Showing Posts For Clownshock.5043:
Tjena läget letar efter en nice guild som förstår att folk jobbar och inte kan lägga ner all sin tid på Gw.
Det jag söker egentligen är en guild som är social, PvX och vill bara ha roligt
Själv är jag en nice grabb^^ på 22 år som kom tillbaka till gw2 inför HoT och jag älskar det.
Lirar Just nu min nya Guardian men har även necro,mesm, ele och ranger:) lirar mest för skoj skull.
//Clownshock (Mathias)
If all you want to do is tank and nothing else, can’t get much worse than this Honey Badger
I will check it out thx
I think i will agree with you saturn. Bearbow new meta…:P
Hey guys
Raids are just around the corner and ppl will maybe start to think what role they want to be.
To the question for u guys.
What class do u think will be the better tank and what class will be the main healer?
Hey everyone
Raids is just around the corner and i’m thinking about making my Guardian to a tank, but i wonder is it worth it? and if so, how should i build to mitigate the damage to stay alive and support my team m8’s .
Would be awsome if guys could help me out with some builds and gear etc. Thanks before hand.
Go Tyria
Come and join us on Far Shiverpeaks, best eu server around
it sure was fun managed to get to the destroyed pact ship at the far corner of the map
i hope we get more oppertunities to try it out
7/10 like the armor but not a fan of the color =)
LF a cooler staff but thats what i got atm
anyone know anything about this lag? its been around for a week soon kinda annyoing.
hard to wvw and do higher fractals
ok thx for that =)
so anyone know when patch comes today? .D want to try it out now cause i work tomorrow:D
Here’s my fury ranger still not done with him but heres a pic name: Godis Kungen
(edited by Clownshock.5043)
we do Teq 1-2times everyday on FSP with awsome Zinniy as commander. we have killed him i think 43 times now