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Servers are perma locked. We are sad pandas.
T1/T2 are currently perma locked by anet. ‘Perma locked’ as in locked 24/7. You can’t get in during off hours, you can’t get in during prime time, you can’t get in ever. It’s locked.
I don’t understand what anet is going to gain from locking the servers like this. They are losing on on gem transfer revenue, people coming back to the game and find out that their guild has transferred can’t transfer and will probably quit the game now, and new players can’t roll on the same server as their friends and will quit shortly after.
What happens when the masses come flooding back near expac release and they find out that they can’t roll/transfer to the same server as their friends/guilds? You think the rage is bad now, wait until the returning player pain train comes rolling through.
I’m in a similar situation but I’m in T1 trying to transfer to T2 where my guild is current at and I have a friend who just picked up the game who is also trying to meet me in T1 or T2.
To all the people saying you can still get in during off hours. You can’t. The T1/T2 servers are currently perma locked 24/7. If you are on T1/T2, don’t bother getting your friends to start playing the game because they will never be able to roll on your server. Just tell them to skip the expac and go play something else.
I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to transfer now. I’ve been trying to transfer from kitten T2 for a week straight now with no success. If anybody has actually successfully transferred to T1/T2 recently, please post to prove me wrong. Hoping somebody had success, because that will mean that it’s improbable but not impossible….
I guess I have to start spamming the world selection at different times to try to squeeze back in!
They permalocked the servers. I came back from vacation only to find out that my guild moved from Blackgate to Yak’s bend. Just for the record, I’ve been on blackgate since release day and have never transferred before. The only reason why I play this game is to wvw with my guildmates so I’ve been trying to transfer for 4 days now only to find out that they permalocked all the servers.
I also have friends who are considering to pick up gw2, but there is no point because they have no chance at rolling on yak’s bend or blackgate so there is no way we will be able to wvw together. Until they fix this, I won’t be buying the expansion and there’s no point recommending this game to any of my friends because they have no chance at rolling on my server.
After taking BG’s WP @ SoR BL, we started a 70vs70vs70 fight. Sounds like both BG and SoR enjoyed it. We are thinking about making it into a daily event.
Its flattering you think 20 OnS and similar number of Icoa running seperately = 70 people.
I got hours of entertainment watching your streams from the past few days. Thanks for leaving your teamspeak on it.
My fav discussion to eaves drop on was " BG spent 200k on guilds for the seasons ", but there were many many more comedy gems from your commander.
oh snap, he. went. there.
Awesome video! It’s been fun playing on Blackgate these last few weeks. =)
are you shazbawt? :P
Nope, I’ve been playing my warrior ‘Roy C’.
Cookie to the first person to find Roy in the video. It’s like a sick version of find waldo…
Lol, wish it wasn’t so true…but it is. ;(
Yes, it would be nice if we were able to salvage sentinel gossamer insignias from our current armor. Since molten facility went away, there is still no way to obtain them besides the TP.
The difficulty spike in my experience from 38 to 48 is night and day. There is a larger allowable margin of error in 30 than 40+. Also, agony IS an issue in 48. Agony isn’t an issue at all 38 with 45AR – it just ticks 1%. However in 48 with 45 AR, you will still be hit for 18%. While you should be able to avoid agony on most bosses, maw agony cannot be avoided which is why guardians equip tome and/or you do 99 trick. I’m assuming you have done 48, however, just in case you haven’t and you’re just theorycrafting….maw agony in 48 will down most players with 45AR in one round unless guardians are running tomes or there is some ridiculous healing going on.
Difficulty scaling scales at least hp linearly. Every level it’s 1.25% or 2.5%. It’s been tested using skritt technology.
Personally, I have guardian at lvl 80 and ele at lvl 76, so it’s not just theory but practice. I’ve done levels 48 maw without any guardians, elementalist or rangers. It’s doable with 5 glass cannons – 4 warriors/1 mesmer. You need some coordination or just one human.
It’s okay, you don’t need tell me that you have a lvl 80 guard and lvl 76 ele for me to believe that you can do 48. 48 is very doable, I’m just saying to the OP that in my experience the jump from 38-48 is much more than any jump previous to that. In addition, of course you can do it without guardians. Nobody ever said you had to do it with guardians. However, I don’t think even you can deny that guardians make not only maw but the rest of the fractals much easier. Also, nobody was arguing about zerker equipment either. In fact, I said in my original reply that contray to popular belief, it actually makes more sense for everybody in the group to go ‘glass cannon’ due to how hard things hit in 40+.
If you disagree, that’s okay. The OP will have two opinions and can make up his own mind.
The percentage difference between 38 and 48 is the same as between 28 and 38. Only spikes in difficulty are at levels 10 and 26 and those spikes are barely even spikes – twice the amount of difficulty increase of normal level increase, ie from lvl 10 -> 11.
Unless you’re strictly talking about agony which shouldn’t be an issue at all.
The difficulty spike in my experience from 38 to 48 is night and day. There is a larger allowable margin of error in 30 than 40+. Also, agony IS an issue in 48. Agony isn’t an issue at all 38 with 45AR – it just ticks 1%. However in 48 with 45 AR, you will still be hit for 18%. While you should be able to avoid agony on most bosses, maw agony cannot be avoided which is why guardians equip tome and/or you do 99 trick. I’m assuming you have done 48, however, just in case you haven’t and you’re just theorycrafting….maw agony in 48 will down most players with 45AR in one round unless guardians are running tomes or there is some ridiculous healing going on.
ascended is a tier below legendary….so wouldnt it be a downgrade?
