Showing Posts For Chaoslord.5439:
Same problem here…..
By gating Legendary armor behind raids ANET only further alienates a large portion of the player base. Player’s should have multiple options available to obtain legendary armor as opposed to one small part of the PVE game mode. I don’t object to an exclusive skin or title associated with raids, but Legendary items should be available to the vast majority of the player base. How many PVE players would be angry if it was gated behind winning 1,000 PVP games or flipping 10,000 keeps in WvW. In fact why don’t I have the option of crafting it…I have that option for legendary weapons.
However, ANET seems to be on a roll with agitating its player base so perhaps it’s intentional. So many decisions in the past year have been detrimental to the health of the game.
1. Re-balance the “elite” specializations as they clearly outshine the core specializations
2. Bring Scrapper and Reaper back into line with other classes, I’m not sure why it takes the balance team so long to respond to significant balance problems.
3. Match teams so that games will be competitive, this season’s matchmaking has caused me to have numerous one-sided games that weren’t remotely fun.
4. PVP balance team needs to interact more with the community and provide the logic used to support many of the changes or in some cases why no changes were made to a class or skill. The lack of communication between developers and the PVP community only encourages negativity among players.
5. Something to do while setting in HotM waiting for a match to begin
The truth is that either Anet doesn’t want to all the classes to be balanced or they simply don’t have the expertise on their staff to achieve this goal. The last balance patch was clear evidence of this fact as the chose to remove so many amulets with defensive stats from the game to achieve balance…all they really did was eliminate bunkers and place more emphasis on classes with both strong offensive & defensive capabilities, with the exception of Mesmer who get beat with a nerf stick. If you played a poorly balanced class before the patch…then life still sucks.
The core classes are clearly outperformed by the elite specializations and the statistics are very telling. My main has been a warrior since launch and I’m getting rolled by the new specializations. I haven’t felt this weak while playing warrior in years and am considering re-rolling to Revenant so my team doesn’t have to carry me thru games. I’m not sure if Anet actual intended for the new specs to be “elite” and outperform core classes or if the designers were simply unable to balance the new specs and core classes. I sincerely hope the next balance patch adequately addresses the balance problems or I fear the PVP scene will deteriorate due to player frustration.
Perhaps if piercing was a standard attribute of the rifle vice needing to trait for it it would be more viable. The current trait choice’s require forgoing Warrior’s Sprint if you take Crack Shot to get piercing. I previously ran both of these traits under the previous system a felt rifle was at least viable with piercing. The rifle would still lack the utility of longbow but give warriors some options beyond a single target. The Crack Shot trait could retain the cool down reduction and add an additional bonus such as a damage bump, attribute bonus, bleeding, etc.
I’m experiencing the same problem with render sampling….reducing my FPS by 30% and making parts of the game feel like I’m in slow mode. Yes, I play on a 5 year old laptop…using subsample rendering is a must to have tolerable FPS. Something from Anet on this would be reassuring…
Perhaps an Anet game designer could weigh-in on this issue? I’m of the opinion removing ricochet has crippled the P/P Thief build to the point of making it unbearable to play. Does Anet have any intentions of addressing this issue considering that they created it or will they let it fester? Some goodwill and honest insight would be appreciated….perhaps the yet to be announced specialization will address this?
Rifle can be a fun choice in PVE & WvW if you take Crack Shot due to piercing when fighting mobs. However, with the recent changes to traits and Crack Shot moving from the Arms line to Discipline just about everyone will take Warriors Sprint. I’ve been experimenting with using Runes of Speed to maintain the 25% increase in movement but thus far it’s not been very satisfying. Perhaps ANET will do something to make rifle more viable in the future or Crack Shot easier to obtain.
I agree that the Axe & Hammer GM traits don’t live up to the expectation for that tier. Additionally, Axe warriors are punished as they have to choose between Berserker’s Power and Axe Mastery while every other weapon specific trait can be combined with this trait. Some flexibility within the trait line would be useful as well…like being able to take Adept or Master level traits in a higher tier, similar to the way the old system worked. This would allow slightly more customization within a given specialization.
The placement of Axe & Hammer traits in Grand Master line hinders the synergy needed when configuring traits to allow these weapon sets to be on par with the other weapons. If a direct comparison was done between the Forceful Greatsword trait and Axe/Hammer traits the greatsword trait is just as good if not better but available at the Master tier. The Grand Master traits should be reserved for abilities that alter a builds game play, rather than reducing recharge/buffing weapon damage. If these were moved we may see more viable builds using a variety of weapons.
P.S. Please give rifle some love…
I have to agree the Axe Mastery trait needs moved out of the Strength GM line. This skill would be more appropriately placed in a master tier in Strength, Arms or Discipline. Let’s hope it doesn’t take ANET 6-12 months to realize the problem this creates for Axe builds. Unless they are trying to encourage more players to use Greatsword.
Why did Anet have the Axe Mastery trait compete directly with Berserker’s Power? Every other weapon related trait can be combined with BP…why handicap player’s using axe or discourage it’s use? They should improve the body blow trait and move it to GM, then move Axe Mastery to Master tier.
