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T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Darkman, I’m genuinely sorry to hear that you are currently not enjoying the matchup anymore. Believe me, I’m familiar with the feeling, so I can perfectly understand where you are coming from.

In case you are talking about Bots in particular, I’m not exactly sure what made this week so much different from last week. We didn’t actively try to blob (except maybe yesterday, but I’ll get to that later). At the beginning of this week, we had some friends from KoA running with us, as they didn’t seem to have their own guild raid that day. Later that week, we had one day where MS joined us (but we were mostly focussed on ECL and I can’t recall many guild on guild encounters with CoN on that day). Maybe that skewed the numbers a bit against your favor, as we ended up being closer to 30+ than our usual 20-25. It wasn’t our intention to form a blob, we merely wanted to socialize with other guilds/meet new people (after all, we’re still fairly new to the server, so getting to know each other is important). I would classify this as some kind of “natural fluctuation” and not a change in our general playing style or strategy.

Yesterday was a completely different story. A couple minutes prior to our regular raid start, we were called to arms to defend our spawn tower against something that sure looked like a massive SFR blob to me. Was that intended, e.g. did you (maybe not CoN especially, but certainly the rest of SFR on the map) try to counter-blob and teach us a lesson?

We had WdR, KoA and Bots on the map, each with a separate lead, but no public lead for the majority/maybe even all of the prime time (so we couldn’t send non-guildes away [some were also prospects applying for membership], as there was nobody to send them to. We generally try to do that whenever if we can, since we don’t want to steal the pub commander’s menpower and also don’t want to give you any free rallies in case the non-guildy is a lowie).

Anyways, after defending the spawn tower, each of our three guilds tried to go separate ways, but none of us could quite handle SFRs force on their own at that time. As I’ve mentioned earlier, it appeared like SFR is now trying to blob. Thus, we decided to coordinate an attack on your bay (we all still had separate leads etc, but of course we would try to sandwitch you/SFR whenever necessary . Not technically blobbing, but fairly close, I guess). Hello spiral! I’m not accusing CoN of blobbing too much, as you still had your very own movement, but you have to realize that you are a threat on your own. If there are various other SFR players in your proximity, it’ll be very tough to handle the situation as a single guild. But well, I guess that’s what happens if we force you to defend your bay because we felt like being forced to team up more than usual because you thought we are blobbing …

Personally, and I guess I’m speaking for most, if not all of my guildmates, do not enjoy blobbing and love good fights on the open battlefield (yet, every now and then we may still have guests guilds joining our raid and will obviously also engage in coordinated attacks with other guilds in order to take or defend big objectives. I consider that to be a completely fair strategy).

Finally, thanks for the week and the good fights. Good luck tonight and next week, with Jade leaving this tier and Deso joining us, I’m expecting and looking forward to more roaming guild action, which is what we all enjoy so much.

PS: It looks like Bots will be mostly on Deso BL next week – presuming that the new matchup mechanic doesn’t kick in and changes the matchup.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

T2 EU: Seafarer's vs Jade vs Kodash 17.5-24.5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Some of our enemies believe that [Bots] are cheating and raised their concerns in the official forum (AFAIK, now deleted by the mods). [Bots] takes great pride in being a proper, 100% mature guild that is not cheating and will never cheat (ANet, you are welcome to verify that this recording is completely legit. The chat time stamps in this recording are blurred, but I can give you an unblurred version to ease the verification process if you want me to). Being accused of cheating, while we are not, is probably one of the best compliments we can ask for. However, let’s not forget that this was a Kodash community effort and our thanks go out to: KoA for supporting us (which is fairly uncommon, as KoA tends to have more manpower than Bots), WdR for your guild raid and finally WdR again (?) for leading the public raid, too (while our TS was DDoS’ed – so that counts twice). Want to be part of [Bots]? Apply now (German):

Sorry for the lack of nice colors and music – I had to rush this video to counter the cheating complaints in the forum ASAP.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Elementalist WvWvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chillnan.4186



If a player from a well known and respected guild takes time to check out your vid and offers you free advice, you should have your ego under control and say “Thank you, Sir!”.

Apart from that, I would bet my gold on Intigo.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Gunnar's - Far Shiver - Miller's

in WvW

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Considering how unbalanced some other tiers seem to be at the moment, I’m actually pleased with this matchup. It could’ve been a lot worse for all 3 servers.

Cheers to AoA (and maybe others, sorry if I missed anyone) for putting up a challenge. Although I personally don’t like your playstyle, I have to admit that it’s quite effective. You also seem to have some nice coordination going on and every now and then your tanky ball is surprisingly mobile.

It’s hard to judge with the culling, but I’m curious about how many people you usually bring to the battle?

It’ll be interesting to see if we can find a 100% method of busting you open and bombing the kitten out of you before the matchup ends :P

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Glade, Mouth and Sound

in WvW

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Thanks for the nice fights with WvW and PX on AM borderland yesterday.

Too bad that KISS and FURY seem to have a later primetime than we do, I bet fighting you guys would be good fun, too.

Greetings to the two guys from DP. Although you were outnumbered 10:1 your fighting spirit was still strong

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


View it like this GW2 is F2P therefore they have your money and sicne were not paying monthly they dont really care if you stay and wait or move on they have your 60$ ether we have to wait a ridiculous amount of time for a pitty response and a poor response or buy a new copy just throwing more money into thier pocket. i guess you get what you pay for.

Exactly. I feel scammed.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Alright bro, I feel ya. Had the same issue for over a week now. Expect do to be waiting a long time

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


I also didn’t do anything. I’ve also reached the point where I just don’t give a lollypop about the 75e (the extended one, or what you call it) I wasted on my copy and would just buy a new serial for another 50e (plain vanilla is enough). But guess what, it’s all sold out, both real retail and digital copy.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Resolving Tickets Within 72 Hours

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


My first ticket was 120830-014635 on August 30th. That’s what … 8 or 9 days, depending on how you count? 72h – yeah, right.

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash

Account Restored...thank you

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chillnan.4186


Nothing resolved for me. I was permbanned for selling gold – something I honestly didn’t do. First support issue I’ve reported was 120830-014635 on August 30th. No useful response, so I opened up another one – 120903-004472 – following the priority guidelines on September 3rd, which was marked as duplicate sometime today, without notification, response or further explanation. I’ve been waiting for ages, they look at it and instead of helping they just close it as duplicate of an even older issue? Guys, really? I want to spend my money on your product and this is what you decide to do?

It looks like this will be the second ruined weekend I have to face because ArenaNet can’t provide adequate support. The website said 72h to unban – I’m beyond this, or depending on how you count this, I’m way beyond this limit.

At this point I’m just terribly disappointed

[Bots] Elementalist, Kodash