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S3E6 violation of Charr lore "spoiler"

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


We don’t know how old Jennah is and I’m not inclined to think that she’s in her late thirties. Remember that she took the throne at an early (if unspecified) age due to the death of her father. Konig or Drax could confirm or deny this but I seem to recall that a big part of the problem she’s had with the ministry is because they increased their power and influence during the early years of her reign, as she (again, as I recall) wasn’t quite old enough to rule on her own. But I could be wrong.

I’m pretty sure there’s a sylvari in the grove that mentions her age, granted, how a sylvari would know is questionable at best. The wiki has her at 1290 for her birth year, meaning her father died when she was 20 in 1310, leaving the ministry to rule until she was 26? Which fits with what we hear in the grove, as if iirc, they said she was ‘almost thirty’. So maybe low-mid thirties by now.

About the Weaver elite skill and icon

in Elementalist

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


That final state basically was buffing, while Ozai got thrashed from a distance. From what WP showed, it seems Weaver has that down perfectly.

Also yes, we’re totally the avatar. My dreams for my ele have come true.

S3E6 violation of Charr lore "spoiler"

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


Technically, the Blade’s allegiance is to keeping the salmaic dynasty on the krytan throne, and given that we’re a ‘super speshul agent’ that is probably going to be the one thing the PC can’t work against, however, most races except maybe the Norn are in favor of having Jennah on the throne for now. And the Norn don’t care all that much either way.

And if Jennah ever did go cray cray, it would probably be the blade that went to find a replacement heir. Supposedly there’s a hint that there’s another heir. One would hope anyways. Jennah’s getting to her late thirties and has no known heir.

Obviously the PC as a charr joining the blade is simply ridiculous, but when you think about it for a minute, especially considering that said Charr has the same mindset as every other Pact Commander: ‘unite, fight teh darguns, save teh wurld’, is it so implausible that they’d agree to this? Yes, your PC charr would be a super special snowflake, but given that he/she has already united the races against two dragons, there’s not much more they can do to highlight the fact that they’re not an ordinary charr. I know MY charr would never agree to this, but it’s not MY charr we’re playing. It’s the Pact Commander. And knowing the Pact Commander, being the sly devil they are, they simply wouldn’t mention any of this to the Legion’s high command. Especially if they’re OoW members. And Ash Legion.

I can appreciate the desire for difference in story by species, I want it too, but at this point diverging it again would cause at least five alternate realities. Unless we were to pull a swtor. For example, if a new PS step was to have your charr, idk, become Imperator or the Khan-Ur, how would that look to a PC whose a human? Who becomes the new bigshot for the charr? It’d get messy Very quickly, or it’d become vague. The new imperator would be nameless, just like for say, the Knight in swtor, the Bounty Hunter is just a faceless merc with a title. Personally, i’d rather not have that fives times over in key positions throughout the lore. The world is mysterious enough, tyvm.


in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


Actually, Glint implied they’d all die out. “As I have foreseen, the Mursaat will meet their demise at the hands of the Chosen.”

Given that Livia is Chosen, and now the PC somehow is awakened as well, she could very likely be referring to the Flameseeker Prophecies. The rest of it did come to pass, but Livia was determined to finish it completely, to end every last Mursaat. And, it fits. Lazarus died at the hands of the Chosen, the Mursaat met their final demise.

You could argue that we did complete the prophecy, one small part of it at least. Either way, it’s not really that significant in the long run. The Mursaat’s demise was only a small part of the set of prophecies. Given that everything else came to pass, the fact that Lazarus was going to die by the hands of the Chosen wasn’t that much of a surprise.

(edited by Charrlizard.8041)

Character name issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


I have two accounts, but i’m downsizing to just one. The problem I’m having is the certain name of one of my characters on my less active account won’t free itself. I’ve been waiting almost two days now, and nobody else has taken it, yet when i try to re-make it on my main account it says it is taken. Even though I’ve deleted the character. Is there a certain time period for these things, or is this a bug?

