Showing Posts For Cloudwild.4381:

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


Regarding basic town clothes:

  • Every character used to have a set of casual clothes available to them from the instant of creation: free, dyeable, and without using an inventory space. This is no longer true, since tonics are not dyeable and they use an inventory space.
  • I understand that in this new system, the basic town clothes just don’t fit in their previous form, and that they had to be changed to armor skins or outfits or tonics.
  • Someone posted here that the reason they were turned into tonics instead of armor skins or an outfit is that it would take far longer than its worth to code them as individual items in the new system, using as their argument how long it takes to make a brand new set of armor skins.
  • I do not accept such reasoning. They were already coded as individual items, dyeable and all.
  • Please, make outfits from the original town clothes that used to be auto-equipped on every new character. Use the same skins as before, just link the dye channels. If this is not possible, please explain why.

Regarding communication:

  • You have thousands of posts here and in the other patch feedback threads. Of course some of them are from trolls or from people who won’t be pleased no matter what you do. But many of them are from understanding and intelligent long-term players who legitimately want to work with you to make this game better.
  • If you do something that makes the game less enjoyable for the players, you need to explain why. If you don’t explain, the natural assumption is that it’s because your explanation would show you in a bad light. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there are hundreds of posts in these feedback threads saying that changes in this patch were made due to laziness, or greed, or because ANet doesn’t care about their players, or whatever. Explanations would alleviate a lot of concerns.
  • I personally try to assume the best, to believe that decisions at ANet are made by people who care about the player population and are willing to work hard to make the game better … but every time a change is made that negatively impacts me as a player without a corresponding explanation of why, it becomes more difficult to take a positive viewpoint.

Anyway. Thanks for listening.

Well rstripn.8697 its 15 pages and not one developer has had the courtesy to give us a logical explanation on why they did what they did befor testing it or making sure that the paying customers wouldent feel scammed by the same company with the promise that what you buy is what you get wich was completely a lie. since they decided to go and change it all. Wen you make a promise about something you sell you should honor it

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


I still dont get it they knew this was going to happend, they knew that people were going to rage about this. they also knew they couldent make all towncloths into outfits so they turned them into the one thing that people never liked tonics and decided to do it anyways couldent they have experimented with it them selfs and fix all the bugs that this sistem would bring for us with out just slaping it in our faces. Did they even try to get real gamers to test this befor puting it out?

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


12 pages and not one GM here to give a straight answer on what there going to do to fix this mess they them self caused. Some thing tells me they realy dont care about the customer only there pockets. We the player demand a answer on how you plan to fix this and i realy dont care for gems. What am i gona do with them buy more costumes that might get screwed up with another patch at some point? make town clothes the way they used to be or im not buying anithing from you ever again.

Who is Guild Wars 2 really for?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


if all this stupid updates keep happening this game will very soon die out
insted of actualy fixing in game errors and bugs they desided to put there greedy hands into fixing stuff that actualy worked great befor and made them into worthless crap

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this realy sucks all the costumes i used to have wich i loved were turned into stupid tonics wich i hate. my favorite hoodie was also turned into a stupid tonic
give me back my hoodie how it used to be ya greedy jerks

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


if this is there idea of a great update i want a downgrade to befor this crap was made.
also if youre going to make swimsuits for characters now with this crap you can keep them coss i aint buying any costumes with this poor excuse for a customization sistem

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


well guess that if i want to reskin my clothe ill have to wait till level 80 coss this charges are way to expensive compared to the transmutation stones and crystals. lets see 3 transmutation stones for 1 transmutation charge wtf ? LanfearShadowflame.3189 if youre not gona build good update to a sistem that was already in place then dont. We dont spend money and lots of time tring to get the costumes pices we want combined with the right dyes to create a unique character we love just so they can take it away.
its frustrating and very dissapointing and changes like this can actualy kill a game. just read all the people that got dissapointed to the level they said they arent going to buy anithing from there gemshop ever again coss they feel cheated. Some might go as far as to quit the game coss they dont like the direction this is going in. GW2 was unique now it just feel like there tring to copy LOTR or Wow.

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


LanfearShadowflame.3189 what they did is give us a half cooked sistem insted of actualy building something that would work if the town clothes system, as it was originally, was essentially a 4th armor tier then good give it back i prefer that to this crap. some of use payed for our costumes that we loved just to have them turned into some inventory hugging tonic wich we dont want. befor we could easly switch betwen town cloth and armors by pressing a button now its crap. if they realy wanted to fix something they should have started by fixing the game hats coss characters are still bald wen wearing a hats. they should stop messing around with what works and fix what doesent. This new sistem is a ripoff

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this isint transmutation anylonger its reskin. why ruin the transmutation sistem wich was great? this new update for the game sucks Arena youre ruining the game with this bad move we cant move stats from one gear to another anymore.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this new sistem has major flaws i mean seriouly what the hell normal town cloth you get from start are now tonics? my hoddie wich i loved and had it customized with dyes with rider pants and rider boots is also now a tonic wich takes inventory space. what kind of joke is this you took a perfect customizing sistem and ruind it. i used to love making my characters town clothes unique and switching betwen them with just pressing a button now we cant. I appreciate what you did with armors but why mess up the cloth sistem with this crap? I want our old 5 slot area we used to have for town cloth customization back with a added extra slot for underwear customization for wen swimsuits comeout.

