Showing Posts For Codex.8513:

Coming back to GW2 have some questions

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


So it has been a very long time since I last played the game and I would like to know what’s new (got a lot of time before the game downloads) I am a pvp payer so that is what concerns me the most.

1. What are the current pvp map types? when i left the game last it was only capture the point.
2. Is there a ladder now?
3. is there armoury?
4. How is matchmaking?
5. Is there any team finding tool to find people I can play with regular?
6. What should I play? I am not really interested in easy classes – more of a support guy with willingness to learn even most advanced and difficult play styles tactics…

Also… Hello!

Quick Question about state of PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


okay so i just poped on the forums tafter like 2-3 months break to check if it is worth coming back to PVP

Simply tell me if arena or different modes of pvp have been implements also if there are ladders already


new game types for spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


I am wondering how they will deal with the fact that so many abilities are designed around the current ‘hold the square’ map type…

but yeah all wana new type of pvp not just hold the square

Veteran pvper's problems in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


I feel exactly the same.

The point that ANet has to realize is that if they want to make a good e-sports game then they have to give the PRO players some room to show their skill, in other words you cannot make a game aimed for “super casual” people and expect it to become an e-sports. It has to be easy to learn but hard(very very hard) to master. Right now I don’t see it that way.

As for now plenty of mechanics/bugs/lack of options and more ruins it. I hope they will change it in time.

Making a E - sport team

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


How do you know that you are pro? by the amount of time you play daily…8h+ should be enough (PvP ofc)

Missing critical game functions.

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


I believe they didn’t want to release the game yet but they were pressed by investors etc.
PvP is half not finished if you ask me, the lack of mods, maps, group join … Even camera is annoying at times due to the lack of customization options.

I think you should go play PvE as they finish implementing PvP.

Edit: I am a 3 year CS student and I know how people demand software without EVER giving you sufficient time even for proper testing.

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


1. Downed state is like an annoying auto-bubble with annoying abilities.

2. Downed state doesn’t promote team play, it promotes Zerging which basicaly means never go up against group bigger than yours even if its only a difference of 1. If you want to avoid getting killed instantly then simply have some defensive utility skills that is what they are there for.

3. People keep talking about second chances but you have re-spawn and if you screwed up and got killed then death should be your penalty, The sPvP maps are very tiny and getting from one point to other is very quick.

4. Downed state slows down the game and reduces the difference between skilled players and weak players which is a very bad thing in an e-sport!

5. 95% of players that play hot join sPvP don’t care about capturing the points, their main concern is to kill others because they will get glory anyway and its most fun!

EDIT: dont’t compare sPvP to wow’s arenas, compare it to battlegrounds! Arenas are death matches!

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Codex.8513


Get a bow, stand on point, shoot downed person. You win.

You realize just hitting someone who is downed will cancel the heal, and make them die right?

What bothers me the most is that the downed person has a pool of 200% of its normal health making it very long to just dps them. Also stomping is very bad for ranged classes as they have to come close.

I want downed removed or have an option when browsing the pvp servers to join one without down state.

Down State - Good Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


This would divide and spread the playerbase.

Features that divide and spread players are not good.

So they should also mix pvp with pve because dividing playerbase is not good? what you said doesn’t make sense…

When it comes 5v5 and 8v8 there is no difference wheteher playerbase is divided. this game has way more than enough players to fill in both sides…

I myself hate down state, i see is as boring and slowing down the game and also very annoying sometimes but i dont’t say to remove it, I say to give us an OPTION!

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


I don’t get why some people are so selfish and say no to arenas! It would be a pvp mode that you can simply avoid but maybe others love it and would like to play it!

It is like going to shop and making a complaint that there are product that you don’t like and don’t use but hey who cares! The shop is for everyone and you don’t have to buy those products!

Down State - Good Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


Everyone who wants this extra option please write here

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


For sPvP hot joining I would like to see a tickbox " only no Down state servers" or only “down state servers” or “first available”. That way all pvpers would be able to play the mode they want. Maaaany ppl would really love to have that choice!

This is actually more of a debate than a suggestion, otherwise I would post it.

It is NOT a debate. As you can see I asked for an OPTION to chose and not to change the current system. It would be a debate if I said “Change it” but I didn’t, I said give as an OPTION!

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


For sPvP hot joining I would like to see a tickbox " only no Down state servers" or only “down state servers” or “first available”. That way all pvpers would be able to play the mode they want. Maaaany ppl would really love to have that choice!

Down State - Good Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


No need to remove anything. The ratio of pvp servers with/without down state could dynamicly changing depending on the demand for the mode. That way everyone would be satisfied.

Down State - Good Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


A lot of people hate it and a lot of people like it. Some say that it adds a new layer to the pvp and others claim it slows down the game.

My suggestion is to give the players the option how they want to play. Simply when hot joining sPvP give as a small tick box something like “only no down state servers” or “only down state servers” or “first available”.

Since I remember GW2 was all about choices and to enjoy the game the way You want so why not sPvP?

I hope Anet will give us that option and make people enjoy what they want and not to be forced to have something that draws them away.

Give thumbs up if you support.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


Give us an option when browsing the pvp servers to either join the ones that have it enabled or disabled(down state). This way you will make a lot of people happy. I myself hate down state as it slows down the game horribly.