Showing Posts For Clindberg.5683:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


Check the attachment and imagine how i feel playing heart of thorns.

You can only use it when you activate tempest as one of your 3 active trait lines.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


I’ve done 2 adventures now.
I completed the first in gold and got all 3 chests, and 2 masteries.
Meaning I didn’t get the 10 bag of gear from completing it on bronze the first time “lifetime”

Did another, this time only started with bronze and stopped to check if it would happen again. And it did. Got the bronze daily chest, but not the bags of gear.

Hourglass staff

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


There were alot of weapons in Guild Wars 1 I would love to get introduced into Guild Wars 2. One being that staff yes.

Also the blade from the same package

Alot of the weapons in Guild Wars 2 are way to “Themed” so they cant be mixed too much and in GW1 you could dye weapons to fit with your armor so you had more weapons available for different sets. Just saying

Chat Messages

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


I am getting really tired of watching my chat get spammed by the game messages

“Not enough Adrenaline”
“Not enough Energy”
“Skill Recharging”

I like being able to see what I loot in the chat and so forth, but this is getting really annoying and should somehow be able to be turned off without turning ALL messages off.

It has to be said I button mash VERY hard when I PvP so I cant really see anything in my chat when playing in there. And having to turn chat off and on is not really the best choice which imo, would be to just give us the possibility to do so in options.

(edited by Clindberg.5683)

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


This is all great and all, as long as they remember to implement thakittens not only damage ON tequatl that will give contribution! Because if that is still the case, nobody will be using the turrets to cleanse and heal the area, and nobody will be defending the turrets. I remember on Claw of Jormag, I ran and ressed, escorted golems but actually didnt get much damage in on him because I was assisting downed people. Ended up not even getting contribution. This is a demotivating factor that leads to people just being selfish. Please make sure this event does not make the same mistake!

new potential skill All or nothing

in Warrior

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


lol 100% damage increase? dont you think that would make Berserker gear a bit too appealing?

Unfairness - Tailor/Leatherworker

in Crafting

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


Also tailors and leatherworkers will get cloth and leather through loot bags. which smiths dont.

Forging Your Precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


I know alot of people hate the method of aquiring their precursor through the Mystic Forge. However I personally find that to be that “hardest” way to do so, and anything else you need is really not hard to get. With “hardest” I obviously mean most time consuming. Really legendaries are getting too common already.

Would you buy an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


Yes and No, I really want to have an expansion, but the money would be the problem, and I understand Anet needs more income from the game, I just want to fight Jormag, Kralkatorrik, The Destroyer(I think it is the Destoyers dragon name?).

I belive you are thinking of Primordius?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


Well kentura dont forget about Kralkatorrik’s champion The Shatterer? Same thing there. But yes I would put my money on expansions.

Never healing again...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clindberg.5683



- system should run a check if player is participating in event.
- system should check how many characters in the event are being buffed by player.
- system should check how long a player is buffing/healing characters in the event.
- system should reward accordingly.
- ???
- Profit

The buffing part wouldn’t be viable. Roll warrior. Spec banner heal. Drop 4 banners. Afk. Profit.

Tixx in sPvP

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


It seems there are quite a few people with this problem apparently. I wont say that I am happy about the problem, but I am happy that I am not alone about it. Hopefully if they do not get it fixed before event end, then they will send out bags like the Karka event.

Tixx in sPvP

in Wintersday

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


I just logged onto my pvp toon and someone linked the items he had recieved from Tixx. Once he told me where to get them, I went straight into the middle and talked to him, accepted, and then went to the chest, only to find it unlootable. I asked around and some people told me that there might be some bug around that prevents you to get the PvP items from Tixx if you had gotten the PvE items first from LA Tixx. This makes me really sad since I PvP alot more than I PvE but I talked to him in LA first because I logged on and played with some friends. So am I being punished for helping friends first, or will this get fixed before event ends?