The Status of Orr

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


The goal was never to eliminate the undead from Orr. It was to kill Zhaitan.

Mission accomplished.

OUR goal was to kill Zhaitan. Trahearne’s goal was to cleanse Orr of corruption, though this, of course, also required the death of the dragon to proceed to completion. In one of his speeches after Zhaitan went down, he even speaks of the long-term process of exterminating the remaining undead.

What I’ve been wondering about is Caladbolg, which was used to begin the cleansing of the Source of Orr. Caladbolg was grown by the Pale Tree and is an extension of her power. But we now know the Pale Tree is a creature of Mordremoth (albeit a rebellious one), and any extension of her (including the sylvari themselves) is potentially subject to the control of that dragon. What does this mean for the cleansing of Orr? Might the presence of Caladbolg serve as a wedge giving Mordremoth the ability to interfere with, subvert, or take over the Source?

My point exactly. Trahearne kept the Pact there for almost 3 years that our PCs weren’t involved in. When we see him next, he has caladbolg again somehow. So either, the Source of Orr is cleansed enough to spread through the land all by itself now, thanks to a decrease in undead, or Trahearne just took it because he needed it against another dragon.

Idk if you watch WoodenPotatoes, but back when we had that orb theory thing going around, we saw one take over another, and he said it was most likely a representation of what was going on. If Mordy can hit ascalon, I have no doubt he can hit Orr. Especially if there’s a font of magic there that he could easily corrupt, thanks to the Firstborn. It would also explain why he’s smarter and stronger than Zhaitan, AND it would give us a reason to go back to Orr. To cut off his tie to the magic, and then begin systematically destroying him like we did with Zhaitan.

Snaff's Mind-Control

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


Smodur seems to care more about freeing up his forces than peace itself. Annihilation of Ebonhawke would have served him equally well.

Jennah saved the city, sure, but keep in mind that when Logan showed up the branded were butchering the Ebon Vanguard/Seraph forces, and were at the front doors of the building Jennah was hiding in – the only other occupant of which was Anise. Logan’s arrival and freeing the charr gave the Ebon Vanguard and Seraph some recooperation time and took the branded off of said front doors. If Jennah was able to save the city just like that – like so many seem to presume – then why didn’t she? Why wait until her forces were clearly losing, on the brink of death with so many casualties on both sides? Why wait until the man she loved was nearly killed? Keep in mind that this wasn’t all happening in mere moments, but was an elongated battle – long enough to tire out the forces. We don’t have an exact time estimate, but given Jennah’s lack of interaction for the entire duration of the battle, it’s pretty clear that she had to recooperate. If Logan hadn’t shown up, then the branded would have gotten to her – and possibly killed her depending on Anise’s abilities – well before she could have saved the city.

The branded would be an issue with Kralkatorrik’s death – just as the risen are; just as Tequatl continued to be. They would spread the corruption under the leadership of champions. They wouldn’t be as big of an issue, but the Dragonbrand would remain, and would spread just as it does now.

And I highly doubt Snaff’s survival would have resulted in mind-controlled golems for all. Simply because asura don’t tend to like spreading their – or others of their races’ – inventions without a price. And they’d be no more effective at killing dragons than standard golems, really, beyond the fact that they’d be reacting like a person would. Besides, if such was viable… why doesn’t Zojja introduce such? As Snaff’s apprentice, she should have some degree of knowledge about them, given that she piloted one such golem a lot!

And Ghosts of Ascalon wouldn’t have happened because without Jennah, there’d be no mission to go into Ascalon City to retrieve the Claw of the Khan-Ur.

When Logan showed up she was in the tower surrounded by Shining Blade. Outside, she was surrounded by Seraph, although they were too late to save their captain. Yes she had to recuperate, from looking into Kralky’s mind, but she would have still been able to cast her illusion, with or without the charr. The branded were nowhere near her, nor were they focusing on her. Plus, the odds of giant ogres/hyenas successfully climbing a narrow human turret are low. And, there’s the Shining Blade to deal with, not to mention the queen herself. Her overdeveloped sense of caution basically doomed the fight with the dragon, although, had she known about it, I think she would’ve made Logan stay.