That’s a good point. I guess for armor it would be exotic → ascended → legendary. However, currently legendaries have exotic stats, so ascended stats would actually be an upgrade.
Maybe…upgrade legendary stats to better than ascended? That would be fine as well! ;D
I think you chose a good class to do fractals with. I regularly do 40+ fractals on my guardian because they are one of the best and most desired fractal classes imo.
First off, I think you need to separate your thinking between 1-39 fractals and 40+ fractals because they are two completely different beasts.
For 1-39, group composition, gear, and builds will rarely ‘make or break’ you. Instead, I would focus more on learning the encounters and what skills to use for each boss. What skills you equip will be much more important than any gear/build choices at this level. For me, I only run zerker with scholar runes in anything under 40. If you know the encounters, know how to block, know how to dodge, and know when to cleanse conditoins. You really should not be getting hit that much as a guardian. However, I do understand that while learning the encounters, it may be better to run PVT or knights.
For 40+, group composition and builds come into play and become much more important than before. By this point, you should know all the encounters like the back of your hand and can dodge/block in your sleep. The mobs hit much harder in 40+ and many of the strategies that you used in 1-39 will not apply. You will have to play more defensive in certain areas and much more offensive in others. I usually use PVT/knights in ascalon/dredge (depends on how good the group is) and zerker in everything else. The old saying ‘the best defensive is a good offense’ generally applies to most encounters in 40+. The mobs just hit way too hard for you to sit there and tank anything without blocks, dodges, blinds, and reflects.
As far as AR and amulet/accessories/rings. I would get all zerker and not look back. There really isn’t anything better than all zerker for guardian in pve.
pretty please? ;(
Dear Anet,
Would it be possible for you guys to post an official confirmation if transmuted legendaries will be converted to ascended status once the update to legendary weapons comes out? While I understand there are lots of unofficial responses to this question, I do not feel comfortable transmuting my legendary until I hear an official response. I just worked way too hard to obtain my legendary to have it not upgrade because I trusted an unofficial response.
One of the main reasons that I even decided to obtain a precusor and finish my legendary was the announcement that you were going to upgrade all legendaries to ascended and allow players to switch stats out of combat. If I transmuted and for whatever reason that caused the legendary to not upgrade to ascended, it would negate the entire reason I worked so hard to get a legendary in the first place.
Thank you,
- A Concerned Player
I don’t wanna get shafted after buying the precursor since from there on the comitment is made.
This is the wrong way to approach crafting a legendary. Unless you find it early on, the precusor should be the absolute last thing you worry about (this includes throwing things into forge to try and get it). When I crafted my legendary, I went in the following order:
1) map completion
2) clovers
3) t6 mats, dungeon tokens, badges of honor, ore, etc
4) icy runestones
5) precusor
The order can be different for each individual but the precusor should always be the last. The reason is you always have a chance at finding a precusor along the way. Leaving the precusor last also will confirm your dedication to the particular legendary that you want. Trust me, after you collect everything up to the precusor, you will not pull the final trigger unless you are 100% sure on the legendary that you want. Another tip is to not do any of the combines until you have gathered all the materials and are ready to make the final product.
A guildmate of mine ‘thought’ she wanted to craft twilight and got dusk before getting anything else. She went ahead and made the gift of twlight before collecting any of the other mats. By the time she completed getting all the other mats, she changed her mind about twlight and now she is stuck trying to crafting twlight in the hopes to sell/trade for frostfang. Don’t get caught up in this….crafting a legendary is hard enough as is. Don’t make it harder on yourself.
It looks like juggernaut chrome effect…
I know he’s wielding a sword, but sometimes if i switch juggernaunt-> weapon set the chrome effect glitches and carries over to the other weapon. That’s the only thing I can think of.
That’s a PvP screenshot. To my knowledge we can’t have legendary skins in the heart of the mists can we?
ah okay. Sorry, wasn’t paying attention. Don’t know then =X
It looks like juggernaut chrome effect…
I know he’s wielding a sword, but sometimes if i switch juggernaunt→ weapon set the chrome effect glitches and carries over to the other weapon. That’s the only thing I can think of.
I think I’m pretty similar to you. I have quite a number of titles but I don’t display any of them. Of course this is only my opinion, but to me the only titles that I am impressed by are:
1. Any WvW title
2. Upper tier sPvP/tournament titles
3. Champion of the Gods/GWAMM
All other titles are just kinda like…meh. Okay, cool title brah.
It’s not for everyone. If you don’t like it, you’re not forced to buy it so I don’t understand why everybody is crying.
The kit definitely does not save money…it’s more of a convenience thing. Just like how some people buy golem bankers that last for 2 weeks. For some, the kit addresses a daily hassle that most of us go through at some point. ‘Oh dang, I need to go to town to buy more kits’ or ‘Hey guys, I know we’re only on 2nd boss, but I ran out of kits and now I’m out of space…need to go to LA for a sec’ or the classic ‘WHY IS _______ NOT DEFENDING THE KEEP?!’ —> ‘Oh, he says he’s sorry. He ran out of kits and had to go buy more at merchant real quick’
If the kit is worth it to you, buy it. If it isn’t, don’t buy it. Maybe they will come out with other versions down the road and if that is what you are looking for, then buy it. Otherwise, just keep running to the merchant every day to buy kits. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re free to do what you like. Nobody is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to.