I’ve been using axe since launch…knowing full well greatsword was better but this change is making it hard for me to justify using axe in future builds.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chaoslord.5439
Really, the customer base that has supported you this long needs to purchase the base game to obtain the expansion. I expect this to be addressed quickly by the community relations team. If this stands don’t expect me or anyone in my guild who has been supporting GW2 to purchase this “expansion”.
I had hoped today’s patch would help….no change what so ever to my FPS. Current FPS of 10-12 is terribly frustrating when trying to play PVP. Surely we’ll get a Dev comment soon on this issue…with so many bugs they are liking working thru a long list.
A response from ANET would be appreciated on this issue. Since the patch the game has been nearly unplayable for me….my FPS dropped from 30 to 10-15. I played one PVP match and it was terrible…won’t play again as now I’m a liability to the party.
Bugs galore…..
FPS reduced by half
Loading Screens are jacked-up
Random sounds….comical but tiring after 30 minutes
Skill Lag
Guild Chat
I’m just repeating what many others have already stated
Game is unplayable on lower end machines
1. Guild Commander Tag
2. Guild Halls with upgrades and achievements
3. Improved guild events/activities
The dragon boss fights would be more engaging if they had some mobility during the encounter. For the most part they just stand in the same place during combat, I find this becomes very predictable and boring. If any of these bosses moved around during the fight it would be more interesting and not succumb to the repetitious paint by numbers strategy currently employed by the community. I wonder what would happen if the Tequatl encounter was changed suddenly so he went rampaging thru the zerg, into the turrets and directly at the megalaser within the first minute of the fight. The reaction would be priceless….
10/1 update Game disconnects many times a day
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Chaoslord.5439
I’m experiencing frequent disconnects while playing in PVE as well, they seem to coincide with spikes in WvW gameplay. Just tonight I’ve had 5 disconnects….is it related to the server lag caused by the increase in WvW play due to server reset today…hhmm. ANET what’s going on with the server?
1. Guilds – Management Tools, Guild Halls, Last Online, Calendar, interesting upgrade options, etc. Make guilds important to the game and provide PVE and PVP guild content.
2. More large scale events like Tequatl, but improve communication tools for the player base. Joining TTS and participating in the Tequatl events with 100+ other players has been one of the most enjoyable things I’ve done in this game. Larger PVE party sizes, I would suggest 10 would help as well.
3. Build diversity – encourage different play styles by improving the viability of various builds. This can be done by balancing and/or introducing new skills, improving/balancing sigils and runes as many are simply ignored and introducing new weapons. Perhaps we could use spears while on land as well as in the water.
The lack of both PVE and PVP guild content/tools is a glaring problem that the developers rarely even discuss. Every time I see an interview with the developers posted online this is the question I hope gets asked. Several big budget MMOs are in development and if they provide this type of content I expect a significant portion of the population to leave the game. I do enjoy GW2 and it’s my game of choice but you can produce living content until your blue in the face and it won’t make-up for this weakness. It would be encouraging if the developers would at least address the issue.
I agree with alot of what everyone is saying about what’s needed in GW2. In my opinion the game is weak in the area of social interaction options. Guild Halls, player housing, LFG option, larger party sizes for dungeons and PVE may cause more players to become personally invested in the game and stay with it. While I have a small guild of nine players five of them gave up on the game six months ago for these reasons. We wanted to play in groups of at least 8 like we did in GW1 and couldn’t. Several big MMO titles are in the works and if they provide many of the options listed in this thread we will see a mass exodus of players from the game when they are released. This is something I don’t want to see because I want this game to endure. ANet….please improve the social aspect of play before this happens.
I agree completely with this assessment, guild halls provide a common meeting place and a sense of pride among guild members. My guild always met in our guild hall in GW 1 prior to tackling dungeons and higher level missions. This option could be further expanded with the architecture line as well. Imagine if guilds could obtain upgrades to customize and decorate their hall. I believe Colin could at least give us an idea where ANET stands on this issue and expanding the PVE party limit to 8-10 players. My guild wants to play together…that’s why we play in an MMO. ANET should facilitate that experience!
The current party size limits for both PvE, Dungeons and Personal Story instances is driving our guild away from the game. I thought GW2 would make everyone playing together easier, unfortunately is just created frustration. We haven’t logged on as a group for several months now and everyone is considering going back to GW1 or switching to another MMO entirely. I enjoy many aspects of GW2 but the lack of grouping support and player housing (how do you make a sequel to GW1 without it at launch?) has become a deal breaker. Some of us will still solo play occasionally but as a group I’m afraid the game is dead to us for now.
Anet, the partly limit of 5 may be fine for dungeons but it’s seriously limiting my guilds gameplay in PVE. As a GW1 guild we at least had the option for 8 members…this could be addressed by having guild members appear on the compass or increasing the partly limit outside of dungeons. My guild’s number one priority is to play together and right now we are experiencing significant frustration when participating in PVE content as members lose sight of each other when playing. Help me keep my guild together in PVE!