Where Snaff is concerned, I disagree. He was the hero we needed, and his golems were undisguisedly efficient at killing dragon minions. It was stated many times that nobody would ever be able to build golems like he did, not even his apprentice. As brilliant as she is, she trusts magic over machinery. If they had beaten Kralky, which they could’ve done if Logan manned his kitten post, Snaff would’ve definitely lent his inventions to a combined force. There’d be no reason not to, provided he had enough money/materials to build them.

There are too many variables on whether or not Ebonhawke would’ve survived without Logan. Personally, I could see a lot more carnage, but no real change. Jennah has a habit of summoning him for no reason. Plus, I’m also pretty sure her final spell was drawn out for dramatic flair, like many other things are in the book.

(edited by Charrlizard.8041)

Snaff's Mind-Control

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


But if Logan hadn’t run away, the charr in Ebonhawke that helped stem the tide of branded wouldn’t have been freed, thus Ebonhawke would have been wiped out because Jennah was still reeling from her attempt to see into Kralkatorrik’s mind unprepared. And most certainly would have suffered far larger casualties, and there would be no beginning of the charr-human peace treaty as that event was the very first steps towards it (with freeing the charr prisoners and Jennah’s little speech).

And if the branded had managed to kill Jennah, then Caudecus would no doubt have taken Kryta – say hello to Neo-White Mantle Kryta. And if not that, then Kryta would be torn into civil war while still fighting centaurs and, in 5 years time, an increased incursion of risen that bypassed Claw Island. The last human nation would undoubtably fallen or be rendered unable to assist the Pact.

Valid points, but, I’m pretty sure both Jennah and Smodur wanted peace in Ebonhawke. Even if the Charr hadn’t been freed, she would have still, presumably, used the illusion on the surviving guardsmen. Logan’s presence at Ebonhawke didn’t really sway anything. Jennah saved the city. Plus, DE would have been able to kill Kralky, Snaff would have lived, the branded wouldn’t be an issue (presumably), and we’d all be mind-controlling gigantic golems made to kill dragon minions.

I don’t think it would’ve derailed the peace treaty either. Ghosts of Ascalon would, presumably still be happening. The Claw would have still been in Ascalon, and hell, maybe DE would’ve been the ones to retrieve it instead. Or maybe not, since a guild made up of each of the sentient races taking down a dragon would’ve been the ideal poster for unity. Nobody could’ve denied that, had they actually taken Kralky down.

The Status of Orr

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


There’s no reason to believe the Pact has left Orr. As of Tequatl Rising, they hadn’t, and during The World Summit the matter of the Pact being in Orr was brought up by Phulnt (“Why isn’t the Pact handling this? Are they mired in Orr?”).

As for Tequatl, in lore it didn’t die but retreat in the events prior to Tequatl Rising. Post-Tequatl Rising, however, the matter is unclear; Rox in the story instances later claims she and dozens of adventurers slew Tequatl, and took its tail, but the dialogue of the NPCs there still imply post-Tequatl Rising that it just retreats as usual. It’s likely that Rox pushed it back, saw its tail fall off and presumed it died.

I’d consider the Pact being wherever Trahearne was. I doubt he would’ve left Orr if he hadn’t finished the job with the undead. He took down Zhaitan quickly and methodically, killing the rest of the Orrians could take a few years I imagine. It fits anyways. Or, he spent all that time down there recuperating from cleansing Orr while the Pact just held their outposts. Clarification would be nice, is my point.

I think Rox did kill Tequatl. I find it far more likely, simply because the NPC dialogue around the event hasn’t changed. Nor has it changed anywhere else in the game, and, hers is further along in the timeline.

