but GW2 is too limited to hold my interest.
It’s a simple grind to reach 80 ( x12 ), more so after recent changes. I then obtain some adequate gear and the game is essentially finished, but for a little exploring.
Every so often I can waste a few hours poking a stick at that drivel called a living story. But without tangeable character progress, whether level, in skill or in visible status ( i.e. Obsidian armor ) There is simply little point in playing.
Fortunately there are there games ( with lots more content ).
I’m sick and tired of being the outlier.
Same here.
My feedback: The new dailies are are too restrictive and ill though out.
- Low level characters get little chance of reaching events before high levels have finished them.
- Buggy content like Southsun Survival, where you start dead and get to watch others start alive.
The point of dailies is not to dump items into your inventory. The point of dailies is to incentivize players to participate in specific content.
By trimming down what can be done in PvE, you create the impetus for players to participate in WvW or PvP.
The point of dailies is to maintain a high player population. By reducing the available options for PVE players ( a very large percentage of the total player population ) you reduce the incentive for those players to play GW2. In doing so you reduce exposure to the Cash shop and business income.
Plus: A lot of players enjoy PVE, they don’t like being ganked. They will simply reduce play time in GW2, rather than be ganked in any type of PvP.
Common-sense principles underpin most business activities: You don’t restrict the amount of strawberries you sell, to force a customer to eat Prunes, if they don’t like the taste of them.
GW2 = unrewarding