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Solo Dungeons?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


insted of solo dungeons they should add a random party search engin for dungeon instance that way you go about youre missions and wen the engin finds all party members it gives you a heads up for dungeon access.

ideas for more maps and content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


I got a idea for more maps and places to explor how about entering the world beyond the portals in queensdale swamp. Some sort of new living world event were a necromancer lord tring to summon his masters from another world into oures. These new enemy being the fallen. Some sort of ancient gods defeted by the human gods befor man. Since human gods are no more there seal is weaker and thus the necro lord destroys it bringing in legions into tyria and in order to stop them one must go through the gate to fight them in there world making this world some what as big as Tyria. This way you could add new maps with resistance outposts and new factions also new enemies. There world being somewhat supernatural. this could even be good for adding new WvWvW maps to.

Swimsuit in gem shop plz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


yea i saw them but nothing in gemshop yet hope its a skin to replace default underwear would love to see some female onepice swimsuits to

Swimsuit in gem shop plz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


Wen will we be able to see swimwear in gem shop they should realy add this kitten already to replace the default underwear like those armor skins they sell in gem shop. I would defently buy a speedo coss blue boxers are getting old. i saw some on the last event but only on npcs and on a mini but not in style shop. it would be great if they could be dye also.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this new Dungeon patch sucks so bad. I mean realy why take away the respawn wile team is fighting the monsters. Do you even think a player will be able to resurrect a team member in a boss fight? you know how much time it takes to resurrect someone wen there dead wile youre in combat a lot. And no one is gona do that wile they have a boss trashing them up. The dungeons mechanics befor were great now they are trash you want to make dungeons harder? Simple give diferent dungeon levels to each dungeon normal, hard and nightmare. Add greater rewards reward and penalties depending on the level not so hard to do. Seriosly this is a a bad idea that will make many people stop playing dungeons or even the game.

Swamp lies dormant. Anyone seen Shadow Behemoth lately?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


Server: Devona’s Rest
problem with the meta event Shadow Behemoth it hasent started in like a month non of the small events that lead to it have appeard at all. If theres a gm around plz fix this problem.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


well if people are going to give suggestions i might as well give mine ^.^
Could you guys make more underwear tipes with default dye options this underwears could be like skins and sold in Style shop mabe add a few bikinis and onepice swimsuits. Also mabe a marriage option to the game. With the marriage option you can add even more costumes to the style shop like bride and groom dress this should be required in order to mary as the rings to. There should be a reward for it like a buff you get wen playing together. Also wen will the town hat problem be fix no one wears them coss they make characters look bald plz fix this. Hope this is taken into consideration.

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Wet suit/underwater armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


wen i said speedo i meant this tipe not the big wetsuit that make you look like a frogman lol


(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Wet suit/underwater armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


this is a great idea would be nice to have some real swimwear for characters. Mabe some skins that replace the default underwear add a few default dyes for them to. i wouldent mind having a speedo swimsuit for my human female since there regular underwear looks bad for wen you put diving googles on. they should sell new underwear skins in the item mall.

Dyeable undergarments / underwear / hair gear?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


i hope the do make underware dyeable i realy hate the human females yellow underware. also would be great to have diferent tipes of underware coss diving in those things make her look bad i mean they look like old woman undies lol. mabe a bikini or a speedo swimsuit in item mall that you buy and change the original underware.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


well i think the game should have the marriage feature since i have played lots of mmorpgs that have it and it works fine. the idea of adding a buff benefit to parting with youre other half is great but this is also good for the Style shop since then they can then add the Bride and groom costumes. they can add certaint requirements to marring like buying the set clothe, the rings and a marrige certificate lol. I know a few people that play this games with there real life girlfriends and wifes. So why not give them the oportunity here?

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)

Bald Heads in Cutscenes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


i got this same problem all npcs that have helmet apear bald in the cutscenes and those that dont have one appear ok we need a fix for this. hope a moderator is reading this pages .

List Off What i Miss in GW2.....

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloudwild.4381


well this game needs a trade option between players. Like wen you click on the other player for whisper or invite to party but for trade. also mabe a guild base were you can customize it with things from item mall such as decoration stuff like beds, furniture and a few plants etc also the base should be upgradable like adding crafting areas mabe new rooms unlock the more the guild level up. and about item mall there should be more costumes there to buy the selection is kinda limited. Also to lessen the lag problems mabe a few channels with in the servers. We dont need mounts since the waypoints server there purpose perfectly.

(edited by Cloudwild.4381)