The Status of Orr

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


Why single out Orr? All zones are locked in time.

And yes, we know that the personal story happened before the start of the living story.

As for Tequatl: Yes, his increase in power is canon. This was explicitly stated by Anet. We have no idea what was behind it however. That, combined with the explorable version of Arah, makes it clear that the Risen are still quite active post-Zhaitan. That said, the update to Tequatl was a year and a half ago. So what happened since then is anyone’s guess. Also: I’m not sure if Tequatl is actually killed when he is defeated.

Well it’s kind of hugely important to the lore, and it was the place for the climax of the personal story. A lot of things happened there. It’ be nice to know the effect. Plus, I always assumed that the explorable mode for Arah was right after Zhaitan’s fall. Its been a few years, and the Pact has left. Something must’ve changed in Orr for them to leave it.

I know Teq’s power-up was canon, but again, he’s a world boss. If we try to fit him into the lore, we’ve killed him twice so far, apparently. Assuming he does die when we beat him. But if he can come back repeatedly, what’s stopping his master from doing so? Yet another reason to wonder about Orr.

The Status of Orr

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


The more I think about this, the more it makes me itch. One of the things I love, or rather, loved about this game was how it kept up with time. A week in our world is a week in Tyria. Three years pass here, three pass there. That’s gone at the moment thanks to the expansion (which makes you wonder exactly how Lion’s Arch is being rebuilt, but I’m not touching that) but it still leaves me with questions.

What breaks the immersion for me of the world being in somewhat constant motion, is Orr. I know we don’t know exactly when the Pact brought Zhaitan down, but I’m assuming it was before the Karka invasion. Which means that, since launch, the greatest armed force in Tyria was sitting in Orr doing cleanup, presumably. But we never (to my knowledge, anyways) hear exactly how effective that was.

I understand that keeping Orr all undead and corrupt is necessary for the gameplay and new players. But from a current lore perspective, is it still infested with undead? Are people still rising from death after falling to the Risen? Is some dragon champion feeding off of Zhaitan’s power to continue this, or is that what the Pact spent so long fighting? Is it, at the current moment in the game, slowly returning to an uncorrupted continent thanks to Trahearne who, from his dialogue, presumably cleansed the land of undead corruption? And if Orr isn’t a threat, has anybody tried sailing to Cantha or Elona? I know Lion’s Arch was busy, but there are other ports. Assuming not everything in Sea of Sorrows was wiped out by the Dead Ships.

As far as I know, the last allusion to Orr we got was from Tequatl, but I don’t really count world bosses as lore. Some of them can fit, like Jormag, but how many times is a golem really going to turn into an enormous fire elemental? Same thing for Teq. How many times can he rise again without a master, presumably.

I know it’s not really that important since we’ve all got jungle fever at the moment, but I’d like to think that our character’s efforts in purifying/clearing one of the greatest thorns in the side of sea voyages southward had some effect. Just knowing what was going on down in Orr at the moment would be nice.

Snaff's Mind-Control

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


I literally just finished re-reading the book, so I can help you out here.

Like everyone else said, he used powerstones/kralky’s blood to control golems/minions. But fighting the mind of the dragon was something else entirely. They portrayed Kralky’s mind as a tornado of rage, endless hunger, etc. etc. Snaff put his mind in the center of that raging vortex, and basically showed Kralky everything he could never experience or understand. Memories, the feelings attached to them, etc. Meaningful to puny mortals, but unimportant and worthless to a being that only lives to consume magic and corrupt everything around it. By doing this, Snaff was able to seep into the subconscious of the dragon, and control his bodily functions against his will.

As Kralky fought Snaff’s mind, he tried, in vain, to trap him while simultaneously sending his minions after Snaff’s body. By the time he crashed, Snaff probably could’ve made the dragon die without needing the spear Glint gave Rytlock, and if Logan hadn’t run away like a love-crazed pansy, he would’ve had enough time to do so presumably. But Thackeray ran away, and the rest, as they say, is history.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


Guys, there’s plenty of reasons to go to Cantha. It’s not just for humans. I remember reading somewhere that there were actually Charr in Cantha, that were starving or something. And those Wardens of Echovald could easily have come from a Mordy related champion like the Tree. The Asura lived underground, and if you recall, there was a spot in Kaineng that linked up with the other sinkholes in the other big cities. There’s plenty there for the Asura to rediscover.

As for the Norn, I can’t think of any race-specific reason to go south, but they’re Norn! Norn love adventure. Exploring an ancient continent full of legendary and dangerous creatures sounds right up their ally. They could even toss in something to do with the spirits.

Elona would have been the next logical place to go geographically, however, it’s basically an undead zone now, and is blocked by Kralky, and presumably Bubbles. Plus, I seriously doubt anything there would help us learn about the dragons. Cantha however, besides being constantly dangled in front of our faces on the gem store, has Always had dragon symbolism. What better place to learn about them than the Dragon Empire? It’s so obvious. Plus, Orr isn’t blocking the way anymore.

Considering all the canthan themed stuff we keep seeing, plus the inherent story potential, my moneys on cantha. Assuming of course, that we leave Tyria. I really hope we leave Tyria. I never liked it in Prophecies. Nowhere near as interesting as a sea of jade and a forest of amber.

Jade Sea status: still frozen?

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


In the Sea of Sorrows book, there definitely was trade between Kryta and Cantha before the rising of Zhaitan, although we don’t know much about the circumstances of that trade (for instance, Cantha might have a special trader’s area that foreigners are restricted to).

Ahh, no. Canthans loved humans, they were xenophobic. Cobiah mentioned that he explored Kaineng City when he went there. I see no reason why the Canthans wouldn’t allow traders to see their city, if you recall, they LOVE showing off their superiority.

Ash Legion homelands?

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


We don’t know.

Blood Legion also has land east of the Blazeridge (it is where their citadel, the Blood Citadel, is). My guess on Ash is NE. No support for such, really, except the lack of mention. I view charr lands like a giant square(ish shape). In the center and going in a line south with an edge somewhat west at the north and south tips (making a slight ] shape) is the Blazeridge Mountains. SW sector is Ascalon (Iron), NW is Blood, SE is Blood, and NE is Ash.

I’m pretty sure the Ash Legion homelands are also east of the Blazeridges, only right next to Ascalon. I have no idea where I read that, but that stuck in my head.

Amaranda The Lonesome's Enigmatic Utterance

in Lore

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


On another note, was Scarlet’s body ever recovered?

Good question especially since it was looking kinda corrupted at the end there. Maybe we’ll have an evil/crazy pale tree in LA in a few hundred years…

No, she wasn’t corrupted on death (she very well might’ve been in life) Sylvari decompose rapidly, as Killeen did in the book. Scarlet was doing the same, that’s all.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


ESO doesnt have a way to move between them and the RP there is horrible for another reason – no speech bubbles, making it impossible to have a conversation. Didnt think PS1/2 used a megaserver, you pick a server? The only game I know of that use something similar and where you can jump between instances is STO.

That little idea has been suggested for ages though – even before GW2 megaservers was even planned we wanted to move between different overflows. Anet has done nothing about it.

Tbh, I think much of the issues can be solved by just having some server unique instances, without actually touching the megaserver tech otherwise.

Take Divinitys Reach for example. The city as a whole would be megaserver design, but several of the districts would be per server. It wont stop chumps from interfering your RP (even on PS/TC it never has) but it should considerably reduce the chances and whatever player you see is actually on your server, no other server. Call it a server “sanctuary” in the gigantic megaserver if you will. That pub you want to go to at the end of a long hard day

But why split up the cities when a simple menu giving you a choice between megaservers would work just as well? I mean I know the playerbase is big, and growing, but surely it’s not large enough to overflow every city. DR maybe, or even LA, but not every city. All the complaining i’ve seen on them (the semi-logical stuff anyways) could be solved in the bloody login screen. Guesting is useless now right? So why have a ‘server’ list when one for the megaservers would be FAR more effective?

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


There is no such a thing. Even a blind, deaf and mentally disabled monkey can see that megaservers are the worst development in MMO industry (As long as your understanding about good is not equal to more players).

Actually, a few of them DO use them. Like ESO, Planetside 1 and 2, etc. But again, there’s usually some sort of system used to move between them. GW2 needs one. It would solve most of the issues people have with them.

The only reason I said idc how it’s implemented is because, knowing Anet, if they DO implement something, it’ll look fine, and may be buggy for the first few weeks. Anything would be better than this random flow crap.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


I left when I heard that Megaservers had killed the RP, and i went over to SWTOR for a while. Now that i’m back for the new LS, I actually managed to find/reconnect with my old guild. I was guildless before that, so the fact that most of them were TC players probably sorted me onto the right megaserver.

The very next day though, our guild was split across two megaservers, and since everyone who wasn’t on mine was too busy RPing to notice guild chat, I couldn’t party and switch over.

Tbh, most MMOs have megaservers these days, and i’m glad GW2 has them, but most other MMOs also have some way to switch between the servers. GW2 needs one. Desperately. There are three right? How about instead of listing all the servers on the world select menu, you list the three megaservers and tag each one as PvP PvE and RP?

That way randoms wont have to deal with our emotes, and we won’t have to deal with large guilds full of trolls ruining our immersion.

I honestly don’t care how it’s implemented, just give us players SOME way to choose where the hell we end up. This random sorting crap has got to end.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


My hard drive on my Dell decided to die last Friday, I know it’s only been…3-4 days, but I’m starting to go into withdrawal. I -was- just going to replace the hard drive, get the OS, and buy office, buuuut then I tried logging in on my current old laptop (a Toshiba) and found to my delight that I can actually get in, despite this thing being ancient. I figured that, since I was told by Anet that this thing would never ever ever run GW2 ever, there might be a cheaper laptop that can run it on high graphics.

So instead of relying on Yahoo Answers for help, I’ve decided to ask my fellow players, what kind of laptop should i get to replace my old one? I’m not getting another Dell (and never will be again) and there’s no way I’m getting a Mac…eww. As long as it has windows (preferably 7) and can run GW2 mid-to-fast on high graphics, I’ll be fine.

As for price, I’d prefer to stay under $700, since I have $500 available to me at the moment. So. Help a player out?

Edit: My dell was a Dell xps L502x. And I’m aware that building a computer is cheaper, I actually want one that’s already assembled. It saves me time, and it’s less likely to break.

Buying a new hard drive, buying the OS for said hard drive, and buying Microsoft office once said OS is installed is just as expensive as getting a high end laptop. It’s also much more complicated.

(edited by Charrlizard.8041)

Could this be a name for a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


I never bothered to give my Charr a first name, just a title and a last name, so I was wondering, keeping with the whole Greek/roman thing they got going for them, would it be entirely absurd to have a Charr named Alexander? or maybe Alexandros? I know we think of that as a modern human name, but the roots are obvious. Of course, some Charr would probably find such a name weak or slightly comical, since I’m sure there are humans who share it. This would really help me explain why my Charr never gives out his real name, and strikes me as a better excuse than ‘I just couldn’t think of one’.

So. Thoughts?

CoF P2 Bomb Planting thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charrlizard.8041


There was no way to fight, and survive, the bomb planting without serious skill, luck, and the right professions. I always thought it’d be better if we could actually fight those guys instead of being steamrolled, and now we can. There’s so much awesome dungeon revamping in this update that I can deal with having no waypoints in combat. Now all we need to hope is that Anet got all the overpowered mob fights handled so waypoint rushing isn’t necessary. Maybe people will do more than CoF, HotW, TA, and AC now.